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In the Philippines more and more couples are practicing natural family planning (NFP), but there is a need to improve instruction on this method to increase its effectiveness. Calendar rhythm has been the most popular technique of NFP, but failure rates have been high. This could be changed by improved calendar rythm instruction and the introduction of newer, more effective natural techniques like the basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and symptothermal methods. Dr. John E. Laing, in a paper entitled "research on Natural Family Planning in the Philippines," examines the trends in NFP and summarizes major findings of past research related to NFP and the status of current research. It also discusses the implications of such findings for the National Population Program and the needs for current research. Cting World Fertility Survey (WFS) data on 19 developing countries, Laing states that the Philippines is second only to Peru in current and past use of the rhythm method. He also indicates that since the start of the National Population Program in 1971, rhythm has been offered as an official program method. Yet, in the early years of the program rhythm was not promoted as actively as the other family planning methods. In the last few years, program, officials have become more interested in NFP. 1976 National Acceptor Survey (NAS) data showed that rhythm reduced fertility by 78% compared to the condom's 79%, oral contraceptive's 94%, and the IUD's 98%. A comparison of data from the 1972, 1974, and 1976 NAS indicated a decline in continuation rates and an increase in overall pregnancy rates for all methods except rhythm. The overall pregnancy rate of rhythm declined, but there was no significant change in continuation rate. Laing suggests that probably, while the national population program was increasingly recruiting less motivated couples to try other methods, the rhythm acceptors, who were largely self initiated, mantained earlier levels of motivaton. Evidence points to the widespread use of crude formulas that do not take into account individual variations in cycle length. Many users do not even fully understand the mechanism by which rhythm affects fertility. There is also little knowledge among acceptors of the new and more reliable techniques of NFP for identifying the safe and unsafe periods. Despite problems, a considerable number of acceptors still prefer rhythm to other methods. The commission on population has embarked on a solution to some of the problems by committing itself to the training of volunteers of community-based organizations, particlarly lay leaders. 3 large scale projects are planned for this purpose.  相似文献   

At least 50 of the 105 agencies in the Philippines listed in the "Directory of Agencies with Population Activities" are actively participating in the promotion of natural family planning (NFP). Of these, 40 offer instruction on its use, 22 provide training to clinic personnel or field workers, 19 conduct information/education/communication (IEC) activities, and 6 undertake research. The Population Center Foundation's (PCF's) Information Support to Population Projects (ISP) has prepared a preliminary inventory of programs and projects on NFP, covering some of those that were done in recent years, are being implemented, or have been proposed. Some projects described in the inventory are reviewed. Recent research or research proposals are showhow related, all leading to how the method can be effectively promoted and how couples can be taught its proper use. Instruction on NFP appears in all training activities of Popcom's regional offices, particularly in their refresher courses. Program managers are being trained in managing and monitoring activities to promote the method. In 1980 outreach workers, doctors, nurses, and midwives were trained by Popcom to motivate couples to practice the method and to teach them how to use it correctly. That same year, Popcom's office in the Ilocos region introduced the rhythm dial calendar, a simplified version of the rhythm slide rule. The Ministry of Health National Family Planning Office incorporates natural family planning instruction in its training seminars for the Ministry's health personnel in the regions. As in training, all regional offices of Popcom promote NFP along with other methods that they make available to prospective acceptors. This is in keeping with the program's "cafeteria approach" to family planning. In 1982 Popcom began intensifying the provision of services in NFP, allocating around 4 million pesos to preparations for its effective promotion. In support of service delivery efforts are IEC activities such as the development, production, and distribution of brochures and other reading material on NFP, schoolroom instruction, and lectures. The intensification of IEC efforts in the private sector to promote the modern and scientific techniques of NFP is most clearly evident in a fairly recent seminar sponsored by the Communication Foundation for Asia. Program agencies with activities in natural family planning are listed.  相似文献   

The Integrated Health Services Project, part of Nepal's current 5-year development plan, will aim at minimal health services to the maximum number of people. The project plans to provide for basic health needs through home visits by village health workers. The object is to stem high mortality particularly of mothers and infants through home nutrition, immunization, and teaching oral rehydration techniques, and induce a decline in fertility with conventional devices and ad hoc sterilization camps. The health aides will number 1/3000-5000 people who will visit villages with materials and a 12-point health message. 1 implement is an armband to measure the circumference of children's arms to diagnose nutritional status.  相似文献   

Environmental change and out-migration: evidence from Nepal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scholars and activists have hypothesized a connection between environmental change and out-migration. In this paper, we test this hypothesis using data from Nepal. We operationalize environmental change in terms of declining land cover, rising times required to gather organic inputs, increasing population density, and perceived declines in agricultural productivity. In general, environmental change is more strongly related to short- than long-distance moves. Holding constant the effects of other social and economic variables, we find that local moves are predicted by perceived declines in productivity, declining land cover, and increasing time required to gather firewood. Long-distance moves are predicted by perceived declines in productivity, but the effect is weaker than in the model of short-distance mobility. We also show that effects of environmental change vary by gender and ethnicity, with women being more affected by changes in the time required to gather fodder and men by changes in the time to gather firewood, and high-caste Hindus generally being less affect than others by environmental change.  相似文献   

