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Zusammenfassung  Gegenstand des vorliegenden Beitrags ist die Untersuchung der über 80 Jahre andauernden Flexibilit?tsdiskussion in der deutschen Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Eine quantitative und qualitative Analyse dieser Diskussion macht deutlich, dass die Zeit (bzw. die im Zeitablauf feststellbaren Entwicklungen oder Ereignisse) sowie der Zeitgeist (als Gesamtheit der eine Epoche kennzeichnenden Auffassungen, Ideen und Lebensformen) erkl?rende Variablen einer wissenschaftlichen Diskussion und ihrer Ergebnisse sein k?nnen. Schon der relativ lange Zeitraum der wissenschaftlichen Behandlung l?sst das Flexibilit?tsthema als „L?ngsschnittstichprobe“ zur Prüfung der oben genannten Hypothese geeignet erscheinen. So wird gezeigt werden, dass die Flexibilit?tsdiskussion durch externe Ereignisse ausgel?st wurde und im Zeitablauf immer wieder „neu“ an Dynamik gewonnen und sich an jeweils vorherrschende Themen und Probleme — den „Zeitgeist“ — ausgerichtet hat. Am Ende der Untersuchung stehen die folgenden Erkenntnisse:
1.  Die Diskussion um die betriebliche Flexibilit?t ist nicht „irgendeine“ wissenschaftliche Debatte, sondern betrifft offensichtlich eines der ganz gro?en Themen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre.
2.  Flexibilit?t wird — dies hat die Diskussion der 50er Jahre gezeigt — auch bei vorhersehbaren, also „sicheren“ Entwicklungen ben?tigt.
3.  Dennoch scheint Flexibilit?t“ eher ein Thema der (wirtschaftlich) unsicheren und schlechten Zeiten zu sein — insbesondere dann, wenn Diskontinuit?ten auftreten. Dies gilt nicht nur für die Unternehmen und deren Flexibilit?tsbedarf zur Bew?ltigung der mit einer Krise bzw. einer Diskontinuit?t verknüpften Probleme, sondern — wie aufgezeigt wird — auch für die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Thema.
4.  Komplexe Ph?nomene wie das der Flexibilit?t sind offensichtlich wissenschaftlich schwer „in den Griff zu kriegen“ und haben das Potenzial für eine lang anhaltende wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung.
5.  Der „Zeitgeist“ sowie die in der Zeit lokalisierten „besonderen Ereignisse“ (Inflation, Weltwirtschaftskrise, Wirtschaftswunder, Rezessionen, ?lkrisen) haben der Flexibilit?tsdiskussion wiederholt neue Dynamik und neue Impulse gegeben.
6.  Zudem ist, wie ausführlich gezeigt wird, ein permanenter Erkenntnisfortschritt feststellbar. „Ausrichtung am Zeitgeist“ und „wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt“ müssen also keine Gegens?tze sein. Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre muss sich nicht in den Elfenbeinturm zurückziehen, um wissenschaftlich vorw?rts zu kommen.
7.  Die Flexibilit?tsdiskussion ist über die Zeit hinweg ein Spiegel der Entwicklung der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Deutschland insgesamt. Es scheint nicht übertrieben, zu folgern: Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre ist an und mit der Flexibilit?tsdiskussion gereift.

Time and the spirit of the times in business administration — Shown at the example of the German flexibility discussion
Summary  This paper focuses on the phenomenon of flexibility which is discussed since more than 80 years in German economic journals. A quantitative and qualitative analysis shows that this discussion and its results are provoked and determined by certain events of contemporary history as well as by the “spirit of the times”. Moreover it is shown, that a continuous improvement of the level of knowledge has been achieved in the scientific field of “flexibility”. In conclusion it can be stated that a “zeitgeisty” discussion is not necessarily a contradiction to scientific progress.

This study examines the relevance of the coaching relationship. 30 semi-structured interviews with coaching officers in swiss large-scale enterprises are analyzed in the frame of a qualitative content analysis. The half of the polled experts believes that a good coaching relationship is the crucial impact factor of coaching. One third considers a well-working relationship as an important condition to achieve a successful coaching process. The most mentioned attributes and capacities of a coach in order to contribute to a functioning relationship are the ability to listen, empathy, appreciation, trustability, interest and openness. The discussion explains the relevance of these findings for prospective efforts in the field of coaching research.  相似文献   

In order to secure against uncertainty in vertical business relationships, actors dispose of different mechanisms. This article focuses on the influence of contracts, specific investments, value-creating norms, value-claiming norms, and trust on customer satisfaction and commitment. An empirical study lead to the result that governance mechanisms have high explanatory power for the outcome variables. Value-creating norms and trust play a key role. In addition, the article differentiates between key account and non key account relationships. It shows that only value-creating norms contribute to the explanation of both outcome variables across both types of relationships.  相似文献   

The background conditions are changing — the third party in therapy The author examines connections between dyadic and triangle structures in the rehabilitation of addiction diseases. He considers the background of his personal experiences related to the changes in his professional position. The traditional dyadic relationship between physician and patient becomes ?destroyed“ by an triangle system in the frame of rehabilitation. Only by reflecting the job order it becomes possible to hold the balance between the responsibilities regarding the patient, the institution, the financial supporter and oneself. The difficulties in this process are reflected (overestimation of oneself and/or of others resp. devaluation of oneself and/or of others). The author explains the necessity to learn, to respect and to estimate, what one has not learned and does not fit to one’s self-understanding.  相似文献   

