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《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):289-308

Despite their well-known etymological disparity the aesthetic remains synonymous with the beautiful. The basis of this relationship is the notion that the sensory, represented by the aesthetic, needs to be seen in terms of beauty before it can be elevated to the plane of ideas and social ethics. In truth the association undermines the potential for aesthetics to demonstrate the sensory nature of consciousness and justice. Outlining an earlier conception of aesthetics as sensual consciousness and contrasting this with the impoverishment of the beautiful as either a sensory or ethico-political concept, this article argues the case for aesthetics to be given both a distinct and superior status to the beautiful.  相似文献   

美学相对主义是有问题的,美不仅是存在的,而且能客观表达与度量。任何事物都同时处于两种区间之中:第一种区间以纯粹的同一性和纯粹的多样性为两端;第二种区间以最肤浅的美学表象与最深刻的美学本质为两端。而美就是这两种区间的某一个中间值。  相似文献   

美女经济热潮背后的冷思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辛湲 《学术交流》2005,(3):145-147
改革开放以来,美女经济逐渐升温。它在促进经济发展的同时,也引发了一些社会弊端。主要为:误导了美的内涵,以女性的生命风险牟取利润;造成女性的“阶级分化”,强化了因容貌而产生的人格歧视;对推进男女平等的社会进程构成极大障碍;有悖于科学发展观,为社会的协调发展埋下隐患。鉴于此,全社会应树立正确的审美观,划清美女经济和美丽经济的界限;政府应加大宏观调控力度,引导并规范美丽产业;妇联组织应致力于维护女性的发展权利,消除性别歧视;女性自身必须增强主体意识,维护人格尊严,做自己命运的主人。  相似文献   

在2013锦州世界园林博览会上,辽宁省的14个市纷纷闪亮登场.人们在这里可以同时感受这些城市的美丽与和谐、城市的特点及历史文化与展园景观的巧妙融合,集中展示出与锦州世园会"城市与海、和谐未来"的主题相融合,让人们在美的享受中畅游.  相似文献   

Wide interest margins as witnessed in Kenya are a sign of a repressed and inefficient financial sector. This paper carries out a cross-country analysis of the determinants of financial market efficiency using panel cointegration with a view to recommending policy options for improving the efficiency of the financial sector intermediation process in Kenya. The study finds that the major contributors to the differences in financial sector inefficiency in Kenya compared to the other countries in the study are high bank operating costs, default risk and financial market structure. The study recommends, among other measures, that the government through the Central Bank need to collaborate with the commercial banks and establish a working credit reference bureau to enable easy identification of credit worthy customers in order to reduce default risk; there is also need by the central bank to license more new banks to increase competition and reduce bank concentration. The study also recommends increased use of technology including phone-banking and e-banking to reduce operation costs of the banks. The paper concludes that contrary to the findings from other cross-country analysis, the factors that lead to financial market in/efficiency varies from one country to the other.  相似文献   

, 《今日辽宁》2012,(6):6-7,2
桓仁真美!这是到过桓仁的人异口同声的赞誉。当然,这种赞誉绝不为过。中国之美,美在锦绣山河,更美在璀璨的文化。这是审美的标准,也是一种其识。游人对于桓仁的赞誉正是源于这种共识。大自然在赋予桓仁秀美河山的同时,也演绎了燕东胜境的浪漫与神奇。桓仁是多彩的,这里山不谓高,却兼具雄、险、奇、峻、幽之特点,每  相似文献   

An art critic's evaluation of the modern painting and sculpture included in the recent French Exhibition in Moscow. Sovetskaya Kultura, September 5, 1961.  相似文献   

王琪玖 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):94-97
刘半农是最早向民族歌谣学习的白话诗人,他对于民歌体新诗歌内容与形式的理论探索及其创造性的实践,对五四以来的白话自由新诗的创作有着开拓性的贡献,对30年代的苏区文艺及40年代延安文艺运动中的新民歌体诗歌的形成,产生过积极的影响。重读刘半农先生的新民歌体诗集《扬鞭集》,解析蕴涵其中的思想艺术特质,对于把握中国白话自由新诗艺术形式的形成脉理,体认刘半农先生的诗学地位,有着极其重要的认知价值。  相似文献   

今年以来,选美赛事接二连三掀起波澜,先是国际小姐重庆赛区的前三强被炮轰,而后环球比基尼小姐山东赛区三甲同遭狂批。没想到,7月17日晚环球小姐海南赛区结果出炉,更引来选美进入‘审丑’时代的质疑。腾讯评论称,选美曾经靠政治、经济符号吸引过众多美女。上世纪80、90年代,首届北京小姐竞选1300多人;  相似文献   

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