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本文应用系统功能语言学理论,对阿拉伯报纸的两种新闻标题进行功能文体分析,通过比较归纳出阿拉伯报纸新闻标题的语言特征.在对标题中的情景语境变项进行分析的基础上,进一步说明了新闻的社会功能对新闻语言使用的影响.  相似文献   

本文以前景化理论为支撑,从句法层面分析了英语新闻标题语言的变异现象,旨在探讨英语新闻标题如何通过句法变异实现语言的前景化。本研究对从中国、美国和英国的知名英文报刊收集来的语料进行了定性剖析。研究发现,英语新闻标题可以通过句法层面上的变异来获得特殊的文体效果,以实现其吸引功能。由此可见,句法变异是英语新闻标题语言实现前景化的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

新闻作为报纸、互联网等传媒使用的记录与传播信息的一种文体,具有涉及面广、读者群多、社会影响力持久等特点。当今高速阅读获取信息的社会背景,决定了新闻的标题要以最精练的文字将新闻中最重要、最新鲜的内容呈现给读者。从词汇和修辞手法两个方面,对中韩新闻标题语言进行对比分析,从而找出二者的异同点。  相似文献   

英语新闻由广播新闻、报纸新闻、网络新闻、杂志新闻、电视新闻等组成。其中,英语广播新闻与报纸新闻作为英语新闻的两大主要组成部分,被运用得更加广泛。然而作为两种不同的信息载体,它们各有利弊,各有难点。本文采用了比较的方法,通过对广播新闻和报纸新闻的语言特征的比较,帮助人们能够更大限度地通过多种方式有效获取更多更全面的信息,比较英语广播新闻和报纸新闻对同一则新闻的表述,探讨了二者的语言特征差异。  相似文献   

罗颖 《现代妇女》2014,(4):248-249
使用准确、简洁的语言一贯是新闻写作时的基本要求。但作为一种语言现象,模糊语言也常出现在新闻报道中。一般说来,对新闻信息作出恰当地模糊处理不仅不会影响信息的正确传递,反而能让受众更为有效地接收相关信息。笔者通过实例分析,旨在说明模糊语在新闻报道中具有鲜明的语用功能,对这一现象进行深入研究是具有积极意义的。  相似文献   

国少华 《阿拉伯世界》2003,(2):55-59,52
本文从政治,经济,宗教,语言等各方面分析了阿拉伯伊斯兰文化从弱势向强势转化的过程及其对阿拉伯语传播的作用;探索了阿拉伯民族与被征服民族的历史渊源,阿拉伯语与闪含语系及其他语言的亲属关系及其对传播阿拉伯语的影响,同时还通过与我国北方少数民族建立政权,特别是满族入主中原后被汉文化同化的比较,进一步剖析了阿拉伯伊斯兰文化,阿拉伯语广为传播的原因。  相似文献   

新闻标题,是一篇新闻报道的核心,其高度简洁、凝练的语言,不仅能够传递新闻作品的中心内容以及主旨,而且起到了传递一定情感的作用。本文从前景化的视角,通过"变异"和"过分规则化"两个方面分析《经济学家》中的新闻标题,来探索新闻标题的语言特点及其奥秘。  相似文献   

熊少微 《职业时空》2008,4(7):108-108
一、及物性分析 及物性分析源于韩礼德的系统功能语法。韩礼德的系统功能语法包括三种纯理功能,即概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能(Halliday1994/2000)。概念功能指人们用语言描述他们对主观和客观世界的认识和反映。人际功能指人们用语言和别人交往,建立某种人际关系。语篇功能指人们运用语言组织信息,  相似文献   

作为新闻中很重要的部分,新闻标题通常被认为是"新闻报道的眼睛",它为整篇文章起到了画龙点睛的作用。通过新闻标题的表述,读者可以在最短的时间内获取最大量的、最有用的信息,可以说读者是否对一条新闻报道感兴趣,很大程度上是由新闻标题写作的成功与否来决定的。英汉不同的语言背景和新闻传统使中英文新闻标题在时态、词汇、修辞等方面各有不同。了解中英文标题的差异,可以帮助读者更好的理解不同类型的新闻题材。  相似文献   

二 、通俗中寓创意阿拉伯新闻语体虽是书面语体的一种,但其语言在某种程度上带有一定的口语化倾向,这是由阿拉伯新闻语体的语言环境特点所决定的.首先,阿拉伯新闻语体是以阿拉伯各国最广泛的成员为读者对象,拥有分布在各行各业、各个不同层次的广大读者群,他们各自的经历、阅历和文学素养千差万别,各自的理解能力亦高低悬殊.所以,阿拉伯新闻报道要想更好地起到宣传鼓动作用,发挥更大的社会功能,就唯有“从受众的认识水平出发,用群众所熟悉的、喜  相似文献   

本文基于China Daily中国英语语料库对中国英语新闻标题中词汇呈现特征进行了对比分析与归纳。研究发现中国英语新闻在标题中词汇使用丰富程度高,词类出现的差异性大。具体的词类分布呈现出了大量使用实词,少用和省略虚词,词汇平均长度较短等特征。该研究对新闻英语标题的写作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The perception of marijuana in the contemporary move towards decriminalization and normalization in the United States and elsewhere will be affected by the manner in which the media visually and textually portray the drug. This study examines the visual and headline framing of marijuana prior to and following legalisation in Colorado, concentrating on issue framing and the valence or tone of visuals, words and their interaction. Results reveal different valences and issues amongst outlets and across time, and show complex and sometimes conflicting pairings of images and text. Neutral news outlets, while seemingly most neutral in image and in headline, were more slanted when pairing images with headlines, although they most frequently paired neutrally toned headlines with neutrally toned images. On the other hand, liberal and conservative news outlets most frequently showed neutrally valenced images with neutrally valenced headlines. While neutral news outlets may be lauded for presenting issues in a neutral tone, they are sending more mixed messages, visually, than the other outlets. Mostly framed as a political issue, marijuana was also heavily emphasised by its criminal and medical aspects. However, conservative news outlets presented its criminal aspect more than the other outlets.  相似文献   

