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We consider the inventory management problem of a firm reacting to potential change points in demand, which we define as known epochs at which the demand distribution may (or may not) abruptly change. Motivating examples include global news events (e.g., the 9/11 terrorist attacks), local events (e.g., the opening of a nearby attraction), or internal events (e.g., a product redesign). In the periods following such a potential change point in demand, a manager is torn between using a possibly obsolete demand model estimated from a long data history and using a model estimated from a short, recent history. We formulate a Bayesian inventory problem just after a potential change point. We pursue heuristic policies coupled with cost lower bounds, including a new lower bounding approach to non‐perishable Bayesian inventory problems that relaxes the dependence between physical demand and demand signals and that can be applied for a broad set of belief and demand distributions. Our numerical studies reveal small gaps between the costs implied by our heuristic solutions and our lower bounds. We also provide analytical and numerical sensitivity results suggesting that a manager worried about downside profit risk should err on the side of underestimating demand at a potential change point.  相似文献   

In retailing operations, retailers face the challenge of incomplete demand information. We develop a new concept named K‐approximate convexity, which is shown to be a generalization of K‐convexity, to address this challenge. This idea is applied to obtain a base‐stock list‐price policy for the joint inventory and pricing control problem with incomplete demand information and even non‐concave revenue function. A worst‐case performance bound of the policy is established. In a numerical study where demand is driven from real sales data, we find that the average gap between the profits of our proposed policy and the optimal policy is 0.27%, and the maximum gap is 4.6%.  相似文献   

研究风险偏好和需求不确定性对库存和销售努力决策库存系统的影响.运用应用概率中的随机比较方法,分别在一阶和二阶随机占优的意义下给出比较需求分布不同两个系统的最优利润和努力水平的充分条件或充分必要条件.证明存在一类需求分布在一定条件下系统的最优利润和努力水平都随需求可变性的增加而增大.数值例子验证了获得的研究结果.  相似文献   

We study an Inventory Routing Problem in which the supplier has a limited production capacity and the stochastic demand of the retailers is satisfied with procurement of transportation services. The aim is to minimize the total expected cost over a planning horizon, given by the sum of the inventory cost at the supplier, the inventory cost at the retailers, the penalty cost for stock-out at the retailers and the transportation cost. First, we show that a policy based just on the average demand can have a total expected cost infinitely worse than the one obtained by taking into account the overall probability distribution of the demand in the decision process. Therefore, we introduce a stochastic dynamic programming formulation of the problem that allows us to find an optimal policy in small size instances. Finally, we design and implement a matheuristic approach, integrating a rollout algorithm and an optimal solution of mixed-integer linear programming models, which is able to solve realistic size problem instances. Computational results allow us to provide managerial insights concerning the management of stochastic demand.  相似文献   

We consider firms that feature their products on the Internet but take orders offline. Click and order data are disjoint on such non‐transactional websites, and their matching is error‐prone. Yet, their time separation may allow the firm to react and improve its tactical planning. We introduce a dynamic decision support model that augments the classic inventory planning model with additional clickstream state variables. Using a novel data set of matched online clickstream and offline purchasing data, we identify statistically significant clickstream variables and empirically investigate the value of clickstream tracking on non‐transactional websites to improve inventory management. We show that the noisy clickstream data is statistically significant to predict the propensity, amount, and timing of offline orders. A counterfactual analysis shows that using the demand information extracted from the clickstream data can reduce the inventory holding and backordering cost by 3% to 5% in our data set.  相似文献   

本文对民航收入管理存量控制研究中具有里程碑意义的EMSR(Expected Marginal Seat Revenue)模型进行了评述,分析其存在的缺陷,提出将销售过程中获取的最新销售信息与需求的历史先验分布相结合,运用二维正态分布下的贝叶斯模型对需求分布进行更新,并将综合考虑新的需求预测、No-Show和取消订票等因素得到的新的需求限制与座位总数C相比较,给出更为通用的、市场反应更为灵敏的民航收入管理动态存量控制模型。  相似文献   

