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Historically, practice research on juvenile delinquency has often been guided by the theories of differential association and social control. However, current research indicates that no matter what theory of delinquency is pursued, it has had little effect on decreasing juvenile arrest and violent crime rates. This article will explore the dynamics of the theories of differential association and social control in relation to juvenile delinquency. These linear, normative, and deficit-based theories are then contrasted with family health practice, an alternative theory and intervention model which focuses on the multiple forms and needs of families and their strengths. Specific family health practice principles and interventions are suggested for practice with families in which juvenile delinquency occurs. Finally, a case example utilizing family health interventions is presented.  相似文献   


With the practice placement as a focus, this essay explores the process by which the student social worker learns to relate theory and practice, and the way in which the accomplishment of this learning is assessed.

It is argued that the structure of social work education is heavily influenced by Positivist epistemology; that this has impeded the understanding of social work as an organic process; and, further, that it has led to an inappropriate division between academics and practitioners, a schism which the student is forced to negotiate in learning to become a qualified social worker.

The essay attempts to construct a paradigm for understanding the student-to-practitioner learning which will facilitate a more holistic alternative to the current dichotomy between theory and practice. A congruent model for supervision of the practice placement is offered with some concluding suggestions as to how this may be extended to help bridge the academic-practitioner divide.  相似文献   


Transnational alternative policy groups (TAPGs) are networks and centres within and around which counter-hegemonic knowledge is produced and mobilized among subaltern communities and critical social movements. Based on in-depth interviews with practitioners at 16 TAPGs, this article presents eight modes of cognitive praxis and discusses how they appear in the work of alternative policy groups. The eight modes are not sealed off from each other, but overlap and interpenetrate. In combination, these modes of cognitive praxis strive to produce transformative knowledge concomitantly with knowledge-based transformation. The analysis evidences tracings of a double dialectic in the cognitive praxis of alternative policy groups: a dialectic of theory and practice, and one of dialogue. It is in a forward movement—fostering solidaristic dialogue among counterpublics in combination with the iterative integration of theory and practice—that alternative knowledge makes its indispensable contribution to counter-hegemony.  相似文献   


The conjunction of poetry therapy and family social work is briefly discussed with respect to philosophical, theoretical, and professional issues. Noting that the use of poetry, narrative, metaphor, and the related language arts are within the purview of poetry therapy, 14 techniques applied to family therapy are examined. The limitations of poetry therapy and new directions for practice and research are also noted.  相似文献   


This paper provides an account of the earliest contributions to family theory and practice by social workers, beginning in the late nineteenth century. The paper argues that the first widespread practice of ‘family work’ by the helping professions was carried out by social workers, primarily women, despite this being rarely acknowledged in the family therapy literature. An analysis of gender and its place in the development of professional status and the ownership of ideas is provided.


This paper has traced the place of the family in social work theory and practice since the beginnings of the profession, with a particular focus on theoretical developments in social work in the United States. A number of points have been argued. Firstly, there is significant historical evidence that social workers, most of them women, pioneered family work many decades before the term ‘family therapy’ was invented. This directly challenges the claim made by a number of family therapy historians that work with families was pioneered by psychiatrists in the 1950s and 1960s. It is argued here that this discrepancy is largely a result of differences in professional power and gender status.

Secondly, it is argued that the impact of psychoanalytic theory on social work was profound, not only in terms of how it might have distracted the profession from further developing its early family systems focus, but also in how its multidisciplinary practice tended to place social workers, again mostly women, in somewhat limited and prescribed positions.

In addition, it is argued that social work's emphasis on the family and family intervention has waxed and waned due to these concepts not appearing to fit neatly into divisions between fields of practice, such as casework, group work and Community development. While social work struggled with finding a place for the further development of family social work theory, the rapidly growing domain of family therapy quickly colonised this field of practice, giving little credit to the ground already laid by social workers.  相似文献   


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has become an important area for social work practice. Children and adults sustaining TBI often undergo hospitalisation, rehabilitation and face the prospect of lifelong cognitive and psychosocial impairments. Families are profoundly affected by the consequences of the injury. TBI is a ‘hidden disability’ because there are typically no physical markers indicating a person has brain damage. This paper aims to provide some guidelines for social work practice in the area, in particular, outlining options for social work interventions at individual, family, community, service system and policy levels. Social workers need to acquire specialised knowledge about brain injury, reformulate traditional models of grief counselling to address the adjustment challenges and utilise community education and service innovation to address the social stigma and reduced level of community participation associated with brain damage. Finally, social workers aim to nurture a sense of hope in the face of the tragedy.  相似文献   

