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Gay Men     

This report presents the findings from four ethnographic studies of older gay men (Brown, 1997; Brown, Sarosy, Cook & Quarto, 1997; Cook, 1991; Quarto, 1996; Sarosy, 1996). There were 69 total participants who ranged in age from 36 to 79 years; most were from 50 to 65 years of age. The purpose of these studies was to examine how older gay men have adjusted, psychologically and socially, to their sexual orientation and aging process. Participants reported that they spend 50% time or more with gay friends within their own age cohorts. Many reported being involved with the gay community in some capacity, while about 15% had no involvement with the gay community. Most participants were in regular contact with their families. Most stated that their families were aware of their sexual orientation. Most of the participants reported experiencing discrimination due to sexual orientation, and one third had experienced discrimination within the gay community based on age or ethnicity. With regard to sex life, the studies found an overall lowered frequency of sexual activity. Participants felt that HIV/AIDS has had a devastating impact on older gay men, interrupting the normal aging process for those who have contracted it and prematurely aging those who care for them. The studies' findings identified the qualities of healthy adaptation to aging for older gay males: having satisfying relationship, self-acceptance as one ages, good health, an active life with a variety of interests, and financial security.  相似文献   

Gay Men and HIV     

This paper reports on the results of qualitative studies examining the personal experiences of sex and sexual negotiation for British gay men who are diagnosed HIV positive and those who know or presume themselves to be uninfected. These are contrasted with the results of a study of representations of HIV and AIDS within an international review of community health promotion literature aimed at gay men. The paper highlights the disparity between specific community responses to the epidemic as engendered in the cultural production of health promotion materials and the individual experience of HIV, suggesting a! paradigm for a community response to the epidemic which reflects the personal experience of gay men both infected and uninfected.  相似文献   


Some gay men practice polyamory, which results in the formation of stable, complex polyamorous families of choice. These relationships do not fit within the western heterosexual model of the family. They can be understood using concepts from the intergenerational or transgenerational approach to family systems, along with concepts from Enneagram, a personality topology. A polyamorous gay male family is described and future areas for research are discussed.  相似文献   

Maturing Gay Men     

Two time-limited groups were offered for gay men age 40 and over. From pre-group interviews a list of interest areas was constructed. Interpersonal relations with other gay men emerged as the primary concern. In an effort to describe and organize the concerns group members expressed about their relationships, a model based on the work of Bell and Weinberg and the ethnographic work of Evelyn Hooker was developed. The model is a typology consisting of three dominant sociosexual interactive fields: the Sexual Market Field, the Primary Relationship Field and the Social Network  相似文献   

In the past 25 years, numerous studies have reported widely held negative attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. Many social service providers hold such negative attitudes. A review of the existing research reveals that the correlates of negative attitudes have remained fairly consistent over time. Knowledge of these correlates can be useful in the design of programs to reduce negative attitudes among students and social service providers.  相似文献   


This article addresses the concept of gay and lesbian identity development with respect to African American gay men and lesbians. The authors suggest that the integration of one's gay identity and the coming out process are uniquely constructed for African American gay men and lesbians, who may be multiply challenged by racial prejudice, limited acceptance by the African American community, and a lack of integration into the larger, White gay community. Race, African American culture, a continuum of gay cultures, gender, and individual characteristics are suggested as salient variables that distinguish the gay identity experience of African American gays from that proposed by most gay identity models.  相似文献   

The family lives of lesbian and gay people have been a source of controversy during the past decade. Despite prejudice and discrimination, lesbians and gay men have often succeeded in creating and sustaining family relationships. Research on same‐gender couple relationships, parent‐child relationships, and other family relationships is reviewed here. In general, the picture of lesbian and gay relationships emerging from this body of work is one of positive adjustment, even in the face of stressful conditions. Research is also beginning to address questions about individual differences among the family relationships of lesbians and gay men. Future work in this area has the potential to affect lesbian and gay lives, influence developmental and family theory, and inform public policies in the decade ahead.  相似文献   

Addiction to mood-altering chemicals (including alcohol) traumatizes the addict. If, addicted person is a lesbian or gay man, then she or he is subjected to another source of trauma-homophobia. One common response to such traumas is depression. It is critically important that social service providers be able to recognize, assess, diagnose, and treat or appropriately refer lesbians and gay men who are chemically dependent and depressed. This article will give information and suggestions to social service providers which can help them perform these functions.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):83-118
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Increasingly, male couples are choosing to become parents. This article discusses the different ways that they achieve fatherhood, the issues that are unique to them, and what professionals need to know in order to be prepared to best work with these families.  相似文献   


