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股权结构与公司价值创造   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
以企业价值创造评价指标--经济附加值,及相关变量作为公司价值的度量,对沪市上市公司股权结构与公司价值的相关关系进行了分析.实证结果表明,股权结构对公司价值有显著的影响.主要体现在:1).股权集中度与公司价值间呈现显著的负相关关系.这说明上市公司中股权集中度越高的公司,公司价值越低;2).国家股比例与公司价值创造间显著的负相关关系,表明了国家股东在公司价值创造活动中的负面效应;3).法人股比例与公司价值创造间具有正相关关系,说明了法人股东既能激励又有能力来监督和控制公司管理人员,在公司治理中扮演着重要的角色;4).实证结果不支持流通股比例与公司价值创造的正相关关系.  相似文献   

This study analyses the distribution of power among the several blockholders of a firm and the identity of those blockholders as a determinant of firm leverage. Using a sample of 694 firms from 12 Western European countries, our results support a negative relationship between ownership concentration in the hands of the main blockholder and firm leverage. Moreover, we detect that the presence of a second and third large shareholder (beyond the first blockholder) has a significant positive effect on the leverage ratio. In addition, the results show that contestability in family firms plays a more relevant role. Finally, we show that family firms do have significant impact on firm leverage level, and this impact varies depending on the legal framework and institutional environment. In our main sample the results show family firms negatively affect market leverage, supporting the theory that family firms are more averse to an increase in the debt level due to the risk of bankruptcy and financial distress as a result of having an under-diversified portfolio. In contrast, the opposite effect is found in the sample that excludes the United Kingdom. This last result cannot be explained by agency theory, given that family businesses are those that suffer less from Type I agency problems. This result suggests either some difficulty in financing their investments by issuing new equity or the need to use debt as a signal of the quality of its investments. Our results prove to be stable against a battery of robustness tests.  相似文献   

Few articles have addressed the relation between the ownership structure and the composition of the boards. The results of the analysis performed on a sample of Spanish listed companies for the period 2004–2011, show that in markets where corporate ownership is highly concentrated, it is necessary to devote special attention to blockholders and to differentiate the figure of the independent directors from the group of outsiders. The results confirm a negative and decreasing relation between blockholders and the percentage of independents while insiders’ ownership is only significant if one looks at the percentage of outsiders as a whole, in which case it shows a U-shaped quadratic relation.  相似文献   

所有制结构与环境业绩   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过一个理论模型分析不同所有制结构下环境业绩的差异,从所有制结构的角度探讨是否私有化的发展模式能在推动经济发展与减少环境破坏之间达到一个较好的平衡点,试图发现私有经济发展的政策能否成为我国提高环境质量的一个有效政策,促进经济在环境意义上的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文试图为解释中国经济转轨过程提供一个新的视角 ,并通过强调有效交易和所有权的重要性来恢复与修补一些经典理论对经济转轨过程的解释力 ,以便将其最终整合到日见丰富和成熟的转轨经济理论的一般框架之中。本文的理论贡献可以归纳为:第一 ,阐发有效交易理论 ,认为经典理论所坚守的互利信条只是达成有效交易的必要条件 ,所有权的完整性才是充分条件。在所有权存在缺陷时 ,一种对当事人双方有利的交易极有可能伤及社会。第二 ,提出内生风险命题 ,经典资产选择理论所关注的外生风险主要源自宏观经济政策及企业经营层面 ,而内生风险则与微观经济基础尤其是所有权制度密切相关。第三 ,揭示出所有权、交易与产权之间的逻辑联系 ,并阐明所有权不一定是有效的但必须是完整的和神圣不可侵犯的观点。第四 ,指出内生贸易模型的隐含条件 ,发现在主管政府充当贸易者的场合 ,交易效率条件完全可以被超越 ,国际贸易就不一定非要以国内贸易为前提 ,而这种贸易也就极有可能成为贸易双方合谋算计国家和社会的博弈。本文的政策含义是 ,中国经济转轨的实际绩效与有效交易的规模和市场份额直接相关 ,而有效交易的成长既不依赖于政府推进市场化的决心 ,也不仰仗于法律与行政部门对交易主体的监督和惩罚力度 ,而最终取决于完  相似文献   