Many families come to therapy struggling with the negative consequence of social inequity. Family therapy modalities have been developed to address these negative consequences and attend to power and social equity (Transformative family therapy: Just families in a just society. Boston, MA: Pearson Education; Socio‐emotional relationship therapy. New York, NY: Springer). We argue that many family therapy modalities can be adapted to include social equity (Applying critical social theory in family therapy practice. AFTA Springer Series. New York, NY: Springer Publishing). Specifically, cognitive behavioral family therapy can be used to address the inequality in social systems that negatively affect the family system. We focus on schema formation and suggest an emphasis on societal schemas within the therapy milieu as a tool to help families see how societal inequality can affect the problems faced in family life.  相似文献   


Objective: To develop an instrument that measures the social context of hookah use among college students. Participants: A pool of 50 potential items, based on 44 in-depth interviews with regular college hookah smokers, was administered to a sample of 274 hookah users between October and December 2011. Methods: Participants were approached in hookah bars and asked to complete the survey. Results: A principle components analysis revealed 3 reliable factors: social facilitation, family/cultural influence, and alternative to smoking cigarettes and drinking. These were examined across different categories of hookah use: Weekly hookah users were more likely to smoke in a context of social facilitation than the other 2 groups. Similar effects were observed for family/cultural influence. Asians were more likely to smoke in a context of family and cultural influence than non-Asians. Conclusions: This scale has potential for identifying situation-specific contexts of hookah use that may help in designing effective interventions for college students.  相似文献   


Violence in the family does not exist in a vacuum. It is situated in a context of language and values that express society's ambivalence toward this phenomenon. This article begins with a discussion of the theoretical dimensions of this ambivalence focusing on violence as a means of social control and on behavioral-genetic theory as a lens through which to view this issue. It suggests that Traditional American Values underlie the social sanctioning of family violence and offers judicial and social policy decisions that support and result from this ideology. It concludes with implications for social work policy practice.  相似文献   


‘Building bridges’ is a metaphor we have used to describe a collaborative research process involving social work academic and senior practitioners from government and non-government child protection and family service organizations in Victoria, Australia. The purpose of the research was to develop a ‘practice-generated approach to policy implementation’ in child protection practice. The research sought to explore the appropriateness of social constructionist approaches for child protection practice that might enhance the existing risk paradigm. This article aims to critically evaluate the process of ‘building bridges’ and its outcomes, by focusing on how potential and actual differences between organizational contexts, namely universities and various service-providing organizations, may influence relationships between theory and practice. We critically reflect on our research process comparing it with idealized forms of collaborative research discussed in the literature.  相似文献   


At the present time, social work in England finds itself at the crossroads. Against a backdrop of economic globalisation, it has been caught up in New Labour's modernising policy discourse that has recast social justice in terms of opportunity, inclusion, and “choice”. More recently, this has been extended by the introduction of a “respect agenda”, a reaction to the loss of community cohesion and the rise in antisocial behaviour. In the present article, two alternative paradigmatic responses are explored reflecting a debate between evidence-based practice (EBP) and critical practice (CP). These may be juxtaposed because they offer different visions of what social work could become in the future while providing two important reference points against which current practice may be judged. Whereas the former has been depicted as a “search for certainty” that largely complements the modernising discourse, CP works with both certainty and uncertainty in the quest for more emancipatory change. In practice, English social workers may manage such contradictions by looking down both roads and incorporating elements of both in their practice: adopting elements of EBP to justify their interventions and become more research minded while embracing aspects of CP to engage with structural issues that lie at the root of injustice.  相似文献   


Internet-based psychotherapeutic interventions have been used for more than a decade, but no comprehensive review and no extensive meta-analysis of their effectiveness have been conducted. We have collected all of the empirical articles published up to March 2006 (n = 64) that examine the effectiveness of online therapy of different forms and performed a meta-analysis of all the studies reported in them (n = 92). These studies involved a total of 9,764 clients who were treated through various Internet-based psychological interventions for a variety of problems, whose effectiveness was assessed by different types of measures. The overall mean weighted effect size was found to be 0.53 (medium effect), which is quite similar to the average effect size of traditional, face-to-face therapy. Next, we examined interacting effects of various possible relevant moderators of the effects of online therapy, including type of therapy (self-help web-based therapy versus online communication-based etherapy), type of outcome measure, time of measurement of outcome (post-therapy or follow-up), type of problem treated, therapeutic approach, and communication modality, among others. A comparison between face-to-face and Internet intervention as reported on in 14 of the studies revealed no differences in effectiveness. The findings of this meta-analysis, and review of additional Internet therapy studies not included in the meta-analysis, provide strong support for the adoption of online psychological interventions as a legitimate therapeutic activity and suggest several insights in regard to its application. Limitations of the findings and recommendations concerning Internet-based therapy and future research are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper attempts to collect some experience and some research concerning racial dimensions in current social work practice. It also grapples with the problem of fear. It is written from the perspective of social services workers, who distinguish themselves from other professional colleagues concerned with child abuse in two important respects. Firstly, they carry specific statutory responsiblity for the welfare of children, and therefore have extensive powers over the lives of family members. Secondly, as part of local government, Social Services Departments are at the forefront of conveying societal and political as well as professional attitudes and values into their work with some of the most disadvantaged people in the communities they serve. In urban areas these communitities contain many people with little or no clout, or people who do not realize that they could have a say in how services are delivered.  相似文献   


