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We propose a randomized minima–maxima nomination (RMMN) sampling design for use in finite populations. We derive the first- and second-order inclusion probabilities for both with and without replacement variations of the design. The inclusion probabilities for the without replacement variation are derived using a non-homogeneous Markov process. The design is simple to implement and results in simple and easy to calculate estimators and variances. It generalizes maxima nomination sampling for use in finite populations and includes some other sampling designs as special cases. We provide some optimality results and show that, in the context of finite population sampling, maxima nomination sampling is not generally the optimum design to follow. We also show, through numerical examples and a case study, that the proposed design can result in significant improvements in efficiency compared to simple random sampling without replacement designs for a wide choice of population types. Finally, we describe a bootstrap method for choosing values of the design parameters.  相似文献   

Assuming stratified simple random sampling, a confidence interval for a finite population quantile may be desired. Using a confidence interval with endpoints given by order statistics from the combined stratified sample, several procedures to obtain lower bounds (and approximations for the lower bounds) for the confidence coefficients are presented. The procedures differ with respect to the amount of prior information assumed about the var-iate values in the finite population, and the extent to which sample data is used to estimate the lower bounds.  相似文献   

排序集抽样下利用辅助变量中位数构建了总体均值的改进比率估计模型,分析了该比率估计量的偏差和均方误差,并与简单随机抽样下的比率估计比较,证明了改进后的比率估计均方误差更小。以农作物播种面积和产量为研究对象进行实例分析,研究表明,基于排序集样本和辅助变量中位数的比率估计方法可以有效提高估计精度,验证了该构造方法的可行性。  相似文献   

We consider Bayes and Minimax estimates of population mean in sampling from a finite population in two-stages using simple random sampling without replacement at each stage, when the true values of the characteristic cannot be observed but only the values mixed with some measurement errors are observed. Minimax values of sample sizes have been found in case of equal-sized clusters and equal-sized second stage samples.  相似文献   

A simple random sample on a random variable A allows its density to be consistently estimated, by a histogram or preferably a kernel density estimate. When the sampling is biased towards certain x-values these methods instead estimate a weighted version of the density function. This article proposes a method for estimating both the density and the sampling bias simultaneously. The technique requires two independent samples and utilises ideas from mark-recapture experiments. An estimator of the size of the sampled population also follows simply from this density estimate.  相似文献   

A ranked sampling procedure with random subsamples is proposed to estimate the population mean. Four methods of obtaining random subsamples are described. Several estimators of the mean of the population based on random subsamples in ranked set sampling are proposed. These estimators are compared with the mean of a simple random sample for estimating the mean of symmetric and skew distributions. Extensive simulation under several subsampling distributions, sample sizes, and symmetric and skew distributions shows that the estimators of the mean based on random subsamples are more accurate than existing methods.  相似文献   

In statistical practice, systematic sampling (SYS) is used in many modifications due to its simple handling. In addition, SYS may provide efficiency gains if it is well adjusted to the structure of the population under study. However, if SYS is based on an inappropriate picture of the population a high decrease of efficiency, i.e. a high increase in variance may result by changing from simple random sampling to SYS. In the context of two-stage designs SYS so far seems often in use for subsampling within the primary units. As an alternative to this practice, we propose to randomize the order of the primary units, then to select systematically a number of primary units and, thereafter, to draw secondary units by simple random sampling without replacement within the primary units selected. This procedure is more efficient than simple random sampling with replacement from the whole population of all secondary units, i.e. the variance of an adequate estimator for a total is never increased by changing from simple random sampling to randomized SYS whatever be the values associated by a characteristic with the secondary units, while there are values for which the variance decreases for the change mentioned. This result should hold generally, even if our proof, so far, is not complete for general sample sizes.  相似文献   

In real-time sampling, the units of a population pass a sampler one by one. Alternatively the sampler may successively visit the units of the population. Each unit passes only once and at that time it is decided whether or not it should be included in the sample. The goal is to take a sample and efficiently estimate a population parameter. The list sequential sampling method presented here is called correlated Poisson sampling. The method is an alternative to Poisson sampling, where the units are sampled independently with given inclusion probabilities. Correlated Poisson sampling uses weights to create correlations between the inclusion indicators. In that way it is possible to reduce the variation of the sample size and to make the samples more evenly spread over the population. Simulation shows that correlated Poisson sampling improves the efficiency in many cases.  相似文献   

For noninformative nonparametric estimation of finite population quantiles under simple random sampling, estimation based on the Polya posterior is similar to estimation based on the Bayesian approach developed by Ericson (J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 31 (1969) 195) in that the Polya posterior distribution is the limit of Ericson's posterior distributions as the weight placed on the prior distribution diminishes. Furthermore, Polya posterior quantile estimates can be shown to be admissible under certain conditions. We demonstrate the admissibility of the sample median as an estimate of the population median under such a set of conditions. As with Ericson's Bayesian approach, Polya posterior-based interval estimates for population quantiles are asymptotically equivalent to the interval estimates obtained from standard frequentist approaches. In addition, for small to moderate sized populations, Polya posterior-based interval estimates for quantiles of a continuous characteristic of interest tend to agree with the standard frequentist interval estimates.  相似文献   

This paper deals with estimation of population median in simple and stratified random samplings by using auxiliary information. Auxiliary information is rarely used in estimating population median, although there have been many studies to estimate population mean using auxiliary information. In this study, we suggest some estimators using auxiliary information such as mode and range of an auxiliary variable and correlation coefficient. We also expand these estimators to stratified random sampling for combined and separate estimators. We obtain mean square error equations for all proposed estimators and find theoretical conditions. These conditions are also supported by using numerical examples.  相似文献   