本文运用子值结点决策影响图方法,表征求解带有预测和相关需求的库存问题,并将其与动态规划方法作了比较。  相似文献   

Inventory displayed on the retail sales floor not only performs the classical supply function but also plays a role in affecting consumers’ buying behavior and hence the total demand. Empirical evidence from the retail industry shows that for some types of products, higher levels of on‐shelf inventory have a demand‐increasing effect (“billboard effect”) while for some other types of products, higher levels of on‐shelf inventory have a demand‐decreasing effect (“scarcity effect”). This suggests that retailers may use the amount of shelf stock on display as a tool to influence demand and operate a store backroom to hold the inventory of items not displayed on the shelves, introducing the need for efficient management of the backroom and on‐shelf inventories. The purpose of this study is to address such an issue by considering a periodic‐review inventory system in which demand in each period is stochastic and depends on the amount of inventory displayed on the shelf. We first analyze the problem in a finite‐horizon setting and show under a general demand model that the system inventory is optimally replenished by a base‐stock policy and the shelf stock is controlled by two critical points representing the target levels to raise up/drop down the on‐shelf inventory level. In the infinite‐horizon setting, we find that the optimal policies simplify to stationary base‐stock type policies. Under the billboard effect, we further show that the optimal policy is monotone in the system states. Numerical experiments illustrate the value of smart backroom management strategy and show that significant profit gains can be obtained by jointly managing the backroom and on‐shelf inventories.  相似文献   

This article considers the inventory management problem in a supply chain with uncertain replenishment lead-times and uncertain demands. The optimal integrated inventory management (IIM) policy is developed using stochastic dynamic programming theory. The IIM policy is contrasted with two pull-type vendor-managed inventory policies (VMI-1 and VMI-2) and a traditional retailer-managed inventory policy (RMI). Computational results show that in such stochastic supply chains, IIM performs about 23, 15, and 3% better than the optimised RMI, VMI-1 and VMI-2 policies, respectively, while two VMI policies are about 8 and 20% better than the best RMI. The basestock-based VMI-2 is a very good form of VMI. The ANOVA analysis reveals that the replenishment lead-times have the largest effect on the relative performance between IIM and other policies. Numerical examples demonstrated that the IIM policy has good structural properties and can be characterised by a set of switching curves.  相似文献   

多类顾客环境下报童模型中库存分配策略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
考虑一个报童模型中多类顾客的库存分配问题,将顾客按照他们愿意支付价格的高低划分为不同级别。零售商在销售期初决定产品订货量,并在销售期内决定接受或者拒绝不同顾客的需求,以最大化销售期内的期望总利润。将销售期分成大量足够小的时间单位,通过建立一个反向Bellman动态规划方程,以优化每个时间单位内的库存分配策略,并得到了零售商最优的期初订货量。通过与没有库存分配策略下零售商的期望利润进行比较,算例分析得出库存分配策略可以大幅提高零售商的利润。这主要是因为通过库存分配可以使得零售商从高端顾客中获取更多利润,同时能够减小期初的订货量,以节约采购成本和库存持有成本。  相似文献   

Information delays exist in an inventory system when it takes time to collect, process, validate, and transmit inventory/demand data. A general framework is developed in this paper to describe information flows in an inventory system with information delays. We characterize the sufficient statistics for making optimal decisions. When the ordering cost is linear, the optimality of a state‐dependent base‐stock policy is established even when information flows are allowed to cross over time. Additional insights into the problem are obtained via a comparison between our models and the models with stochastic order lead times. We also show that inventory can substitute for information and vice versa.  相似文献   

