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More and more GLBT people are choosing parenthood, many of them finding connection through organizations like the Family Pride Coalition and other local parenting groups. While some live in communities where resources are more plentiful, others still struggle to find other families like theirs. Groups like Family Pride have largely grown out of the desire of GLBT parents to find others like themselves and to provide a place for their children to experience families similar to their own. This article reviews the history of the Family Pride Coalition and shares the personal memories and motivations of pioneering GLBT parents/activists who have made a difference.  相似文献   


COLAGE (Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere) is a national, non-profit organization run by and for children who have one or more gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender (GLBT) parents. Our mission is to engage, connect, and empower people to make the world a better place for children of GLBT parents and families. This article chronicles COLAGE's work within the context of the larger GLBT-family movement. A review is made of the emotional and socio-political challenges that children of GLBT parents face, as well as the benefits and unique perspectives gained from growing up in a family outside of the social norm. Finally, COLAGE is conceptualized in terms of its prominence as a community based intervention for building networks, empowering youth, and ensuring society recognizes, validates, and celebrates all families.  相似文献   


The GLBT individual experiences familial and societal constraints that can impede and disrupt personal and relational health. This article explores those constraints and the impact within the family of origin. It also addresses issues surrounding the GLBT individual's awareness and discovery of sexual orientation and gender identity and the decision-making process surrounding disclosure. The family process of change, through adaptation, transition, and sometimes transformation, also is outlined. Clinical implications and future trends in research are included.  相似文献   


This study is the first to examine confiding about problems in marital and long-term committed relationships among gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) individuals. Areas explored include the prevalence of confiding relationships, the kinds of problems brought to confidant, and types of stress confidants experience in this role. Prevalence data were presented both for a national sample of 301 GLBT individuals and compared with a nationally representative sample of 1,000 American adults. Findings showed a high prevalence of being a confidant among GLBT respondents, greater than in the general population, and a lower prevalence of confiding in others about problems in their relationships. Of particular interest was the finding of a high degree of support that GLBT individuals provide to heterosexual relationships through the role of confidant. Relationship problems discussed with GLBT confidants were similar to confidants in the general population, as was the level of stress reported by confidants.  相似文献   


Current gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) individuals age 65 years and older grew up before the Gay Rights movement. They have learned over many years to hide their identities in order to avoid discrimination and ridicule. Unfortunately, this secrecy has led to the near invisibility of the elder GLBT population and to poor health and service access. This paper reviews what we know about GLBT elders, describes some of the unique strengths they bring to the aging process, and outlines some of the challenges they face. Micro, mezzo, and macro practice implications are suggested.  相似文献   

Rural poverty     

This paper examines rural poverty indicators arguing that governments have failed to provide the equitable access to resources needed to empower rural people to address their poverty. The paper illustrates how the decline in the fortunes of agriculture has led to a rapid disintegration of rural communities and to human rights concerns in relation to rural people. On quality of life indicators such as health and education, rural people are seriously disad-vantaged by comparison with urban Australians. Yet, the failure of governments to develop integrated rural policy frameworks that deliver equitable resources and their reliance on market forces is leading to the destruction of rural communities. For social workers, the challenge is to provide advocacy and policy leadership.  相似文献   


This paper suggests the appropriateness of adopting an ally identity for therapists who work with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) stepfamilies. Using results from in-depth interviews, we demonstrate how research can assist those who wish to acquire knowledge regarding this marginalized group. Such scholarship can be helpful when therapists are acting as allies within therapeutic encounters, in interactions with colleagues, and in public discourse.  相似文献   


This article synthesizes what has been learned from the entire polyvictimization in later-life project and offers five categories of recommendations for addressing polyvictimization and its elderly victims through practice, policy, and research. These five recommendations relate to definitions and frameworks, practice, training and education, research and evidence-based interventions, and prevention. Specifically, this article focuses on changes to improve identification, development of policies and practices, and research priorities.  相似文献   


HIV infection attributable to injection is growing, as is the incidence among heterosexual persons. Some of the people affected are over 50, and we can anticipate a growing number of older people with substance use and HIV as primary concerns. Therefore, we need to know more about the intersections of age, addictions, and HIV. This article uses narrative analysis to examine a research interview with an African-American woman and her African-American HIV-infected male partner in order to gain insight about how a middle-aged serodiscordant drug-affected couple might struggle and succeed in the face of HIV. Implications for social work, policy and research are provided.  相似文献   


The life course perspective in the social sciences focuses on the place of generation-cohorts in understanding social life. Emphasizing shared understanding of self and society among a group of persons born in some adjacent birth years (often a decade) and the impact of the experience of certain events (a reminiscence bump) taking place across the early adult years, this approach to the study of social life and social change emphasizes social timing and role changes in understanding the course of life. The life course perspective is used in this discussion in understanding sexual minority families including both families in which an offspring self-defines as GLBT across the years of young adulthood, and families in which a parent self-identifies as GLBT, and which includes offspring of one or both partners. Issues in family formation and morale of family members are explored from this life course perspective emphasizing time, social change and the role of the state as factors influencing sexual minority families.  相似文献   


