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Chen Feixian, a woman from Wuyang Township, in Shexian County, in East China's Anhui Province, works at a local reeling mill near her house. Like Chen, more than 10,000 local "leftbehind women" -- whose husbands have moved to other regions of the country to find manual work -- have been employed by township enterprises.  相似文献   

A few months ago, heads of aid stations from 18 cities-including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing and Shenyang-throughout the country conducted a field investigation at the Aid Station of Chenghua District, in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China's Sichuan Province. People spoke highly of the great efforts the station had made, over the years, to assist street kids.  相似文献   

A Memento from a Farmer's Family with Deng Xiaoping On the morning of February 22, 1992, when Deng Xiaoping came to the sports ground of the kindergarten at Qizhong Village, Maqiao Township in Minhang District, Shanghai, he took Tang Jiayun, the son of a farmer in his arms and kissed him. The reporter took the picture as a memento.  相似文献   

IN Qianyang Village, Gucheng Township, Bozhou city in Anhui Province, lives Mitsui Yoshie, a 72-year-old Japanese woman. Her Chinese name is Wang Fengying. This is the story of how she decided to spend the rest of her life in China. Mitsui Yoshie was born into a well-to-do family in Kumamoto, Japan. Her father, Mitsui Kichizo, followed her grandfather into the timber business. She and her older brother, Mitsui Seiki, and  相似文献   

In the past 20 years Chinese society has changed from one with allocation of its socialeconomic resources being relatively equal to one with social economic differences. Thisdeveloped gradually, from a society composed of a relatively simple social structure to onethat now has more complex social stratums. Here, I will elaborate on the relationship betweensocial stratification and gender factors. The analysis is based on the data from the samplesurvey of two cities--Shenzhen in Guangdong Province and Hefei in Anhui Province.  相似文献   

IN recent years, Xidi Village in Yixian County, Anhui Province has become a successful example of village-run tourism. With 340 households, a population of 1,020 and 10.7 square kilometer area, the village is home to a rich reserve of ancient culture and architecture. In 1986, Tang Maolin, the former village Party secretary, took advantage of the large number of well-preserved ancient residences dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) and started a village tourism company. Ten years later, having enlisted  相似文献   

Students at a primary school, for migrant workers' children, in Yaohai District, Hefei, in East China's Anhui Province, learn how to make a dough figurine of Fuleco, the mascot of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, on June 18, 2014.  相似文献   

Anne Sterling, a young Australian woman, is studying at a Chinese-language school in Shanghai. During the two years she has lived in the large city, she has had many amusing experiences. As she could not speak Chinese well when she first arrived in Shanghai, she made many funny mistakes. However, what impressed her most was her experience on the longdistance bus to Sichuan Province, in South  相似文献   

STARTING from the town of Ngapa County ill Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, following a rugged, winding country road, against the current of the Dajin River, we drove for about an hour covering 29 kilometers to reach Serdru Village of Pade Township, Rongdar County. We met Tibetan doctor Lhamo wearing a bright national costume at the sanitation and medical station of Serdru Village. She is just over 40  相似文献   

The grand storytelling fair held in Majie Township, Hebei Province every year, has a history of more than 400 years. ● Most of the stories used to be based on ancient legends and folk stories. Nowadays, there are also many newly-written pieces about people's lives in modern times. ● Every year, the grand storytelling performance attracts hundreds and thousands of locals and visitors from several neigh-boring provinces.  相似文献   

CHANG Min Chueh (1908-1991)—the father of test tube babies, was a Chinese-born American scientist and inventor who developed the first oral contraceptives. Dr. Chang was from Dunhou Township, Lanxian County, Shanxi Province. In middle school, he was fascinated with biology. Later he was accepted to the Animal Psychology Department at Qinghua University.  相似文献   

HAIXIA, a young housekeeper working for my family, left her hometown in Wuwei County, Anhui Province, and came to Beijing two years ago when she was only 18 years of age. Her older sister and cousin also work as housekeepers in our neighborhood compound. The older relatives, both of whom have worked in Beijing for a number of years, visited their hometown and convinced Haixia to come to the city to seek work. Just as many other young village women, Haixia graduated from junior middle school and failed to win  相似文献   

XIAO Yun was the first nurse in my family. Since I had my son and began the life of a mother, I have had an indissoluble bond with nurses. Xiao Yun was from Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. In recent years, young Jiangsu women who came to seek jobs have rarely been seen in Beijing. Jiangsu and Anhui rural women held an equal share  相似文献   

WHERE I'm from, the countryside of Longsha Township in Wanxian City, Sichuan Province, most young women still find a husband with the help of a go-between. Families of this kind lack the bond of feelings and it is not uncommon that the husband beats the wife. Many wives go back their parents' home for asylum while those wives from  相似文献   

LULU went to a Chinese kindergarten in New York's China Town for the first time at the age of three, and when she returned home she had a serious question for her mother. "Mom, why don't I look like you?" The bewildered eyes of Lulu made blond Emily understand that from that day on, the girl she adopted from Anhui Province, China began to reappraise America and her American  相似文献   

YUXIANG was bom the second of three sisters of a Blang family in Yunnan Province. When she was seven, she was sent to school in Blangshan Township of Menghai County. Though shabby, the school had several teachers with a strong sense of responsibility and rich experience in teaching. Under the influence of the teachers, Yuxiang soon became the top student. However, when she entered the fourth grade, her  相似文献   

LEUKEMIA, a cancer of the blood, causes a great number of deaths each year. After many years of study, researcher Chen Saijuan and her colleagues have proven the feasibility of using retinoic acid (one of the active molecules derived from vitamin A) to cure acute promyelocytic leukemia, successfully expounding the molecular mechanism of the new treatment of the disease. The variant chromosome translocation Chen discovered has since been placed in the record of international leukemia genetics. Chen Saijuan, 46, became a doctor at Shanghai Ruijin Hospital after graduating  相似文献   

WANG was born in 1913 in Beijing. When he studied at the Beijing Art School, he fell in love with Luo Shah, who was five years younger than he. Luo's grandfather was an official in charge of salt transportation at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Her father was a professional revolutionary. The sharp contradiction between her feudal family background and her progressive thoughts made her a radical youth. When Luo left Beijing for her hometown in Henan Province after the  相似文献   

A large-scale project, aimed at teaching parents how to raise healthy, well-adjusted children, has been implemented in various communities in Northeast China's Liaoning Province. More than one million parents have participated in the project in recent years. Anshan: Child-rearing Consultants Working with Families 鞍山:成长顾问进家庭 In addition to teachers, parents and the children, a group of child-rearing consultants are participating in the activities in Anshan, a city in Liaoning Province.  相似文献   

TIAN Xiaofang was born in a small mountain village of Banlishu Township, Miao Autonomous County of Mayang, Hunan Province. Owing to their hardscrabble life in the mountains, four generations of her family had never had the chance to go to school. Her father had lost the ability to do heavy physical work after breaking a rib in a farming accident, and from then on, her mother had taken on nearly all the labor for the whole family. To lighten the family's financial burden,  相似文献   

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