In stratified sampling when strata weights are unknown a double sampling technique may be used to estimate them. A large simple random sample from the unstratified population is drawn and units falling in each stratum are recorded. A stratified random sample is then selected and simple random subsamples are obtained out of the previously selected units of the strata. This procedure is called double sampling for stratification. If the problem of non-response is there, then subsamples are divided into classes of respondents and non-respondents. A second subsample is then obtained out of the non-respondents and an attempt is made to obtain the information by increasing efforts, persuasion and call backs. In this paper, the problem of obtaining a compromise allocation in multivariate stratified random sampling is discussed when strata weights are unknown and non-response is present. The problem turns out to be a multiobjective non-linear integer programming problem. An approximation of the problem to an integer linear programming problem by linearizing the non-linear objective functions at their individual optima is worked out. Chebyshev's goal programming technique is then used to solve the approximated problem. A numerical example is also presented to exhibit the practical application of the developed procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper, a ranked set sampling procedure with ranking based on a length-biased concomitant variable is proposed. The estimate for population mean based on this sample is given. It is proved that the estimate based on ranked set samples is asymptotically more efficient than the estimate based on simple random samples. Simulation studies are conducted to present the properties of the proposed estimate for finite sample size. Moreover, the consequence of ignoring length bias is also addressed by simulation studies and the real data analysis.  相似文献   

In statistical inference one usual assumption is, that data relates to a set of independent identically distributed random variables. From the viewpoint of sampling theory this assumption is only satisfied, if we draw a simple random sample with replacement or the population size is infinite. Then it is not necessary to consider a finite population correction when calculating the variance of a given estimator. To examine the effect of simple random sampling without replacement on the above assumption, the exact variances are calculated in the cases of mean value and variance estimation. This may give us information whether finite population correction is neglible or not.  相似文献   

Using simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR) on both occasions, a new scheme of selecting the unmatched part of the sample on second occasion is presented. The proposed estimate of the population mean has been shown to be more efficient than the estimate of Pathak and Rao (1967) for the same expected cost. Kulldorff's estimate as considered by Rao and Ghangurde (1969), however, remains superior to the proposed estimate.  相似文献   


This article presents methods for constructing confidence intervals for the median of a finite population under simple random sampling without replacement, stratified random sampling, and cluster sampling. The confidence intervals, as well as point estimates and test statistics, are derived from sign estimating functions which are based on the well-known sign test. Therefore, a unified approach for inference about the median of a finite population is given.  相似文献   

This paper presents new formulae which simultaneously express and estimate moments of the sample mean and estimate population moments, from a simple random sample drawn without replcement from a finite population. By avoiding the generality of the multivariate case, these two problems are not only unified but are made significantly more tractable. Explicit solution are given up to eighth moments. Asymptotic results for infinite populations are also given.  相似文献   

分层抽样中,样本在各层中的不同获取方式会对估计量的精度和试验费用产生一定的影响,而已有的理论方法大多不能在提高精度的同时降低调查费用。为此,将排序抽样与分层抽样方法相结合,提出了辅以排序集样本的分层抽样方案,并得到了总体均值的估计量以及这一估计量的良好性质。这些结果表明,与单一的分层随机抽样相比,这种抽样设计的估计量具有更高的精度,同时也节约了各层抽样调查的费用。  相似文献   

The article details a sampling scheme which can lead to a reduction in sample size and cost in clinical and epidemiological studies of association between a count outcome and risk factor. We show that inference in two common generalized linear models for count data, Poisson and negative binomial regression, is improved by using a ranked auxiliary covariate, which guides the sampling procedure. This type of sampling has typically been used to improve inference on a population mean. The novelty of the current work is its extension to log-linear models and derivations showing that the sampling technique results in an increase in information as compared to simple random sampling. Specifically, we show that under the proposed sampling strategy the maximum likelihood estimate of the risk factor’s coefficient is improved through an increase in the Fisher’s information. A simulation study is performed to compare the mean squared error, bias, variance, and power of the sampling routine with simple random sampling under various data-generating scenarios. We also illustrate the merits of the sampling scheme on a real data set from a clinical setting of males with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Empirical results from the simulation study and data analysis coincide with the theoretical derivations, suggesting that a significant reduction in sample size, and hence study cost, can be realized while achieving the same precision as a simple random sample.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of maxima nomination sampling (MNS) technique in design and evaluation of single AQL, LTPD, and EQL acceptance sampling plans for attributes. We exploit the effect of sample size and acceptance number on the performance of our proposed MNS plans using operating characteristic (OC) curve. Among other results, we show that MNS acceptance sampling plans with smaller sample size and bigger acceptance number perform better than commonly used acceptance sampling plans for attributes based on simple random sampling (SRS) technique. Indeed, MNS acceptance sampling plans result in OC curves which, compared to their SRS counterparts, are much closer to the ideal OC curve. A computer program is designed which can be used to specify the optimum MNS acceptance sampling plan and to show, visually, how the shape of the OC curve changes when parameters of the acceptance sampling plan vary. Theoretical results and numerical evaluations are given.  相似文献   

目前,小微企业抽样调查数据受到各级政府和社会各界的高度关注。针对小微企业单位新增、消亡变动频繁的特点,研究了总体单位及样本量变动的一般条件下的样本轮换理论,对样本轮换率和估计量进行了探讨,扩大了研究结果的适用范围,得到了简单随机抽样、分层抽样中样本轮换的有关结论,对估计量的抽样误差进行了有效控制,并进行了相关实证研究,最后提出了构造适合小微企业连续性抽样调查的样本轮换设计模式和方法。  相似文献   

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