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Jon M. Stauffer Alfonso J. Pedraza‐Martinez Luk N. Van Wassenhove 《Production and Operations Management》2016,25(2):192-209
We model the global vehicle supply chain of an International Humanitarian Organization (IHO) with a dynamic hub location model across monthly periods. We use actual vehicle data from the International Federation of the Red Cross to feed our model and provide insights into IHO secondary support demand. We find that secondary support demand for items such as vehicles is different from primary beneficiary demand for items such as water and food. When considering disaster response and development program demand simultaneously (disaster cycle management), our results illustrate that keeping a lean centralized hub configuration with an option for temporary hubs in mega disaster locations can reduce overall supply chain costs over a long time horizon. We also show that it is possible to structure a supply chain to take operational advantage of earmarked funding. This research lays the groundwork for using optimization models to analyze disaster cycle management. 相似文献
Disaster relief organizations increasingly engage in social conversations to inform social media users about activities such as evacuation routes and aid distribution. Concurrently, users share information such as the demand for aid, willingness to donate and availability to volunteer through social conversations with relief organizations. We investigate the effect of this information exchange on social engagement during disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. We propose that the effect of information on social engagement increases from preparedness to response and decreases from response to recovery. Some of the information exchanged in social conversations is actionable as well. We propose, however, that the effect of actionable information reaches its lowest point during disaster response. To test our theory, we use Facebook data from five benchmark organizations that responded to Hurricane Sandy in 2012. We analyze all of the organizations’ posts and users’ comments during a three‐week period before, during and after Hurricane Sandy. Our findings support our theory. Furthermore, we identify an opportunity for relief organizations to improve their use of social media for disaster management. While relief organizations focus on informing disaster victims about aid distribution, most users are asking about how they as individuals can donate or volunteer. Thus, besides posting information directed to victims, organizations should post more information targeting potential donors and volunteers. 相似文献
Sushil Gupta Martin K. Starr Reza Zanjirani Farahani Mahsa Mahboob Ghodsi 《Production and Operations Management》2020,29(7):1789-1815
In this study, we review POM‐based research related to prevention of terrorism. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) terrorist attacks have the potential to be prevented. Consequently, the focus of this study is on security enhancement and improving the resiliency of a nation to prevent terrorist attacks. Accordingly, we review articles from the 25 top journals, [following procedures developed by Gupta et al. (2016)], in the fields of Production and Operations Management, Operations Research, Management Science, and Supply Chain Management. In addition, we searched some selected journals in the fields of Information Sciences, Political Science, and Economics. This literature is organized and reviewed under the following seven core capabilities defined by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS): (1) Intelligence and Information Sharing, (2) Planning, (3) Interdiction and Disruption, (4) Screening, Search, and Detection, (5) Forensics and Attribution, (6) Public Information and Warning, and (7) Operational Coordination. We found that POM research on terrorism is primarily driven by the type of information that a defending country and a terrorist have about each other. Game theory is the main technique that is used in most research papers. Possible directions for future research are discussed. 相似文献
Ashraf Labib Sara Hadleigh‐Dunn Amr Mahfouz Marco Gentile 《Production and Operations Management》2019,28(9):2323-2337
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the learning from rare events and the knowledge management process involved, which presents a significant challenge to many organizations. This is primarily attributed to the inability to interpret these events in a systematic and “rich” manner, which this paper seeks to address. We start by summarizing the relevant literature on humanitarian operations management (HOM), outlining the evolution of the socio‐technical disaster lifecycle and its relationship with humanitarian operations, using a supply chain resilience theoretical lens. We then outline theories of organizational learning (and unlearning) from disasters and the impact on humanitarian operations. Subsequently, we theorize the role of middle managers in humanitarian operations, which is the main focus of our paper. The main methodology incorporates a hybrid of two techniques for root cause analysis, applied to two related case studies. The cases were specifically selected as, despite occurring twenty years apart, there are many similarities in the chain of causation and supporting factors, potentially suggesting that adequate learning from experience and failures is not occurring. This provides a novel learning experience within the HOM paradigm. Hence, the proposed approach is based on a multilevel structure that facilitates the operationalization of learning from rare events in humanitarian operations. The results show that we are able to provide an environment for multiple interpretations and effective learning, with emphasis on middle managers within a humanitarian operations and crisis/disaster management context. 相似文献
