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The state of health of the people in developing countries does not show a very good trend. They are faced with the double burden of communicable and noncommunicable diseases as well as other sociocultural factors that need to be addressed, especially in rural areas. The present study was conducted in a rural area with the dual purpose of training the undergraduate medical student in the field and exposing or sensitizing them toward the need of the rural masses and provision of services in the form of medical aid or health education and awareness. It was a camp-based approach where an intense phase was planned for a week and a follow-up phase every month. The present article is the result of the week-long intense phase. The intensive phase is basically the period when this camp was run for 7 days with the involvement of specialists from various departments providing their services. In the next phase there were follow-up activities and services that were provided once a month. The study generated an interest in the students, and they are very keen for the follow-up visits. Because the students were allotted families, the whole village was covered and health awareness was generated, which created demand. This demand was met given the number of patients attending the clinics, of which 57% were females. Furthermore, 77% of the patients reported that they were fully satisfied with the services being provided.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies examine diabetes self-care, few regard ecological framework correlates such as community and institutional level factors as fundamental for understanding diabetes management for Latinos. This article addresses the dearth of research that exists regarding social contextual forces and diabetes management for Latinos. Given the scarcity of research on this topic, studies of non-Latino groups were reviewed to illustrate the importance of community and institutional influences on diabetes care. Consideration of fundamental correlates within the ecological framework may better discern the underlying rationale for inadequate diabetes self-management for individuals who live in impoverished communities.  相似文献   


India is characterized by significant rural-based living, population heterogeneity, financial constraints, and reverse sex ratio. Traditions of joint families, life-long physical activity, vegetarianism, and social and spiritual enrichment, all known to promote healthy aging, are widely prevalent. With the increasing pace of population aging, the health of older persons in India has been the focus of recent attention. Existing data indicate a significant morbidity among the aged, much of which may remain subclinical. Considerable variations in morbidity exist with respect to gender, place of residence (rural vs. urban), and socioeconomic status. Rapid demographic transition without a concomitant epidemiological transition is responsible for the dual load of infections and degenerative diseases in older persons, these being common causes of death. Most age-related morbidity is preventable. Health promotion and cost-effective interventions based on the primary health care approach over a lifelong course, especially at the village level, will greatly help towards achieving the goal of healthy aging. The rapidly changing socioeconomic scenario in India also calls for appropriate policy actions to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

徐宁  孟建锋 《职业时空》2013,(6):103-104,108
廊坊市老龄人口总数和年增长率均高于全国平均水平,已提前进入老龄化社会,养老服务问题愈加凸显,加快养老服务体系建设至关重要。社区居家养老服务模式集合了家庭养老和机构养老的优点,以其人性化、便捷性、操作性强等独特优势,已成为全世界非常推崇的养老服务模式。通过纵向数据分析和横向比较分析,描述廊坊市人口老龄化的基本态势,深入剖析居家养老服务模式的内涵,并在探讨廊坊市居家养老服务的实践与存在的不足的基础上,提出构建社区居家养老服务体系的对策。  相似文献   


This article explores the policy definitions and the funder roles of central and local governments in community care in Taiwan. The notion of community care has been adopted in Taiwan following the model of Hong Kong but the main question of the article is whether this has resulted in actual service provisions at the community level, forming an alternative to institutional care. The data has been collected from several sources: policy documents, official statistics, surveys, general reports, funding provision reports, and empirical studies. The results show that neither central nor local authorities are seriously involved in caring for elderly people or persons with disabilities in Taiwan's communities. In Taiwan, community care for these groups of people still means, in practice, informal care provided by female family members without any support from public policies.  相似文献   


Current attempts to address the high burden of sexual health morbidity and mortality in developing countries remain limited in scale due to a range of health system constraints. We conducted a literature review of the policy and programmatic issues that influence the integration of sexual health into primary care services in developing countries. Forty-seven reports were identified from a search of both peer-reviewed and gray literature. Key issues identified were intersectoral and intergovernmental coordination; management and organizational issues including decentralization, health sector reform, logistics, and referral systems; human resources, including training and support required to increase service scope; relationships between the public and private sectors; and scaling-up and financing issues.  相似文献   

