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福建省宁德市黄柏乡计生办从咨询、教育、检查等多方位入手,多措并举开展生殖健康进家庭优质服务活动。健康咨询"三加强"。一是加强生殖健康服务队伍网络建设,乡服务所聘请职业助理医师,村服务室聘请村医;二是加强服务人员综合素质,对技术服务人员进行生殖健康、母婴保健、青春期保健等培训;三是加强宣传,在村道、入流量较多的场所悬挂醒目横幅,  相似文献   

福建省建瓯市结合实施联合国人口基金生殖保健 /计划生育项目,全面开展生殖保健优 质服务,促进了计生工作水平的提高。该市的主要做法是:   1.通过各种媒体和宣传工具,广泛深入地宣传生殖保健服务的目的、意义、作用,使计 生工作者转变思想观念,同时增强育龄群众保健意识和自我保健能力。   2.拓宽服务领域。一是积极稳妥地推进避孕节育方法的“知情选择”,通过各种形式, 向群众宣传和大力普及避孕节育科学知识,指导群众选择以长效避孕节育措施为主和安全、 有效、适宜的避孕方法。 2000年落实避孕节育措施的育龄夫妇中,有 70…  相似文献   

山东省青岛市市南区观海路社区把生殖健康教育作为计生优质服务的一项重要内容奉献给了社区广大育龄人群,引导人们关注生命质量和追求健康生活,从而也促进了计生工作的健康发展。1.点、线、面结合,生殖健康教育覆盖社区。为实现2000年育龄夫妇享有初级生殖保健服务,2010年享有基本的生殖保健服务,社区成立了生殖健康教育领导小组,建立了人口学校、社区服务中心和14个生殖健康教育咨询点,投入资金3万元配置了电视机、放像机、电脑等电化教育设备及书籍、图片等教育用品,修建了教学场地,为生殖健康教育工作奠定了坚实的基础,使生殖…  相似文献   

在新疆牧区开展生殖健康教育是以人的全面发展为中心,全面实施避孕节育优质服务、出生缺陷干预、生殖道感染综合防治三大工程,满足广大群众对生殖保健的基本需求,不断提高群众生活质量和生殖健康水平,进而达到促进家庭幸福与社会和谐的目的。  相似文献   

针对当前农村广大育龄群众生殖健康保健知识欠缺和妇女常见妇科疾病发病率与婴儿出生缺陷发病率不断上升等形势,浙江省温州市瓯海区计生指导站在实施"妇女健康促进工程"中充分发挥计生技术服务功能,切实提高育龄群众生殖健康保健意识与能力以及生殖健康水平,为构建家庭与社会和谐、社会经济发展创造良好的人口环境。  相似文献   

江西省新余市仙女湖区把提高农村妇女生殖健康素质作为人口计生部门参与新农村建设的切入点,以增强育龄群众生殖保健意识为突破口,扎实开展“关爱妇女生殖健康服务村村行”活动。  相似文献   

为了满足高等学府各类学生生殖保健服务需求,上海交通大学计生办针对大学的特点,积极探索高校计生工作新思路,坚持以人为本,对不同类型的大学生开展了多种形式的性与生殖健康教育,受到了学生的普遍欢迎。首先,在学校人口与计生委领导下构建了上海交通大学特点的性与生殖健康教育体系。这个体系最大的特色有两个:一是学校各部门相结合,党、政、妇、  相似文献   

本文采用国际计生联提出的生殖健康服务对象应享有的十大权利理论,以自设计问卷进行多阶段分层随机抽样,对其中的生殖健康服务对象的信息权、获得权、选择权、隐私权、保密权和尊重权六个方面的权利意识进行调研。研究发现,绝大多数流动人口的各项生殖健康服务权利意识均亟待提高。其中以获得权和隐私权意识最低;而信息权意识相对较高。目前,除完善社会保障机制,增强医疗机构及医务人员的法制观念和职业道德倡导外,应加大对流动人口相关生殖健康服务权利意识的宣传和教育。  相似文献   

