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新型毒品的易制造、易携带、易服食、易隐藏等特性,使得新型毒品犯罪得以在全世界范围内迅速蔓延。新型毒品犯罪给世界各国的禁毒工作和社会治安管理带来了新的威胁,中国也不例外。近些年来,新型毒品犯罪在中国呈现出新的发展趋势。应该借鉴美国、泰国及其他国家防控新型毒品犯罪的先进经验,积极采取有力的对策,从而有效地防控新型毒品犯罪。  相似文献   

毒品犯罪集中体现了毒品问题在刑法规范、司法实践、社会评价等诸多层面的碰撞与反思,从毒品犯罪的历史、现实、未来的多重考察可以发现:超越对毒品犯罪的一般技术性、规范性、社会性认识,逐步引入毒品犯罪的刑事政策分析,尤其在禁毒国策的框架中思考毒品犯罪及其刑事政策发展,将能够对毒品犯罪的规范认定、社会共识取得更深刻的理解.自建国以来,毒品犯罪刑事政策经历了从线性到多元的历时性发展过程:建国初期的禁绝毒品刑事政策、无毒国时期的禁毒刑事政策、新时期的多元化综合治理刑事政策.当代中国惩治毒品犯罪的定罪刑事政策以考量严密犯罪圈为主要思路:对毒品犯罪的任何可能环节都考量设置罪名、量刑刑事政策以考量刑罚的最高压区为主要思路:对毒品犯罪始终保持最严重的刑种与刑度.从更具有长效意义的角度出发,可以认为:最好的禁毒社会政策就是最好的毒品犯罪刑事政策.  相似文献   

韦柳忠  许斗斗 《探求》2002,(5):15-17,12
主体意识是研究主体行为及其结果的重要依据之一,而价值观则是主体意识的中心部分。因此从价值观这个角度来对涉毒女性的犯罪行为进行探析具有重要的现实意义。本文将通过价值观与女性涉毒犯罪之间的关系来对涉毒女性的犯罪问题进行分析和探讨,以进一步说明当前价值观建设的必要性.  相似文献   

毒品引发的犯罪问题已经引起国际社会广泛关注,各国出台了各种措施防控毒品引发的犯罪,基本形成了一套普遍性和针对性相结合的社会政策体系。本文总结区分3个层次:针对社会整体状况及一般公民的普遍性预防政策、针对极有可能成为毒品相关犯罪的受害者或犯罪者的特定防控政策以及针对参与过毒品相关犯罪人群的专项防控政策;并以此为线索系统梳理评价政策实施效果的相关理论和实证研究成果,为我国制定相关政策提供相关启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

詹勇 《社科纵横》2012,(1):48-50
对毒品犯罪的惩处一直存在重刑化倾向,应予适当修正。司法实务中认定运输毒品罪的既未遂标准不利于实现量刑均衡。运输毒品罪与非法持有毒品罪在具体适用时难以区分,可考虑合二为一。  相似文献   

杨迪 《东西南北》2014,(21):66-67
自从明星成为一种职业后,似乎便没有断过与毒品的亲密联系。从美国猫王到日本的酒井法子,以及1997年中国内地第一例曝光的女歌手罗琦,明星吸毒事件一直呈增长趋势。明星是否就比其他人群更易沾染毒品?明星涉毒屡禁不止的背后,是否还有其他因素。  相似文献   

申玉辉 《南亚研究》2012,(1):96-106
毒品问题对阿富汗战后重建及其国计民生的负面影响是长期的、根深蒂固的和难以消除的。阿富汗地方军阀和毒枭乃至政府、地方官员和警察在毒品问题中扮演着主要角色;美国在毒品产业中的利益以及侧重反恐的总体战略导致其在阿富汗毒品问题中起着决定性的推动作用;塔利班在毒品活动中获益相对有限;恐怖主义与毒品问题之间的联系并非传统认为的那么密切。  相似文献   

张勇安 《求是学刊》2016,(1):140-151
随着毒品战的全球化和单边施压的失效,尼克松政府开始积极推进北约现代社会挑战委员会参与国际禁毒合作,借此强化盟国对毒品问题的政治关注,并努力使之成为向盟国特别是土耳其施加间接压力的媒介。美国政府的努力尽管遭到了大西洋联盟尤其是英国、挪威、丹麦、土耳其和法国等国的抵制和批评,但毒品管制、治疗和康复方面的合作最终被纳入了现代社会挑战委员会的议程。同时,现代社会挑战委员会的工作为联合国管制毒品滥用基金的创建和麻醉品委员会禁毒项目的推进提供了原动力,推动了土耳其政府根除罂粟种植的行动。以此而论,现代社会挑战委员会作为北约的"第三维"进一步拓展了其关注的领域,同时,在一定程度上亦成为了尼克松政府在大西洋联盟中推进毒品战的一项新机制。  相似文献   