We study a firm's optimal transshipment problem considering the impacts of setup costs for transshipment and demand distribution shapes. We assume that the demand follows a three‐point distribution, which changes from a degenerate distribution, to a unimodal distribution, and to a bimodal distribution as the demand shape parameter increases. We find that as the demand shape parameter increases, the optimal transshipment strategy changes from no transshipment to transshipment, and finally to no transshipment. The firm would use two‐way transshipment when the shape parameter is relatively small, while it would use one‐way transshipment when the shape parameter is relatively large. When the optimal strategy is one‐way transshipment, the transshipment direction depends on the contribution margin as well as the demand shape, when the difference between the two demand uncertainties is small. Our study of a dual‐channel retail system shows that the additional benefit of two‐way transshipment is negligible when there are many retail stores.  相似文献   

We consider a dual‐sourcing inventory system, where procuring from one supplier involves a high variable cost but negligible fixed cost whereas procuring from the other supplier involves a low variable cost but high fixed cost, as well as an order size constraint. We show that the problem can be reduced to an equivalent single‐sourcing problem. However, the corresponding ordering cost is neither concave nor convex. Using the notion of quasi‐convexity, we partially characterize the structure of the optimal policy and show that it can be specified by multiple thresholds which determine when to order from each supplier and how much. In contrast to previous research, which does not consider order size constraints, we show that it is optimal to simultaneously source from both suppliers when the beginning inventory level is sufficiently low. We also show that the decision to source from the low‐cost supplier is not monotonic in the inventory level. Our results require that the variable costs satisfy a certain condition which guarantees quasi‐convexity. However, extensive numerical results suggest that our policy is almost always optimal when the condition is not satisfied. We also show how the results can be extended to systems with multiple capacitated suppliers.  相似文献   

We examine the critical role of evolving private information in managing supply risk. The problem features a dyadic channel where a dominant buyer operates a multiperiod inventory system with lost sales and fixed cost. He replenishes from a supplier, whose private state of production is vulnerable to random shocks and evolves dynamically over time. We characterize the optimal inventory policy with a simple semi‐stationary structure; it distorts order quantity for limiting information rent only in the initial period; the optimal payment compensates for production cost in every period but concedes real information rent only in the initial period. These properties allow us to derive an easy‐to‐implement revenue‐sharing contract that facilitates ex ante strategic planning and ex post dynamic execution. This work advances our understanding on when and how to use private information in dynamic risk management.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider data‐driven approaches to the problem of inventory control. We first consider the approach of operational statistics and review related results which enable us to maximize a priori expected profit uniformly over all parameter values, when the demand distribution is known up to the location and scale parameters. For the case of the unknown shape parameter, we first suggest a heuristic approach based on operational statistics to obtain improved ordering policies and illustrate the same for the case of a Pareto demand distribution. In more general cases where the heuristic is not applicable, we suggest linear correction and support vector regression approaches to better estimate ordering policies, and illustrate these using a Gamma demand distribution. In certain cases, our proposed approaches are found to yield significant improvements.  相似文献   

We study a minimum total commitment (MTC) contract embedded in a finite‐horizon periodic‐review inventory system. Under this contract, the buyer commits to purchase a minimum quantity of a single product from the supplier over the entire planning horizon. We consider nonstationary demand and per‐unit cost, discount factor, and nonzero setup cost. Because the formulations used in existing literature are unable to handle our setting, we develop a new formulation based on a state transformation technique using unsold commitment instead of unbought commitment as state variable. We first revisit the zero setup cost case and show that the optimal ordering policy is an unsold‐commitment‐dependent base‐stock policy. We also provide a simpler proof of the optimality of the dual base‐stock policy. We then study the nonzero setup cost case and prove a new result, that the optimal solution is an unsold‐commitment‐dependent (sS) policy. We further propose two heuristic policies, which numerical tests show to perform very well. We also discuss two extensions to show the generality of our method's effectiveness. Finally, we use our results to examine the effect of different contract terms such as duration, lead time, and commitment on buyer's cost. We also compare total supply chain profits under periodic commitment, MTC, and no commitment.  相似文献   

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