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将跨国公司知识流动影响因素的研究视角置于母公司对子公司的组织控制机制这一新兴领域,主要关注跨国公司的人员派遣与知识流动之间的关系.以跨国公司在沪的129个子公司为样本进行了问卷调查,实证结果表明在中国上海这样一个情境下,跨国公司的人员派遣对其知识流动有重要的影响,尤其是高层管理人员的派遣能够显著提高跨国公司的知识流动水平.  相似文献   

王永贵  王娜 《管理世界》2019,35(4):145-159
来自发展中国家的逆向创新对跨国公司全球创新产生了深远影响。现有研究多立足于发达国家跨国公司视角探讨逆向创新所创造的收益,但却未对逆向创新如何影响跨国公司在发展中国家的当地公民行为、推动当地经济的发展给予充分关注。本文依据资源依赖理论,探讨了逆向创新对子公司权力产生影响的认同效应和竞争效应,并利用121家大型跨国公司中国子公司的多被访者调研数据(一家公司有多个被访者)检验了逆向创新、子公司权力与跨国公司当地公民行为之间的关系。研究发现:逆向创新对子公司权力有显著的正向影响,母子公司创新整合正向调节逆向创新与子公司权力之间的关系;子公司权力又进一步对当地公民行为产生显著的积极影响,政治联系在上述二者之间的关系中扮演着正向的调节作用。  相似文献   

全球经济一体化的快速发展,原有的国界正失去它原有的意义,劳动力和知识的国际性流动,使企业文化的异质性、多元性日益突出,对企业,特别是跨国公司的人力资源开发与管理产生了深刻影响,也给跨国经营企业及其管理者的传统思维和管理理念提出了新的课题和挑战。跨文化管理成为当今跨国公司人力资源开发与管理的重要议题,也是实现企业竞争优势,获取核心能力的重要手段。  相似文献   

产业集群中跨国子公司战略地位与母子关系的演进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先基于理论分析,指出优势产业集群中的跨国子公司完全有可能成为跨国公司竞争优势的来源。由此,文章分析了集群中跨国子公司存在的四类知识流以及影响四类知识流方向和流量大小的三种重要影响因素,并根据后两个因素区分了集群中子公司在跨国公司内部战略地位上的差异。基于战略与结构的孪生性,本文论述了集群中跨国公司母子关系的变迁,分析了集群中子公司的双重根植性。  相似文献   

组织合法性是制度理论的核心概念,是影响跨国公司海外子公司生存和发展的关键因素.将跨国公司海外子公司的社会资本分为内部社会资本和外部社会资本,将海外子公司合法性划分为内部合法性和外部合法性,分析海外子公司社会资本对其合法性的影响机理,进而揭示制度落差在跨国公司海外子公司社会资本与其合法性关系间的调节作用,提出相应的理论命题,以期拓展组织合法性理论,并为越来越多进行跨国经营的中国企业提供理论参考.  相似文献   

跨国公司外派人员管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在今天经济全球化的商务环境中,国际人力资源管理作为一个全球公司提升其竞争地位的主要战略工具,在跨国公司的多国管理中具有重要的战略地位,正日益受到重视。而有效的国际人力资源管理的一个重要方面就是对海外子公司外派人员的管理。本文将主要探讨目前跨国公司使用外派人员的特点与趋势、影响跨国公司使用外派人员的因素和外派人员的选拔、招聘与培训等问题。  相似文献   

欧洲跨国公司在华投资企业的环境管理及其影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以问卷调查与调研结果为依据,对欧洲跨国公司在中国的环境管理实践进行了较为深入的研究。作者认为,跨国公司的跨国界环境管理体系具有非强制性与指导性,而且就某个跨国公司而言,各地子公司的环境管理目标还因各子公司所在行业与地区的特点而异。在环境管理战略方面,多数跨国公司倾向于选择分散化或当地化的管理模式来适应不同的环境管理制度与环境标准,而不是国际一体化的环境管理模式。作者还认为,中国的环境管理体制与总部的环境管理政策决定着子公司的环境管理行为与环境表现。  相似文献   

跨国公司演进的知识观   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
传统跨国公司理论认为,知识的公共物品属性以及知识产品交易的市场失效是导致跨国公司演进的原因,这种分析没有反映企业所拥有并擅长的进行隐性知识转移的功能,忽视了子公司在知识创造中的作用,而且没有充分考虑到对外直接投资的知识效应。本文从企业的知识观出发,指出跨国公司通过对外直接投资来拓展企业边界并进行知识的内部转移,不仅可以保持企业现有知识存量的完整性,而且也为知识的再结合和创造新知识构筑了平台,从而寻求动态的竞争优势。  相似文献   

