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This article uses ageing Taiwanese returnees to illustrate how older migrants draw on their accumulated knowledge, experiences, and networks in their host society to contribute to their home society. Drawing on data collected from life history interviews with ageing return migrants, I argue that changing notions of social membership across life stages, coupled with the working experiences that professional middle-class migrants accumulate in the destination society, motivate ageing expatriates to return and devote their later lives to their home society. Specifically, I highlight how ageing migrants seek to bridge the gap between their ancestral and destination societies, further prompting social and cultural changes transnationally. Nevertheless, the extent to which ageing returnees can change their home society is conditioned by structural constraints already in place. Many ageing returnees cannot make as many changes as they would like, since they, as individuals, have trouble bringing about structural changes that require collective efforts. It is against this backdrop that many older returnees develop narratives of Americanisation (and insufficient Americanisation) to explain the difficulties that they encountered when trying to contribute to Taiwan. These narratives point to a hierarchy that ageing returnees believe exists between American and Taiwanese society.  相似文献   

伊斯兰原教旨主义对民族主义的思想挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,当前学术界有人将伊斯兰原教旨主义笼统地归入民族主义存在着不妥之处.事实上,伊斯兰原教旨主义不仅声称反对民族主义,而且与民族主义存在着尖锐的思想对立.本文通过对"乌玛"认同挑战民族认同、真主主权挑战国家主权、伊斯兰化挑战世俗化等几个方面的具体分析,揭示伊斯兰原教旨主义思想与世俗民族主义思想对立的一面,揭示伊斯兰原教旨主义产生的意识形态根源之一就在于回应世俗民族主义的挑战,并试图以此澄清当前学术界在伊斯兰原教旨主义与民族主义关系问题上存在的认识偏差.  相似文献   

Although significant scholarly attention has been devoted to the study of mosque conflicts in Europe, up until now most of it has focussed on Western European countries. This has left a significant gap to be filled in the study of mosque tensions in Central and Eastern Europe, where scholarship is scant yet where tensions over constructions of mosques are not less intensive than in the West. Drawing on two recent case studies of mosque constructions in Poland, we argue that a significant shift has taken place in the ways that mosques are perceived, unveiling unprecedented opposition towards their construction. From being largely unproblematic before the Second World War and during the Communist era, mosques have become subjects of fierce public debate. We draw parallels to how anti-mosque arguments raised in Poland fit into a larger European meta-narrative on mosques and Muslims, yet our aim is to situate the paper historically to argue that Polish mosque conflicts must be contextualised within Poland’s unique historical encounter with Islam in order to more accurately make sense of its creeping Islamophobia.  相似文献   

仪式研究在人类学内部有着漫长的历史.仪式作为一种能够最直接观察到的人类行动体系,在涂尔干试图借助社会事实建立社会学的努力中就已经凸显.在以"宗教"为武器试图为社会学抢占一席之地的涂尔干眼里,宗教需要通过符号来展现自身赋予实在的意义,这些符号可以是"最野蛮和最古怪的仪式,以及最奇异的神话".  相似文献   


The aim of this Special Issue is to commemorate the genocide victims in Bosnia on the occasion of 20th anniversary of the capture of UN safe area of Srebrenica in July 1995. Recognized as the worst atrocity in Europe since 1945, the horrors of Srebrenica reverberate far beyond Bosnia with commemorations held across the globe from Canada to Australia. While there has been a growing literature on this subject over the last two decades, this Special Issue seeks to make a scholarly contribution to the study of genocide by bringing together works on understudied aspects of this period in Bosnian and European history.  相似文献   

This article analyses the relationship between pre-migration fostering practices and the transnational strategies of a group of Senegalese mothers living in Spain. In Senegal, large households, residential separation of couples, and collective fostering are the norm; it is not unusual for children to be under the care of women other than their mother, even for long periods of time. Drawing from data collected during 2 years of transnational multi-sited fieldwork that followed Senegalese mothers between their households of origin and destination, we argue that these women sought to reproduce the Senegalese mainstream mothering ideology in Spain. They did this by adopting two main strategies: long-distance mothering and circular mothering. These strategies were used depending on the age of the child, the constraints imposed on mother and children by migration legislation, and the social capital available to the migrant. This article seeks to integrate a wider range of experiences and the influence of pre-migratory mothering ideologies, kinship systems, and household structures on transnational mothering practices into the existing literature on transnational mothering.  相似文献   