Increasingly, donors that subsidize socially‐desirable products in the developing world are shifting from distributing through non‐commercial to commercial channels, ceding control of the product price to for‐profit intermediaries. This study advises a donor as to how the donor’s loss of price control and the level of consumer awareness—defined as the fraction of the consumer population that is informed of the product’s benefits—influence the donor’s optimal subsidy and utility: First, in shifting to the commercial channel, the donor should increase (decrease) the subsidy when consumer awareness is low (high). Second, with the commercial channel, the donor should be prepared to increase the subsidy as awareness increases, which is contrary to her actions with a non‐commercial channel. Third, contrary to the lesson obtained with non‐commercial distribution, with commercial distribution the donor can be hurt by increased awareness. This occurs when awareness is moderate. The implication is that a donor that operates in such a setting should be wary in encouraging entities (e.g., governments, non‐governmental organizations) to institute campaigns that increase the awareness of the product’s benefits. The intermediary’s decision of whether to target either only informed consumers or the broad market drives our results. 相似文献
For infectious diseases like tuberculosis and HIV, treatment adherence plays an important role in treatment effectiveness and epidemic control. Studies of some infectious diseases indicate that patients who live closer to their health facilities maintain higher adherence; however, most models ignore the heterogeneity of patients' adherence. Clinics must balance knowledge about adherence with epidemic growth when creating successful treatment programs. We develop an optimization model that integrates a clinic's capacity decisions with population health outcomes. We find that incorporating adherence into clinic planning models can lead to decisions that significantly improve outcomes. For example, in a realistic case study of the HIV epidemic in Zambia, we find that decision makers who ignore decreasing adherence make suboptimal decisions and overestimate the effectiveness of their treatment programs by as much as 94%. Our model is a first step toward understanding the relationship between adherence and health delivery. 相似文献
Paulo Gonçalves 《生产规划与管理》2018,29(14):1207-1219
AbstractSeveral relief organisations preposition supplies in preparation for disaster response. We show how the structure of prepositioning decisions resemble newsvendor decisions and how common newsvendor biases could affect prepositioning performance. To explore prepositioning biases, we run a behavioural experiment of a prepositioning problem with 20 practitioners from the humanitarian sector. Their task was to choose prepositioning quantities under different cost conditions and for supplies with different degrees of criticality. Results show that participants pull orders away from optimum (pull-to-centre) and follow the prior beneficiary demand realisation (demand chasing) regardless of cost and criticality conditions. However, the estimation of behavioural models reveals patterns hidden in averages, showing that participants weigh undersupply costs more for urgent supplies and urgency moderates demand chasing. A follow-up validation experiment manipulates the salience of urgent supplies by bundling them with non-urgent supplies in a portfolio. Results show that the portfolio strengthens these patterns, increasing the availability of urgent supplies. We offer practice implications of these findings for prepositioning activities and theory implications for inventory experiments in general. 相似文献
A key strategic issue in pre‐disaster planning for humanitarian logistics is the pre‐establishment of adequate capacity and resources that enable efficient relief operations. This paper develops a two‐stage stochastic optimization model to guide the allocation of budget to acquire and position relief assets, decisions that typically need to be made well in advance before a disaster strikes. The optimization focuses on minimizing the expected number of casualties, so our model includes first‐stage decisions to represent the expansion of resources such as warehouses, medical facilities with personnel, ramp spaces, and shelters. Second‐stage decisions concern the logistics of the problem, where allocated resources and contracted transportation assets are deployed to rescue critical population (in need of emergency evacuation), deliver required commodities to stay‐back population, and transport the transfer population displaced by the disaster. Because of the uncertainty of the event's location and severity, these and other parameters are represented as scenarios. Computational results on notional test cases provide guidance on budget allocation and prove the potential benefit of using stochastic optimization. 相似文献
Luk N. Van Wassenhove 《Production and Operations Management》2019,28(12):2930-2945
The UN Sustainable Development Goals are not optional. They are about survival. Reaching them requires focus and strong innovation. Operations Management is about designing innovative business models to allocate scarce resources. It therefore has the toolkit to help move the sustainability agenda, provided it strongly opts for studying relevant and pressing problems and proves its potential impact. This study argues that this requires innovation as well as a paradigm shift in how we look at contributions. The good news is that a growing number of OM academics select to work on important facets of sustainability. The bad news is that we stepped into this field relatively late so the impact of that work is still modest. We need to push the boundaries of our discipline to develop new context‐dependent knowledge on pressing problems, provide evidence of the validity of our findings, and translate them into practical and easy‐to‐use decision tools. This study uses closed‐loop supply chains and humanitarian operations to illustrate and support this thesis. OM needs innovation to substantially contribute to the sustainable development agenda and thereby safeguard its own sustainability as a discipline. 相似文献