正农村传统规范"失序"、新的约束制度未能同步建立,为"整村犯罪"的形成提供了土壤。根据公开报道可知,近年来"涉毒村"、"诈骗村"、"造假村"等"整村犯罪"屡见不鲜,并呈现出作案手法专业化、科技化、暴力化等特征,犯罪嫌疑人以青少年居多,甚至有部分村干部也参与其中。基层干部及专家表示,农村传统规范失范、部分农村地区极端贫困,共同"滋长"出了畸形的"整  相似文献   

阿富汗毒品经济:历史、作用与成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋海啸 《南亚研究》2010,(3):100-111
阿富汗毒品经济主要来源于以鸦片生产和贸易为主的非法经济活动。阿富汗的毒品资金主要通过鸦片种植和毒品加工保护费、毒品国际走私通道保护费、毒品销售资金这三种方式流向塔利班以及基地组织手中,成为恐怖组织源源不断的经济来源。阿富汗农民长期贫困与毒品经济巨大利润形成的反差、喀布尔政府权力虚弱与管治无力、塔利班分子苦心经营以及美国阿富汗政策的连续失误,使得阿富汗毒品经济在短时间内难以铲除,成为国际反恐战争的最大障碍。  相似文献   

扩大洗钱犯罪的上游犯罪刍论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洗钱罪的上游犯罪,是指具有洗钱性质的基础犯罪。中国刑法关于洗钱罪的上游犯罪仅仅限制在毒品犯罪、黑社会性质的犯罪、走私犯罪和恐怖活动犯罪四类犯罪。因范围过窄,导致在其他犯罪中,即使存在着完全相同的洗钱行为,也不能以洗钱罪定罪量刑。因而很难达到"罪刑相适"的立法诉求和形势发展的实践要求。因此,必须适时扩大洗钱罪的上游犯罪的范围,将清洗一切严重犯罪所得及其收益的行为都认定为洗钱罪的上游犯罪,才能有效地打击洗钱行为。  相似文献   

Two aspects of the social psychology of collective action are of particular interest to social movement organizers and activists: how to motivate people to engage in collective action, and how to use collective action to create social change. The second question remains almost untouched within social psychology. The present article delineates research from political science and sociology concerning variables that moderate the effectiveness of collective action and maps these variables against intergroup research. Within intergroup social psychology, there is a theoretical literature on what needs to be done to achieve change (e.g., changing identification, social norms, or perceptions of legitimacy, stability, permeability). The article considers possible testable hypotheses concerning the outcomes of collective action which can be derived from intergroup research and from the synthesis of the three disciplines. For theoreticians and practitioners alike, a program of research which addresses the social-psychological outcomes of collective action and links these to identities, norms, intentions, and support for social change in bystanders, protagonists, and opponents has a great deal of interest.  相似文献   

法家"以刑去刑"理论及实践的诸分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法家的刑事政策思想以“以刑志刑为核心的 ,秦朝的重刑主义法制实践是法家这一思想的具体展开。而这一刑事法律思想在理论上是错误的 ,在实践中是行不通的。在犯罪原因论上它犯了以“人性恶”这一抽象的人性论来解说犯罪原因的单一罪因论的错误 ;在刑罚功能论上犯了过分夸大和追求刑罚的一般预防功能的错误从而对罪犯的处刑过于严酷并由此激化社会矛盾 ;在法律经济学角度上它扩大了刑罚圈增加了刑罚量从而提高了刑罚执行成本 ,在经济层面上使社会矛盾更加激化。  相似文献   

Despite repeated opportunities to reconsider their natural science ambitions, social psychologists have not done so, and there are no obvious signs of this changing. Why? This paper pursues an answer to this question by defining the field after the fashion of Michael Polanyi's thought. According to Polanyi, interpretative frameworks develop from our primitive bodily encounters with the world and then are shaped by language into the vast conceptual systems of our culture. Concerning frameworks erected on our most fundamental beliefs (e.g., science), he says that we “live in [them] as in the garment of our own skin.” Frameworks such as this are not objects of critical evaluation but of commitment, and social psychology, as an outgrowth of positive philosophy, is an interpretative framework in this sense. Professionals' recent responses to the field's political makeup and replication failures demonstrate this. They aim primarily at preserving a natural science understanding of social psychology and point to the influence of belief-stabilizing mechanisms Polanyi finds operative in folk religious practices. These mechanisms appear at work also in psychology as a whole. They are implied, for instance, in the field's resistance to Sigmund Koch's authoritative judgement against its scientific self-conception in the latter half of the 20th century. Noting this reveals the broader implications of this paper's definition of social psychology, but it also urges questions about truth and relativity that cannot be ignored. These questions are addressed briefly in the end where it is suggested that what psychology needs most of all is a change of heart, and that this will happen, if at all, not primarily through argument and evidence, but through persons who authentically believe in the veracity of a different framework.  相似文献   

