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Motivated by a desire to determine if the human service literature reflected the "changing face of AIDS," we reviewed 40 articles addressing needs and issues of gays and lesbians of color. Our review of the multidisciplinary literature confirmed our initial assumption that, despite considerable discussion about the particular needs of lesbians and gay HIV-infected people of color, we could not find an extensive qualitative or quantitative body of research about those needs. An additional finding was the total neglect of minority lesbians and their need for HIV-prevention information. The articles specific to minority gay men were few in number. The majority of studies reviewed dealth quite generally with the risk of HIV transmission among people of color, without specific reference to sexual orientation.  相似文献   

This article challenges white social workers who want to work effectively with lesbians of color to identify the patterns of privilege and to step outside of those patterns. Three layers of competence for patience with lesbians of color are described: awareness, knowledge, and skill. Awareness includes attitudes related to racism, sexism, heterosexism, and homophobia. Knowledge about lesbians of color is developed from their standpoint. Skills include the ability to deal with the multiple issues involved in "coming out," being women of color, being lesbian, experiencing transitional and environmental crises; identifying appropriate resources; and empowering lesbians of color to alleviate oppression.  相似文献   


The authors report results from a study assessing the social service needs of gay menand lesbians over 45 years of age in Chicago. Results suggest that this population is diverse and presents a wide range of needs. The authors advocate the use of a community organizing approach that involves older gay men and lesbians in the provision of services. The authors also highlight the need to consider the social context in which services will be provided.  相似文献   

Gay and lesbian seniors are more likely to be single, live alone, and be childless. The current evidence base suggests that limited social supports are associated with a variety of health disparities among all older adults. Research regarding the aging issues of lesbian seniors is scarce. This instrumental collective case study of 4 older lesbians (ages 59 and older) illustrates unique aging support concerns, issues, and needs. The purpose of the case study is to increase provider sensitivity and provide supportive evidence of the need for more research. Findings suggest that limited biological family support, childlessness, and “families of choice” may be important factors in support service and health care decisions for older lesbians. Implications for care providers in working with the older lesbian population include exploring existing supports and assisting with the formation of culturally acceptable support systems and services. Given the current evidence base regarding the impact of social support on elder health, it is critical for providers to have a better understanding of elder lesbians’ unique concerns and needs relating to support and health care services in order to prevent health disparities among this vulnerable population.  相似文献   

The purpose of the resent study was to identify correlates of attitudes towards permitting gays and lesbians to serve in the military. Two studies were conducted, one with 210 adults enrolled in classes at a university and one with 31 high school students, most of whom were enrolled in ROTC classes. Although the high school students were more conservative, both samples revealed the high school students were more conservative, both samples revealed the same general pattern of findings. Support for having gays and lesbians serve in the military was closely related to endorsement of arguments in favor of their service, and both samples revealed the same general pattern of findings. Support for having gays and lesbians serve in the military was closely related to endorsement of arguments in favor of their service, and both variables were related to a complex of other conservative values as well as to personal acquaintance with gays and lesbians and to factual knowledge about homosexuality. People with less conservative views on a number of issues, who knew more gay and lesbian individuals, who knew more about homosexuality, who did not belong to a traditional religion, who did not own guns, and who were female were more likely to agree that gays and guns, ands who were female were more likely to agree that gays and lesbian should be permitted to service in the military. The results imply that increasing knowledge and personal familiarity might lead to greater acceptance of military service for gay and lesbians. Ways in which social service providers can use these findings to improve service to gay and lesbian client are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Lesbians are members of every racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic group. 2. Very little is known about depression in lesbians, and thus far, study findings are conflicting. However, depression in lesbians seems to be underpinned by relationship issues and levels of social support. 3. Caring for lesbian clients requires nurses to think holistically, understand their clients' sexuality within the context of their life experiences, and demonstrate respect and acceptance.  相似文献   

The social work profession has a long standing commitment to human rights and social justice, bridging the divide between national and international interests. There is a call for social workers to understand the global community that awaits our service. Yet international experiences are not within the grasp of nor embraced by all. Students of color are underrepresented participants in the growing trends of internationalization. Through addressing participation barriers, this article uses a case study approach that emphasizes how a social work program at Howard University designed a mission-guided international service learning model that resulted in increased participation for students of color through multiple strategies, while giving primacy to human rights and social justice.  相似文献   