With the progression of the HIV pandemic and the unique challenges it brings to community-based health and social services, comprehensive service planning becomes essential for the well-being of those affected by AIDS. This article reports on an educational program using an empowerment-based community practice model in responding to the AIDS crisis. This was a service planning coordination effort tbat included compiling a comprehensive directory and profile of local services, measuring practitioner knowledge and attitudes toward working with persons affected by AIDS, and analyzing planning policies of HIV service agencies. This joint work included faculty, students, and community service providers.  相似文献   


The health care model presented in this paper is a non-linear, systems approach to service delivery. The model was a by-product of three ethnic-specific conferences that were convened to discuss strategies for improving access to care and the quality of services provided to children with special health care needs (CSHCN) from diverse cultural backgrounds. The model evolved as insights regarding the common values and norms held by parents, health care providers, and cultural representatives were shared. Content analysis was used to identify core themes identified by participants. These themes were incorporated into a model that included the following elements: community-based, culturally competent, health-oriented, resiliency-focused, and family-centered care. At the fourth Consensus Conference, selected participants from the previous ethnic specific conferences reviewed the proposed model and deemed it a vehicle for facilitating health care service utilization by culturally and linguistically diverse CSHCN and their families.  相似文献   


The focus of this article is on the evolution of mental health care policy in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present. To the extent that social work practice enacts policy, this article focuses particularly on the ways 20th century social workers have reflected, interpreted, and forged mental health care initiatives and reforms. The article includes a discussion of how the cycles of mental health reform (moral treatment, mental hygiene, and community mental health) have influenced not only the roles but also the actual practices of social workers. The article concludes with a consideration of the impact of managed care on mental health policy and the implications for social work.  相似文献   


India is a large country, geographically as well as popula-tionwise. The majority of its population lives in rural areas, i.e., villages. Again, most of the villages are in remote areas. The State has been making sincere efforts to make the basic social services accessible to all in the rural area. Health being one of the vital services, it has been a challenging task before the State to extend it to the remote rural areas, many of which are not yet connected by motorable roads. As a result of various experiments carried out over the last five decades, the State has developed a fairly well-designed primary health care service, and it is in operation in rural areas. However, there appears to be a striking gap between the delivery of health services in rural areas and utilization of the services by the people. Attempts have been made in this article to apprise the readers of the health service system in India, and it discusses the issue of health service delivery at the village level. The discussion is based on a small study carried out in a rural area in the State of West Bengal (India) where students of social work of the University to which the author belongs are placed for field work. Following the inputs received through supervision of the students' work, the study was initiated and conducted.

This article based on the study seeks to focus on peoples' perception of the health services as provided by the State in rural areas, which in turn gets reflected in the extent to which they utilize the services. Social workers being an integral part of the health set up, their role bears special significance. Discussion, therefore, centres on scope for social work intervention at the community level as well as in institutional level of the health service delivery system to make the services meaningful and effective in rural areas. In fact, it has to take the leadership role in reforming the service delivery system when required.  相似文献   

Effective case managers in community mental health are successful at forging a working alliance with recipients. This article explores one key aspect of case management practice, serving involuntary clients, specifically those on outpatient commitment orders. In 19 intensive interviews, a subset of a larger study, case managers shared their perceptions of the utility of outpatient commitment with a focus on how such orders impacted the professional relationship. We argue that the use of advance psychiatric directives and shared decision-making processes can reduce the need for coercive practice.  相似文献   

Health care reform will increase the number of individuals who have access to substance abuse services. This impending influx of consumers has the potential of overwhelming the service capacity of providers within the field. Provisions included in the reform legislation might fall short of their intended goal to expand the number of service providers needed to deliver services. This article discusses unmet treatment need in the United States, the current numbers of service providers, and provisions within the reform legislation to increase the labor force. Recommendations are set forth that could help expand the number of providers in the field.  相似文献   


