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Objectives: We examined the social, relational and network determinants of condom use and HIV testing among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Beirut. Methods: Two-hundred thirteen men were recruited via respondent driven sampling and administered a survey. Results: Sixty-four percent reported unprotected anal intercourse (UAI), including 23% who had UAI with unknown HIV status partners (UAIU); 62% of participants had tested for HIV. In multivariate analysis, being in a relationship was associated with UAI and HIV testing; lower condom self-efficacy was associated with UAIU and HIV testing; gay discrimination was associated with UAIU; MSM disclosure was associated with UAI, UAIU and HIV testing; and network centralization was associated with HIV testing. Conclusions: Multi-level social factors influence sexual health in MSM.  相似文献   


Objective: To determine the extent to which personal, behavioral, and environmental factors are associated with human immunodeficiency virus/sexually transmitted infection (HIV/STI) testing and disclosure. Participants: Nine hundred thirty HIV-negative collegiate men who have sex with men (MSM) who completed an online survey about alcohol use and sexual behavior. Methods: Correlates of testing and disclosure significant in bivariate analyses (p < .05) were grouped into personal, behavioral, or environmental factors and entered into multivariable logistic regression models. Results: About half of participants tested for HIV (51.9%) and for STIs (45.8%) at least annually. Over half (57.8%) of participants always/almost always discussed HIV status with new sex partners; 61.1% with new unprotected sex partners. Personal and behavioral factors (age and outness) explained differences in testing, and the behavioral factor (routine testing) explained differences in disclosure. Conclusions: Collegiate MSM should be supported in coming out, encouraged to engage in routine testing, and counseled on discussing HIV/STI status with potential sex partners.  相似文献   

Qualitative data from interviews with gay men in Berlin, Germany were used to identify challenges facing HIV prevention and treatment as well as opportunities to improve them. In 2015, 20 self-identified gay men in Berlin—who had all received HIV prevention services and/or treatment (broadly defined)—participated in 1-on-1 qualitative interviews (30–75 min long). Ages ranged from 24 to 54, 35% self-identified as HIV-positive, and the remainder as HIV-negative. With regard to challenges to HIV prevention, participants highlighted (a) an already high HIV burden among gay men in Berlin and thus a need for doing prevention with positives (test-and-treat, and treatment as prevention); (b) the lack of a universal free condom distribution program; and (c) relaxed attitudes around the seriousness of HIV as a result of HIV treatment optimism. Participants highlighted that although condoms are an effective HIV prevention strategy (and thus certainly an area for focus), HIV prevention campaigns would benefit from updates with regard to embracing a diverse range of biological and behavioral prevention strategies, as well as expanded methods for making access to postexposure prophylaxis and free rapid HIV-antibody testing. This study informs HIV prevention approaches in Berlin, Germany as well as other urban centers where MSM are disproportionally affected by the HIV epidemic.  相似文献   


Men who have sex with men, men who have sex with men and women, and transgender women are at high risk for HIV infection. This study seeks to clarify which known HIV risk factors (partner type, sex location, serodiscordance, multiple sex partners, substance use during sex) contribute to engagement in high-risk (unprotected receptive anal) sex in each population. Data collected from June 2005 through June 2008 indicate all three populations display different HIV sexual risk profiles. The data suggest that HIV-prevention interventions should be individually tailored to address the specific needs of these three highly vulnerable and impacted populations.  相似文献   


This study provides an understanding of the significance of the use of the Internet to find sexual partners, its impact on sexual life, and how it is linked to unprotected sex among gay and bisexual men. A grounded approach was used to analyze interviews with 31 men (aged 19 to 46 years) from Madrid, Barcelona, and Bilbao/San Sebastián, Spain. The results reveal that the Internet is impacting the form and style of life of many men, and particularly their experience of sexuality. Many men regard their sexual experiences with casual partners met through the Internet as unsatisfactory or frustrating. The men provided several reasons behind the search for sexual partners via the Internet: Some interviewees sought to channel needs other than the sexual (company, affection, stable partner). Trust and assumptions built into the virtual interaction become a key to understanding why some men have unprotected sex with partners met on the Internet.  相似文献   

The relationships between mental health, substance use, and sexual behaviors among gay and bisexual men in a sample of 450 club drug-using men from New York City were examined using syndemics theory. Risk scores for each participant were based on variables measuring substance use and mental health burden. Participants with higher risk scores were significantly more likely to engage in risk behaviors. Risk taking was also explained by serosorting, suggesting that syndemics theory in and of itself, while significant in explaining risk, is not sufficient. These findings suggest we need to understand the interplay between social, emotional, and cognitive factors to understand sexual risk taking.  相似文献   

