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本文从组织行为层次探讨劳动关系氛围与员工态度之间的关系。基于60家企业1607名员工的问卷调查,本文探讨了劳资双赢、劳资对立和员工参与三种劳动关系氛围对员工内在和外在满意度的直接影响,以及员工组织承诺在上述关系中的调节作用。研究发现,劳资双赢氛围显著地提升员工的内在和外在满意度,劳资对立氛围显著地降低员工的内在和外在满意度,员工参与氛围仅能显著提升员工的内在工作满意度。同时,员工组织承诺中的情感承诺能显著增强劳资双赢氛围对内在和外在工作满意度的积极影响,但仅能显著降低劳资对立氛围对内在工作满意度的消极影响,而对员工参与氛围的影响不具有调节作用。此外,研究还发现交易承诺不存在调节效果。  相似文献   

This paper provides the first systematic examination of the financial implications associated with increased reliance on contingent (i.e., temporary/part‐time) labor. Using measures of performance from income statement and balance sheet data, and stock returns, we find that the adoption of this labor practice is associated with superior subsequent performance. Concurrently, no increase in systematic risk and standard deviation of stock returns is observed. The increase in performance with no concurrent increase in systematic risk and standard deviation of returns perhaps explains the increasing popularity of this labor practice.  相似文献   

The clothing sector is currently characterised by frequent assortment rotation in stores, a quick response product development and a focus on minimising end-of-campaign stock levels. This paper is based on a case study carried out at a value brand retailer, with a purpose to show how the company increased competitiveness in a market requiring more responsiveness. The case presented shows that the establishment of an adequate supply strategy for differentiated product segments, the introduction of mini-collections, the redesign of business processes (especially the new product development and the order fulfilment processes) and the redesign of the supply chain, lead to a sales increase and purchasing savings. Moreover, the study treats how a value brand retailer, facing different supply chain challenges compared with the leading brands, balance global and local production, lean and agile manufacturing and how it is possible to abandon the traditional two-campaign paradigm in favour of more rapid replenishment.  相似文献   

Currently, the role of diamonds in the global financial system is under intense discussion in the financial media because individual investors and portfolio managers have begun to consider them as potential investment assets. To address the growing interest in diamonds, this article examines the historical performance of investments in various diamond quality grades. Furthermore, it investigates their relation to stock market and currency risk. Specifically, we focus on two important practical investment questions: Can diamonds function as a hedge or a safe haven against stock market volatility or fluctuations of the US dollar? Can diamonds be regarded as effective diversifiers in a stock or a currency portfolio context? Key findings are as follows: (1) The investment performance of diamonds is lower than the one of gold and silver. (2) Diamonds have only acted as a weak hedge and a weak safe haven against stock market downturns and currency risk associated with the US dollar. (3) Within global stock and currency portfolios, 1.0 carat fine diamonds show valuable diversification potential in that they can increase portfolio performance to an economically significant extent. Interestingly, this final result is fairly robust to the choice of performance measure.  相似文献   

将复杂网络理论最小生成树(MST)算法和滑窗分析相结合,在2008年全球金融危机和2015年中国股市震荡的背景下,以2003年至2017年的上证A股收益率数据作为实证样本,构建股票市场动态关联网络,并从网络节点移除和连边变化两个角度出发,对其在不同时期的动态演化特征和市场稳健性质进行探讨。研究结果表明:网络结构整体上在金融危机之前和之后较为松散,而在金融危机和股市震荡期间则变得非常紧凑,节点的度分布和影响强度分布更加聚集。这意味着在金融危机和股市震荡期间,系统重要性公司的影响力持续增强,其股价的变化对其它公司将产生更为显著的影响;不同类型的事件对股市网络连通性和稳健性的影响程度不同,区域性事件(股市震荡)比全球性事件(金融危机)对市场的冲击更大;短期来看,金融危机和股市震荡对网络连边的稳健性并没有造成太大的冲击,整个研究时段网络的存活比率都维持在较高的水平。但随着步长的增加,网络的存活比率急剧下降,这意味着股市网络相关结构的长期稳健性是减弱的。  相似文献   

