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This study focuses on the marital adjustment of wives of transvestites. Of particular interest are the attitudes of these women toward their husbands' behavior, the stresses under which they are placed, and their fears and concerns. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 70 women, obtained through the cooperation of 4 groups (a transvestite organization, a transvestite wives' support group, an outreach organization, and a group whose members wcrc undergoing counseling). The women generally learned about their husbands transvestism early in the relationship. While they most often tended to be supportive and understanding at first, many of the wives had negative feelings of hostility and resentment. Their immediate fear was that others would find out, followed by concern for their children. Most women did not support their spouses' transvestism, and few of them would recommend a transvestite for a husband. Yet, the women overwhelmingly felt that their marriages were very happy. The women appear to have adjusted to their husbands' transvestism by developing a rationale that emphasizes positive aspects of their husbands' behavior.  相似文献   

The present study explored the relations of self-rated personality characteristics to transvestite behavior and attitudes. sixty-four transvestites completed questionnaires containing perceived control, self esteem, self-monitoring, and five behavioral and attitudinal measures. As expected, the frequency and variety of public behavior showed strong correlations with interpersonal control and social confidence, and confiding of cross-dressing behavior significantly correlated with interpersonal control. Perceived skill in cross-dressing suggested a multi-faceted construct, given significant correlations with interpersonal control, self-monitoring. and three self esteem measures. Contrary to expectation, knowledge of crossdressing did not correlate with self regard, though it did correlate with interpersonal control and social confidence. Acceptance of cross-dressing did not correlate with any personality characteristics. These findings are interpreted as offering support to using dispositional approaches to the study of transvestism. It is argued that future research devote a greater effort to the identification of the individual differences, as well as a greater concern toward verifying these behavioral differences through external observers.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the curious case of the Hungarian Count(ess) Sarolta/Sándor Vay, journalist and writer, but, above all, a notorious gender bender in late nineteenth-century Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The article examines her case in the context of the history of European cross-dressing and of narrative transvestism. The author argues that nineteenth-century dandyism provided an effective cultural framework for Vay’s contemporaries to accept her unconventional presence in fin-de-siècle Hungarian society. Moreover, she claims that Vay’s narrative transvestism may also be construed within the cultural phenomenon of dandyism, as her writing practices prove to be further instruments for her self-fashioning. Finally, she concludes that Vay’s gender performance and narrative transvestism become illustrative examples of instances that both frame and confuse accepted cultural patterns, destabilize gender binarism, and participate in its maintenance.  相似文献   

This paper explores how my understanding of and approach to investigating youth transitions and social exclusion, shifted when conducting a case study about Ray, a mature student in transition from a further education college. Having relayed the findings of a study about Ray's experiences of social exclusion, I will discuss the events and reconsiderations that prompted a change in my relationship with Ray. I will reveal how I began to know Ray is his own right, and grasp his feelings and views about his life, and show how this caused Ray to become a participator in and not merely the subject of the study about his life. This (methodological) reconsideration prompted me to perceive my original relationship with Ray in exactly the same way as I had understood his relationships with his mother, his lecturers and with officials--a relationship between the barer of 'expertise' and the subject of this knowledge. The paper will conclude that the new, closer relationship Ray and I developed enhanced the validity and the richness of my understanding of his social exclusion.  相似文献   

This article aims to stimulate discussion about relationships between the lives of professionals and of service users. The idea is that when parallels are explored and developed, power dynamics between professionals and social workers are reduced, the quality of interaction and work with service users can be improved, and professionals can also be helped in overcoming difficulties in their own lives. I start with an outline of my own personal background and highlight my development throughout, including my emerging identity as a Buddhist. I discuss a case study involving ‘Sally’ and her family and our work together while I was a social work assistant in a Children and Family's team. I try to show the interconnections between the different difficulties that we faced and how that informed my work. I look at some of the benefits, pitfalls and boundaries of working from the point of view that service user and professional are both working to overcome their problems. I also interweave interactions I had at the time with Carlos, a drug user friend in a crisis and the impact he had on me. Because I include my own situation I have called this article a ‘case experience’.