Mentoring und Coaching in Unternehmen — Abgrenzung der Inhalte   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Mentoring and coaching in companies — definition of contentsOften Mentoring and Coaching are used at the same time in the same situations. Mentoring marks the consultation relationship inside the company, regarding knowledge of the culture of the company, habits and unwritten statues, whereas coaching intends to get independent advice for the personality from outside the company. The different use of the terms enables the user to define the roles, contents, goals of the consultation which are dependent of the individual development goals of the person.  相似文献   

Customer integration has become an established topic in management research with specific attention given by marketing researchers. The term refers to a new definition of a customer’s role in market exchange. While previously the customer was considered a merely passive recipient of goods and services only he now takes over the function of active supplier of input before, while and after a market transaction. Currently, four different research lines on the topic can be identified: Each of these research lines also mirrors a distinct manifestation of practical application: (1) the business of solutions, (2) mass customization, (3) service co-creation and (4) value co-creation. For the future we expect more stimulation for both the practical and the conceptual advancement of customer integration particularly to stem from new technologies to be summarized under the label of web 2.0. For web 2.0 we distinguish between moderator centered approaches such as crowdsourcing, swarm creativity and open innovation on the one hand and community centered approaches such as social network sites on the other hand. In order to advance and substantiate our understanding of the new implications from web 2.0 on customer integration we propose to resort to the theory of social capital and the concept of the borderless organization.  相似文献   

Between spiritual counseling and supervision — staff appraisal interviews within the church. A leadership tool used within conflicting concepts The author draws on personal experience he had when introducing staff appraisal interviews within the Lutheran Church of Bavaria, specifically in annual staff appraisals. After distinguishing between counseling, therapy, spiritual counseling, supervision and coaching, he describes the particulars of staff appraisal interviews. He particularly emphasizes that these interviews depend a great deal upon the way leadership is viewed within an organization. He sees agreement on aims as the central element of staff appraisal interviews that requires special attention and care. The article closes with critical remarks on and perspectives for current practices within the church in the area of religious instruction.  相似文献   

The film “The Lives of Others” relates two worlds to each other – the world of the Stasi (State Security Service of the GDR) and the world of arts, theater and literature in the mid-eighties during the GDR. A chief of Stasi eavesdrops and spies on life of an initially party-loyal playwright. Step by step the “operative process” transforms not only the life of the one, but also of the Stasi-chief himself, who becomes a secret accomplice of the opposition. The film gives an insight into the process of organizational erosion of surveillance and of cultural change, which by the end encompasses the entire political system. It emphasizes the question of a “good person”, the corruption and dependence on a power, and finally of resistibility against it by the good and the beautiful.  相似文献   

The author presents a concept for introducing a coaching programme in a non-university research institute with the aim to strengthen scientific excellence. The paper analyzes requirements for coaching that result from characteristics of scientific work and derives steps for implementation. The results are: (1) There is a tension between individual career objectives and short time organizational goals related to external research funding and commissioned research; (2) coaching should be introduced primarily as individual career coaching; (3) an important challenge exists in sensitizing leading scientists to address this tension between individual career objectives and organizational goals more actively. The paper discusses the relationship between individual consulting and more general organizational goals in science coaching.  相似文献   

Management of knowledge and securing in quality in organizational development What is to do, if permanently new counsellors have to be familiarized on a high quality standard, because of the fluctuation in the internal organizational development? if the individual methods of counsellors with different orientations have to be approachable to others? and if the desire for a maximum of individual procedure in counselling is as significant as the desire for a constant quality level of counselling? The authors present the answers of the department of organizational development in the public sanitation company of Berlin (Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetribe). The goal, the procedure, the present outcomes and the state of evaluation are delineated.  相似文献   

The following article is about the use of metaphors and fairy-tales in the area of clinical supervision. First these two possibilities will be defined. Besides, the research work of Lakoff und Johnson (2014) will be mentioned.  相似文献   

The culture of a seeming shamelessness and its significance for an error cultureThe author describes the culture of the seeming shamelessness and its significance for organization cultures in general and particularly for an error culture. He discusses the thesis of a new social character in the contemporary world and then he delineates the difficulties of the pioneer phase in organizations. The effects of a seeming shamelessness on organization cultures and especially on error cultures are discussed.  相似文献   

Production Management often tried to apply queueing models to describe the flow of products and parts. These approaches usually apply very simple queueing models. Due to mathematical problems implied by general waiting line models, an adaptation to real life problems fails often. In this paper, some simple models discussed in production management are presented and it is shown why they failed to be generalized. Afterwards, we try to find a way how to model the simple case of flow shop production using generalized queueing models: First decomposition of serial waiting lines and approximation of the system by a sequence of independent stations. Afterwards the approach of recent literature to consider again the entire system simultaneously is sketched, and it is argued that these approaches are restricted as well to small problems  相似文献   

“4-Level-Evaluation”: Measuring coaching success. Introducing a general and valid evaluation methodology, the “4-level-evaluation”, which will secure measuring coaching success and coaching process –without any limitation in terms of special tools or methods – and which every client will understand and appreciate. How to create a realistic evaluation bottom line, how to manage expectations to avoid perhaps disappointments, how to define possible coaching goals and how to eventually evaluate grades of achievement are explained and applied to a practical coaching case.  相似文献   

Since January 1, 2009 realized capital gains on securities are taxable in Germany regardless of the investor’s holding period. This paper examines when a rational investor should optimally sell a security in the presence of capital gains taxes. Besides taxes, our analysis considers the relevance of investor’s subjective expectations about future market prices of the security. The results suggest that investors should base divestment decisions primarily on their expectations. To realize losses or to avoid the realization of taxable gains (i.e. the lock-in-effect) is of minor importance for the optimal divestment strategy. This result becomes even more pronounced when transaction costs and limitations to save taxes by realizing losses are considered. Numerical calculations illustrate the results of our analysis.  相似文献   

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