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This paper defines and analyses the characteristics of social trust that develop in natural areas, examining the connections and interactions between the people and institutions involved. It offers a deeper understanding of the different degrees of trust and the identification of those attributes that affect the generation of this trust at three different levels: strategic, normative and cognitive. The study of the value of trust allows, or at least contributes to, an understanding of different levels of development. The study population consists of local associations, as a sample of existing social structures, and is taken from two areas in Andalusia, Spain. From the application of the proposed method a null hypothesis for the runs and Mann–Whitney tests is accepted at the three levels of trust for both areas. For strategic and cognitive trust, the behaviours of both areas are homogenous, while in the case of normative trust for the Chi square test the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The methodology that is developed demonstrates the interest presented by trust as a study variable in research dealing with social capital and its direct influence on the development of territories. Trust should be considered alongside physical, natural and human capital, since none of these alone is sufficient for complete territorial development.


华玉超 《南方人口》2002,17(2):25-28
阐述了经济成分和经济利益多样化、社会生活方式多样化、社会组织形式多样化和就业岗位与就业形式多样化对人们生育心理的影响 ,提出了消除这些消极影响的对策及建议。  相似文献   

宋悦华  谢敬宇 《西北人口》2010,31(6):49-53,58
我国已进入老龄化社会,老年知识分子的开发利用对我国当前社会经济发展具有重要的作用和贡献。本文将通过分析老年知识分子所具有的社会价值,以及制约老年知识分子发挥其社会价值的因素,提出挖掘和利用好老年知识分子社会价值的对策。  相似文献   

老年人的社会价值具有实践性和层次性的特征。实践性决定老年人的社会价值区分为首要价值和次要价值。在中国传统社会 ,老年人首要社会价值表现为伦理价值。在中国当代社会 ,表现为精神价值。但是由于社会处于转型期 ,政府关注不足 ,对价值尺度的片面理解和缺乏足够的宣传 ,老年人的精神价值并未得到应有的重视  相似文献   

刘晓  冯跃 《西北人口》2017,(6):51-57
本文主要探讨在农村空巢趋势背景下,社会工作在养老中所能起到的作用.通过山东省泰安市某村一位老人个案服务的案例,研究在社工介入过程中,案主的需求、社会工作者能提供的帮助、服务的策略、服务方案的设计以及理论分析,并对实施过程中资源的链接、介入的技巧和本土化过程中各方面角色的配合提出了相关的建议.  相似文献   

对老年人社会价值的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
姜向群 《人口研究》2001,25(2):61-66
本文认为 ,对老年人的社会价值应该历史地、将人生周期连续起来看 ;比较青年人与老年人的价值 ,必须遵循科学的原则 ;老年人的价值是以历史价值和精神文化价值为主 ;既要看到老年人社会价值积极的一面 ,也应该承认其缺欠的一面 ;老年人也有一个继续社会化 ,克服缺点 ,改造主观世界 ,完善自我、继续提高和发展自己的社会价值的任务。本文就老年人社会价值的评价问题从经济学、人才学和社会文化学三个方面做出理论和学术探讨 ,以期推进这一领域的研究  相似文献   

慈勤英 《人口研究》2004,28(2):57-64
基于湖北农村部分县市的个案访谈资料发现 :在社会经济背景没有很大差异的情况下 ,各地存在着文化、风俗的不同 ,而这不同的文化、风俗制约和影响了当地村民对性别选择价值的认同和认知 ,并进而影响和决定了该地村民的生育性别选择。构建男女平等的社区文明、社区文化将有助于引导和规范村民的性别偏好和性别选择。  相似文献   

This article compares the lives of women and explores dimensions of their autonomy in different regions of South Asia—Punjab in Pakistan, and Uttar Pradesh in north India and Tamil Nadu in south India. It explores the contextual factors underlying observed differences and assesses the extent to which these differences could be attributed to religion, nationality, or north–south cultural distinctions. Findings suggest that while women's autonomy—in terms of decision‐making, mobility, freedom from threatening relations with husband, and access to and control over economic resources—is constrained in all three settings, women in Tamil Nadu fare considerably better than other women, irrespective of religion. Findings lend little support to the suggestion that women in Pakistan have less autonomy or control over their lives than do Indian women. Nor do Muslim women—be they Indian or Pakistani—exercise less autonomy in their own lives than do Hindu women in the subcontinent. Rather, findings suggest that in the patriarchal and gender‐stratified structures governing the northern portion of the subcontinent, women's control over their lives is more constrained than in the southern region.  相似文献   

The dissociative thesis states that social mobility is a disruptive and detrimental experience for the individual. Despite the absence of convincing evidence either for or against it, this thesis is generally accepted in sociology. I investigate this thesis by considering three dimensions of dissociation—i.e., social isolation, utilitarian individualism, and social disorientation. I use data from a large-scale survey in Flanders (Belgium) and apply Diagonal Reference Models to study consequences of intergenerational social mobility. I find support for asymmetric acculturation for each dimension, i.e., upwardly mobile individuals adapt more to the new social status position, compared to downwardly mobile individuals. Moreover, both for social disorientation and utilitarian individualism, I find detrimental effects of the experience of downward social mobility. As I find no detrimental consequences of both upward and downward mobility, the results do not provide evidence for the dissociative thesis.  相似文献   

肖云  刘慧 《南方人口》2008,23(2):44-49
低层灵活就业群体的出现在满足市场需求的同时也给社会的发展造成了一定的阻碍,社会保障强大的“安全网”功能不但有利于低层灵活就业群体保障基本生活,也有利于实现社会的公平正义.促进社会主义和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   

