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Smolinski Z 《Wiadomo?ci statystyczne (Warsaw, Poland : 1956)》1980,25(5):8-11
The author suggests that the "best" fertility rate is in the range close to simple replacement. He suggests that since actual and expected fertility in Poland today is close to this "best" rate, there is no need for social policies that would attempt to affect current population trends 相似文献
Kristofer Månsson 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2013,83(9):1773-1780
This paper introduces a new shrinkage estimator for the negative binomial regression model that is a generalization of the estimator proposed for the linear regression model by Liu [A new class of biased estimate in linear regression, Comm. Stat. Theor. Meth. 22 (1993), pp. 393–402]. This shrinkage estimator is proposed in order to solve the problem of an inflated mean squared error of the classical maximum likelihood (ML) method in the presence of multicollinearity. Furthermore, the paper presents some methods of estimating the shrinkage parameter. By means of Monte Carlo simulations, it is shown that if the Liu estimator is applied with these shrinkage parameters, it always outperforms ML. The benefit of the new estimation method is also illustrated in an empirical application. Finally, based on the results from the simulation study and the empirical application, a recommendation regarding which estimator of the shrinkage parameter that should be used is given. 相似文献
James A. Koziol Milton Erman Boris Pasche Roza Hajdukovic Merrill M. Mitler 《Journal of applied statistics》1993,20(3):393-400
We describe a test statistic for a changepoint in a sequence of repeated measurements. This statistic is non-parametric, and may be motivated from either frequentist or Bayesian considerations. We apply this procedure to data arising from a clinical sleep study of low-energy emission therapy. 相似文献
Macdonald J 《Journal of the American Statistical Association》1981,76(376):782-801
"This paper discusses the problem of modeling demographic variables for the purpose of forecasting." Two empirical model selection procedures, a time series approach and a sequential testing procedure, are applied to suggest final-form forecasting equations for an Australian births series, namely, first nuptial confinements. The models are compared with the method used to construct the Australian government's IMPACT demographic module. Comments by Joseph B. Kadane, Ronald Lee, Roderick J. A. Little, John F. Long, and Kenneth F. Wallis are included, together with a rejoinder by the author. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(9):1960-1962
Liseo and Loperfido [A note on reference priors for the scalar skew-normal distribution. J Statist Plann Inference. 2006;136(2):373–389] studied some peculiar features of default Bayes analysis of the scalar skew-normal model. In particular, they showed that, by considering the simplest model with a single unknown parameter λ of skewness, the reference – or Jeffreys’ – prior for this parameter is proper. They proved that tails of Jeffreys’ prior are of order O(λ?3/2). But they made a mistake in their proof. In this note, we will modify their proof. 相似文献
Central limit theorem for the empirical process of a linear sequence with long memory 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
We discuss the functional central limit theorem (FCLT) for the empirical process of a moving-average stationary sequence with long memory. The cases of one-sided and double-sided moving averages are discussed. In the case of one-sided (causal) moving average, the FCLT is obtained under weak conditions of smoothness of the distribution and the existence of (2+δ)-moment of i.i.d. innovations, by using the martingale difference decomposition due to Ho and Hsing (1996, Ann. Statist. 24, 992–1014). In the case of double-sided moving average, the proof of the FCLT is based on an asymptotic expansion of the bivariate probability density. 相似文献
Robert E Tarone 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(3):981-997
The problem of determining whether a sequence of observed Bernoulli variates is consistent with a hypothesized underlying sequence of known probabilities is considered. A family of asymptotically normal test statistics is proposed, members of which are shown to be asymptotically locally optimal against specific types of alternatives. For small samples, a skewness correction is shown to improve greatly the adequacy of the asymptotic approximations to the null distributions of the proposed test statistics. The application of testing for increased cancer risk in families is considered, and modifications to the test statistics which adjust for the method of family ascertainment are indicated 相似文献
Pair-copula constructions (or vine copulas) are structured, in the layout of vines, with bivariate copulas and conditional bivariate copulas. The main contribution of the current work is an approach to the long-standing problem: how to cope with the dependence structure between the two conditioned variables indicated by an edge, acknowledging that the dependence structure changes with the values of the conditioning variables. The changeable dependence problem, though recognized as crucial in the field of multivariate modelling, remains widely unexplored due to its inherent complication and hence is the motivation of the current work. Rather than resorting to traditional parametric or nonparametric methods, we proceed from an innovative viewpoint: approximating a conditional copula, to any required degree of approximation, by utilizing a family of basis functions. We fully incorporate the impact of the conditioning variables on the functional form of a conditional copula by employing local learning methods. The attractions and dilemmas of the pair-copula approximating technique are revealed via simulated data, and its practical importance is evidenced via a real data set. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(2):191-199
Two test statistics are proposed for the change-point problem with repeated values when the data follow an exponential distribution. The properties of these two statistics have been studied and their asymptotic distributions under the alternative have been derived. The powers of the two test statistics are compared. Real-data examples are presented to illustrate the application of these tests. 相似文献