Intergenerational programs are beginning to burgeon in England. They are relatively recent in their development. The systemic absence of connectiveness between policy developments and services relating to older people and those relating to children and young people is identified. The key strategic players are described. Questions about future developments and research are discussed.  相似文献   


This research found a high incidence of family violence among homeless people. The most common form of violence was physical; the least common was sexual abuse. The data also reported a high percentage of violence among homeless people confronted with mental illness. The policy and practice implications for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   


This article provides a context and overview for what is known about polyvictimization in later life. Drawing from previous literature, the article includes a definition of the phenomenon, as well as theoretical constructs by which it may be understood. We place other forms of polyvictimization within the context of elder abuse, recognize frameworks for conceptualizing polyvictimization in later life, and distinguish between polyvictimization at younger ages and polyvictimization in later life. The paper concludes with implications of the framework for research, practice, and policy.  相似文献   


The abuse of students by PreK-12 school personnel continues to be a multifaceted issue that affects students, staff, parents, and communities at an alarming rate. This two-part special issue builds on the dated and limited literature in this topic area and includes qualitative and quantitative research on prevalence, victim and offender characteristics, barriers to prevention, and frameworks and standards for prevention. Together these articles highlight the need for systematic data collection, policy implementation, accountability, and training and awareness. The findings from these articles provide specific practices that schools can adopt and follow to prevent school employee sexual misconduct.  相似文献   


Up to two million gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons have been in a mixed-orientation marriage as have an unknown number of transgender people. Not all partners come out while married. When they do, their heterosexual spouses and children are affected. Straight spouses face complex issues related to sexuality, marriage, parenting, identity, integrity, and belief systems. Children cope according to their age and developmental stage. Since most of the attention is focused on the GLBT persons, their partners are generally overlooked. The Straight Spouse Network (SSN) provides peer support and research-based information to help them cope, heal, and grow in strength, integrity, and understanding, thereby becoming models for their children. Many become advocates for social justice. Counseling by trained therapists knowledgeable about mixed-orientation marriages can assist them and their families to resolve their issues more effectively.  相似文献   

As the movie capital of the world for many decades, Hollywood has achieved an almost legendary status the world over. As a geographical location within southern California, however, it is also home to the many people who work within its film industry. The following interview with David Hanna (1917-1993) explores just what day-to-day life was like for the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender (GLBT) population who called Hollywood home during the Golden Age of the movie studio system: 1935 to the early 1950s. As a reporter on several Hollywood papers and a movie publicist, Hanna had a journalist's eye view of the legal and social problems confronting a group of people whose sexual orientation relegated them to a largely pariah status. As a gay man, he had a first-hand knowledge of the strategies of survival developed by Hollywood's GLBT population during those years. The article lays the groundwork for a more systematic study of GLBT Hollywood. In that regard, its introduction contains a short discussion of the methodological problems confronting researchers into that history.  相似文献   


Housing policies in Spain and die United States have important similarities and dissimilarities mat affect housing for the elderly. Spain, even more so than me United States, promotes homeownership. Bom countries face significant challenges in addressing the housing needs of the elderly, particularly those challenges associated wim aging in place. The paper reviews me broader housing policy frameworks in bom countries in order to understand me context for elderly housing policy. The paper identifies lessons from the American experience mat can expand housing policies in Spain.  相似文献   

Teaching policy analysis is compared to teaching research skills. Both involve the selection of an appropriate analytical tool to be used with multiple units of analysis; and in both, the selected instrument must fit the purpose of the analysis or the product is not useful. Policy analysis frameworks characteristically address policy process, content, and performance. However, these frameworks are based on different worldviews, with embedded assumptions and with deep philosophical roots that may be rational (classical), interpretive, or progressive (radical). These different assumptions can lead to very different analytical expectations and results. Here, we justify teaching policy analysis as research, categorize a number of frameworks, and provide recommendations for equipping students to critically assess issues that arise in the development and use of policy analysis frameworks.  相似文献   


The abuse of preK-12 students by school personnel is a pervasive, understudied topic that has behavioral, psychological and monetary consequences for victims, their families, and their communities. This special issue is the second of a two-part series and focuses on studies of school employee sexual misconduct prevention training programs and prevention issues and frameworks. This compilation of articles presents evidence that effective training can lead to improved awareness and behavior changes, concerns about policy implementation that may contribute to continued prevalence, and presents strategies and guidelines for prevention. These articles provide considerations for prevention including training, loopholes, and frameworks.  相似文献   

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