Reactions of anger, rage, and hatred in the wake of September 11 terrorist attack are considered in light of the psychology of emotion and stress. Acknowledging underlying grief and fear through self-reflection, writing, and social communication is likely to reduce unchecked anger, rage, and hatred. Hate crimes may also have some psychological bases in responses to stress called "flight-or-fight." When flight is not an option, identifying and hating an enemy may have had evolutionary value for survival. This response creates harm in the current situation. An alternative cooperative response to stress, called "tend-and-befriend" by researchers, will be more helpful.  相似文献   

互联网作为一场全新的技术革命,对社会领域产生了巨大的影响作用。互联网迅速地改变和重塑着中国传统的社会结构,使其经历着一场解构与重构的革命,形成和凸显着一种全新的社会关系和社会运行模式。由此,中国社会在交往互动、舆论表达、利益诉求、价值观念、生活方式等方面都呈现出不同于传统的新特性。互联网的影响既带来显著的社会进步,也给管理者带来了前所未有的压力。十八大报告提出全面建成小康社会需要创新社会管理、加强社会建设。本文认为"互联网社会建设"也是创新社会管理的重要内容,因而提出互联网社会建设的相关政策建议,旨在提高互联网的管理水平,规范社会秩序,实现互联网社会的良性互动,最终推进和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   

The field of political psychology, like the social sciences more generally, is being challenged. New theoretical direction is being demanded from within and a greater epistemological sophistication and ethical relevance is being demanded from without. In response, an outline for a reconstructed political psychology is offered here. To begin, a theoretical framework for a truly integrative political psychology is sketched. In the attempt to transcend the reductionist quality of cross-disciplinary or multidisciplinary inquiry, the theoretical approach offered here emphasizes the dually structured quality of social life as the singular product of both organizing social structures and defining discourse communities on the one hand and motivated, thinking individuals on the other. To further this theoretical effort, meta-theoretical considerations are addressed. The modernist-postmodernist debate regarding the status of truth and value is used as a point of departure for constructing the epistemological foundation for political psychology. In this light, structural pragmatic guidelines for theory construction, empirical research and normative inquiry are presented. While the focus remains on political psychology in particular, it is assumed that the criticisms of present research and the suggestions for future inquiry apply to the social sciences more generally.  相似文献   

Shortly after the World Trade Center was destroyed, reports began to appear of hate crimes against Americans of Middle Eastern or South Asian descent. This article provides a summary of social psychological research that explains why certain events might promote intergroup bias. The literature on the correlation between hate crimes and potential precipitating factors is also reviewed. Finally, a few brief suggestions are made, based on previous research, as to how these crimes might be prevented.  相似文献   

Akrasia is a philosophical concept meaning the possibility to perform actions against one's best judgement. This contribution aims to clarify this phenomenon in terms of a social construction, stating it as a narrative configuration generated by an observer. The latter finds himself engaged in justifying a “problematic” line of action with regard to specific cultural beliefs referring to the self, the others and the behaviour. This paper intends to make explicit the assumptions underlying the traditional definitions of akrasia when, paradoxically, an agent performs an action not in accordance with his/her best judgement. In the transition from modern to post‐modern psychology, we here propose an interpretation of the phenomenon in psychological terms, envisaging akrasia as a narrative form functional to the identity processes and to the social dynamics of the structures of contemporary societies. Implications in the psychological practice will be taken into account.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the application of positioning theory , a new emerging theoretical scheme on the issue of cultural stereotyping. First, a critical conceptual analysis of the words'cultural stereotype'is presented. Secondly, the basic tenets of positioning theory are outlined. Finally, it will be demonstrated how the framework of positioning theory can be used to analytically refine the concept of cultural stereotype. The main upshot of the article is that within social psychology, the concept of cultural stereotype is used in a conceptually vague and blurred way and that, with the necessary conceptual refinements, other research-agendas on stereotypes will have to be tackled if social psychologists want to contribute anything to the societal efforts of changing stereotypes.  相似文献   

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