随着我国资本市场的进一步完善,以及市场波动的更加剧烈,投资者对于相关性风险的关注日益增强,如何对冲相关性风险是一个亟待解决的重要课题。本文在基于跳跃的不完全市场中,以带有跳跃的价格过程为基础,引入相关性随机过程,依据期权的希腊字母对冲原理,构建相关性风险的对冲策略——卖出一份股票指数看跌期权同时买入若干份对应个股的看跌期权和若干份标的股票,使投资组合保持资产波动率以及价格跳跃风险中性,进而通过卖出组合中指数期权的相关性风险溢价来对冲个股组合的相关性风险。本文选取2007年3月到2013年3月香港恒生指数及其成份股期权的日数据用以实证分析,结果表明:该策略能够对冲个股投资组合的相关性风险,且在大部分情况下获得显著为正的收益。本文对事前构建对冲策略以规避极端事件发生时的相关性风险具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文以雷曼破产日至2009年1月底这段时期内上证综指、恒生指数以及S&P500指数的日内高频数据作为研究对象,采用跳跃显著性检验方法和扩展HAR模型,对波动跳跃特征进行了实证研究.结果表明:雷曼危机导致股市波动的显著提高,但中国内地股市受到的影响最小;中国香港股市成为波动跳跃发生频率最高、跳跃幅度最大的市场,且波动跳跃主要发生在夜间休市时间内;雷曼危机使得波动率模型的预测精度大大降低,股市风险变得更加难以预测,对于新兴市场来说这一现象更加明显.  相似文献   

基于Lasso高维分位数回归模型,本文构建了中国金融系统的尾部网络结构,并定义了总体网络以及行业间、行业内和金融机构间等多层金融网络的尾部风险传染度,解构其传染机制与关联特征,评估各机构双向系统重要性(接收端和发射端)。同时,本文提出了一个最优滚动窗宽选择标准方法,以优化滚动样本技术下的动态网络结构。结果表明,所有层级尾部风险传染效应(总体系统、行业间、行业内和机构间)在经济金融极端困境时期,呈现明显增强及剧烈震荡特征,2015年中国股灾期间尤甚。跨行业传染效应日益严峻,银行与保险间表现出较强关联性,房地产机构与其他金融机构间均表现出较高传染性,跨业监管值得关注。接收与发射最多尾部风险传染的金融机构仍然是银行与证券类机构。系统中超过50%的金融机构倾向于接收风险传染,一旦出现系统性冲击,整个金融系统的稳定性将遭受重创,因此,应加强此类机构应对外界冲击的能力。此外,基于新滚动窗宽选择标准法的动态模型的估计性能明显优于传统方法。研究结论有助于理解中国金融系统的网络结构和传染机制,对宏观审慎监管体系的建立提供了依据。  相似文献   

根据经典生产函数可知与劳动要素相关的变化应反映到企业价值层面,那么劳动要素对股票市场具有怎样的影响呢?本文以沪深A股为研究对象,基于劳动成本占比探索劳动要素对股票市场定价的影响。通过模型推理和实证分析相结合的方法证明劳动成本占比与企业风险正相关,劳动成本占比具有放大企业风险的杠杆作用。基于风险与收益相补偿的原理,通过回归分析和投资组合分析发现劳动成本占比具有正的股票收益预测能力;采用买多-卖空组合构建劳动成本占比风险因子,通过Fama-MacBeth回归证明劳动成本占比是影响股票收益的风险因子,并且相对Fama-French的五因子不是冗余因子;在三因子模型和五因子模型基础上包含劳动成本占比风险因子的定价模型对股票横截面收益的解释力更好,模型的定价效率更高。本文不仅丰富了股票收益影响因子和劳动成本经济后果领域的文献,而且对投资者投资决策、企业制定薪酬制度、政府颁布劳动保护相关政策和收入分配改革方面具有参考价值。  相似文献   

中国股市与国际股市的极值风险传导效应研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
本文针对股市中具有的部分典型事实构造股市指数损失的标准残差序列,并运用EVT对其极值尾部建模进而估计出股市指数的动态极值风险,然后基于Granger-Causality检验方法分析中国股市与国际上主要股市之间的极值风险传导效应。结果表明,在过去相当长时间内,中国大陆沪市与其它三个国际股市不存在风险传导效应而处于分割状态,但自2007年起,中国大陆沪市可以通过香港市场与其它国际股市进行极值风险传导;日本东京股市极值风险单向传导给香港股市,香港股市又单向传导给美国纽约股市;日本东京股市和美国纽约股市的极值风险存在明显的双向传导关系。  相似文献   

