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《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(4):97-116
This study investigated and compared the influence of selected factors on the affective aualities of mother-daughter and mother-in-lawldaughter-in-law relaAonships. The sample ionsisted of 229 nonorofessional and 250 orofessional women from two uni- - - - ~ . versity campuses; they were selected with a stratified, random sampling procedure. Filial responsibility attitudes, health of older dyad members, and social support influenced positive affect in both relationships. Contrary to expectations, geographic distance, adult women's age, race, nonprofessional/professional work status, and older dyad member's marital status were not predictors. Contact and health of the adult women were predictors of positive affect toward mothers but not mothers-in-law. This study underscores the importance of focusing on specific dyadic relationships when conducting intergenerational family research. 相似文献
《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3):39-58
Quantitative research approaches have dominated the literature on factors contributine to careeiver stress. This aualitative study examined those dynami& of theidult daughter/mdther relationship which may contribute to the high stress levels reported by middle-aged female caregivers. In all 95 women participated in face-to-face individual, structured interviews. Trends in the data indicate that the more peerlike the motherldaughter relationship at the time of the caregiving experience, the less stress the adult daughter experiences as a caregiver. Implications for further research and practice are provided. 相似文献
The Type of Support that Adult Children Solicit from Their Mothers in European Welfare Systems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
María Dolores Martín-Lagos López 《Social indicators research》2014,117(1):209-233
The objective of this article is to examine if the kind of relationship and the support which mothers offer adult children living outside the home can be explained by different welfare systems and structural indicators. Propositions derived from intergenerational relationship theories and national welfare typologies have been analysed and indicate that there are structural variables that influence the type of relationship and support offered. The data we have used is from the survey “Social Relations and Support Systems”of the International Survey Programme. We selected those respondents whose mothers were alive and did not reside in the same dwelling, a total of 9,261 interviewees. The results of a factor analysis reduce the relationship between mother and child to two dimensions. Both dimensions are correlated with structural factors and make it possible to situate countries based on different welfare models consistent with the literature. 相似文献
Wendy D. Manning Peggy C. Giordano Monica A. Longmore Christine M. Flanigan 《Population research and policy review》2012,31(2):165-185
Young adult involvement in sexual behavior typically occurs within a relationship context, but we know little about the ways
in which specific features of romantic relationships influence sexual decision-making. Prior work on sexual risk taking focuses
attention on health issues rather than relationship dynamics. We draw on data from the Toledo Adolescent Relationships Study
(n = 475) to examine the association between qualities and dynamics of current/most recent romantic relationships such as communication
and emotional processes, conflict, demographic asymmetries, and duration and the management of sexual risk. We conceptualize
‘risk management’ as encompassing multiple domains, including (1) questioning the partner about previous sexual behaviors/risks,
(2) using condoms consistently, and (3) maintaining sexual exclusivity within the relationship. We identify distinct patterns
of risk management among dating young adults and find that specific qualities and dynamics of these relationships are linked
to variations in risk management. Results from this paper suggest the need to consider relational dynamics in efforts to target
and influence young adult sexual risk-taking and reduce STIs, including HIV. 相似文献
中国家庭代际功能关系及其新变动 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
家庭代际功能关系是由义务和责任履行、权利享有、需求交换和情感沟通所组成的体系.社会转型之下,亲代对子代的教育义务增大,子代赡养亲代义务减轻;高龄和生活不能自理父母对子女尚有照料依赖.随着独生子女一代的长大,女儿在代际功能关系中的作用提高,甚至具有不可替代性;人口预期寿命提高,直系成员存世代数增加,4代存世家庭大幅度上升,可能加大子代的照料负担.整体看子代“回馈”亲代的功能下降,直接影响育龄夫妇的生育行为.子代代际功能关系履行降低有社会福利制度的替代、客观条件制约的作用,也有主观意识弱化的因素,还有约束性制度环境欠缺的问题.政府和社会组织应推动适应现代社会要求的新的代际功能关系的建立. 相似文献
农村女儿在赡养老人方面扮演着重要角色,具有与儿子一样的正式身份。本文通过对一个个案村庄的深入分析,发现婚姻和养老存在直接的关系,招婿婚姻是确立女儿养老正式身份的仪式过程.是实现女儿家庭养老功能的重要手段。通过招婿婚姻建立的家庭形成以女儿为中心的家庭权力结构.代际关系实现了相对均衡。在村庄中建构起女儿养老的强大伦理,足以与传统的儿子养老相抗争。 相似文献
《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):91-111
SUMMARY In this paper we examine religious commitment and social relationships of Catholic sisters and the relative contributions of these and other variables to their self-esteem in later life. Using a sample of 377 Catholic sisters with an average age of 63.5, we conducted a series of a hierarchical recession analyses to examine the relative contributions of blocks of socio-demographic variables, religious commitment variables, personal relationship variables, and psychological variables to self-esteem. In the overall model, the extent to which relationships were rewarding, perceptions of themselves as women, coping strategies, and perceived self-control were significant and thus predictive of the self-esteem of Catholic sisters. 相似文献