李良品 《民族学刊》2018,9(2):19-24, 101-102
运用多学科视野研究土司问题,不仅是一种新方法,更是一种新路径。在土司研究中,既要与历史学、哲学、文学、教育学、艺术学等人文科学交融,又要与经济学、政治学、法学、民族学、军事学等社会学科结合,还要运用理学、工学、农学、医学等学科的理论与方法。土司研究只有以人文社会科学研究的“空间转向”为契机,加强基础性研究成果的整理、挖掘与可视化表达,促进土司研究的多学科视野,才能形成新方向、新课题,推动土司研究走向纵深。  相似文献   

反生态民俗是尚未被大家重视的造成生态问题的一个重要因素。本文对反生态民俗的概念进行了初步的界定,并对反生态民俗的具体形式及其影响因素进行了初步的解析,认为对反生态民俗的治理势在必行,而普及生态知识、加强生态立法与执法力度、改善民众经济状况、警惕反生态行为的民俗化等,则是治理反生态民俗过程中应予以特别注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

历史人类学:从历史文本到意义主体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是作者“人类学的人本研究”系列论文之一。考察了历史民族志的社会文化本体研究和后殖民人类学历史文本的多声道反思;论述了历史人类学的主观建构和批判的属性;认为主体的意义的历史是历史人类学的本质,意义的主体及其能动应是历史人类学研究的本体。  相似文献   

民族分离主义是发生在以民族国家为基本政治单位的现代世界体系中的一种政治诉求,是要求民族边界与国家边界完全一致的民族主义理念的特殊表现。在多民族国家成为现代世界普遍现象的历史局势下,强调族性与国家绝对一致,并因此要求与现有国家分离的民族分离主义,对既有的国家格局和国际秩序构成了严峻的挑战,并且对地区安全和社会稳定构成了严重的威胁。本文借鉴和吸收了晚近国外学术界对族性起因、功能以及与民族分离主义关系研究上的一些新成果,在此基础上分析了民族分离主义与族性的关系,民族分离主义与现代世界体系的关系,民族分离主义诉求的真正旨意,以及民族分离主义的理论困境和现实阻力,肯定了从政治、经济、文化等方面入手,加强族际关系上的民主建构,增强多民族国家制度包容力,化解矛盾,治理民族分离主义的思路。  相似文献   

本文作者作为中国恢复高考制度后的第一届大学生,以亲身经历讲述了其学术成长之路。其学术研究从五个方面概括:一是都市人类学,包括乡村都市化、城市少数民族以及传统乡村研究主题在城市的延续;二是农民工研究,从发起农民工研究,到散工研究,从"二元社区"研究到"打工经济"研究等;三是乡村研究,以凤凰村为起点,研究了岭南、中部以及西部的乡村社会;四是族群研究,以澳门族群研究为起点,对中国族群认同与关系作研究;五是应用研究。  相似文献   

Since the seminal research of O'Reilly, Karen [2000. The British on the Costa del Sol. London: Routledge] and King, Russell, Anthony Warnes, Allan Williams [2000. Sunset Lives: British Retirement Migration to the Mediterranean. New York: Berg Publishers] about British citizens on the Costa del Sol there has been a surge in the publication of lifestyle migration papers, books and research. Nonetheless, there is a part of the lifestyle migration process that has been rarely explored: a return move to the country of origin following retirement migration. Research has indicated a broad increase in the number of older British returnees, yet there has been no substantive research on the topic. This paper therefore attempts to fill this gap by using Spanish registry data to examine the number of British retirees since 2009 who have returned to the UK. In addition, the results of an electronic survey to older British people in Spain are presented which suggest that considerable numbers of British citizens aged over 55 living in the Northern Costa Blanca are likely to return in the next few years. These data therefore indicate the relevance of return migration from Spain to the UK as a significant issue to the academic community as well as to British and Spanish policy-makers.  相似文献   

话语分析和叙事学是人文社会科学中普遍采用的研究范式。虽然在学科渊源和研究角度存在不同,但从哲学基础、语言和事件的关系、发展历程以及跨学科性方面看,话语分析和叙事学在本质上具有同一性。二者都关注事件的语言表述和语言表述的事件。基于这些认识,认为话语分析和叙事学是源自于不同传统的同一个研究范式。  相似文献   

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