Rates of unprotected anal intercourse and HIV infection are alarmingly high among young gay males. This second wave of infection indicates that traditional models for AIDS education are not working. AIDS educators need to rethink HIV-prevention efforts. Studies consistently find a high level of knowledge about HIV transmission and high levels of commitment to safer sex among gay males, but what accounts for the breakdown between safer sex intentions and practices among them? This article employs social constructionist and queer theoretical assertions that sexuality is socially and culturally produced in complicated and pluralist ways. The analysis examines how risky sexual situations shape young gay males' sexualities by exploring two examples selected to represent, alternatively, models of safer sexual and unsafe sexual trajectories. Implications for HIV prevention practices and policies are discussed.  相似文献   

Oral sex among men who have sex with men (MSM) is a common mode of STI transmission. This study identified the prevalence and antecedents of condom-protected oral sex among a sample of 526 young Black MSM having oral sex in the past 90 days. Men engaging in condomless anal receptive sex were less likely to report always using condoms for oral sex (p = .007). Men agreeing that “condoms help me have better sex” (p = .004) and those indicating always discussing condom use before sex were more likely to always use condoms for oral sex (p = .002). These identified antecedents may inform behavioral intervention efforts.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined the relations between drug use and sexual behaviors; however, few have utilized episodic data to examine the co-occurrence of both behaviors within the same episode. This study surveyed 403 racially and ethnically diverse gay, bisexual, and other young men who have sex with men (YMSM; ages 18–29) in New York City. Men were surveyed about their sexual behavior and concurrent use of illicit substances and alcohol during their most recent sexual encounter with their main and/or casual partner(s). Logistic regression models were built to analyze predictors of unprotected oral and anal intercourse with main and casual partners. Results suggest that use of inhalant nitrates and alcohol increased the odds of men engaging in unprotected receptive anal intercourse (URAI) and men who identified as middle or high socioeconomic status (SES) were at lower odds of engaging in URAI with their main partner. Use of other illicit substances was not associated with unprotected sexual intercourse. These findings indicate a need to further consider the role of licit substances used by YMSM as a means of further reducing the incidence of HIV infection in this population. In addition, the high rates of unprotected anal intercourse among men reporting a main partner has the potential to be a significant source of HIV risk, and should be further explored among YMSM.  相似文献   

Nearly three decades since the onset of the AIDS epidemic, Black gay and bisexual men (BGBM) experience increasingly disproportionate rates of HIV and AIDS in the United States. The aim of this exploratory research investigation was to examine the relationship between body image and HIV sexual risk behavior in a community-based sample of 481 BGBM in the New York metropolitan area. Multivariable analyses demonstrated that men with a negative body image were less likely to use condoms during anal intercourse with a male sexual partner as compared to those respondents with a positive body image. These findings pose considerable implications for the influence of body image on HIV sexual risk behavior in BGBM.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the Perceived Sexual Control inventory (PSC) and a study investigating the relationship between an individual's perception of control over sexual behavior and actual sexual risk behavior in a New York City cohort of 108 HIV+ and 48 HIV‐ gay men. Correlational analysis indicated that reported difficulty controlling sexual behavior was associated with having more male sex partners and sex occasions over lifetime and in the 6 months prior to interview, with a greater number of one‐time partners and out‐of‐home partners, with less monogamy, and with being abstinent in the prior 6 months. Those who perceived difficulty with sexual control were significantly more likely to use cocaine or amyl nitrate (poppers) during sex, to do so on more occasions and to use more drugs overall. Additionally, perceptions of sexual control were found to relate to high risk sexual practices. Those lower in perceived sexual control reported more occasions of receiving anal ejaculation than those who reported greater sexual control. Two subscales (Perceived Control Over Sex Drive and Perceived Control Over Risk Behavior), derived via factor analysis from the 20‐item inventory used to assess perceived sexual control, were also examined in relation to the above variables, and differential findings are discussed. The overall pattern of findings supports the construct validity of the PSC.  相似文献   

The majority of cyberbullying studies are within the school environment. This quantitative study investigates cyberbullying among Canadian gay and bisexual men outside of the educational setting through a cross-sectional survey. Of the 7,430 respondents, 4.6% reported cyberbullying in the past year, with younger, Aboriginal, lower-educated, lower-income respondents reporting higher odds of experiencing cyberbullying. Victimization from cyberbullying was significantly associated with experiences of antigay discrimination as well as worry about antigay prejudice. A variety of negative health outcomes were also associated with cyberbullying, including intimate partner violence and suicidality. Implications for social service providers and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Disparities in health care access and utilization among male sexual minorities in the United States were explored using data from the National Survey of Family Growth (N = 8,846). Bisexual men had a small disadvantage in health insurance coverage but no differences were found in health insurance or consistency of coverage between gay and heterosexual men. Gay men were more likely to have a usual place of care, but were not more likely to utilize services. The current study provides inconclusive evidence for systematic disparities in health care access and utilization among gay and bisexual men in the United States.  相似文献   