Social context is a crucial lens through which to see and understand the experience of gay men who have been sexually abused as children. Clinicians who recognize the complex interplay of forces within this context will be better able to serve their gay male sexual abuse survivor clients. Given the trauma inherent in a cultural context which stigmatizes, devalues, pathologizes and punishes homosexuality, the added trauma of childhood sexual abuse in effect exponentially intensifies the trauma and the task of healing. It is particularly important that clinicians assist clients to separate sexual abuse and its effects from sexual orientation. Ideally, the former comes to be seen as imposed from without due to another's pathology, and the latter as an intrinsically good and positive part of self that exists entirely apart from the former. The phenomenon of an “Imprinted Arousal Pattern” (IAP), common among sexual abuse survivors, induces the individual to continue to be eroticized by stimulation and circumstances that overtly or covertly resemble the abuse circumstances. Case illustrations are provided to aid the reader in understanding and assisting others to work through this dynamic.  相似文献   


Gay lives challenge historically dominant understandings of family. Given that definitions of family have been heterosexually based, how do non-heterosexuals define and understand “family?” Drawing from the family life course perspective, we propose that contemporary cohorts of older gay men represent a strategic vantage point for understanding innovations in family life, and thus expand current understandings of a gay life course. We use data from an interview study of gay men over the age of 50 who talked about their family relationships. While providing diverse definitions of family, biological ties and closeness were two consistent dimensions for defining both positive and negative family relationships by these older gay men. Narratives of coming out were central to discussions of current relationships with parents and children. The findings from this study indicate that sexual orientation influences life trajectories and transitions and point to useful avenues for further research on contemporary family life.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine lifetime patterns of sexual assault and associated risks among a purposive sample of gay and bisexual men (N = 183; 18 to 35 years old, M = 24.3). Cross-sectional data were collected via written, self-administered questionnaires and face-to-face, event-based qualitative interviews. Alcohol severity scores indicated high rates of hazardous drinking (53.0%) and possible dependence (14.2%) among participants. One-half of men (50.8%) reported childhood sexual abuse (CSA), and 67.2% reported adult sexual assault (ASA). Average age at most recent ASA was 21 years. Most perpetrators (83.9%) of recent ASA incidents were male; 67.0% of participants reported consuming alcohol and/or drugs prior to the most recent incident. Regression findings indicated more severe CSA experiences and past alcohol-related problems predicted recent severe ASA. Although we found similarities between gay and bisexual men in lifetime sexual assault history, we found some distinct differences in ASA risk factors. Bisexual men reported higher alcohol severity scores, more female ASA perpetrators, higher internalized homophobia scores, and fewer male sexual partners than gay men. Findings suggest the need for interventions that reduce ASA risk among sexual minority men—and the potential benefits of focusing on alcohol consumption in risk reduction efforts.  相似文献   

Our qualitative study examines the social psychology of gay men’s experiences with their procreative, father, and family identities. In‐depth interviews were conducted with 19 childless gay men and 20 gay men in the United States who have fathered using diverse means excluding heterosexual intercourse. By focusing on men aged 19 – 55 residing primarily in Florida and New York, our novel analysis illuminates how emerging structural opportunities and shifting constraints shape gay men’s procreative consciousness. Findings reveal that gay men’s procreative consciousness evolves throughout men’s life course, and is profoundly shaped by institutions and ruling relations, such as adoption and fertility agencies, assumptions about gay men, and negotiations with birth mothers, partners, and others.  相似文献   


Forged within the sociocultural context of the collective trauma of AIDS, HIV prevention efforts became rigid, focusing almost exclusively on patient education as risk reduction. However, while some people have not been able to incorporate risk reduction into their behavioral patterns, others have indeed returned to high-risk behavior after a period of reduced risk as evidenced by the “Bareback” movement. HIV prevention education has overlooked the effect of oppression and sexual trauma on the lives of gay men, and the impact of these phenomena on the gay male's interest in, and ability to, negotiate safer sex. Sexual trauma has been shown to have a direct effect on HIV risk and seropositivity. Additionally, as sexual trauma (often in the form of homophobia) and HIV infection have numerous parallels, the gay man may have analogous ways of relating to, processing and dealing with the two phenomena. Case histories are offered to illustrate how the relationship between HIV and sexual trauma may be examined in an effort to enhance the self-esteem and self-concept of the gay man, and thereby offer greater possibilities for him to protect himself.  相似文献   


This paper reports results of two studies about the racial and sexual identities of Asian American gay men. In the first study, 32 Asian American gay men completed measures assessing racial and sexual identity attitudes. Results suggested that Assimilationists had the most negative sexual identity attitudes, followed by Marginalists and Separationists, with Integrationists having the most positive sexual identity attitudes. Study 2 was a qualitative study based on interviews with 10 of the participants in Study 1. Twenty-nine themes were identified and grouped under five domains (personal background, coming out, being Asian in the U.S., being gay in the U.S., and multiple identities). Most themes were related to the parallel and interactive processes between participants' racial and sexual identity development. Practical and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Nine working-class gay men were interviewed over the Internet in relation to their life experience and their resilience in a homophobic, violent and AIDS infected world. The themes that emerged are consistent with the psychosocial focus of previous ethnographic research. These men appeared happy and content with their lives, adapting effectively to environments that are more accepting and supportive than previously assumed in the literature.  相似文献   

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