This article is based on the qualitative findings of a 4-year study of 150 adult African American men who are non-custodial fathers. Using social constructionist and ecological frameworks, issues of individual, personality and family development are explored and implications for micro and macro social work practice are discussed.  相似文献   


Objective:To review and describe empirical outcome studies on the psychosocial treatment of children and adolescents meeting the criteria for Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).Method:To locate these treatment outcome studies, an extensive review of the literature using the PsycINFO database was conducted. Results:Psychosocial treatments designed solely for youth meeting the criteria for ODD are rare. Rather, it seems that most of the intervention studies have involved youth with Conduct Disorder as well as ODD, even though these two disorders have distinct differences. Selected psychosocial interventions, including anger control and stress inoculation training, assertiveness training, multisystemic therapy, and rational emotive therapy, have produced favorable outcomes in the studies conducted and published to date. Conclusions:Social workers serving ODD youth should seek training in these provisionally supported evidence-based practices. Given the scarcity of treatments designed solely for ODD with adolescents, there is a need for more outcome studies on this specific population, and for more studies of social work practice involving such youth.  相似文献   


This article considers aspects of the possible impact of social exclusion upon psychosis and the implications of this for mental health social work practice. Against a background of calls for evidence based practice, and increasing recognition of the significance of theories and understandings as the foundations of practice, the article will first explore current and historical ways of viewing and intervening with the relationship between social adversity and mental health. Then, alternative understandings of this relationship, supported by recent research regarding the impact of trauma and extreme social adversity upon physiological and physical processes implicated in mental ill-health, will be discussed. These approaches have major implications for social work practice with psychosis, suggesting that experiences of trauma and disadvantage, and interventions seeking to alleviate the inner and outer effects of these experiences-tasks central to the social work remit-can make a significant difference to mental health outcomes. However, this is not to advocate a simple (albeit under-resourced) 'social solution'! On the contrary, the understandings underpinning these approaches recognise biological processes play a role in mental and physical ill-health: importantly, however, they can be shown to question the stigma traditionally attached to the concept of biological disorder in mental health, thus pointing to the value of a truly biopsychosocial approach with psychosis, involving fully holistic interventions that differ from those currently dominant, and which carry implications for more egalitarian worker-user relationships.  相似文献   


Rapid global change, massive world migration, and increasing political and economic uncertainty demand that policy practice be taught from a global perspective. If social work students are to be effective policy practitioners and advocates, they need skills to consider local, national, international, and global issues as the context for policy analysis and action. This paper focuses on implementation of a new policy practice course built on the foundation of international human rights emphasizing comparative policy analysis and principles of liberty, equality and justice within a social development perspective. Recommendations include assignments, suggested texts, and classroom activities.  相似文献   

In the wake of the recent economic challenges, it is clear that social workers must be educated about the financial opportunities for low-income households. Encouraging low-income households to have a bank account at an insured depository institution, or become banked, is increasingly emphasized in policy and practice. Becoming banked offers the opportunity to avoid high-cost alternative financial services. Social workers can facilitate relationships between low-income households and the mainstream financial services industry to help families advance their long-term financial interest. Understanding the structure of all types of banks and credit unions is imperative. Implications for social work practice are explored.  相似文献   


In a rapidly changing global environment, there have been renewed calls to position community development more centrally in social work, particularly in the face of contemporary practice challenges. This paper analyses the broad policy contexts of neoliberalism, globalisation, and governance change and discusses how these forces interact with social work and community development, drawing on examples from Australia and Ireland. The paper argues that sociopolitical forces both restrict and present opportunities for social work and community development practice and we seek to reactivate debate about the position of community development within changing and challenging contexts.

  • Contextualises community development practice, policy, and research within contemporary environments of neoliberalism, globalisation, and governance change.

  • Critically evaluates implications and new opportunities for social work and community development, drawing on examples from Australia and Ireland.

  • Reactivates debate and analysis on the position of community development in contemporary social work as we move forward into the new decade, and the next global agenda for social work and social development.



The social work literature is replete with studies evaluating direct practice or clinical interventions, but strikingly few have assessed how well social workers are faring in the political arena. The sample in this study consists of 396 randomly selected social workers licensed in 11 states who completed a 25-30 minute telephone survey. Social workers were surveyed to determine: (1) to what degree social workers participate politically; (2) whether they have the psychological engagement, or motivation, necessary to participate; and (3) whether social workers feel adequately prepared by their program to do policy work. Implications for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

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