As gaming culture continues to marginalize women and people of color, other gamers are also highlighting the inequalities they face within digital gaming communities. While heterosexism and homophobia are commonplace within gaming culture, little is known about the actual experiences of “gaymers” and even less about “gaymers” of color. As such, this article seeks to explore lesbians of color and their experiences “gayming” out and online. Exploring identity development, community building, and connectivity via social networking, the women within this study articulate what it means to be lesbian online and how this impacts their physical and digital experiences. The private spaces within gaming culture that many marginalized groups inhabit are the few spaces that value the articulation of marginalized interests and viewpoints. Ethnographic observations reveal how supportive communities can improve resilience by mitigating the effects of stereotyping, microaggressions, and other discriminatory practices in online gaming.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the operations of heterosexism and strategies to counter it in a particular service context: the context of psychosocial support services for women with cancer. The paper draws on findings from a participatory, qualitative study set in Ontario, Canada in which 26 lesbians were interviewed about their experiences of cancer diagnosis, treatment, health care and social support, and their feelings and perceptions about shifts in identity, body, sexuality and relationships. This paper focuses on findings related to the changes research participants perceived as necessary in the provision and organization of cancer support services, in order to increase access and ensure equity for lesbians with cancer and their families.  相似文献   

The literature on serving the rural elderly has focused on rural elders primarily as passive recipients of care. This article views rural older women as active manipulators of the social support system within which they meet their perceived needs and the needs of others in their social network. It is based on the findings of a multi-phase qualitative study of 30 older women in central Minnesota. Data were collected through life history interviews, in-depth structured interviews, observation and network analysis profiles. The informants relationships with family, friends, neighbors and formal service providers are discussed. Implications for formal service delivery to rural elders are explored.  相似文献   

The personal and professional situation of a Puerto Rican lesbian social worker is analyzed using feminist standpoint theory. Beginning within the circumstances of a specific group, this approach studies the effect of social structure on the lives of group members. Social service agencies claim organizational policies protecting lesbians and gay men from workplace discrimination. However, these policies are rendered void by cultural norms of conduct in the workplace supporting de-facto discrimination. This pattern of discrimination adversely impacts the professional development of social workers, the quality of service to clients, and the overall mental health of both.  相似文献   

The development of writing skills sufficient to meet the complexities of contemporary social work practice is a growing demand from employers and practice educators. The paper explores current pedagogical debate relating to student support and the development of writing skills and relates this debate to meeting the needs of social work students engaged in practice learning and professional practice. A number of questions are raised about current social work education in England and the needs of students entering from non-traditional academic backgrounds facing the increasingly rigorous demands of professional report writing. The discussion is then grounded in a practice example of staff from a university social work course and education guidance service working together to meet student need in respect of developing writing skills. The development, implementation and evaluation of a university writing skills programme for social work students are explored. The paper concludes by setting out a range of challenges arising from experience of the programme and a consideration of theory, and points to potential ways forward based on a social practice approach to teaching writing skills.  相似文献   

Whilst it is important to acknowledge the holistic nature of sexuality and its relevance in all areas of social welfare and service provision, this paper is specifically concerned with lesbian, gay and bisexuality and child care. The issues discussed will be common to all service user groups but the insidious nature of the 'contamination or corruption' theories of homosexuality are particularly inflammatory for those working in the child care field and the young people with whom they work. This paper argues that the needs of lesbians and gay men, particularly young people, will continue to go unmet unless lesbian and gay issues are addressed explicitly in social work education and in a way which does not oversimplify what is an extremely complex task. Anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice are central features of the academic and practice curriculum; however, it is not simply a matter of adding lesbian and gay issues to the ever-increasing list of oppressions. The ideology of heterosexism and a legal framework which endorses the discrimination of lesbians and gay men create additional challenges to working with this group of people. As social work education becomes increasingly government and agency led, with a competency model of assessment ruling the day, the realities of what social workers can achieve need to be acknowledged if we are not to be accused of perpetuating meaningless rhetoric; playing into the hands of those who refer to political correctness.  相似文献   

Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) populations are susceptible to stress-related mental health disorders because of daily imposed stigma and prejudice. Yet minimal information exists from the perspective of sexual minority youth about how to support them in managing a challenging social environment during critical stages of development. Through the lens of youth from two geographic communities this study examined what is needed to support GLBT adolescent mental health. The study employed inductive secondary analysis of qualitative and quantitative data gathered through Concept Mapping needs assessments. Findings include 61 unduplicated ideas for support across the two groups of youth; 14 primary themes emerged with 22 stated needs common among both groups. Areas of need in multiple service systems are identified. The importance of the supports for meeting youths' emotional needs varied between the two communities. Ideas generated represent youth ideas for improving conditions which contribute to disparate community supports needed to develop positive emotional and psychological well being. The findings are conceptualized with regard to psychological and physical safety; community impact on emotional well being; schools and psychosocial supports; and access to relevant mental health and health care. Discussion includes implications for practice and policy.  相似文献   

