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随着2008年北京奥林匹克运动会的临近,全国各族各界妇女们热情高涨,积极参与到"迎奥运、讲文明、树新风"的各种活动中。由全国妇联发起的亿万妇女大健身活动更是将女同胞们的风采展现得淋漓尽致!她们打太极、跳绳、舞彩带……正所谓"我健康、我快乐!"  相似文献   

Extra Fire Stations Planned for Olympics北京将为奥运再修建26个消防站Beijing is planning to establish 26 temporary fire stations, near stadiums and gymnasiums, as part of its fire-safety plans for the Beijing 2008 Olympics, a Ministry of Public Security official said on November 24, 2006. Guo Tienan, director of the fire department,  相似文献   

China's Olympic Hall of Fame奥运名人堂Zhang Shan Outshot Men张山——巾帼不让须眉Chinese skeet shooter Zhang Shah is the only woman to win the shooting event,which included both men and women,at the Olympics.During the 1992 Barcelona Olympics,Zhang,then 24,from West China's Sichuan Province,caused a stir when she scored 200 hits in 200 shots to equal the world record during the qualifications. She went on to win the gold after defeating five male shooters by scoring 23 hits in 25 shots in the finals.During  相似文献   

English E-map for Beijing Olympics Launched北京奥运英文版电子地图服务隆重推出The English e-map (electronic map) for the Beijing Olympics was launched on the Games'official website on January 16,2007.It marks the first time in the history of the Olympics that a geographical information service has been  相似文献   

Mascots' World Tour奥运福娃即将开始环球之旅The five "Friendlies," the mascots of the Beijing Olympics, are scheduled to tour the seven continents of the world over the next two years. They will be spreading international friendship and promoting peace and goodwill.  相似文献   

Beijing Games'Medals Unveiled北京奥运会奖牌隆重发布The medals for the Beijing Olympic Games were unveiled by the Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad(BOCOG)on March 27,2007,during a ceremony at China's Capital Museum.That day also marked the 500-day countdown to the Games' opening.  相似文献   

Disabled NPC Deputies,CPPCC Members Visit Olympic Tower两会残疾人代表和委员为残奥会志愿者工作献计献策Eight disabled deputies to the fifth session of the 10th National People's Congress(NPC)or members of fifth session of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)  相似文献   

Beijing Mayor Says Olympic Preparations Top City's Agenda王岐山提出"举全市之力做好奥运会、残奥会筹备工作"Beijing's mayor,Wang Qishan,says preparations for the Olympics and Paralympics top the city's agenda for this year.Also,Wang said,the city's government will promote its ability to manage urban construction and services.  相似文献   

BOCOG Awarded ISO14001 Certificate -Again北京奥组委获ISO14001:2004环境管理体系认证证书The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) passed the overall examination for its environmental-management system (EMS) on October 11, 2006. As a result, BOCOG was accredited with a re-certified IS014001 by China's Environmental Certification Center. The examination covered 12 areas-including the BOCOG  相似文献   

Beijing to Invest US $59. 5B in Olympics Infrastructure北京将投资595亿美元修建奥运相关设施The Chinese capital will invest an estimated 470 billion yuan (US $59.5 billion) in infrastructure between this year and 2010. The money will be spent on 2,400 construction and upgrading projects, indicate a master plan unveiled last month by Beijing's development and reform commission. Projects to ease city traffic, increase energy and water supplies  相似文献   

China's Olympic Hall of Fame奥运名人堂Gao Min-Diving Queen跳水女皇——高敏Gao Min,nicknamed Diving Queen,is widely regarded as one of the best women springboard divers in history. Born in the city of Zigong,Southwest China's Sichuan Province,in 1970,Gao learned swimming at the age of four. At nine she started the gymnastics training and was then persuaded to learn diving by a coach.In 1980 she entered  相似文献   

Ma Yanhong:China's First World Champion in Gymnastics马燕红:中国体操走向世界高峰的"报春花"Born on March 21,1964,Ma Yanhong was the first female Chinese gymnast to win a gold medal at both the World Gymnastics Championships and the Olympics. Ma's best performance was in the uneven bars;she placed first on the apparatus,when she was 15,at the 1979 World Championships.Her routine was especiall praised for its technical difficulty,virtuosity and originality.The  相似文献   

全国农村妇女“双学双比”活动领导小组第十六次会议及全国“巾帼建功”活动领导小组第十三次会议分别于2003年12月17日和12月23日在京召开。会议总结了2003年“双学双比”和“巾帼建功”活动的开展情况并对2004年的工作进行了部署。全国人大常委会副委员长、全国妇联主席顾秀莲对进一步深化妇女发展工作提出了指导性意见。  相似文献   

悉尼奥运会上,中国代表团获得的28枚金牌中,有16枚来自中国女运动员。  相似文献   

下岗失业妇女是劳动市场上的弱势群体,维护妇女就业这一基本的生存和发展权是妇联工作的重中之重。黑龙江省哈尔滨市妇联以“抓培训、促就业、为下岗女工排忧解难”为宗旨,为下岗女工再就业提供综合服务。5年来,已培训下岗女工3万余人,安置再就业女工4万余人。  相似文献   

D4412005年11月16日至28日,中华全国妇女联合会与泰国国家妇女院在泰国共同主办了纪念中泰建交30周年——中泰妇女文化交流活动。  相似文献   

在我国56个民族中,瑶族是一个很有特色的少数民族,他们现有人口213.4万人,分布于广西、云南、广东、湖南、贵州等省。在瑶族的服饰中,瑶族妇女的服饰比较有特色。其中,居住在云南红河哈尼族彝族自治州的瑶族妇女的服饰绚丽多彩,可以说是瑶族服饰文化的一个缩影。  相似文献   

在老百姓家里体验中国的传统文化,体验北京的文化,体验亲情,这是外国游客在奥运会观赛之外一个很大的收获。  相似文献   

科技奥运 惠及百姓(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥运会,不仅仅是一次体育盛会,也是国家综合实力的集中展现。奥运赛场,不仅是运动员为"更快、更高、更强"的目标奋力拼搏的竞技场,也是最新科技成果竞妖娆的"比武场"。  相似文献   

作为传媒人,我想未来我会充分利用自己的特长为奥运做贡献,把一些奥运知识、历史带给国内的观众,同时,我也要把中国的文化展示给海外的观众。让北京的奥运会给每一个人留下深刻的印象。杨澜说。  相似文献   

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