This research focused on the mental health issues at adult day centers and used a cluster analysis to profile older persons who received these services. The sample included 280 participants who attended adult day care. The data were collected from intake files using a biopsychosocial framework to guide the selection of variables from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2000. A cluster analysis revealed two distinct profiles of participants. The first profile was characterized by women, who were single, African-American, had low incomes, relied more on public funding, and had no psychiatric diagnoses. The second profile was differentiated with more men, who were married, relied more on private funding, and had higher incomes and psychiatric diagnoses. Participants clustered in the second profile, including those diagnosed with psychiatric disorders, disenrolled at a faster rate than those in the first profile, including older adults without psychiatric disorders. Both profiles were similar in age, education, caregiving, religious affiliation, household size, and service intensity. They also resembled each other with respect to functional limitations, nutrition risk, and prior nursing home placement. Slight differences were found in frequency of previous hospitalizations and years of education. Recommendations for strengthening the mental health training of social workers employed at adult day centers were made.  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been paid to the lack of services and support afforded older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) women in same-sex relationships, including caregivers. This study was designed to investigate the needs and perceptions of LGBTQ women from ages 35 to 91, including informal caregivers and older adults regarding services and support from health care providers. Questionnaires were completed by older LGBTQ women (N = 76), and follow-up interviews were conducted with 25% of caregiver respondents. The majority of subjects indicated a fear of future challenges and discrimination. Four main themes emerged when analyzing the open-ended responses: the need for health care workers who were both supportive and knowledgeable about LGBTQ issues; better and consistent recognition of same-sex partners and their rights to make decisions as primary caregivers; increased sensitivity training regarding the needs of LGBTQ patients and caregivers; and more open and accepting environments where LGBTQ patients and caregivers could feel comfortable discussing issues with the staff.  相似文献   

The paper uses the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 2003 database to study the types of official and shadow out-of-pocket health care expenditures by consumers with high and low health status. The analysis shows that the inability of less healthy people to pay unofficially for more effective outpatient care results in their higher demand for official inpatient and outpatient treatment. This pattern creates the need to sustain excessive inpatient facilities and slows down health care restructuring. Yet, since the state is incapable of fulfilling its obligations for providing free health care and meet the current demand, in inpatient institutions all consumers, and less healthy ones in particular, spend considerable sums on drugs, even though the latter are guaranteed to be free. Consequently, the current Russian health system itself leads to replacing outpatient with inpatient care, which is more costly both for the patients and for the state.   相似文献   


This paper examines the original model of community support for people coping with psychiatric disabilities and illuminates four emergent factors that are bringing about what the author identifies as second-generation community support systems. The author discusses the important role of recovery in refraining the purpose and aims of second-generation community support systems and draws implications for how case management can function within these systems to make them more responsive to recipients.  相似文献   

Trade-Offs Between Formal Home Health Care and Informal Family CareGiving   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Using 1994 National Long Term Care Survey data, we estimated logistic regressions of formal and informal home health care use and hours. Home health care use and intensity were differentially impacted by chronic conditions, are higher for Medicaid enrollees and rural or small town residents, but lower for HMO enrollees. Decreases in the probability of home health care use increased informal instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) support four hours and decreased informal activities of daily living (ADL) support eight hours weekly. IADL caregiving substituted for formal care, but ADL caregiving declined with reductions in formal care. Public policy reducing formal home health care access may reduce informal ADL caregiving and increase informal IADL caregiving, producing net declines in support.  相似文献   


This paper describes a two-tiered community intervention model in response to a call from the Center for Mental Health Services for the development of best-practice strategies for homeless mothers with mental health and/or substance use disorders and their children. This model incorporates best practice principles gained from previous research projects pitched at the system and client levels. The model has been conceptualized, presented, and funded by CMHS and is currently being implemented in a local community. This model is unique in that it develops an intervention that addresses both levels of service delivery (i.e., system and client) in a single project. Blending systems integration/wraparound service philosophy and consumer-driven/strength-based development approaches provides a model that encompasses interventions at the individual client level via supported case management, and improved coordination and collaboration at the service system level. While this model was developed for a specific community population, the approach is general inits applicability to other areas of practice.  相似文献   

Colleges and universities need to be prepared to address the psychological impact of tragedies on their campuses. In this article, the author describes the development and successful implementation of campus postvention services in the aftermath of college student deaths by suicide as well as by natural and accidental causes. The program has been well received and has gone a long way toward helping the campus community come together and heal after these types of tragedies. College officials adapted the program to address issues related to troubling national and international events as well local incidents, such as suicide attempts and students' loss of housing through fires. The author provides specific instructions so that readers can replicate the program on their own campuses, and additional materials are available upon request.  相似文献   

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