《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(4):87-111
ABSTRACT This qualitative study examines relationships between adult daughters caring for elderly disabled mothers and the mothers' personal care workers (PCWs) paid directly by the Wisconsin Community Options Program (COP). A subset of a larger study, in these five cases PCWs provide substantial hands on care without substituting for the heavy care also provided by the daughters. Direct payment offers the daughters and workers freedom to schedule around their family obligations and other limits and tailor care to the abilities of all three participants. It also allows the daughter to be the paid provider when she chooses. Expansion of such supportive services could benefit many more low and middle income families. 相似文献
P.R. Galloway 《Population studies》2013,67(3):487-505
The impact of annual variations in prices, temperature, and rainfall on annual fluctuations in age-specific and disease-specific mortality is examined for London from 1670 to 1830. The analysis reveals that deaths in London in the middle and older age groups tended to increase when grain prices were high. Increases in deaths among the elderly are associated with unusually cold winters and unusually warm summers. High grain prices tend to increase the incidence of epidemic diseases, while endemic diseases appear to increase with colder winters and warmer summers. The role of migration is discussed in the light of the results and the implications for long-term mortality decline are considered. 相似文献
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(6):855-874
ABSTRACTYoung women experiencing dating violence in same-sex relationships face significant barriers to help for safety planning. Therefore, our team developed a tailored smartphone safety decision aid app for dating violence survivors and their peers. College women survivors of same-sex dating violence, peers, and college staff reviewed the app, identifying users’ barriers to information, resources, and services and key strategies for dissemination, inclusiveness, and safety for the app. Findings support the use of the app to assist college women experiencing same-sex dating violence and peers to connect with resources and develop tailored safety plans to reduce violence and increase their safety. 相似文献
Body Mass Index, Perceived Health, and Happiness: Their Determinants and Structural Relationships 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Judith R. Cornelisse-Vermaat Gerrit Antonides Johan A. C. Van Ophem Henriette Maassen Van Den Brink 《Social indicators research》2006,79(1):143-158
The structural relationships between body mass index, perceived health and happiness have been studied in a survey of 700
native Dutch citizens. We found an indirect effect of body mass index on happiness, via perceived health. Age had an inverted
U-shaped relationship with body mass index, and both education and smoking had a negative effect on body mass index. Being
married, doing paid work, owning a house, and doing sports had positive effects on perceived health, suggesting that living
a regular life may lead to a better perceived health. Being married positively affected happiness. The other socio-demographic
variables either had no effects on happiness or indirect effects via body mass index and perceived health. 相似文献
《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(2-3):67-84
SUMMARY Using gerontological and feminist frameworks, we explored the relationships older women have with their children and grandchildren. In-depth, qualitative interviews were conducted with 34 women, ranging in age from 55 to 88. From our analyses of the women's perceptions of their family relationships, two themes were prevalent: the centrality of children and the peripherality of grandchildren in their everyday lives. The women had varying degrees of involvement with their children and grandchildren, and these relationships contributed to their sense of self and family. Their relationships were not stagnant, but were continually reshaped as both the women and their family members proceeded through the life course. 相似文献
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(4):1-29
Abstract This article examines the culture of romantic relationships among gay/bisexual male youth in the Castro District of San Francisco. The article seeks to specify the cultural ideology that informs these relationships, drawing upon ethnographic observation, autobiographical accounts, and informant cultural exegesis. The article also seeks to link thinking and experience inside romantic relationships (e.g., bonding, jealousy) to patterns of social behavior associated with romantic relationships (e.g., relationship sequestering, cheating), showing how both are informed by shared assumptions which make these emotions and gestures intelligible to the group. Beliefs about love, compatibility, and monogamy are explored. Reciprocity, including its degradation into negative forms, is examined with focus on the units of value that are exchanged in romantic relationships, in particular sentimental gifts. Gestures of commitment that mark commencement of a romantic relationship as well as extension of the dynamics of a relationship after “breakup” (as in “revenge sex” and “rebound relationships”) are examined. Cultural systems that challenge adherence to a romantic ideology, such as a prestige economy associated with sex linked to an ethos of sexual exploration/recreation, are weighed against the pull of romance. “Drama,” a hallmark of gay youth, is viewed in the context of romantic culture. 相似文献