Throughout I refer to Buddhist and psychoanalytic thinking and particularly to agreement between the two around ideas that inner‐resistance is the main barrier to personal evolution. I argue that faith is the key to unlocking resistance, and that faith should be understood as the development of a belief within people that they are able to progress rather than be destroyed in the face of inevitable problems.  相似文献   

Here is an explanation of the case and frame pedagogy that I use to teach case study composition. It is a “how-to” type teaching resource that describes a general outline of my work with students, and it is a “why” I think it is important to teach the case study. I use an example from my class to show how I take case material from its beginning stages and help a writer to craft her case study as a project in self-reflexivity and narrative with interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks. I discuss the intersection of the social sciences and the humanities in the case study as a way to de-silo knowledge across disciplines using the workshop model.  相似文献   

Yao Xiao 《Cultural Studies》2017,31(4):489-522
This essay digs into the ‘dirtiness’ of cultural studies to prioritize praxis, or as the way my mountain folks collect summer lotus: putting our feet in the muddy water, and finding ways to get the stems underneath the smooth leaves. Using Cantoneseness as a case to locate such ‘dirtiness’, I draw on personal/familial histories as well as research projects to tell how conjunctures of Cantoneseness are politically and unevenly lived. This complex journey travels roughly from my childhood in the Yuebei mountains of northern Guangdong through my teenage and early adult years in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) to my current location as a temporary resident in the East Pacific port of Vancouver. I selectively emphasize and speak on three different locations: first, the rural inland Cantonese location of Yuebei mountains – the borderland and hinterland experiences of my family and myself living what the mountains would offer and how these have changed; second, the industrial superior Cantonese location of PRD in Shenzhen and Guangzhou – my personal experiences and identities as a migrant youth, combined with a case study including interviews with migrant peasant-workers and their children; and third, the western transnational Cantonese location of East Pacific waterfronts in Vancouver and Richmond – my personal engagement with social activism as an ethnicized, international student, combined with a narrative study including interviews with social activists with different Cantoneseness and migration routes. While this mix of whispers speaks in its own way towards using cultural studies with more seriously (global) space-sensitive and (social justice) praxis-sensitive approaches, the primary focus is more modestly on my autobiographical accounts and research efforts as a specific case: to show some strategic locations of ‘Cantonescape’ on the one hand, and to invite wider conversations around cultural-spatial politics on the other.  相似文献   


This article considers cross-dressing within feminist and cultural theory from the perspective of performance. It offers a close reading of the materiality of particular examples of transvestism, mostly drawn from the Australian context. The specificity of these performances reveals that bodies can both reproduce and fail to comply with discursive regimes of gender.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the topic of the therapeutic relationship in systemic therapy. It is structured around the discussion of my experience of work with a particular family where the engagement issues were complex, and where there was the potential for a negative therapy sequence. The psychoanalytic concepts of transference, countertransference and projective identification are chosen to discuss my dilemmas — however, the differences between the analytic and systemic contexts of work are noted. Through the discussion of this case study, the potential benefits of using these analytic ideas to understand the therapeutic relationship in specific situations in systemic therapy are identified.  相似文献   

This paper argues that our understandings ofourselves as gendered, as either masculine or feminine,are a power effect of the contemporary discourse ofgender difference. The main premise of the paper is that this social construction of genderallows for gender difference to be resisted — andthe form of resistance analyzed here isgender-inappropriate dress. Two forms ofgender-inappropriate dress — male transvestism and female power dressing —are discussed in the paper and argued to present aparticular kind of challenge to our discursivelyconstituted sense of the rigidity and mutual exclusivityof the gender divide. This analysis is used in theconclusion to offer some critical comments regarding thestrand of organizational analysis which argues for afeminization/reeroticization of the workplace.  相似文献   

The author deals with a very challenging subject: the mental state of a couple compelled to confess under torture during the last Uruguayan dictatorship (1973–1985). This case is presented from the point of view of the therapist—a viewpoint which is informed by second order cybernetics. I describe the way I as therapist resonated with the problems of this couple, my way of intervening, and the way in which my intervention resonated in the patients, allowing a shift in perceptions. Finally, I identify some difficulties in repairing the social network destroyed by the dictatorship.  相似文献   

This article explores the process of family therapy with a Turkish‐speaking single‐parent family with four children in which suicidal behaviour and family violence have become the norm. The following example describes a pivotal experience early within my career as a family therapist. The universality of first, being a beginner family therapist, and second, receiving a referral of a daunting, difficult case has led me to share my experience here. Central to this article is the focus on therapeutic process as a means to navigate beyond impasse. It is my hope that those who read this article will consider taking the risk to prioritise the therapeutic relationship, even when anxiety about ‘doing something’ to fix the problems is high.  相似文献   