The below‐par progress toward the Millennium Development Goals in many developing countries has been attributed to the low availability of good quality health care services and to the demand‐side barriers to access. In this study, we analyze an incentive design problem faced by a budget‐constrained humanitarian organization managing a health care service program (e.g., maternal health or HIV services) with different emphasis on the two measures of quality—structural and process. Incentives offered to the health care provider (referred to as supply‐side incentives) are aimed at improving the availability of good quality services and demand‐side incentives are used to encourage patients to seek care. In many developing country health programs, incentive schemes tend to be purely supply‐side focused or purely demand‐side focused. However, our results suggest that by offering the right combination of incentives to the patients and the provider, program performance can be increased up to 20 times, on average, depending on the service offered. Even within the current practice of using one‐sided incentives, there is significant scope for improvement (as much as 14 times, on average) by ensuring that there is better alignment between the incentive scheme and the service offered. In particular, pure supply‐side incentive schemes perform better than pure demand‐side incentive schemes in programs where there is a higher emphasis on structural quality. The opposite result holds true for programs that place a higher emphasis on process quality. 相似文献
It is well‐recognized that pre‐positioning assets in advance of a natural disaster is important for supporting timely relief provision after a disaster occurs. In addition to preparing for imminent disaster events, humanitarian relief organizations also maintain such asset allocations over time to support future responses to recurrent events such as wildfires or winter storms. This study is motivated by the authors’ work with one such relief organization, the American Red Cross in Colorado and Wyoming, and it discusses a new mixed integer linear programming model that can help to more effectively pre‐position needed assets to open emergency shelters. The new model incorporates a measure of risk into its objective function, which helps address the need for generating equitable solutions, and the model explicitly considers reallocation of assets to nearby locations after a disaster event occurs. Model performance is first analyzed in the context of the Red Cross’ actual asset allocation problem and the results show a decrease in residual risk from that of historical allocations of more than 33%. The general applicability of the approach is then illustrated in the context of several different extensions to the base model and a series of important takeaways are presented and discussed. 相似文献
In response to highly unpredictable sudden‐onset natural disasters, efficient and effective management of disaster relief inventory (DRI) is essential. This study proposes a simple framework based on three fundamental DRI‐related decision themes, which are (1) who respond to DRI calling, (2) where to locate DRI, and (3) how to control DRI, aiming at identifying the research gaps between the realities’ calling and the literature’s consideration with a focus on DRI management. We review relevant literature for each decision theme, summarize the insights provided by the literature, assess the practical needs and procedures and present our detailed perspectives on the research gaps in practice. The chief implication from our observations and arguments is that scaling up a DRI response for catastrophic disasters and events which prepares the whole community for worst‐case scenarios has been highlighted in academics and practice but lack operational research in the area of relevant decision‐making tactics. Existing research concerning the DRI management issues of various coordination forms of disaster responders, the location‐allocation decision‐making determinants with DRI prepositioning and the DRI control policy in the face of various disaster uncertainties is still far from being fully understood, appropriately characterized and profoundly discussed. We recommend the potential future research areas with the implications of this review in the last conclusion section, wishing to provide researchers a better understanding of the needs in the real‐world. 相似文献
When dealing with urgent, ill‐defined problems, such as rapidly evolving emergency situations, operations managers have little time for problem formulation or solution. While the mechanisms by which humans formulate and solve problems have been described, mechanisms for rapid, concurrent formulating and solving are not well understood. This study investigates these mechanisms through a field study of transportation planning in a humanitarian response setting. The findings show that the problem is solved through greedy search and formulated through sensemaking, in which search enables updates to an evolving problem formulation, and the formulation directs and limits the search process. This study explores the implications of these findings for the development of better problem formulation processes and problem‐solving strategies for urgent and ill‐defined operations management problems. 相似文献