跨国公司海外子公司的三个理论流派比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过国外子公司相关理论的回顾,首次在国内对跨国公司海外子公司三个理论流派—— 母子公司关系学派、子公司角色学派及子公司发展学派进行了比较研究,进而探讨了跨国公司海外子公司理论的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化的深入,跨国公司已成为世界经济最重要、最活跃的行为主体。近几年来,由于知识经济的不断发展和资源约束的增强,为了构筑战略优势,加速产品的生产和技术转化,跨国并购热潮翻滚,跨国公司纷纷开始采用各种手段重构其企业边界,抢占市场和资源,降低交易成本,强化其核心竞争力。本文以跨国公司在资源的搜寻和R&D全球化为视角分析其边界重构的动因。  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of institutional variation on the extent to which subsidiary firms learn from multinational corporations. Learning is conceptualized here as consisting of two aspects: knowledge flow and reinforcement of or change in routines to incorporate the behaviourist assumptions of learning into the international business field. The research is based on in‐depth case studies that systematically compare the ways in which parent company knowledge diffuses to Polish, Turkish, Italian and German subsidiary firms in the chemical industry. The findings show that even though firms face the same global pressure to integrate and pursue the same international strategy, their learning outcomes are not the same. There is heterogeneous learning as a result of differences in the institutional context of home countries. Where institutional structures are not favourable to learning, the proactive or reactive orientation of actors to identifying future needs and modifying existing schemata – which highlight the importance of human agency – is significant in explaining learning.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the recent debates and emerging concepts in the international business literature by applying a social–institutionalist perspective that focuses on the processes of institution building in ventures between Western multinational corporations and post-socialist enterprises. It is argued that the knowledge and learning processes within these transnational sites are constitutive of the actual management and organizational practices that emerge in these social microcosms of transformation. In transition and other emerging economic contexts, international ventures are typically based on asymmetrical relationships, in which the balance of power is structurally weighted in favor of the MNC. Notwithstanding this dominance structure, constructing new practices within the transnational social space is a socio-political process involving power-holders such as senior managers representing the Western MNC and the local enterprise. The paper argues that the strategic orientations of these key power-holders are critical variables in explaining the diversity of concrete patterns of institution building on transnational sites.  相似文献   

论文从国际生产组织控制视角,将Rajan和Zingales[1]进入权思想融入国际生产与贸易模型中,研究跨国公司专用性投资激励问题。研究发现,在进入权的机会控制和数量调整机制作用下,跨国公司通过限制进入、替代竞争来激发当地供应商做出事前定制投资、分摊投资和事后最优专用性投资,确保获取合意投入品和预期最大化利润。当前,政府要引导外向企业致力于微观企业主体的制度建设和组织能力培养,构建起中国国际生产网络及其组织机制,为推进对外直接投资和企业国际化经营提供微观保障。  相似文献   

The nature of competition imposes a fundamental re-examination of strategies, both at the corporate and business level. Observation of a large number of firms reveals changes aimed at creating more permeable boundaries for breaking down costs, while increasing efficiency in product innovation and manufacturing. What appears to be relevant in many of these efforts is the emergence of transnational organisational architectures (TOA) in which the value-generating activities are distributed among different countries and actors, and then recomposed at the corporate level without losing efficiency. In this paper, we put forward the proposition that relational capability represents a distinctive competence for the transnational firm. The ability to access new knowledge or complementary capabilities, and to leverage inter-firm relationships and opportunities wherever they arise emerges as a critical factor for success on a global scale.  相似文献   

互联网知识付费中,知识产品价值对供需双方皆具有“隐匿性”。而网络社群作为产品体验信息的重要来源,在知识价值“显现化”过程中发挥着关键作用。基于此,本文将社群交互因素纳入知识付费两期动态定价博弈模型,深入探讨社群学习机制对最优定价策略的影响。模型分析发现:①最优社群价格存在上限阈值,以确保营造良好社群学习氛围。②最优市场价格依赖于知识成本、消费者参与收益和知识价值后验信念,与知识价值之间呈现“非线性”关系。③知识产品一般应采取渗透式定价方式,而消费者耐心程度、社群活跃度与社群交互效率对均衡价格具有重要影响。进一步福利分析表明,互联网社群学习情境将提升提供者收益。本文揭示了互联网知识交易定价的深层逻辑:社群学习引致的“策略效应”和“信息效应”重塑了消费者行为模式,进而倒逼提供者采取适应性动态定价机制。  相似文献   