It is shown that Strawderman's [1974. Minimax estimation of powers of the variance of a normal population under squared error loss. Ann. Statist. 2, 190–198] technique for estimating the variance of a normal distribution can be extended to estimating a general scale parameter in the presence of a nuisance parameter. Employing standard monotone likelihood ratio-type conditions, a new class of improved estimators for this scale parameter is derived under quadratic loss. By imposing an additional condition, a broader class of improved estimators is obtained. The dominating procedures are in form analogous to those in Strawderman [1974. Minimax estimation of powers of the variance of a normal population under squared error loss. Ann. Statist. 2, 190–198]. Application of the general results to the exponential distribution yields new sufficient conditions, other than those of Brewster and Zidek [1974. Improving on equivariant estimators. Ann. Statist. 2, 21–38] and Kubokawa [1994. A unified approach to improving equivariant estimators. Ann. Statist. 22, 290–299], for improving the best affine equivariant estimator of the scale parameter. A class of estimators satisfying the new conditions is constructed. The results shed new light on Strawderman's [1974. Minimax estimation of powers of the variance of a normal population under squared error loss. Ann. Statist. 2, 190–198] technique. 相似文献
Jorge Garza-Venegas Alvaro Cordero Franco María Temblador-Pérez Mario Beruvides 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2017,46(6):4297-4317
Performance of maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) of the change-point in normal series is evaluated considering three scenarios where process parameters are assumed to be unknown. Different shifts, sample sizes, and locations of a change-point were tested. A comparison is made with estimators based on cumulative sums and Bartlett's test. Performance analysis done with extensive simulations for normally distributed series showed that the MLEs perform better (or equal) in almost every scenario, with smaller bias and standard error. In addition, robustness of MLE to non-normality is also studied. 相似文献
Hierarchical models are widely used in medical research to structure complicated models and produce statistical inferences. In a hierarchical model, observations are sampled conditional on some parameters and these parameters are sampled from a common prior distribution. Bayes and empirical Bayes (EB) methods have been effectively applied in analyzing these models. Despite many successes, parametric Bayes and EB methods may be sensitive to misspecification of prior distributions. In this paper, without specific restriction on the form of the prior distribution, we propose a nonparametric EB method to estimate the treatment effect of each group and develop a testing procedure to compare between-group differences. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed EB method was more efficient than some standard procedures. An illustrative example is provided with data from a clinical trial evaluating a new treatment for patients with stress urinary incontinence. 相似文献
Let {Xn,n?1} be a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables, taking nonnegative integer values. An observation Xn is a tie for the maximum if Xn=max{X1,…,Xn-1}. In this paper, we obtain weak and strong laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for the cumulative number of ties for the maximum among the first n observations. 相似文献
Nonparametric estimation of the time varying parameter of a semimartingal e model is considered. Stochastic version of the delta method is given. Variance process o"f the estimators and the functionals of the estimators are studied in detail. As an application, a new estimate "for the variance of the product limit estimator is proposed. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(4):515-527
We propose a new simulation method, SimSel, for variable selection in linear and nonlinear modelling problems. SimSel works by disturbing the input data with pseudo-errors. We then study how this disturbance affects the quality of an approximative model fitted to the data. The main idea is that disturbing unimportant variables does not affect the quality of the model fit. The use of an approximative model has the advantage that the true underlying function does not need to be known and that the method becomes insensitive to model misspecifications. We demonstrate SimSel on simulated data from linear and nonlinear models and on two real data sets. The simulation studies suggest that SimSel works well in complicated situations, such as nonlinear errors-in-variable models. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(2):360-372
Dental arch form is an important part of dental orthodontic practice. Distance-based clustering methods are often used to find standard arch forms. In particular, S-J. Lee, S.I. Lee, J. Lim, H-J. Park, and T. Wheeler Method to classify human dental arch form, Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. (2010), to appear] propose a 1-type distance which is invariant to the location-shift and the rotational transformation. Despite the popularity of the distance-based methods, little attention is given to the choice of the distance which has a great influence on final clusters. We have three goals in this paper. First, we study the properties of the 1-type distance by Lee et al. (2010). Second, we propose a bootstrap-based procedure to evaluate quantitatively how good the clusters are. Finally, we apply the bootstrap procedure to the Korean standard occlusion study and compare the existing distance-based clustering methods in previous literature. 相似文献
Quick detection of unanticipated changes in a financial sequence is a critical problem for practitioners in the finance industry. Based on refined logarithmic moment estimators for the four parameters of a stable distribution, this article presents a stable-distribution-based multi-CUSUM chart that consists of several CUSUM charts and detects changes in the four parameters in an independent and identically distributed random sequence with the stable distribution. Numerical results of the average run lengths show that the multi-CUSUM chart is superior (robust and quick) on the whole to a single CUSUM chart in detecting the shift change of the four parameters. A real example that monitors changes in IBM's stock returns is used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method. 相似文献