Scholars and activists have hypothesized a connection between environmental change and out-migration. In this paper we test this hypothesis using data from Nepal. We operationalize environmental change in terms of declining land cover, rising times required to gather organic inputs, increasing population density, and perceived declines in agricultural productivity. In general, environmental change is more strongly related to short- than long-distance moves. Holding constant the effects of other social and economic variables, we find that local moves are predicted by perceived declines in productivity, declining land cover, and increasing time required to gather firewood. Long-distance moves are predicted by perceived declines in productivity, but the effect is weaker than in the model of short-distance mobility. We also show that effects of environmental change vary by gender and ethnicity, with women being more affected by changes in the time required to gather fodder and men by changes in the time to gather firewood, and high caste Hindus generally being less affect than others by environmental change.  相似文献   

We examine how religio-ethnic identity, individual religiosity, and family members' religiosity were related to preferred family size in Nepal in 1996. Analyses of survey data from the Chitwan Valley Family Study show that socio-economic characteristics and individual experiences can suppress, as well as largely account for, religio-ethnic differences in fertility preference. These religio-ethnic differentials are associated with variance in particularized theologies or general value orientations (like son preference) across groups. In addition, individual and family religiosity are both positively associated with preferred family size, seemingly because of their association with religious beliefs—beliefs that are likely to shape fertility strategies. These findings suggest the need for improvements in how we conceptualize and measure supra-individual religious influence in a variety of settings and for a range of demographically interesting outcomes.  相似文献   

In this paper we construct a Nepal specific multidimensional poverty index using the Nepal Longitudinal Sample Survey (NLSS) for the period 1995–2010. The indicators for Nepal Multidimensional Poverty Index (NMP) have been chosen using the goals set by the Government of Nepal and the perceptions of adequacy as reported by households. In doing so this study combines multidimensional and subjective methods of measuring wellbeing. The subjective data is used to guide the choice of dimensions for the multidimensional analysis. Our findings show that Nepal has had a dramatic fall in multidimensional poverty along with the observed fall in consumption poverty in this period. Comparing the extent to which consumption poverty accurately identifies the multidimensionally poor, we find the error has reduced over time but remains large in proportion to the poverty rate implying the need for a multidimensional measure. For the different ethnic groups and regions the patterns of reduction in poverty are not homogenous and are different from those of consumption poverty with the NMP outperforming the consumption poverty in tracking targeted policy actions.  相似文献   

Population Research and Policy Review - We investigate influences of fatalistic beliefs on domestic and international migration in Nepal, positing that fatalistic beliefs may affect decisions to...  相似文献   

The concept of wellbeing is gaining popularity in the study of quality of life and cultural significance of living. The paper aims to contribute to our understanding of objective and subjective wellbeing by exploring the perceptions of women left behind by out-migrating husbands on their quality of life in a transnational social field. The paper uses both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Its primary focus is on the life stories of the four women left behind by their migrant husbands, complementing by quantitative data obtained from a survey among 277 households. Taking an example from Nepal's eastern terai, the paper shows that additional income from remittances has increased the objective wellbeing of the women left behind, but it may not have increased their subjective wellbeing. Hence, it is concluded that improved objective wellbeing of a woman does not necessarily translate into her (improved) subjective wellbeing. The subjective experiences are rather complex, multi-faceted and context specific depending on the family situation, socio-cultural disposition and prior economic situation of the actors involved.  相似文献   

Lee RD 《Population studies》1980,34(2):205-226
Summary Common sense suggests that changes over time in aggregate period fertility rates should be closely, related to changes in desired completed fertility after controlling for contraceptive failure, and desired spacing and timing; the nature of the relationship is, however, far from clear. This paper shows that when desired completed fertility undergoes swings, like those in the United States in recent decades, the turning points in period fertility will precede those in desired completed fertility by as much as five years and the amplitude of the swings in period fertility will be more than twice as great. Cumulated fertility, on the other hand, will lag behind reproductive goals. Period fertility rates will exceed desired completed fertility when desires are increasing and fall below it when desires are decreasing. These theoretical results help to explain some salient features of the American baby boom and bust. It is also shown that during a demographic transition, period fertility will fall more rapidly than desired completed fertility, and that towards the end of the transition, period fertility will increase.  相似文献   

Population and Environment - Although the relationship between drought – a dimension of climate change – and migration has been explored in a number of settings, prior research...  相似文献   

Song  Jinglu  Huang  Bo  Li  Rongrong  Pandey  Rishikesh 《Social indicators research》2020,148(1):189-223
Social Indicators Research - Many scholars have advocated for the use of empirical evidence to assess resilience across scales and over time. Accordingly, we conduct a case study using survey data...  相似文献   

