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Psychologists' attitudes toward adult male sexual abuse survivors were explored. Psychologists (n = 154) read vignettes describing the sexual abuse of a male victim, then completed the Male Role Norm Scale, the Jackson Incest Blame Scale, a vignette response sheet, and a personal data sheet. Stepwise regression was used to analyze the data. Variables included characteristics of the psychologists, the perpetrator, and the victim. The psychologists' attitudes toward men, rather than the sex of the psychologists, predicted blaming attitudes. Victim responses, sexual abuse treatment experience, and the severity of abuse were also predictors. Practical suggestions for treatment are noted.  相似文献   


This article introduces a special volume on misinformation about child sexual abuse. Despite extensive research findings on the long-term effects and consequences of child sexual abuse, misinformation on this topic is widespread. Several forces have worked to support and disseminate this erroneous information. Because it is difficult to comprehend the horror of sexual crimes against children, society's denial and disbelief have often unwittingly supported the agendas of those who want to discount or minimize the impact of these crimes. The media has also contributed to the aura of skepticism surrounding claims of sexual abuse and its mental health impact, and has reported favorably on controversial and unproven claims such as the “false memory syndrome”. In the hope of countering misinformation and thus raising the level of discourse to the engagement of real scientific issues, a number of well known and respected researchers and clinicians examine various facets of the problem.  相似文献   

This analysis compared the characteristics and service patterns of adult survivors of childhood sexual assault/abuse and adult survivors of adult sexual assault/abuse. Utilizing data from sexual assault crisis centers serving survivors in a Midwestern state over a six year period and controlling for revictimization, we describe and compare the demographic characteristics, referral sources, and service patterns of the two groups. Results indicate that paths into service differ for the two groups. Furthermore, adult survivors of childhood sexual assault/abuse obtain significantly more hours of service and service contacts on average than adult survivors of adult sexual assault/abuse. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined predictors of attrition from a clinical trial examining the effects of an expressive writing intervention for sexual problems among female survivors of child sexual abuse. Participants were 124 women all reporting sexual difficulties, who were randomized to a trauma-focused condition (n?=?45), an experimental sexual schema-focused condition (n?=?37), or a control condition (n?=?42). Thirty-five women (28%) dropped out before completing posttreatment assessments. Younger age, less education, and increased use of positive coping strategies were each independently associated with dropout. Results have implications for both researchers and clinicians working with this population, and it is hoped that these data can help bolster retention of those who are more likely to discontinue treatment.  相似文献   

Child sexual abuse can have long-term negative impacts across psychological, physical, and interpersonal domains. Some of the common issues for survivors of sexual abuse include shame and self-blame, attachment-based difficulties, avoidant coping strategies, and reduced capacity for self-compassion. Compassion-focused therapy is a transdiagnostic intervention that specifically responds to these concerns. Compassion-focused therapy was originally developed for clients who experience high levels of shame and self-criticism and aims to strengthen the soothing and affiliative system through the cultivation of compassion. This article will highlight the theoretical alignment between some of the common issues and impacts associated with experiences of sexual abuse, with the core underlying principles of compassion-focused therapy. This includes (a) the capacity of the therapy’s evolutionary framework to reduce perceptions of self-blame, (b) the cultivation of compassion to respond to feelings of shame, (c) acknowledgment of the role of early attachment experiences and facilitation of corrective affiliative experiences, (d) regulation of the threat-based system following trauma, and (e) provision of an alternative to avoidant-based coping by responding to distress with compassion. It is proposed that the theoretical framework and core focus and aims of compassion-focused therapy are highly applicable for survivors of sexual abuse and therefore holds significant promise as a treatment option for this client group.  相似文献   

The Childhood Sexual Abuse Stereotypes Scale was developed to assess stereotypes of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Scale items were derived from two studies that elicited cultural and personal beliefs about, and emotions experienced towards adult childhood sexual abuse survivors among university undergraduates. Two scales, Emotions and Characteristics, were developed and administered online to 182 participants. Exploratory factor analysis produced 7 factors, 4 for the Emotions Scale and 3 for the Characteristics Scale. Study 2 replicated this factor structure using confirmatory factor analysis (N?=?457). Reliability and validity analyses suggest that the Childhood Sexual Abuse Stereotypes Scale has satisfactory psychometric properties. The Childhood Sexual Abuse Stereotypes Scale can be used to examine stereotypes of legal and health care professionals likely to work with survivors as well as in stereotyping research.  相似文献   