Based on agency theory [Jensen and Meckling: 1976, Journal of Financial Economics 3: 305–360] how managerial stock ownership affects the survival of initial public offerings (IPOs) is explored in this paper. A sample of 560 IPOs listed in Taiwan is examined using the accelerated failure time model, a survival analysis technique. Insiders, the broad definition of management, are further classified into top officers and outside directors to conduct a detailed study. It is observed that the survival time of IPOs first decreases and then increases with the percentage of total insider ownership at the time of offering, forming a U-shaped relationship. Additionally, the survival time is positively affected by the officer-to-insider holding ratio. The results suggest that equity stake owned by management, particularly by top officers, of an IPO firm should be encouraged in order to reduce agency cost, and thus enhance firm survivability in the aftermarket.  相似文献   

本文以1999年至2003年的民营上市公司为研究对象,回避国有上市公司的非市场因素,研究股权结构、高管持股对绩效的影响。实证研究显示:第一大股东绝对控股时,其持股比例越高公司绩效越好,这时高管的股权激励无法发挥作用;当第一大股东持股比例低于20%时,高管的股权激励也无法发挥作用;当第一大股东持股比例在20%至40%之间时,其持股比例和绩效呈现倒U型关系,这时高管的股权激励发挥显著的作用。不同的股权结构对股权激励和绩效产生不同的影响,设计公司治理机制时应充分考虑这一因素。  相似文献   

The authors examine the literature with respect to the pricing of initial public offerings and focus upon the relationship of pricing to the structure and conduct of the investment banking industry. Using a data base of all share offerings undertaken in the United States over a two and a half year period, the authors find that there is considerable evidence for the proposition that large, prestigious, and well capitalised investment banks tend to price their share offerings at a higher absolute level than those not meeting such characteristics. Using classical statistical methods, the authors find that the pricing strategy of investment banks is connected to their affiliation with investment funds and unit trusts. The motives for such pricing strategies, the authors argue, lie with the affiliation of investment banks with investment funds, suggesting that the pricing of new share offerings may be a means of excluding retail investors from participating in the strong returns such issues exhibit. The authors raise legal and regulatory implications of their findings in the context of the general consolidation observed within the investment banking industry. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

许多学者证明内部人股权和公司绩效之间存在非线性关系,并且把内部人股权看作经营者股权。本文结合中国上市公司的特点,认为应该从广义上理解内部人股权的概念,把非流通股都看作内部股。通过对深市上市公司的分析,本文发现经营者股权和公司绩效之间没有显著的关系。国家股和法人股等与公司绩效显著正相关。一定比例的非流通股可以促进公司绩效,而非流通股比例过大,则会使公司绩效降低。企业应该逐渐降低非流通国家股和法人股的比例,提高经营者股权,以发挥经营者的积极性和管理能力。  相似文献   

所有权结构与企业创新效率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文就企业所有权结构对企业创新效率的影响,从理论和实证上进行了分析研究。研究表明:(1)就总体而言,增加经营者的企业所有权或减少政府的企业所有权,将有助于改善企业创新效率;(2)法人或业主的所有权份额的增加,可能是引发“创新泡沫”的诱因之一;(3)市场竞争可以促进企业创新效率的改善,而企业规模扩大则可能因“大企业病”问题损害创新效率。  相似文献   

所有权、公司治理与财务报表重述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取了2002-2006年间的465家发生了与盈余相关的会计差错更正和1147家未曾发生会计差错更正的非金融上市公司为样本,考察了与盈余相关的会计差错的发生同公司治理的关系,发现在治理会计错报行为方面,证监会所提倡的独立董事制度是有效的,外部独立审计的质量也是保证公司财务信息质量的重要一环,审计委员会的作用内生于其它公司治理机制.此外,外部股东的监管也是降低管理者机会主义行为的有效措施.由于国有控股的公司更可能发生与盈余相关的会计错报现象,所以,应该强制国有企业建立有效的公司治理,提高独立董事在董事会中的比重,保证董事会的独立性,加强外部审计师的监督作用.  相似文献   

上市公司所有权与控制权的严重分离会影响其公司价值,进而会影响投资者的投资决策.本文以2004-2007年我国A股上市公司为研究样本,考察了上市公司两权分离状况对机构投资者总体和各类机构投资者持股决策的影响.研究发现,最终控制人所有权比例越高,两权分离度越小时,机构投资者(主要是证券投资基金)持股比例越高;而且两权分离度指标对机构投资者持股决策的影响在最终控制人为非国有性质的企业中表现更为明显.本文的研究结论表明.我国机构投资者总体上能够做到自我利益保护,在投资者保护方面发挥积极的作用,但是这种作用的发挥在各个类型机构投资者中存在显著差异.  相似文献   

