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Volunteerism makes critical contributions to individual lives and society as a whole. However, to date, few studies have investigated volunteerism within Latino communities, a large and growing US population. The aim of this study was to understand how non-metropolitan US Latinos perceive volunteerism, as well as to determine what motivates and what deters their participation in volunteer programs. Our research team conducted six focus groups with 36 Latina women living in the State of Illinois. The focus groups covered topics such as the definition of volunteerism, participation motives and barriers, personal volunteer experience, and Latino culture, community, and organizations. We also assessed demographic information. Results from this study indicate that Latinas have a unique understanding of the concept of volunteerism. Participants associated everyday “helping” with volunteerism, establishing commonplace forms of aid as perhaps a “Latino way of volunteering.” We found time-consuming activities such as family responsibilities and work to be deterrents to Latinas participating in more formal volunteer activities.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper examines Japanese voluntarism from a historical perspective, through which it can be seen that it is not volunteerism and volunteer activity per se which is emerging in contemporary Japanese society, but instead an emerging consciousness of volunteerism and an associated emerging terminology of volunteerism. This emerging consciousness is in part a function of social evolution, and in part due to an administrative generated movement to generate a volunteer spirit in Japan, the borantiu-katsudo movement. This emerging consciousness has on the one hand benefitted existing categories of volunteerism by increasing their visibility and expanding their dimensional character and relevance. On the other hand, this emerging consciousness has also generated some unforeseen forms of contemporary volunteerism.  相似文献   

Individual motivation is the core of the actualization and continuity in voluntary work from both the standpoint of theoretical research and practical volunteerism. Volunteer motivation also provides an excellent research area for investigating the wider sociological theme of late-modern participation. This study, based on the data from 18 interviews, explores volunteer motivation utilizing a phenomenological approach to individual experience and the meaning of volunteerism. Using a phenomenological approach illuminates the nature of volunteer motivation more holistically. The research includes 767 motivational elements in 47 themes and develops an innovative four-dimensional octagon model of volunteer motivation—the theoretical and practical applications of which are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper examines three aspects of sustained social welfare volunteer activity in a rural setting: relevance, definition and reality. Volunteer activity is relevant to social welfare needs resolution in contemporary Japan. Survey results indicate that Hirosaki city residents ascribe secondary, or supplementary welfare resolution expectation to regional society. Given the factors of urbanization, increased mobility, weakening of the traditional family, and instability in the post-bubble economy, the volunteer organization becomes one representative form of this regional society. Hirosaki residents appear to have a fairly clear definition of what constitutes volunteer activity. This definition reflects volunteer activity motivation, characteristics of the volunteer activity itself, and aspects pertaining to volunteer activity's social role. Finally, the reality of volunteer activity as found in the Hirosaki city survey data is that it is highly dependent on maintenance of human relations, possibly at the expense of direct social welfare directed activity. Furthermore, the present reality of Japanese volunteerism is that its success ultimately depends on administrative support, support which is lacking in the Hirosaki case.
These results are based on a survey investigation comprised of a citizen survey, an active welfare volunteer survey, and a social welfare related volunteer organization survey conducted in Hirosaki city. Aomori prefecture in 1994.  相似文献   

Study abroad is cited commonly as a critical element of education for global civic engagement, but the significance of various programmatic features has not been well established. This study examines the relationships among three facets of study abroad programs—destination, type, and duration—and subsequent volunteerism through international development organizations. Survey responses were analyzed from 2,250 college alumni (71 % female, 14 % ethnic minority, M age = 27) who studied abroad between 1995 and 2005. The results of logistic regression indicated that studying abroad in a developing country and engaging in international service-learning were positively associated with the odds of development volunteerism. The number of months spent abroad also predicted development volunteerism, though duration did not moderate the effects of program destination and type. An interaction test demonstrated that program effects were not dependent on gender. The findings suggest that differences in the nature of study abroad programs influence the extent to which participants become actively engaged in global civil society.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 and the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002, I analyze the association that students' extracurricular activities have with two academic outcomes: mathematics achievement test scores and college expectations. I consider changes between cohorts and gender differences within each cohort. While prior achievement and expectations have the strongest associations with the dependent variables, relationships do appear between extracurricular participation and the dependent variables. There is only one cohort difference in the association between activities and math achievement test scores; computer use was positively associated with students' scores in the 1990s, but had no association with students' scores in the 2000s. School-sponsored activities were associated with higher scores for all students, while television-watching and hanging out with friends were negatively associated with them. School activities were positively associated with the college expectations of students in both cohorts, while spending time hanging out with friends was negatively associated with expectations, especially for students in the later cohort. There were a few gender differences in the association between activities and math scores, but no gender differences in the association between activities and college expectations. The findings indicate that many of the same activities are relevant for math achievement and college expectations in the two time periods.  相似文献   


Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess participation rates in civic volunteering among service member and veteran students. Participants: Data for the present cross-sectional study were obtained from the American College Health Association’s (ACHA) 2011–2014 National College Health Assessment II (NCHA). Methods: Demographic characteristics of the study sample were explored by calculating frequencies and percentages by military service status. Research questions were explored with either Fisher’s exact test or maximum likelihood multiple logistic regression. Results: Service member and veteran students were more likely to engage in volunteerism than their non-veteran counterparts. Additionally, student veterans and non-veteran students reported that engagement in volunteer efforts both reduces their feelings of depression and increases their use of mental health services. Conclusion: The findings of this research suggest that the promotion of civic engagement and participation in volunteerism for service member and veteran students on college campuses might contribute to successful reintegration outcomes.  相似文献   


We conducted focus group interviews with students who were current peer health educators at a mid-sized university to determine what factors motivate individuals to volunteer for a peer health education program. Specifically, we asked the participants questions designed to explore their life experiences, their expectations of the peer education program, and their motivations. Constructs from social learning theory were used to categorize and contribute to our understanding of the responses. Many participants specified experiences with family members or friends, such as alcoholism or other illnesses, that had influenced their decisions. Participants' expectation of the program varied greatly and did not indicate a strong link to the decision to volunteer. The peer health educators' motivations for volunteering were altruistic, such as wanting to help others; egoistic, such as wanting job training; or related to self-efficacy beliefs, such as satisfying a personal need for health education. This study indicated that life experiences, a belief in the effectiveness of peer health education programs, and positive reinforcement to join influence the decision to volunteer. Implications for coordinating peer education programs are discussed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this exploratory study was to analyze Russian perceptions of elder abuse as reflected in their examples of abusive behavior from an adult child to an aging parent. Also of interest was the possibility of gender differences in the Russian perspectives on elder abuse. The convenience sample consisted of 21 Russian participants (10 males, 10 females, and one without gender identified), who provided examples of extreme, moderate, and mild abuse from an adult child towards an aging parent. Most examples of extreme abuse were forms of physical violence. Typical examples of moderate abuse were instances of psychological aggression–particularly verbal aggression–and neglect. The most common examples of mild abuse were verbal aggression and neglect. One-way analyses of variance revealed statistically significant gender differences in the number of references to psychological aggression in general and to verbal aggression in particular in the examples of moderate abuse, with females giving more examples than males.  相似文献   


A study was conducted to explore the perceptions that individuals have about the sexual component of their self-concept while paying particular attention to gender differences. A list of sexual traits was created that described various components of an individual's sexuality. As predicted, we found that males rate themselves higher on explicitly sexual dimensions (e.g., sexually responsive, experienced) and females perceive themselves to be more romantic and sexually attractive. We also examined how some individual difference variables (masculinity-femininity, erotopho-bia-erotophilia, and sexual experience) may be associated with people's perceptions of their sexuality. For males, masculinity was associated with higher self-ratings on sexual traits related to sexual experience and responsiveness, whereas for females, femininity was associated with higher self-ratings of romanticism and attractiveness. Also, we found that erotophiles and sexually experienced individuals perceive themselves as more sexual than erotophobes and less experienced individuals. The results were discussed in terms of traditional theories about the self-concept and suggestions for further investigations of these issues were noted.  相似文献   

志愿精神和公共精神是精神的重要形式和伦理体现,两者在内容上解析了不同实践领域的各自内涵,在形式上都具有精神的总体性样态,公共精神是志愿精神培育的内核:志愿精神和“公共精神”的价值内涵和实践指向具有一致性.公共精神对于解决当前我国志愿精神生成过程中的现实问题起着重要作用。因此,解析志愿精神与公共精神的关系,可以明晰志愿精神培育的实践指向。破除志愿精神培育的现实问题。  相似文献   

Governments are increasingly eager to involve citizens in co-production of services. They are seen as a substitution or a supplementary resource in service delivery. Citizens’ involvement relies heavily on their motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic drivers) to partake in co-production. Taking note from prior debate in the volunteerism literature, the article ties volunteer motivation to the process of co-production and citizen–state interaction. Here the state has contrastive options to motivate citizens’ behavior varying between compulsion and coercion. The question is how states’ increased engagement and interaction with volunteers affects volunteer motivation and free choice, the main characteristic of volunteerism. To exemplify this, we analyze the motivation behind state engagement in different forms of co-production: volunteering in rescue and police services and in a volunteer program for the unemployed in Estonia. We conclude that using citizens in co-production is rife with controversies that influence the very nature of volunteerism.  相似文献   