Using neo-institutional theory to guide my inquiry, I ask how foundations award international development grants in an institutionally complex environment, and if and how that process contributes to homophily in grantmaking. Employing a qualitative multiple case study method, I show that grants are awarded via interpersonal networks, a meso-level finding that suggests a second, macro-level research question: how are interpersonal networks institutionalized in this context? In my analysis, I contribute to a theoretical understanding of the recursive relationship between networks and institutions: I show how macro-level institutional practices and forms emerge from networks, and how the micro-level character of the network participants themselves ultimately shapes institutional forms. Combined, my results provide a mechanistic, multi-level understanding of the relationship between networks and institutions, as well as of how homophily operates in grantmaking. Because of the potential for social stratification and exclusion based on the structure of the network itself, I argue that such networks should be understood as “allocative failures.”  相似文献   

Immigration from Latin America to the United States is often an escape from difficult circumstances, but with this gain comes a loss of identity. This can be a special burden for adolescents, who are thrown into a new culture and environment while in the process of identity formation. Using case studies from my work as a psychotherapist in a community mental health clinic, I will describe this special turmoil and a way in which Latino immigrant teenagers can be helped to resolve it. Psychodynamic grief work aimed at helping them mourn the loss of identities and valued capacities through emigration can reduce self-destructive enactments and support them in the adolescent task of forming an identity.  相似文献   

This paper analyses current literature surrounding issues of abuse and disability, and discusses whether the forms of abuse experienced by disabled people results from an individual vulnerability, or as a consequence of social attitudes towards disabled people. Three case studies form supportive evidence, and have been compiled from personal research, they represent a combination of abusive features, rather than any one individuals situation. The study hopes not to suggest that all disabled people are especially vulnerable to abuse, but asks if society and existing welfare services acknowledge and respond to allegations of abuse without prejudice to disability. This study formed my dissertation paper as a student on the BA (Hons) Social Work and Welfare Studies at the University of Central Lancashire, and I would like to thank my dissertation tutor, Bob Sapey, for his guidance and support throughout the study.  相似文献   


Using an academic letter format, I use a blended-method-ological approach of personal ethnography and qualitative case study to assess the three-partner, gay male relationship and the role of parental support. In working to understand better the relational “We 3,” I first provide an account of my relational experience with two other men. I discuss the process of our coming together and then make a methodological turn to provide insights from both e-mail and face-to-face interviews with one set of parents who have supported their gay son in his three-partner relationship. As I, personally, have not had an in-depth conversation with my own parents regarding this issue, I use the parental case study to bridge an academic conversation regarding the negotiation of what might be termed a second or relational coming out process with parents. Finally, I discuss how insights from the first, personal coming out process provided the parents with tools to keep the conversation going and to support their son's relational coming out as a “We 3.”  相似文献   

Using data from a study on courtship through personal advertisements, I argue that Kai Erikson's classic case against disguised observation is flawed. Certain kinds of deception are necessary to gather certain data in certain settings. I placed bogus ads in a personal column to obtain and analyze responses. The data would have remained inaccessible—indeed, many of the responses would not have existed in the first place—without some measure of deception. While deception was used, no risk whatsoever was posed to respondents. I further argue that several of Erikson's criteria of risk do not separate ethical from empirical questions; informants use very different criteria in evaluating the risk of harm to them posed by social research that sociologists use. The question of exploitation is more complex, since it has to be weighed against how much of an effort my respondents made and hence, what it is exactly that I took from them. A “panel of judges” decided that most of my male (but not my female) respondents would not have gotten dates with my hypothetical ad placers, and that the research method I used was not especially unethical.  相似文献   

I respond to Sue Grand's “Unsexed and Ungendered Bodies: The Violated Self” from my position as a cultural critic, noting in particular how Grand's case history shows that historical trauma is made manifest in everyday sensory experience. I am particularly interested in Grand's suggestion that trauma produces a “thing-self” that must be witnessed in the psychoanalytic encounter. Exploring the implications of this insight for my own investigations of cultural responses to trauma, I focus on performances of the body in lesbian public culture, ranging from the writings of Dorothy Allison, Joan Nestle, and Shani Mootoo to performances by punk rock band Tribe 8.  相似文献   

To formulate my reaction to the case materials for Rachel, I imagined how I might use the available information to prepare myself to see Rachel for career counseling. Rachel's case presents an excellent illustration of how the Strong profile can be used to generate hypotheses about the career conflict she is experiencing, how career counseling might progress, and potential issues to explore with her in counseling. Furthermore, Rachel's case provides an example of how information from her profile might be integrated with other available case information. I have divided my reaction into two sections: pre-session preparation, and issues to explore with Rachel in counseling.  相似文献   

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