赵翠娟 《现代妇女》2014,(4):240-240,246
本文在Heylighen的模因选择标准和四个模因复制阶段的基础上提出了新闻标题翻译的理论框架,将新闻标题翻译和模因论有机地结合了起来。把主观选择标准作为分析新闻标题模因得以存活并广泛传播的标准,即,新颖性,简洁性,连贯性和有用性。从而拓宽了新闻标题的翻译道路,提出了新闻标题翻译的新思路。  相似文献   

I employ a classification of headlines from newspapers and wire services to examine whether stale macroeconomic news affects stock prices. Unlike with individual stocks, the cost of obtaining information about major economic releases is relatively low. Thus, stock prices should adjust to economic news announcements prior to their coverage in newspapers. I find statistically and economically significant relationship between stale news stories on unemployment and next week’s S&P 500 returns. This effect is then completely reversed during the following week. These findings show that investors are affected by salient information and support the hypothesis that investors overreact to stale macroeconomic news reported in newspapers.  相似文献   

The sexual-abuse crisis in the Catholic Church was first publicized in 1985 in Louisiana and continues to capture headlines and the imagination of the public across the country. This article reviews the history of the contemporary scandal and delineates a paradigm of abuse and cover-up common in cases of sexual abuse by a priest. While the sexual victimization of minors by priests and vowed religious men has been wrenching for the many decent clerics and for Catholics everywhere, the victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy live daily with its aftermath. In this article, the experiences of one young man sexually abused by a priest when he was a boy are presented and the sequelae of such abuse are discussed.  相似文献   

Overdose deaths, overprescribing of opioids, illicit production of fentanyl, a resurgence of methamphetamine and cocaine, and an epidemic of vaping‐related illnesses and substance use disorders cover the nation's headlines today, as they have for years. These problems are manifestations of commercial recreational pharmacology, the personally controlled use of psychoactive drugs that super‐stimulate brain reward for pleasure. While substance use and addiction have been known throughout history, the recent increasingly greater acceptance of commercial recreational pharmacology in the United States is exacting a toll on the public health of the nation. The most dramatic example is a decline in U.S. life expectancy, which fell three years in a row from 2016–2018 as a result of overdose deaths.  相似文献   

This study explored the concept of stealing thunder, or telling your own bad news. Unlike previous research which used surveys and experiments, this study examined actual news coverage following crises that involved individuals. One case study compared media coverage of two New York governors while the second case study compared media coverage of a high profile athlete and a late night talk show host. In each of the two studies, one of the individuals in crisis stole thunder from reporters by revealing negative information before the media did; while the other person in crisis engaged in silence and allowed the media to break the story. Results indicate there may be an association between stealing thunder and the amount of news coverage one receives. Both studies found that the source who stole thunder received considerably less news coverage than the source who did not. Additionally, results from both studies showed that stealing thunder was associated with more positively framed stories and headlines and fewer negative media frames.  相似文献   

As the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church captured headlines throughout 2002 and into 2003, many within the Church and outside of it tried to understand how it all had happened. Perhaps understandably, there was a temptation to keep it simple, to find one or two identifiable, easily grasped causes for the crisis. Despite the allure of simple answers, however, it must be recognized that the root causes of the crisis are embedded in an intricate matrix of power relationships, traditions, and teachings that, in combination, rendered the abuse scandal almost inevitable. Further, every constituency within the Church–bishops, abusing priests, rank-and-file priests, and the laity, as well as the Vatican and Pope John Paul II–share varying degrees of accountability for tolerating decades, if not centuries, of sexual abuse of the Church's young. This article introduces a comprehensive view of the underpinnings of the scandal.  相似文献   

Social and political anti-government movements have been major headlines across the globe in recent years, with a noticeable participation of women. In the MENA region, such movements spanned Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, and Lebanon among others. Through an ethnographic inquiry into the Algerian pro-democracy movement Hirak (2019–2021), we delve into women's experiences of the Hirak to show how women remain marginalized politically, economically, and socially despite their heavy and praised participation. Using a recognition theory lens, we unveil dialectics of unity and division in the struggle for recognition among women in Algeria, a post-colonial context charged with conflicting ideological stances. We detect two structural dimensions of the struggle, a spatial/physical dimension and a historical/temporal dimension that help surface different gender positionalities and their dynamics as they vie for recognition. We stress the importance of not homogenizing women's political struggles, especially in the Global South.  相似文献   

The French state‐levy system of ongoing training at work has not provided greater access for women than the laissez‐faire British system. While headlines figures suggest that women receive more training than men in Britain and that the gap has also closed for well‐qualified women in France, qualitative analysis shows that this does not indicate greater gender equity. The societal effect approach is useful for cross‐national comparison within the sphere of economic organization but must be combined with analysis of the gender order to account for differences and similarities in social reproduction. The case of the insurance industry provides detailed empirical evidence of the issues underlying this, particularly women's availability for ongoing training at work. The situation of women in each country is inextricably linked to a complex interdependence of a multitude of variables, some of which are similar, such as the workings of patriarchy, and some of which are different, such as state configurations of childcare infrastructure.  相似文献   

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