This paper presents a study of the relationship between the psychological well-being of Spanish adolescents from 12 to 16 years
old and the values they aspire to for the future (N = 1,618). Adolescents’ well-being is explored through (a) their satisfaction with 19 specific life domains, (b) the Personal
Well-Being Index (Cummins, Social Indicators Research, 43, 307−334, 1998) and (c) an item on overall satisfaction with life. The values they aspire to are explored by means of a list
of 23 personal qualities or values. Satisfaction domains and values aspired to have been grouped into dimensions using principal
component analysis (PCA). Boys scored significantly higher on the materialistic values dimension and the capacities and knowledge
related values dimension, while girls scored higher on the interpersonal relationship related values dimension. The youngest
adolescents scored higher on materialistic values, while the oldest scored higher on interpersonal relationships related values.
Such results are similar to those obtained in a previous study, using a shorter version of the lists of satisfaction domains
and of values aspired to and a sample of 8,995 adolescents and 4,381 of their parents from five different countries. In both
studies results suggest that values aspired to can be considered a well-being related construct. However, an important change
appears in the latest Spanish sample: Family values no longer fit with the interpersonal relationships related values dimension
in the PCA, and now function as a separate value dimension which shows no correlation with overall life satisfaction, the
PWI, or life satisfaction domains with the exception of family satisfaction. Interestingly, family values have also changed
their loading dimension in the PCA developed with the answers from a sample of parents about the values they aspire to for
their own child’s future (N = 723). Parents’ responses were compared with those of their own child, with concordances observed in about half of the families,
low discrepancies in about one third and high or very high discrepancies in about 20%. Although the results of this study
have their limitations, they suggest support for the hypothesis that important changes in values aspired to may be taking
place over a short period of time, consistent with the findings of changes in values in several countries (Inglehart, Modernization and postmodernization. Cultural, economic and political change in 43 societies, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997), but apparently with no outstanding impact on adolescents’ well-being. 相似文献
This research examines the relationship between disabilities in families and exits from welfare. Controlling for variations in characteristics known to be associated with welfare exits, this study investigates and documents that specific configurations of disabilities in families are also strongly associated with reduced rates of welfare exits. The impact of a child with a disability on welfare exits is similar to the mother's own disability, with an impact equivalent in magnitude to minority status. The presence of a child with a disability limits the chances that a mother with disability will leave welfare. Our findings add to the literature on welfare dependency and have implications for welfare reforms that emphasize work, self-sufficiency, and reducing poverty. 相似文献
The goal of this study is to evaluate the extent to which the well-being of single mothers in Japan is related to coresidence with other adults. Using data from a representative survey of households headed by single mothers, we examine two measures of subjective well-being: perceived economic circumstances and self-rated health. One-fourth of the single mothers surveyed were coresiding with another adult(s) and it is clear that these women fare significantly better than their non-coresiding counterparts on both measures of well-being. Net of several theoretically relevant sociodemographic, family, and employment characteristics, single mothers living with others were significantly less likely to report somewhat difficult/difficult economic circumstances or fair/poor health. Efforts to account for potential endogeneity between well-being and living arrangements suggested that self-rated health, but not subjective economic well-being, is related to selection into coresidence. Single mothers in fair/poor health appear more likely to coreside with others and, accounting for this selection, intergenerational coresidence appears to be very beneficial for self-rated health. We discuss the implications of these findings for processes of stratification in Japan in light of the limited public income support available to single mothers. 相似文献