Supply chain management has become one of the most popular approaches to enhance the global competitiveness of business corporations today. Firms must have clear strategic thinking in order to effectively organize such complicated activities, resources, communications, and processes. An emerging body of literature offers a framework that identifies three kinds of supply chain strategies: lean strategy, agile strategy, and lean/agile strategy based on in‐depth case studies. Extant research also suggests that supply chain strategies must be matched with product characteristics in order for firms to achieve better performance. This article investigates supply chain strategies and empirically tests the supply chain strategy model that posits lean, agile, and lean/agile approaches using data collected from 604 manufacturing firms in China. Cluster analyses of the data indicate that Chinese firms are adopting a variation of lean, agile, and lean/agile supply chain strategies identified in the western literature. However, the data reveal that some firms have a traditional strategy that does not emphasize either lean or agile principles. These firms perform worse than firms that have a strategy focused on lean, agile, or lean/agile supply chain. The strategies are examined with respect to product characteristics and financial and operational performance. The article makes significant contributions to the supply chain management literature by examining the supply chain strategies used by Chinese firms. In addition, this work empirically tests the applicability of supply chain strategy models that have not been rigorously tested empirically or in the fast‐growing Chinese economy.  相似文献   

Participating successfully in the Single European Market as in any other competitive business situation depends on an adequate supply of managerial and specialist skills.Together with the issue of recognising, employing and integrating women experts and executives as a highly qualified resource, a strategic approach is established for managing personnel. Five steps towards a marketing strategy for women — as well as men — employees are discussed.  相似文献   

证券市场的流动性是评估一国证券市场是否健康运转的重要指标。关于流动性的各种学术研究也是金融市场微观结构理论中的热点问题。本文主要考察宏观经济因素对时变的股市流动性的影响,选取度量股票流动性的指标以及宏观经济变量,针对行业分类的面板数据提出三个动态因子模型,并引入跨行业的能够捕捉风险聚集现象的潜在因子进行建模,利用状态空间模型与Kalman滤波进行分析和样本外流动性风险预测。我们提出的新颖的带回归效应的高斯面板数据时间序列模型,结合了用主成分的方法从大量宏观经济协变量中提取出来的因子,用来分析和预测股市的流动性风险,具有较强的信息挖掘作用。在对上证A 股的实证研究中,我们发现动态的潜在因子的引入对于防止流动性估计的偏差是需要的。  相似文献   

本文通过建立包含马尔科夫机制转换结构的MS-MHAR-DCC模型,并选取世界上比较发达的国家和地区股票市场的高频日内交易数据为样本,对多个股票市场波动相关性进行研究。通过引入包含马尔科夫结构的外部随机矩阵,本文识别出金融市场波动相关的截断时期,正态分布设定下相比在t分布设定下识别的截断时期更多且持续时间更长。在模型的截断时期内,多个股票市场的波动相关结构主要受到正向冲击,即在截断时期内的波动相关性大于平常状态的波动相关性。本文还发现,相同地域的股票市场间的动态波动相关性在大部分时期内表现为较强的正相关;美国股票市场和其余5个国家股票市场波动的动态相关性在大部分时期都表现为较强的正相关,表明美国作为全球巨头在世界金融市场波动的引导作用。  相似文献   

As operational costs and equipment depreciation in the TFT-LCD (thin film transistor-liquid crystal display) industry are a high percentage of the total cost, most manufacturers usually fully utilise their production capacity to reduce the average unit cost. However, when the market demand is less than the supply the stock of panels increases; this forces manufacturers to instigate a price war to reduce levels of stock and results in a wide fluctuation in panel prices. Inventory stocks of panels could be decreased by optimising the product mix. This will help manufacturers to reduce the risk of holding stocks, increase profit, and improve competitive advantage. This study uses mixed integer linear programming (MILP) to construct a product mix for the TFT-LCD industry given the conditions of profit, productivity, raw materials supply, and market demand. A case study shows that this model is proven to be effective in generating product mix for the TFT-LCD industry while improving profit. The product mix generated by this model can provide a reference for the sales department for orders and shipping, for the production department for the order quantity, and for master production scheduling for each product.  相似文献   

基于条件风险价值CoVaR和SIM单指数分位数回归技术,选取2012-2018年我国股市24行业指数周频数据,构建时变的跨行业尾部风险网络,通过网络拓扑结构反映系统性风险的空间关联及潜在变化趋势。此外,引入ARDL模型探究网络结构和宏观经济变量对股市系统性风险的长短期效应,最后对系统性风险进行预测。结果表明:(1)我国股市行业板块间存在明显的系统性风险空间关联和传染效应,风险溢出网络具有“小世界”特征;(2)网络连边集中度HHI呈明显的周期性变化。在尾部事件期间,HHI指标显著增加,风险网络呈较单一的中心节点结构,网络稳定性差;(3)通过节点风险传播强度和中心化程度发现,仅通过节点内部属性判断节点的系统重要性已不够全面和准确,应结合节点在网络中的位置和关联关系来判断;信息技术、医疗保健、商业和专业服务行业是风险网络中最有影响力的行业;(4)通过ARDL-ECM模型发现网络连边集中度是系统性风险的主要影响因素,并对股市系统性风险进行了高度准确的预测。本研究可为监管机构有效识别我国股市中有影响力的行业提供参考,依据关键行业的溢出关联制定针对性的风险防范措施,同时对风险溢出效应设立预警机制。  相似文献   