Inefficiency and inequity are two challenges that plague humanitarian operations and health delivery in resource‐limited regions. Increasing capacity in humanitarian and health delivery supply chains is one option that has the potential to improve equity while maintaining efficiency. For example, the nonprofit organization Riders for Health has worked to increase capacity by providing reliable transportation to health workers in rural parts of sub‐Saharan Africa; with more motorcycle hours at their disposal, health workers can perform more outreach to outlying communities. We develop a model using a family of fairness function to quantify the efficiency and equity of health delivery as capacity is increased via development programs. We present optimal resource allocations under utilitarian, proportionally fair, and egalitarian objectives and extend the model to include dual modes of transport and diminishing returns of subsequent outreach visits. Finally, we demonstrate how to apply our model at a regional level to provide support for humanitarian decision makers such as Riders for Health. We use data from the baseline phase of our evaluation trial of Riders for Health in Zambia to quantify efficiency and equity for one real‐world scenario. 相似文献
David D. Cho Kurt M. Bretthauer Kyle D. Cattani Alex F. Mills 《Production and Operations Management》2019,28(5):1285-1304
Empirical studies of service systems have shown that workers exhibit different service rates depending on their assigned workload. In contrast, staffing models typically assume a constant service rate. To address this issue, we model two commonly observed behavioral effects, speedup and slowdown, in a general way that allows us to study their joint impact on service staffing. We fit our behavioral model to a hospital dataset and show that both effects are present across a variety of departments. Given these findings, we incorporate speedup and slowdown behavior into a multiperiod workforce staffing model and show that a workload (defined as the number of jobs assigned to each worker) that maximizes the service rate is typically not optimal. As expected, the effectiveness of the widely practiced single‐ratio workload staffing policy depends on the strength of the speedup and slowdown effects. Interestingly, we find that in the presence of slowdown, weak behavioral effects (where workers work at a relatively constant rate) are the cases where the single‐ratio policy performs the worst; the optimal workload instead varies the most as system demand changes. This result differs from practice in many services such as healthcare, where fixed patient‐to‐nurse ratio workloads are commonly used. We show that the strength of behavioral effects modulates the trade‐off between a steady workload and the number of schedule adjustments. 相似文献
Mojtaba Salem Niels Van Quaquebeke Maria Besiou Louisa Meyer 《Production and Operations Management》2019,28(11):2877-2897
International humanitarian organizations (IHOs) always strive to improve their operational performance in the field. While anecdotes from practice suggest that IHO field office leadership plays a crucial role in this regard, these claims have not been deeply substantiated by primary data. In response, we collected survey data from 125 humanitarian workers, concentrated in disaster response and development programs, on the issues of field office leadership and operational performance. Building on the operations management and organizational behavior literature, we find that leaders who adopt an intergroup leadership style can significantly improve operational performance via enhancing cooperation between local and expatriate subgroups inside a field office. Notably, we find that the intergroup leadership style becomes more effective as humanitarian workers become more entrenched within cohesive subgroups. These results should help IHOs to better select and train their field office leaders and achieve higher operational performance. 相似文献
zlem Ergun Luyi Gui Jessica L. Heier Stamm Pinar Keskinocak Julie Swann 《Production and Operations Management》2014,23(6):1002-1014
Humanitarian supply chains involve many different entities, such as government, military, private, and non‐governmental organizations and individuals. Well‐coordinated interactions between entities can lead to synergies and improved humanitarian outcomes. Information technology (IT) tools can help facilitate collaboration, but cost and other barriers have limited their use. We document the use of an IT tool to improve last‐mile supply distribution and data management in one of many camps for internally displaced persons after the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, and we describe other current uses of technology in camp management. Motivated by these examples and the interest among humanitarian organizations in expanding the use of such tools to facilitate coordination, we introduce a cooperative game theory model and explore insights about the conditions under which multi‐agency coordination is feasible and desirable. We also outline an agenda for future research in the area of technology‐enabled collaboration in the humanitarian sector. 相似文献
国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部资助项目评估研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部自1998年起对1992~2003年(见P7表3)后资助的已结题面上项目进行全面的绩效评估。对项目的绩效评估结果进行了初步分析,结论是管理科学部开展项目的评估效果是好的,同时总结了评估中存在的问题,提出了今后改进与完善评估工作的若干建议。 相似文献
Michael Becker‐Peth Kai Hoberg Margarita Protopappa‐Sieke 《Production and Operations Management》2020,29(3):643-663
We examine inventory decisions in a multiperiod newsvendor model. In particular, we analyze the impact of budget cycles in a behavioral setting. We derive optimal rational decisions and characterize the behavioral decision‐making process using a short‐sightedness factor. We test the aforementioned effect in a laboratory environment. We find that subjects reduce order‐up‐to levels significantly at the end of the current budget cycle, which results in a cyclic pattern during the budget cycle. This indicates that the subjects are short‐sighted with respect to future budget cycles. To control for inventory that is carried over from one period to the next, we introduce a starting‐inventory factor and find that order‐up‐to levels increase in the starting inventory. 相似文献