A substantial percentage of volunteer needs are met by a relatively small percentage of individuals. Community volunteer organizations may address these shortages by recruiting volunteers using media campaigns. However, problems occur when perceptions of volunteering differ between volunteers and the organization, with race emerging as a key factor in shaping these perceptions. This article addresses such a gap in perceptions by using focus group data to consider the extent to which African American male volunteers' perceptions and actions align with those of a major US volunteer organization. Our results provide insights on how groups can more successfully reach out to potential volunteers by recognizing and overcoming perceptual and actual differences regarding volunteerism.  相似文献   

志愿者行为动机是洞悉志愿行为的重要因素,从志愿者行为动机功能理论的角度对大学生的志愿行为动机的调查发现:大学生志愿者活动的任务特征确实可由大学生某些被满足的志愿行为动机来体现;大学生志愿者会偏向性选择与其志愿动机相匹配的志愿活动任务类型。为了更好地组织和管理大学生志愿者,高校志愿者机构可尝试实行"预调研制"及"菜单式,,的志愿活动任务展示方式。  相似文献   

A psychological strategy for understanding the motivational underpinnings of volunteerism is described. In a presentation that merges the theoretical interests of researchers with the practical interests of volunteer administrators, six different motivational functions served by volunteerism are identified, and an inventory designed to measure these motivations is presented. The implications of this functional approach for the recruitment, placement, and retention of volunteers are then elaborated. Finally, recommendations are provided for volunteer administrators who seek to increase the number of people who volunteer and to improve their human resource management.  相似文献   

Increasingly studies on volunteer motivation are exploring the process stages of volunteerism with particular attention to recruitment and retention. Volunteer experience and its dynamic association to satisfaction, however, remain underexamined, particularly in faith-based contexts. This study uses a functional approach to explore the applicability of the Volunteer Functions Inventory (Clary et al. in J Personal Soc Psychol, 74(6):1516–1530, 1998) to a sample of volunteers in an Australian faith-based organization. Factor analysis was supportive of a four-factor solution with the elimination of the Protective function and the emergence of a new function, Enrichment. The validity of a new structure, the Faith-Based Volunteer Motivation Scale, is tested against levels of volunteer satisfaction for this sample. Results concur with Clary et al.’s correlation between high-level motive fulfilment and degrees of satisfaction.  相似文献   

In these times of dwindling resources for human services, the elderly are considered by many policy analysts and researchers to be the largest untapped source for volunteer recruitment. In this article we identify the origins of this societal expectation, its current actualization, and then analyze factors contributing to and deterring actual deployment of large numbers of elderly as volunteers. To assist in this analysis we have employed the conceptual framework that examines expected age, period, and cohort effects among the elderly on volunteerism in order to provide a basis for more realistic projections. Our findings indicate that elderly volunteers cannot be viewed as the cure-all to a squeeze on economic resources. In light of expected changes in future cohorts, elderly volunteers can be expected to increase their contribution only if creative recruitment and training methods will be used by volunteer administrators.  相似文献   

In these times of dwindling resources for human services, the elderly are considered by many policy analysts and researchers to be the largest untapped source for volunteer recruitment In this article we identify the origins of this societal expectation, its current actualization, and then analyze factors contributing to and deterring actual deployment of large numbers of elderly as volunteers. To assist in this analysis we have employed the conceptual framework that examines expected age, period, and cohort effects among the elderly on volunteerism in order to provide a basis for more realistic projections. Our findings indicate that elderly volunteers cannot be viewed as the cure-all to a squeeze on economic resources. In light of expected changes in future cohorts, elderly volunteers can be expected to increase their contribution only if creative recruitment and bahhg methods will be used by volunteer administrators.  相似文献   


Family practices related to hygiene, affection behavior, and privacy were studied using a sample of mental health and child welfare professionals. The professionals were asked to use their own experience to state up to what age it was acceptable for parents and children of the same gender and mixed gender to engage in certain family practices. For virtually all family practices, respondents reported lower appropriate ages for mixed gender pairs. Family practices were acceptable for mothers with their daughters up to older ages than fathers with their sons. Results indicate high variability in the responses regarding appropriate ages, as well as whether the behavior was ever acceptable. The implications of these substantial differences among professionals who often assess these practices as “soft signs” related to abuse are discussed.  相似文献   


Objective: To explore gender differences regarding weight management behaviors of college drinkers. Participants: Nationally representative sample of college students from the fall 2008 American College Health Association's National College Health Assessment II (N = 26,062 students). Methods: Structural equation modeling was used to examine potential gender differences in associations among exercise, weight loss behaviors, and alcohol use. Results: Critical ratio tests revealed that associations between exercise and weight loss behaviors were more strongly correlated among females as compared with males. For females, there was a small negative association between exercise and drinking behaviors; in contrast, for males, there was a positive relationship between exercise and alcohol use. Weight loss behaviors were positively associated with drinking for both female and male students; however, the association was significantly stronger for females. Conclusions: This investigation furthers previous research on drunkorexia and also sheds additional light on the gender-based differences in weight management behaviors of drinkers.  相似文献   

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