股权集中、大股东掏空与管理层自利行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从我国高度集中的股权结构出发,建立理论模型分别研究在单一代理关系下,影响大股东掏空行为的主要因素,以及在双重代理关系下,大股东与管理层之间的掏空-自利博弈行为及其主要影响因素.证明了:1)在单一代理关系下,影响大股东掏空行为的因素为公司成长性、中小投资者保护水平以及大股东持股比例.公司成长性越高、中小投资者保护水平越高...  相似文献   

本文探讨了控制权转让市场中收购方终极所有权、层级与信息泄露之间的关系。研究发现收购方的终极所有权属性与信息泄露严重程度有着显著的相关关系。当收购人为民营企业时,非公开收购信息进入股价的速度要明显的慢于国有企业收购人;当地方国有企业为收购人时,其非公开收购信息进入股价的速度又明显的快于其他两类企业。表明民营企业维护收购信息的机密性的动机最强,而地方国有企业收购信息则最容易被市场察觉。与预期不一致的是,公司的层级结构与信息泄露速度没有显著的关系,这一发现意味着收购等重大事件的决策权集中在控制链最上层控制人手中,下层企业只是执行这些决策的工具。  相似文献   

通过建立实物期权模型,我们分析了集中股权结构下,股东异质性所导致的控股股东代理冲突对企业投资决策和负债融资代理成本的影响。研究发现,集中股权结构下的控股股东价值最大化动机会导致过度投资的产生,并显著提高负债融资的代理成本,即控股股东的价值侵占行为不仅影响到大小股东间的代理冲突,而且会加重股东与债权人之间的代理冲突。控股股东的持股比例会产生公司治理的正向激励效应,持股比例的增加会降低过度投资程度、增加企业价值和降低负债融资代理成本。而控制权和现金流权的分离则会产生公司治理的负向侵占效应,分离程度的增加会导致更严重的过度投资、更低的企业价值和更高的负债融资代理成本。  相似文献   

Although the contribution of diaspora to international business is becoming more evident, little is known about the channels used by individual firms to benefit from diaspora. In this paper, we propose equity ownership as a form of connection between the homeland firms and diasporans (i.e. diaspora members). Specifically, we draw on the literature on diaspora combined with an owners-as-resources perspective to theorize about how diaspora owners can affect the homeland firm's internationalization. We suggest that the anticipated entry costs deriving from the liability of foreignness faced by homeland firms explain how the impact of diaspora owners varies depending on entry mode. Finally, we compare diaspora owners to other types of foreign owner which we argue have lower levels of motivation and ability to help homeland firms to internationalize, and contribute relatively less to their internationalization than diaspora owners. We test and confirm our predictions using data on 2608 domestically controlled Indian firms and their internationalization in 2006–2012.  相似文献   

Finance, ownership and control issues have received a great deal of attention in recent years as centres of interest in the 'new institutional economics'. Much of the debate has been fuelled by the inability of neoclassical economics to explain the continued existence, and increasing importance, of small enterprises. Developments in agency theory, information asymmetry and signalling theory, and transaction cost economics are identified as contributing to a new approach. The concepts distilled from a review of these developments are then used in the analyses of well-known phenomena involving small enterprises. These include capital structure and access to capital markets featuring the finance gap, the underpricing of new issues and the small firm effect. In addition, going private, by means of management buy-outs, and franchising are examined. It is seen that the economic literature on finance, ownership and control helps to explain both the advantages and disadvantages of small enterprises. Their continued existence is seen as being due to a trade-off of various costs and benefits.  相似文献   

终极所有权结构和债务期限结构选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
终极所有权结构如何影响公司的债务期限结构是公司治理研究中的一个重要问题.以2003年~2005年只发行A股的824家非金融上市公司的平衡面板数据为样本,通过随机效应模型实证检验终极所有权结构与债务期限结构之间的关系.实证结果表明,终极控制股东的现金流权越大,掠夺的成本也越大,上市公司会使用更多的长期债务;两权偏离度越大,债务融资的代理成本会越大,上市公司会使用更多的短期债务;家族式控制股东弱化了两权偏离带来的掠夺效应,政府式控制股东加剧了两权偏离带来的掠夺效应.  相似文献   

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