“非正规”老年教育与老年人社会参与   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
如何促进老年人广泛而有效的社会参与,提高老年人口的生活质量是老龄化社会必须要面临的挑战。老年教育作为实现积极老龄化的重要途径正在引起普遍关注。相对于我国"正规"的老年大学而言,"非正规"老年教育是指除"正规"老年大学以外的多种形式的老年教育,主要包括社区老年教育、大众传媒中老年教育和老年人自发组织的老年教育。"非正规"老年教育以其灵活性、参与性和低成本等特性契合了中国老年人口的特点,能够更有效地适应老年人的教育需求,是促进中国老年人社会参与的重要途径。在大力发展适应中国国情的"非正规"老年教育的同时,应加强国家和政府的支持、推动参与主体的社会化、提升教育服务水平与服务质量。  相似文献   

许传新  张登国 《西北人口》2010,31(5):97-102
本文根据较大规模问卷抽样调查的结果,分析比较西部农村留守妇女与非留守妇女的社会性别观念。结果发现,留守妇女自身能力意识和事业价值观要强于非留守妇女,而非留守妇女在忠贞观、生育观方面要比留守妇女更加传统保守。回归分析结果表明,在对农村妇女自身特征如文化程度、年龄、家庭年收入等变量进行控制之后,留守对农村妇女的社会性别观念仍然有独立影响,这种影响主要表现在留守促进了农村妇女事业能力观、婚育贞节观以及总体社会性别观念从传统到现代的转变。  相似文献   

我国的各级各类机关、社会团体、企业事业单位等社会组织,作为我国人口与计划生育的重要参与者,特别是在城区,一直发挥着十分重要的作用,但<人口与计划生育法>中对它们职责的规定是不全面的,本文对此问题进行了分析,提出了今后对<人口与计划生育法>的修订完善建议.  相似文献   

聂爱文 《南方人口》2002,17(3):43-46
昌吉回族自治州位于新疆境内,是新疆回族聚居地。汉族人口在昌吉地区占到75%多。昌吉的汉族历史上是在清时期大量从内地来到此地,主要是通过兵屯、民屯、犯屯三种形式。而当代的汉族移民方式更加多样化。他们与其它民族共同生活在一处,为开发边疆和建设边疆作出巨大贡献。  相似文献   

林丛  石人炳 《西北人口》2007,28(4):65-67,71
作为一种新型的家庭形式,“丁克”家庭的出现极大地冲击了中国传统的生育观,并对当今社会产生了深远地影响。由此,“丁克”家庭也引起了学者们的关注。本文在对国内近几年相关研究论文进行梳理的基础上,进一步对“丁克”家庭产生的原因及其社会影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

罗蓉 《人口研究》2000,24(2):48-52
对地处城乡结合带团结村农民就业问题的调查发现,由于没有经济要素流动的制度创新与重新安排,对当地农业及农村工业带来不良的影响,农民在城镇化过程中权益得不到有力的保障,面临"下岗"危机.重点分析了农民下岗的原因及作为生产要素土地之于农业和农村工业发展及农民就业的重要性,并提出了一些建设性的意见.  相似文献   

医疗卫生行业中"红包"现象的社会史分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“红包”是一种礼物。它所反映的不仅是物质交换关系,而且蕴涵了社会和文化的内容。从中国社会组织的特性来看,“红包”承载了多种社会、经济和政治的功能。在传统中国社会及在国民党统治时期,“红包”就在医疗行业中流动。新中国成立后,由于建立了计划经济体制,在很大范围内收送“红包”的现象消失了,而改革开放之后,“红包”又重新出现在医疗卫生行业之中。主要原因在于经济改革是一个渐进的过程,不同时期的侧重点各不相同。在政府财政承担医疗机构的经费和卫生福利开支的状况没有改变之前,医疗机构管理中就已经出现了市场化的因素。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to set out the various explanations of voting behaviour in Turkey. Its principal intellectual motivation is to present the political and social indicators that shape voting in such a way as to explain how an activity which is so crucial for democratic life is also based upon voters’ values and surrounding political context. Although the number of empirical work on voting behaviour in Turkey is increasing there is a considerable room for testing alternative variables and research tools in order to expand the academic knowledge on the problematic. Findings ratified that the political and personal values coupled with the other social factors have considerable impact on the voting behaviour in Turkey. Additionally this research also proved that these factors work differently for the competing political parties. Hence the contribution of this study is the introduction of an explicit analysis on the impact of different social and political factors that are salient in voting behaviour and magnitudes of these factors on different political parties by using a public database. Thus this study will not only uncover the relevancy of the variables in the literature for Turkish voters but also it will highlight the meaning and significance of these factors for different political parties.  相似文献   

失业者社会援助与再就业的选择--以湖北省武汉市为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
失业、下岗者是城市居民低保制度救助的主体。文章通过对武汉市失业者的调查研究发现,低保等社会援助对失业者再就业的影响既有正面激励、也有负面效应;失业者社会援助与再就业的主观意愿和实际选择也有相当距离。体现了受助者基于经济人的理性决策与作为社会人的社会责任认同之间的冲突,也成为今后“终止贫困”还是“终止依赖”社会援助政策选择和调整所必须考虑的因素。  相似文献   

杭州市农民工参加基本养老保险“双低”政策评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了杭州市农民工参加基本养老保险的"双低"政策,指出"双低"政策存在的主要问题:给付待遇低,难以保障农民工的未来养老需求;待遇调整机制不合理;享受待遇存在对农民工的歧视。并提出了解决问题的具体对策建议。  相似文献   

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