甘肃庆阳市西峰区在“生殖健康服务进家庭”行动中,拓宽服务载体,深化服务领域,做到了“六注重”,将“生殖健康服务进家庭”行动引向纵深,取得了初步成效。注重宣传引导。利用区、乡、村服务和宣传阵地,采取集中宣传、标语宣传和入户宣传等方式,在育龄群众中广泛深入地宣传生殖健康科普知识,提高群众生殖保健意识,调动了群众配合、参与“生殖健康进家庭”行动的积极性。  相似文献   

广东深圳市罗湖区东晓街道计生科与深圳边防七支队二十一中队联合开展“送健康进军营”活动,邀请专家举办健康教育讲座,为战士们讲解生殖保健知识,派发保健宣传资料,在军营里普及生殖健康知识。  相似文献   

Why do women continue to smoke in pregnancy?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smoking during pregnancy not only impacts on the woman's health but that of her unborn child. Women most likely to continue smoking throughout pregnancy are generally of lower age, socio-economic status, level of education and occupational status. Women who continue to smoke during pregnancy often feel criticized by society. They feel guilt and personal conflict at not quitting. Lack of long-term positive outcomes from anti-smoking campaigns may result form ignorance surrounding socio-economically disadvantaged women's life circumstances. Current interventions often ignore the emotional and psychological stressors associated with pregnancy; they do not address the altered physiological processes that occur during pregnancy. A review of the literature pertaining to women who smoke throughout pregnancy is presented. Women want an individualised approach to smoking cessation advice, with health care workers having knowledge of the woman's social situation and viewpoints. This paper reveals that the woman's perspective has largely been ignored. Indeed health care professionals have attempted to manipulate women to stop smoking rather than engage in mutually respectful dialogue.  相似文献   

In 1998, a multidisciplinary group of researchers investigated women's reproductive health in two rural villages in Giza, Egypt using data from clinical examinations and laboratory tests. In addition, a questionnaire supplemented with in-depth interviews illuminated women's perceptions of illness and the sociocultural context of the community. Examining a random sample of 509 married, nonpregnant women, the researchers found that the vast majority of these women suffer from a spectrum of gynecological and related conditions. Beyond reproductive tract infections, which affect roughly half of the women, genital prolapse afflicts 56% and anemia 63%. Suspicious cervical cell changes (11%) and cervical erosion (22%) in women were noted. Moreover, related conditions were also highly prevalent: women suffered from urinary tract infections (14%), obesity (43%), and hypertension (18%). The team also discovered that two-thirds of women with symptoms had not sought care. Factors other than the physical accessibility, inadequacy in the quality and nature of available health services, and low priority that women place on their health have all contributed to women's lack of seeking treatment. This study suggests that a multidisciplinary approach to medical provision, taking women's perceptions into account is the most effective way to address reproductive health and ill health in communities of the developing world.  相似文献   

The dimensions of women's autonomy and their relationship to maternal health care utilization were investigated in a probability sample of 300 women in Varanasi, India. We examined the determinants of women's autonomy in three areas: control over finances, decision-making power, and freedom of movement. After we control for age, education, household structure, and other factors, women with closer ties to natal kin were more likely to have greater autonomy in each of these three areas. Further analyses demonstrated that women with greater freedom of movement obtained higher levels of antenatal care and were more likely to use safe delivery care. The influence of women's autonomy on the use of health care appears to be as important as other known determinants such as education.  相似文献   

For many older adults having access to affordable health care is a major concern. The present study's goal was to examine what factors were related to individuals' knowledge of late-life health insurance. A total of 131 women and 116 men (all aged 55-71) answered questions about private, Medicare, Medigap, and long-term care insurances. In addition, they answered demographic, personality, and health status questions. Results revealed that different factors are related to men's and women's knowledge of late-life health insurance options implying genderspecific educational interventions would be more effective than current educational interventions.  相似文献   

本文利用 1997年全国人口与生殖健康调查数据 ,应用作者提出的育龄妇女生育健康个体指标 ,从人口、社会、经济几个方面对我国育龄妇女生育健康状况的部分影响因素进行了定量分析。分析结果显示 ,我国育龄妇女的生育健康状况及存在主要问题与妇女年龄、文化程度、居住地及社区环境密切相关。文章最后根据分析结果 ,对改善我国育龄妇女生育健康状况提出了几点建议  相似文献   