This paper reveals the mutual relationship between a firm’s marketing behavior and its financial consequences. With panel data from publicly traded companies covering 17 years, we obtained the total expenditures in marketing of each company to represent marketing behavior and five financial outcomes, depicting the reinforcers. Each metric was composed of frequency, magnitude, and delay dimensions. The results show mutual effects between investments in marketing activities (aggregate product of interlocking behavioral contingencies of the firm) and the firm’s financial reinforcements (consequences of this product), thus corroborating the existence of metacontingencies in the marketing to finance relationship and undermatching in the finance to marketing relationship.  相似文献   

We examine the critical role of advance supply signals—such as suppliers’ financial health and production viability—in dynamic supply risk management. The firm operates an inventory system with multiple demand classes and multiple suppliers. The sales are discretionary and the suppliers are susceptible to both systematic and operational risks. We develop a hierarchical Markov model that captures the essential features of advance supply signals, and integrate it with procurement and selling decisions. We characterize the optimal procurement and selling policy, and the strategic relationship between signal‐based forecast, multi‐sourcing, and discretionary selling. We show that higher demand heterogeneity may reduce the value of discretionary selling, and that the mean value‐based forecast may outperform the stationary distribution‐based forecast. This work advances our understanding on when and how to use advance supply signals in dynamic risk management. Future supply risk erodes profitability but enhances the marginal value of current inventory. A signal of future supply shortage raises both base stock and demand rationing levels, thereby boosting the current production and tightening the current sales. Signal‐based dynamic forecast effectively guides the firm's procurement and selling decisions. Its value critically depends on supply volatility and scarcity. Ignoring advance supply signals can result in misleading recommendations and severe losses. Signal‐based dynamic supply forecast should be used when: (a) supply uncertainty is substantial, (b) supply‐demand ratio is moderate, (c) forecast precision is high, and (d) supplier heterogeneity is high.  相似文献   

程欣  邓大松 《管理世界》2020,(3):90-100
现有文献认为,社保投入对企业劳动生产率存在成本效应、激励效应两种不同的影响。由于大样本数据的缺乏,现阶段对于社会保险企业投入的讨论大多停留在其对企业生产的抑制效应。然而,本文运用随机分层抽样的"中国企业-劳动力匹配调查"(CEES)数据,就社保投入对于企业劳动生产率的影响效应、影响机制进行了创新性地实证研究。基准回归表明,在充分剔除选择性偏误的前提下,社保投入对于劳动生产率的激励效应更强。随着人均社保投入每增加10%,企业劳动生产率平均提高3.5%。进一步地,实证研究发现:人力资本、创新精神与管理效率是社保投入对于企业劳动生产率产生激励效应的重要渠道;其中,与人力资本、创新精神相比,管理效率更为重要。与大部分基于发达经济体微观数据的实证研究有所不同,本文发现:对于现阶段我国经济而言,社保投入对企业生产要素投入的成本挤出效应并不明显,社会保险通过激励员工从而促进企业生产率的发展。  相似文献   

针对港航联合可持续投资问题,构建了静态Stackelberg均衡与动态演化博弈双均衡联动模型,在政府碳排放规制和碳交易市场双重因素下,研究考虑可持续发展的港航供应链减排技术投资策略。研究表明:随着投资成本分担比例的增大,在静态Stackelberg均衡下,航运公司投资意愿逐渐降低,而港口却始终偏好自身投资,此时系统均衡策略由航运企业投资的囚徒困境转变为港口投资的帕累托最优;在动态演化博弈下,稳定结果是航运企业投资转变为港口投资。并从政府-市场-企业三方视角发现:(1)企业长期低碳投资策略与政府碳排放限额无关;(2)企业需要关注碳交易市场价格、托运人对可持续水平敏感度以及价格敏感度,这些参数值增高会降低碳排放量;(3)随着航运企业分担比例的增大,碳排放量呈现上升趋势。最后结合静态与动态投资策略,为政府、港口和航运企业可持续投资提供建议。  相似文献   

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