The Nature of Posttraumatic Growth in Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Potential negative sequelae for survivors of child sexual abuse is well documented. However, growing evidence suggests that some individuals who actively cope with traumatic events can progress from a negative trajectory toward positive psychological change, often termed posttraumatic growth. Current posttraumatic growth theories may be of limited applicability to developmental considerations involved in child sexual abuse. This explorative study examines posttraumatic growth among adult female survivors of child sexual abuse. In-depth interviews were conducted with six participants who believed they had grown through coping with their abuse. Data was analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Three superordinate and nine subordinate themes were identified and explored. Some participants reported experiencing growth and distress simultaneously. Theoretical and clinical implications are examined in relation to the study’s findings.  相似文献   


This study utilized a qualitative analysis of child survivors of the Holocaust who were sexually abused during World War II. The research study aimed to give this specific group of survivors a voice and to explore the impact of multiple extreme traumas, the Holocaust and childhood sexual abuse, on the survivors. Twenty-two child survivors of the Holocaust who were sexually abused during the war completed open-ended interviews. The data was qualitatively analyzed according to Tutty, Rothery, and Grinnell's (1996) guidelines. Three major themes were found: issues relating to the sexual abuse trauma, survivors' perceptions of the abuse, and survivors' general perspectives towards life. The identity of the offenders, Jewish or non-Jewish, determined the survivors' feelings towards themselves, the perpetrators, and about the worth of life.  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse is a severe problem worldwide. Childhood sexual abuse can be detrimental to children and their abilities to cope with and communicate in their subsequent adult intimate relationships. The aim of this review was to generate and summarize knowledge about how childhood sexual abuse manifests in adult intimate relationships so healthcare professionals can incorporate this knowledge into treatment and care. A scoping review methodology was selected because it supports examination of the extent, range, and nature of research activity. A content analysis of the studies included in this review led to three thematic categories of challenges in adult intimate relationships after childhood sexual abuse: (a) relationship satisfaction, (b) sexual satisfaction, and (c) communication and trust.  相似文献   

A 56-item measure of trauma-related beliefs was piloted with 59 female adult sexual abuse survivors. The measure includes four internally-consistent subscales which assess beliefs reflective of Finkelhor and Browne's (1986) traumagenic dynames model: Self-Blame/Stigmatization, Betrayal, Powerlessness, and Traumatic Sexualization. Multiple regression analyses examined the relationships between trauma-related beliefs and other psychological/behavioral outcomes. Self-Blame/Stigmatization beliefs predicted lower self-esteem, interpersonal problems, depression, anxiety, and overall psychological distress. Betrayal beliefs predicted interpersonal problems, an external locus of control, and sexual problems. Powerlessness beliefs predicted lower self-esteem, depression, and external locus of control, and sexual problems. Powerlessness beliefs predicted lower self-esteem, depression, and external loxus of control. Traumatic sexualization beliefs predicted anxiety and sexual avoidance. Results are discussed in terms of implications for theoretical model development and treatment planning for sexual abuse survivors.  相似文献   

This study examined the unique effects of child sexual abuse simultaneously with post-traumatic stress disorder symptom clusters, problem drinking, and illicit drug use in relation to sexual revictimization in a community sample of female adult sexual assault victims. Participants (N?=?555) completed two surveys a year apart. Child sexual abuse predicted more post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in adult sexual assault victims. Post-traumatic stress disorder numbing symptoms directly predicted revictimization, whereas other post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms (reexperiencing, avoidance, and arousal) were related to problem drinking, which in turn predicted revictimization. Thus, numbing symptoms and problem drinking may be independent risk factors for sexual revictimization in adult sexual assault victims, particularly for women with a history of childhood sexual abuse.  相似文献   


This exploratory study examined relationships between acute stress disorder (ASD) symptoms and sexual abuse history, distress, and social support among sexual abuse survivors seeking treatment. Participants were 32 women recruited for a pilot study of group treatment for sexual abuse survivors who completed self-report and interview measures. Many participants (37.5%) met criteria for all ASD symptoms. Also, ASD symptoms were significantly related to seeing the self as the causal locus of the abuse, forgetting the abuse for a period of time, and the number of abusers, the distress of a recent life event, other forms of distress, and poor social support, Acute stress disorder may occur among many sexual abuse survivors seeking treatment, requiring special intervention to help these patients to manage their reactions to ongoing stresses.  相似文献   