As many elderly women tend to outlive their spouses, there is a growing population of unmarried elderly women. Unmarried women are worse off than married women both financially and physically. A question that has not been answered is whether and how the relationship between health and wealth differs across elderly women's marital status. Do the negative impacts of health problems cause more serious financial consequences for unmarried elderly women than married women? Using the five waves of data from the Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD) from 1993 to 2002, this question is empirically investigated. Results indicate that severe chronic conditions result in 4 to 10% greater wealth depletion for unmarried women than married women. This finding calls for heightened awareness of the negative financial consequences of health problems and also calls for increased lifetime earning potential, reconsideration of women's retirement benefits, and greater attention to preventive care.  相似文献   

A focal issue in international immigration research has been immigration adaptation and assimilation and especially absorption and integration of immigrants into labor force roles. Nevertheless, such research has largely been focused on immigrant men, neglecting the systematic examination of labor force participation among immigrant women. This research is focused on the correlates of economic activity among immigrant and native born Jewish, urban, married females aged 18–54 in Israel. The specific objectives of the investigation are: (1) the impact of education, socioeconomic status, familial child care burdens, and ethnic background on the economic activity of native-born and immigrant, married women; and (2) to evaluate the extent to which the above patterns vary by veterancy and age. The data for this analysis are drawn from Israel's quarterly labor force survey of 6,000 families for 1970 and 1971. Education, socioeconomic status, ethnic origin, and child care burden were all found to have some effect on women's labor force participation; however, the pattern of effect was different for younger and older women and varied by veterancy status. Indications can be found in the data that age at immigration, or in other words the point in the women's life cycle at which immigration occurs, makes a difference in the type and strength of effect of immigration on labor force participation.Requests for reprints should be directed to Moshe Hartman, Department of Sociology, Population Research Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322.  相似文献   

In spite of women's active involvement in a woman's health care movement, the mainline health care system continues to hold tight to its androcentric focus. If women are to be subjected to a health care system that employs sexist and ageist practices, the quality of life in their later years will continue to be jeopardized. The purpose of this paper is to first, recognize the existing health care practices which limit the health care opportunities and choices of older women; and secondly, to discuss how such basic feminist principles as education, egalitarianism, empowerment, and inclusion can be used to improve an older woman's experience.  相似文献   

ProblemMaternity care underwent substantial reconfiguration in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic.BackgroundCOVID-19 posed an unprecedented public health crisis, risking population health and causing a significant health system shock.AimTo explore the psycho-social experiences of women who received maternity care and gave birth in South London during the first ‘lockdown’.MethodsWe recruited women (N = 23) to semi-structured interviews, conducted virtually. Data were recorded, transcribed, and analysed by hand. A Classical Grounded Theory Analysis was followed including line-by-line coding, focused coding, development of super-categories followed by themes, and finally the generation of a theory.FindingsIterative and inductive analysis generated six emergent themes, sorted into three dyadic pairs: 1 & 2: Lack of relational care vs. Good practice persisting during the pandemic; 3 & 4: Denying the embodied experience of pregnancy and birth vs. Trying to keep everyone safe; and 5 & 6: Removed from support network vs. Importance of being at home as a family. Together, these themes interact to form the theory: ‘Navigating uncertainty alone’.DiscussionWomen’s pregnancy and childbirth journeys during the pandemic were reported as having positive and negative experiences which would counteract one-another. Lack of relational care, denial of embodied experiences, and removal from support networks were counterbalanced by good practice which persisted, understanding staff were trying to keep everyone safe, and renewed importance in the family unit.ConclusionPregnancy can be an uncertain time for women. This was compounded by having to navigate their maternity journey alone during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

流动妇女孕期保健状况及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用“厦门市开元区流动儿童健康与教育状况调研课题”的抽查结果 ,描述流动妇女的孕期保健状况 ,并对流入厦门的流动妇女以及常住妇女的孕期保健水平进行比较 ,在此基础上提出影响流动妇女孕期保健水平的理论假设。logistic回归分析结果表明 ,流动妇女或配偶的文化程度、流出地的城乡类型、家庭收入水平以及已生育的孩子数量是决定流动妇女孕期保健水平的最重要因素。文章还结合分析结果提出改善流动妇女孕期保健状况的几点建议  相似文献   

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