The “transnational” (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1988, 1989) has become a popular organizational construct, and is increasingly relevant to contemporary global firms. However, there is very little empirical research on the organizational aspects of this form, and there is a lack of knowledge regarding the transnational aspects in professional service firm theorizing. Building on some fundamental organizational and international management literature, as well as an understanding of contemporary global professional firms, we expect that the transnational will exhibit specific organizational structural features with both high levels globalization and local responsiveness. We then proceed to describe an exploratory study of ten global engineering firms—this context is important since engineering firms are far less tied to national (local) jurisdictions than are other professional firms. Our findings reveal that the leadership/management areas were largely globally integrated, the hiring/HR functions were singularly locally oriented, while the other organizational areas we studied – namely structure/process and project teams – exhibited both global and local features. These findings extend professional service firm theorizing, exposing the balance between axes of specialisation, norms of reciprocity and customer management system; to include organizational features that allow a balance between the globally integrated and locally responsive.  相似文献   

宋泓  柴瑜  张泰 《管理世界》2004,(8):61-74
在综合了新古典和结构主义学派关于产业成长与市场环境之间关系研究的基础上,本文结合落后国家产业成长的特点,运用“互动学习和产业成长”分析框架,研究了在加入WTO后(市场开放)我国汽车产业中跨国公司和当地企业的战略调整以及这两类企业之间相对竞争优势的变化,并结合当地企业的学习和适应能力分析了该产业的未来变化趋势。本项研究得出的基本结论是:(1)伴随加入WTO而进行的投资和贸易自由化进程使得跨国公司的竞争优势得到了充分发挥,在这种情况下,国内企业采取了竞相进行合资或引进新车型的战略,从而加深了它们对跨国公司的依附程度。(2)国内企业和跨国公司的战略调整,以及双方实力和能力对比的变化导致中国汽车产业的成长模式在向依附形式转变。(3)在跨国公司超强竞争优势下,落后国家新兴产业和弱小企业的发展必须得到当地政府强有力的支持。但是,这只是必要条件,而决非充分条件。在保护环境下,企业会追求最容易、最迅速的赢利方式,譬如,单纯利用市场保护享受高额利润,而不进行产品开发、技术学习和创新等能力建设。因而,政府的强有力鞭策和要求以及当地企业与跨国公司之间互动学习关系的建立等都是当地产业进一步发展的关键。  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of leveraging global knowledge for business model innovation, whereby knowledge is transferred across space and firm boundaries for the reconfiguration of an incumbent firm's business model. Considering the implications of an ever-increasing fragmentation of global value chains and the associated dispersion of global knowledge sources, we propose that supply chain partners at foreign locations can provide valuable knowledge that incumbents can leverage to change their business model. Integrating insights from global supply chain, business model, and organizational learning literature, we theorize and empirically test how different organizational capabilities enable firms to acquire knowledge from foreign partners, integrate external with internal knowledge, transform knowledge through experimentation, and finally apply global knowledge in the form of business model innovation. We conclude with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

中国企业的全球学习模式研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着经济全球化的到来,我国企业在国内市场已面临着激烈的国际化竞争,通过全球学习迅速培育和发展核心能力便成为当前我国企业国际化经营的首要战略选择,并进而关系到新世纪中国在整个世界经济中的战略地位。据此,本文从国内市场的互动型学习和国外市场的本土化学习这一双层学习视角,构建中国企业的全球学习模式,并进而针对核心能力的培养与更新,系统地设计互动型学习与本土化学习的层次、架构和流程。最后运用全球性的战略眼光,从全球学习机制、知识管理、企业家三个方面研究全球学习实施的渠道、手段和核心,提出通过全球知识共享来全面提升中国企业国际核心竞争力的新构想。  相似文献   

Technological or institutional change has proven to be a major cause of the failure of established firms, and history is full of examples. In a globalized world the capability of a firm to reconfigure existing competencies and create new knowledge for innovation has emerged as a dynamic capability to succeed. I examine the learning processes involved in the development of innovative R&D capabilities in Indian pharmaceutical firms as a response to the strengthening of patent law. The strong patent law represented a major institutional change for Indian firms which had grown in a weak patent era. The analysis shows that the development of new capabilities involved the removal of rigidities and the acquisition of new knowledge, and reveals that Indian firms are adopting strategies such as hiring of Indian scientists educated or working overseas in pharmaceutical R&D and collaborative R&D to acquire innovative R&D capabilities. It further points out the inter–intra firm heterogeneity in learning processes and suggests that the move from basic to advance level capabilities is neither linear nor automatic. It requires a deliberate effort and investment by firms in different mechanisms of learning. The Indian pharmaceutical firms' responses provide important insights for firms from other developing countries.  相似文献   

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