We conducted intensive interviews with ten gays and ten lesbians drawing on research and theorizing on gay and lesbian identity, symbolic interactionism, and stigma. Key concepts from symbolic interactionism, reflected appraisals and situational identity negotiation, provide a more coherent theoretical way to examine identity development and the situated complexity of identity negotiation and disclosure among gays and lesbians. Romantic relationships are significant because they aid in identity development but also complicate social interactions by confronting many heterosexuals' "phantom acceptance" of gays and lesbians. These findings inform the literature on gay and lesbian identity by critiquing the stage models of identity and connecting this literature back to the symbolic interactionist literature on self and identity.  相似文献   

How much can we assume about the shared life experiences of older lesbians and gays? This article is broadly concerned with rethinking the significance of this question as it pertains to cultural images and stereotypes of “older gay and lesbian” identities in a large and diverse American city. In 1996, the authors completed a 10-month needs assessment study regarding the lives and needs (social and psychological), which must be addressed for older lesbians and gays in the city of Chicago. The authors take the approach that simply being of the same or similar age is insufficient to understand the meaning of people's sexual identities. They entered into this study aware of some stereotypes about older lesbians and gays, but like previous investigators, they were surprised at the range of diversity that they uncovered. They discovered not only the common denominators in their participants' experiences and their lives, but as some commentators have already suggested, they also discovered a great deal of variation. To address the issues, the authors describe conceptual problems that emerged in a recent needs assessment of older lesbians and gay men in Chicago.  相似文献   


How does one define infidelity in lesbian relationships? Because lesbians cannot marry, they exist outside of the law. Do lesbians, like other “outlaws,” create their own code of ethics? All relationships evolve structures in response to social constraints; we must beware of transferring normative assumptions to relationships that develop within their own culture. The boundaries of lesbian relationships are not as fixed as those of heterosexual ones, partly for lack of this legal recognition and partly because they have evolved somewhat in opposition to traditional marriage. Variations on traditional relationships and the different meanings they may hold for the women who create them are explored.  相似文献   

Human service organizations seek bilingual professionals to meet the social and linguistic needs of their increasingly limited English proficient (LEP) clientele. As a result, bilingual professionals often find themselves having to meet overwhelming service delivery expectations. This paper reports on a qualitative study about the work experiences of 27 court employees within a judicial system in the Eastern United States. The study found that bilingual professionals encounter challenges because of their language skills. At the intersection of these challenges are microaggressions that manifest in the judicial system, adversely affecting them professionally and personally.  相似文献   


Older adults who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) face greater health risks and possibly more costly care because of their reluctance to seek out health and long-term care services because of limited cultural sensitivity of service providers. This is particularly evident in older lesbians who face substantial risk of health problems associated with alcoholism and are less likely to be open with health care providers because of stigma combined with feelings of alienation, stress, and depression. An estimated 4.4 million older adults are predicted to have problems with alcohol by 2020, and the rates of alcohol-related hospitalizations are similar to those for heart attacks, creating exorbitant medical costs. More culturally competent health and long-term care may reduce health care costs by effectively addressing the dynamics of alcoholism, aging, and lesbian culture. Training initiatives such as those developed by the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging have begun to address the need of a more culturally competent aging services network. This article provides exemplars from empirical data on older lesbians with alcoholism to highlight some of the health, economic, and social disparities experienced in the aging LGBT community. Current interventions in the form of cultural competence training for service providers are presented as a potential step toward addressing health disparities among LGBT older adults.  相似文献   


This article reviews findings of scientific studies looking into the bias that gay men and lesbians face when accessing the labor market. Studies in this topic were scarce before year 2000, but a considerable body of literature appeared in the Western countries in the recent years. When summed up, the findings provide robust evidence that lesbians and gay men face negative bias when accessing employment. The magnitude of the bias varies considerably across contexts. Different labor market outcomes of gay men and lesbians are also partially caused by differences in household specialization between different-sex and same-sex households. Future research needs to address the contextual differences in bias against gay men and lesbians.  相似文献   

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