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The author discusses the situation of closeted professionals whose “private” lives inadvertently cross paths with homosexual students or clients. Personal vignettes highlight the dangers of encounters with “closeted” professionals for homosexual clients and students. Particular attention is given to the long-term impact upon clients and students, who are viewed as more vulnerable than professionals. Reflections upon sociopolitical implications of the “closet” are noted, especially recent retrenchment of media concern for homosexual issues as professionals have retreated to the “closet.”  相似文献   

Much of the research on professional and managerial women actually describes the experiences of White women, excluding those of other racial and ethnic backgrounds. This exploratory qualitative study focuses on the life and work experiences of Hispanic women in managerial and professional positions and how those experiences influence their career possibilities. Data from individual interviews of first‐, second‐ and third‐generation Hispanic women in the USA are used to illustrate a framework of career possibilities that reflects both cultural and personal perspectives. Implications for further study are addressed.  相似文献   


In recent decades, there has been an increase in scholarly attention devoted to the study of intimate partner violence (IPV) within rainbow communities. While a growing body of scholarship now informs our understanding of the experiences of gay, lesbian, and bisexual men and women with IPV, comparatively less is known about IPV within transgender communities. Drawing on the published literature on transgender intimate relationships, this article seeks to provide practitioners with a foundational understanding of IPV in the lives of transgender people. Specifically, we will examine (a) methodological, political, and social barriers to the creation of knowledge about transgender IPV; (b) the familial and relationship contexts of IPV within transgender communities; (c) the prevalence of IPV experienced by transgender survivors; (d) the dynamics of IPV perpetrated against and/or by transgender persons; (e) the problematic use of the “trans panic” defense by perpetrators of IPV in legal contexts; and (f) recommendations for supporting transgender survivors of IPV in ways that are trans-inclusive and trans-positive.  相似文献   

This paper tells the story of how I came to understanding my practice and my research by means of a metaphor, that of the waterhole. I demonstrate how the ideas contained below have great resonances with the concept of practice nearness. In the process I recount the story of my reflective practices and my research with other black professionals to inquire into our experiences in white organisations and to give voice to our lived experiences.  相似文献   

Many professionals working in the wake of communal disasters are doubly exposed to the disaster, both as professionals and as members of the stricken community. Yet most studies of widely reported distress of these professionals examine manifestations like compassion fatigue, secondary traumatization, and vicarious traumatization, which do not take this double exposure into account. Moreover, these measures reflect the assumption that their distress is rooted in empathy with their clients or helpees. This paper argues that at least some of their distress derives from a self-perceived lapse of empathy. It contends that professionals living and working in a disaster stricken community are caught in a trap of conflicting inner needs stemming from the defenses they mobilize to cope with the heightened mortality salience aroused by communal disasters. Furthermore, it proposes an etiology of their distress.  相似文献   

Abstract In this article I present observations of gay life conducted in Tel Aviv in 1993 and 1998. Despite the invisibility of gay venues and the absence of gay political action, the men studied in 1993 (mostly professionals and artists) nevertheless did not express resentment or a wish to move to the Western havens of gay life with which they had been acquainted as frequent travellers. However, the gay scene in Tel Aviv seemed very different a few years later. A number of leading gay men made a successful claim for public recognition and a growing constituency of gay men and women came out to demonstrate for minority rights and a share of public space. Rather than relating the growth of gay empowerment solely to the idea of globalization or ‘postmodernism’, in this article I seek to consider the social context in which these worldwide influences take place. The introduction of two stages of observation displays the dynamic nature of social phenomena that ethnographers might often confront in their present‐day research projects.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

1. Self-help groups for individuals with sarcoidosis (a noncontagious multisystem disorder characterized by granulomas in many organs) are rare despite the physical and emotional problems associated with this disease. 2. The stimulus for the development of the group arose when staff in a pulmonary clinic identified that sarcoidosis patients were helping each other cope with problems and concerns related to their disease and feelings of isolation. 3. Nurses play a significant role in creating vehicles of help and service to facilitate and support patients experiencing fear and anxiety about their disease. Nurses must recognize the role self-help groups play in assisting individuals to maintain their quality of life as they adapt to the psychosocial, physiological, and medical aspects of their illness.  相似文献   

With the help of theoretical paradigms of social behavior, we use both qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate a recent government‐initiated program for relocating and resettling orphans and street children in Uganda. We first describe this program, which we have called the Model for Orphan Resettlement and Education (MORE). MORE is an inventive approach in the battle against the problem of orphaned children living on the streets of urban centers in Africa. The government of Uganda has developed this model to effectively educate and re‐socialize children who have been living on the streets of the capital city, Kampala. We then analyze this program, highlighting both the positive and negative aspects, and suggest ways it can be adapted to be more effective and sustainable in meeting the needs of Uganda as well as other sub‐Saharan African countries that face similar problems.  相似文献   

The difference between test accuracy and predictive accuracy is presented and defined. The failure to distinguish between these two types of measures is shown to have led to a misguided debate over the interpretation of prevalence estimates. The distinction between test accuracy defined as sensitivity and specificity, and predictive accuracy defined as positive and negative predictive value is shown to reflect the choice of the denominator used to calculate true positive, false positive, false negative, and true negative rates. It is further shown that any instrument will tend to overestimate prevalence in low base rate populations and underestimate it in those populations where prevalence is high. The implications of these observations are then discussed in terms of the need to define diagnostic thresholds that have clinical and policy relevance.  相似文献   


One hundred social service agency Websites were examined to find out how easily consumers could access posted information on them. Each Website was analyzed for multiple language availability, reading simplicity, reading comprehension, and disability access. This study found substantial barriers to Website access for social service consumers. The overwhelming majority of agency Websites failed one or more accessibility measures. Design issues that will make Website access easier such as disability standards, policy suggestions and best practices are discussed.  相似文献   

A personal reflection on the history of the Pacific Sociological Association in the USA and the Pacific Basin. Essay ends with suggestions for the PSA’s future.  相似文献   

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