The recruitment of 3 million additional family planning acceptors for the fiscal year 1979/80 was the target of Indonesia's family planning program. Available data shows that Indonesia was the 1st country in the world to have consumed 200 million cycles of contraceptive since the program's inception 9 years ago. The achievement of a lower birth rate of between 20 and 22 per 1000 (present rate is approximately 38/1000) is possible within the next 10 years should the program maintain its present pace. Education of women; health of pregnant mothers, and nutrition of children are factors which strongly affect family planning. Current conditions are such that 30% of children aged 0 to 6 years and a large proportion of mothers are malnourished. A coordinated family planning-rural development project launched by the Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association and Indonesian Women's Association was launched 2 years ago and has proved successful. The project's core activity is the organization of income-generating projects such as poultry-raising, vegetable cultivation, handicrafts and small industries. Family planning and other health measures (eg, environmental sanitation) were also promoted. The project utilized selected cadres of married women who were then trained in community development. These women became trainers in their own villages. The project proved to be successful in terms of income-generating activities for the women and in terms of gaining 623 new family planning acceptors within a period of 5 months.  相似文献   

TABRAP (TArget Birth Rate Acceptor Program) is a computer programmed model that provides a direct solution to the problem of determining the total annual numbers of contraceptive acceptors required to achieve a prescribed crude birth rate target path. Applied to an initial population for which age structure, the fertility schedule, and expected trends in life expectancy and age-specific proportions of females married are known, TABRAP incorporates the following factors: age at acceptance, with acceptors drawn from currently married nonusers; age-method-specific attrition rates of users; a potential fertility schedule of acceptors that allows for aging and sterility; and allowance both for postpartum anovulation and nine months for gestation to time properly the averted births. TABRAP generates annual data on acceptors, couple-years of use, births averted and age-specific fertility rates that meet the crude birth rate target. Resulting changes in population size, age structure and crude vital rates, also yielded, are invariant with respect to acceptor age and method mix. Assuming a target to reduce the crude birth rate from 45 to 30 in ten years, TABRAP is illustrated for seven mixes of acceptor age-method combinations applied to a population approximately that of Thailand, circa 1965.  相似文献   

Because works of nonfiction are always composed of literary tropes and metaphors, they have to be read critically for the ways in which their truth claims are potentially structured by ideologies and stereotypes. This essay reads passages from Richard Sennett’s sociological analysis Flesh and Stone, The Body and the City in Western Civilization and Joseph Brodsky’s memoir Watermark in order to demonstrate how these alleged works of nonfiction shore up some dishearteningly familiar literary stereotypes of male homosexuality and participate in a tradition, dating from the 19th century, of linking the city of Venice with homosexuality and death.  相似文献   

Summary Yearly population fluctuations ofM. pustulae were investigated at 19 sites in Kyushu. In sites where a platygastrid is the only parasitoid of the midge, the percentage parasitism was very low in the incipient stage of the outbreak of the midge populations. After the number of midges reached a peak, the midge populations declined as the percentage parasitism increased, and then the outbreak ceased. On the other hand, in several populations no outbreak was found and the percentage parasitism was constantly at a high level. Therefore, the immediate cause for the outbreak seemed to be a decline of the percentage parasitism. Like the midge, the platygastrid has one generation each year, and its females also emerge in spring to deposit their eggs within host eggs. The decline of the percentage parasitism seemed to be mainly affected by the time lag between emergence periods ofM. pustulae and the platygastrid. In the midge populations parasitized by both the platygastrid and a eulophid (Chrysonotomyia sp.), an extinction of the population was observed, resulting from parasitism by the latter,Chrysonotomyia sp. is polyphagous and multivoltine, and is a late parasitoid, as discussed byAskew (1975). When the density of the midges is very low, the platygastrid may leave the host eggs unparasitized, whileChrysonotomyia sp. may not, because the mature galls are conspicuous.  相似文献   

Science Indicators/1976 (SI/76) is the third volume in a biennial series of profiles of contemporary U.S. science and scientists produced by the National Science Foudation under the direction of its National Science Board. The bulk of this volume, as of its predecessors, consists primarily of charts, figures and tables that contain time series data representing resources, activities and products of American science. The implicit theoretical structure that guided the collection of these data, a two-tiered input-output model, is described and criticized as are the data themselves. The diagnosis of U.S. science today that emerges from these data is one of reasonably sound health. But SI/76 is also, again implicitly, a device for projection and here the picture is gloomier: as resources for science dwindle so must the magnitude of the enterprise decline, together quite possibly with the quality of its products. Although brickbats are hurled at SI/76, particularly for its inadequate disaggregation and lack of quantitative analyses, it is judged to be a work of extremely high quality and utility.  相似文献   

Summary Nymphs ofAgriosphodrus dohrni Signoret (Reduviidae) have a strong gregariousness and show group predatory behavior. This study was conducted to clarify adaptive significance of group predation of this species, including laboratory observations and 6-year field surveys. In the laboratory, observations on both solitary and group attacking against armyworms were made at varying prey size classes to compare the capture success rate by solitary predators with that by groups. The efficiency in capturing the prey was significantly higher in group attacking at any prey size class compared. Data obtained from the field surveys indicated the tnedency for searching nymphs to feed in group and to increase the number of predators feeding per prey item with increasing prey size. Average sizes of prey captured were also larger in group feeding throughout the nymphal stage. In particular, it was remarkable that, when prey were “creeping” types, the upper size limit of prey eaten was dramatically increased.  相似文献   

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