Research indicates a high level of bias-related victimization among gay and bisexual men, but the total amount of victimization experienced by this population, including sexual orientation bias-related, other bias-related, and non-bias-related victimization, has hardly been examined. The relationship between coping and non-sexual orientation bias-related victimization among these populations has also received little research attention. This study examines total victimization during the previous 6 months and dispositional coping in a nationwide nonprobability sample of 297 self-identified gay and bisexual men. Results showed a high incidence of total victimization, with 72% of participants reporting a victimization occurrence. Emotion-oriented coping was positively correlated with victimization. The results indicate that many gay and bisexual men live in stressful environments which may contribute to negative health and mental health outcomes among them.  相似文献   


The authors reported lessons learned from their efforts to recruit Indian men and transgender women/hijras who have sex with men into an online cross sectional study. Between September 2013 and May 2014, we implemented a 7-phased recruitment strategy that included the use of online and offline strategies to enroll a total of 449 participants into an online survey about recent sexual behavior and various psychosocial measures. The phases were implemented sequentially and cost-per-eligible participant was calculated. Using social media and collaborating with organizers of community events proved the most effective strategies for recruiting Indian men who have sex with men into online research.  相似文献   


Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been demonstrated effective at preventing HIV among key populations like gay and bisexual men (GBM). Yet, there remains a continued need to engage GBM in PrEP behavioral and clinical research (e.g., to monitor adherence and retention in the PrEP treatment cascade). Objectives: We report on the factors motivating GBM to participate in a PrEP behavioral study, with the aim of our results to inform future recruitment efforts for future PrEP research. Methods: In 2015–2016, 103 PrEP-using GBM in New York City completed qualitative interviews about their experiences on PrEP. Participants were also asked about factors that motivated them to join the study. Thematic analysis was used analyze the data. Results: We identified 5 salient themes as rationale for joining the study: 58.3% cited altruistic reasons, 32% reported intellectual curiosity in the subject matter, 30.1% indicated that remuneration inspired them, 18.4% indicated that familiarity or referral to the research institute influenced their decision. Conclusions: Researchers attempting to enroll PrEP-using GBM may benefit from attending to the altruistic and intellectually curious nature of this population. Further, researchers may benefit from establishing familiarity among diverse communities of GBM. This in turn may contribute to the successful engagement of GBM for PrEP research.  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has been reported to be disproportionately higher among young men who have sex with men (YMSM) than among heterosexual men. Most research and public health programs among YMSM CSA survivors have been mainly infectious disease-based, and research on the physical sexual health among this group is limited. This study sought to further understand components of physical sexual health among YMSM with CSA histories. Sixteen participants were recruited, and through a phenomenological approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted. Four themes were found, participants (1) reported a one-dimensional definition of sexual health; (2) had limitations in health insurance hindering preventative care; (3) described reoccurring anal pain during sexual intercourse; and (4) conveyed a positive perception of sexual satisfaction. These findings indicate a need for healthcare providers, health educators, and researchers to increase awareness about the comprehensive needs of YMSM with CSA histories.  相似文献   


The study reported here was undertaken to investigate cultural and social barriers that may increase HIV risk among gay, lesbian, and bisexual Asian youth. Interviews and focus groups were used to collect the data because they are well suited for this type of exploratory research. A total of 15 gay, lesbian, and bisexual Asian youth (7 females and 8 males) were recruited. Most of the participants (n = 11) self-identified as lesbian or gay. The mean age was 20.7, ranging from 17 to 24. Twelve participated in one of three focus groups while the remaining three were interviewed. Categories and themes identified include: (1) the lack of sex education at home, (2) homophobia in Asian families, (3) unresponsive health and social service providers, (4) lack of social support, (5) negative stereotypes, (6) ideal standards of beauty, and (7) negative perceptions of safer sex practices among Asian lesbian and bisexual women. HIV prevention strategies are suggested based on the recommendations and needs of our participants.  相似文献   


Forged within the sociocultural context of the collective trauma of AIDS, HIV prevention efforts became rigid, focusing almost exclusively on patient education as risk reduction. However, while some people have not been able to incorporate risk reduction into their behavioral patterns, others have indeed returned to high-risk behavior after a period of reduced risk as evidenced by the “Bareback” movement. HIV prevention education has overlooked the effect of oppression and sexual trauma on the lives of gay men, and the impact of these phenomena on the gay male's interest in, and ability to, negotiate safer sex. Sexual trauma has been shown to have a direct effect on HIV risk and seropositivity. Additionally, as sexual trauma (often in the form of homophobia) and HIV infection have numerous parallels, the gay man may have analogous ways of relating to, processing and dealing with the two phenomena. Case histories are offered to illustrate how the relationship between HIV and sexual trauma may be examined in an effort to enhance the self-esteem and self-concept of the gay man, and thereby offer greater possibilities for him to protect himself.  相似文献   

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