The religious consequences of child sexual abuse in adulthood remain relatively unexamined in the research literature, especially where abusers are not clergy. Some studies suggest child sexual abuse survivors may rely on religion as a source of support, though the majority document a decrease in religiosity. Given the propensity for psychological challenges among adult survivors with diminished spiritual coping, we are calling for increased research attention to religion in the context of child sexual abuse. The objectives of this article were to review the literature on intersections between child sexual abuse (perpetrated by nonclergy) and religiosity in adults and set forth relevant research approaches for future investigation. Findings revealed a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and theoretically informed approach to research may be needed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of abuse and parental characteristics on attributional content and determine the relative contribution of different attributions of blame in predicting psychological symptomatology among adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. One hundred eighty-three female undergraduates with a history of childhood sexual abuse completed self-report questionnaires. Abuse characteristics were significantly related to attributions. Family- and perpetrator-blame accounted for significant variability in psychological symptomatology, beyond the contributions of abuse characteristics, family environment, and self-blame. Implications for research and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

Children with alleged child sexual abuse (CSA) need to be assessed systematically. The use of validated instruments during the assessment, like the Child Sexual Behavior Inventory (CSBI), could add diagnostic value. We aim to assess the diagnostic utility of the CSBI to differentiate between sexually abused and non-abused children. We conducted a systematic review. We searched the electronic databases MEDLINE and PsychInfo for studies comparing CSBI scores in sexually abused children and non-abused children (2–12 years old). Two independent reviewers extracted data and assessed the methodological quality. We included 7 (out of 1048) articles. The CSBI total scores were significantly higher in CSA-victims compared with non-abused children (in case–control settings). However, in children with suspected CSA, the results were ambiguous. One study reported significant differences. Another study reported weak diagnostic ability for the CSBI-3 in children with suspected CSA (a sensitivity and specificity of 0.50, with a positive predictive value of 0.28, and a negative predictive value of 0.72). Research on the diagnostic utility of the CSBI for suspected CSA is limited and shows disappointing results. Until more research is done, the CSBI should not be used on its own to differentiate between sexually abused and non-abused children.  相似文献   


This qualitative study explored the effects of childhood sexual abuse with 10 adult male survivors. The men who participated in the research were largely motivated by their perception that North American society does not acknowledge the sexual abuse of boys. They described the abuse as having significantly affected their sexual identity, as well as their emotional and sexual relationships as adults. The implications of these issues for clinical intervention are described.  相似文献   

This critical literature review explored how adult survivors of child sexual abuse experienced adjustments to their self-structure through meaning-making in therapy. Following extensive searches of academic databases, 15 studies were identified for review. Using thematic analysis, eight themes emerged. The eight identified themes of trust, acknowledgement, evolution, acceptance, integration, congruence, relational, and agency represented distinct but interrelated components of self-structure. The findings also indicated that self-structure components may be both intra- and interrelational in nature and that movement in one theme may facilitate movement in another. While recognizing that the nature of the research captured a composite of experiences, it was found that there was a consistent movement and fluidity as to how participants arrived at an adjusted position for each of the themes. A suggested theoretical framework was developed showing the components of the self-structure impacted by meaning-making and the nature of the adjustments made. Recommendations are made regarding future research.  相似文献   

This paper uses concepts from relational psychodynamic theories and findings from neurobiology to conceptualize a young child’s experience of sexual abuse. Selected developmental tasks are discussed using an integrated theoretical framework. Literature which highlights the importance of the child’s environment is reviewed. A case of a sexually abused 5-year-old girl demonstrates consequences of sexual abuse using ideas from psychodynamic theories and neurobiology. It is recommended that social work practitioners expand on the biology domain when conducting a bio-psycho-social assessment. Social work students may benefit from additional content on biology in social work curricula.  相似文献   


This study investigated dependency in survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA). The Interpersonal Dependency Inventory (IDI) was administered at intake to 24 men and 85 women seen in therapy at a university-based community mental health clinic. In contrast to findings from earlier studies, no significant gender differences were obtained for IDI whole-scale or subscale scores. Analyses comparing CSA IDI scores with the IDI scores of previously studied groups indicated that among women, CSA survivors obtained higher dependency scores than non-CSA psychiatric patients, community adults, and college students. Findings for men were less consistent. Follow-up analyses revealed that commonly investigated CSA characteristics were unrelated to survivors' dependency scores. Implications of these findings for future research and clinical practice are explored.  相似文献   

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