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Macht und Gender     
What prevents women, who wish to pursue a career, from gaining power???If organizational micro-politics, which means using and developing power, is conceptualized as an acting competence, the acquisition of cognitive competences and also the willingness to act micro-politically will turn into focus, which can be regarded as an indicator for the integration of micro-political acting into a self-concept. According to common models of competences this illustrates self-competence. The interviews conducted with female young executives revealed that the willingness??more than the ??pure motivation to advance a career????represents a key factor to be successful in advancing a career. The willingness seems to be even more marked, the less the self-concept is linked to female gender-stereotype. With regards to this result it is discussed what this means to the development of micro-political competences for women.  相似文献   

Using the Bamberg study of married couples Schulz and Blossfeld (2006) analyze the change in the division of domestic labor and see a trend toward traditionalization. Hereby the economic theory of the family should be falsified. This result is critized in three perspectives: first, a stronger participation of men is used as the dependent variable whereby the interesting processes are misspecified. Second, only the educations of men and women, but not changes in education are looked at which would be necessary to test the economic theory. Third, the used statistical model makes some simplifications necessary which hardens the interpretation of the empirical results. With all these critics the economic theory of the family should not be defended blindly, but a test of this theory is not possible in the manner tried here.  相似文献   

Social inequality of student achievement in school has a variety of causes, all of them are well investigated scientifically. But, if a particular cause could be neutralized, which of these causes would have the strongest effect of reducing social inequality? Based on data of the PISA 2000 study, the contribution argues that the secondary social effect, which mainly represents the parental decisions for transitions to different branches of the higher educational system, has at least the same quantity as the primary social effect, which consists in all family background conditions of a student. Simple simulations show how the social inequality will change, if either the primary or the secondary social effect are neutralized. These changes cannot be forecasted in an easy or linear way under different conditions.  相似文献   

Cultural and professional associations are the expression of the modern society with structured organisations. The 19th century was the marking epoch of the constitution of associations in Germany. The involvement of associations in the political live, specially the professional ones, is typical in Germany. While political sciences focus on the analyses of interest representation and mediation functions of organisations, sociology research covers the full range of social, psychological, political and economical functions of organisations. Management and especially human resource management topics are presently gaining a growing importance within the research community which focuses on the cultural and professional organisations.  相似文献   

People are changed by organisations and people change organisations. Supervisors are active with their consultancy work on this interface. Organisation is therefore a central topic and learning field which is handled on different levels (systemic-structural, personal-biographic, phenomenal) in the counsellingsupervision training, which the author has been practicing since 20 years. This is not done in a theoretical way but through a concrete approach.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence that shows external circumstances affect our level of satisfaction. Unclear, however, is which processes or mechanisms underlie this relationship. This article examines the importance of perception and evaluation processes for explaining the relationship between income and material satisfaction. The analyses are based on representative survey data from 2006 for Germany and mediation models are employed. The results show that the influence of income on material satisfaction is at least partially explained by differences in the self-perception of the position within the social hierarchy as well as the justice perception of income. Differences in material satisfaction between East and West Germany are fully explained by regionally divergent perception and evaluation patterns. These findings demonstrate the sociological relevance of cognitive mechanisms and support the integration of these mechanisms within empirical survey research.  相似文献   

For the German Juvenile Delinquency Court Association (Deutsche Vereinigung für Jugendgerichte und Jugendgerichtshilfen e.V.), which comprises researchers and practitioners in the field alike, the Lower Saxony Crime Research Institute (Kriminologisches Forschungsinstitut Niedersachsen e.V.), one of the most important institutions in Germany, in 1998 has compiled a detailed study ?Exclusion, Violence and Delinquency in the Life of young people — children and adolescents as victims and perpetrators“, comprising an extensive review of the literature with extensive own research results. The study takes a politically clear position: juvenile delinquency declines in quantity and intensity. Contradictory findings are based on statistical bias. Consequently, the policy of decriminalization — putting educational before correctional measures — has to be vigorously continued. The study displays a wealth of statistical material — and a wealth of serious, sometimes unforgivable methodological mistakes. At several occasions the authors explicitly dump unwanted findings. The considerable discrepancies between the main text body and the executive summary for the hurried reader further undermines confidence in the professionalism of the authors.  相似文献   

Globalisation and internationalisation of organisations as well as fast-paced development of modern electronic communication technologies require and support the implementation of globally distributed project teams. Members are working together in different locations and in different time zones. These facts have an impact on project work. This article tries to critically reflect the work of virtual project teams and it tries to answer the question, if we can speak about teamwork under such circumstances.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Zuwachs der ?lteren Bev?lkerung wie auch der für sie bereitgestellten Versorgungseinrichtungen stellt die in der Altenpflege T?tigen vor vielf?ltige und schwierige Aufgaben. Vor dem Hintergrund einer verbreiteten, unbewu?ten aversiven Konnotation des Alterns stellt die Autorin das Spektrum von fachspezifischen Schwierigkeiten in der Supervisionsarbeit dar. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass feldspezifische Anforderungen im Umgang mit ?lteren in den Supervisionsprozess mit einzubeziehen sind und in weitere Schritte der Organisationsentwicklung münden k?nnen.
The increased numbers of elderly and old people within our society as well as the growing number of institutional facilities for their support confronts those who work with them with manifold and difficult problems. Considering the background of a widespread, mostly unconscious negative connotation of age and ageing the author presents the spectrum of specific difficulties related to the specialised field of supervising work. It is shown that field-specific requirements in the relation with elderly have to be included and recognized in the supervising process and can lead to further organizational developments.

Dr. phil. Gabriele Junkers ist Psychoanalytikerin und Lehranalytikerin (DPV/IPA), Generalsekret?rin der Europ?ischen Psychoanalytischen F?deration (EPF) Gerontologin. Supervision und Organisationsberatung.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Zuwachs der ?lteren Bev?lkerung wie auch der für sie bereitgestellten Versorgungseinrichtungen stellt die in der Altenpflege T?tigen vor vielf?ltige und schwierige Aufgaben. Vor dem Hintergrund einer verbreiteten, unbewu?ten aversiven Konnotation des Alterns stellt die Autorin das Spektrum von fachspezifischen Schwierigkeiten in der Supervisionsarbeit dar. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass feldspezifische Anforderungen im Umgang mit ?lteren in den Supervisionsprozess mit einzubeziehen sind und in weitere Schritte der Organisationsentwicklung münden k?nnen.
The increased numbers of elderly and old people within our society as well as the growing number of institutional facilities for their support confronts those who work with them with manifold and difficult problems. Considering the background of a widespread, mostly unconscious negative connotation of age and ageing the author presents the spectrum of specific difficulties related to the specialised field of supervising work. It is shown that field-specific requirements in the relation with elderly have to be included and recognized in the supervising process and can lead to further organizational developments.

Dr. phil. Gabriele Junkers ist Psychoanalytikerin und Lehranalytikerin (DPV/IPA), Generalsekret?rin der Europ?ischen Psychoanalytischen F?deration (EPF) Gerontologin. Supervision und Organisationsberatung.  相似文献   

The increased numbers of elderly and old people within our society as well as the growing number of institutional facilities for their support confronts those who work with them with manifold and difficult problems. Considering the background of a widespread, mostly unconscious negative connotation of age and ageing the author presents the spectrum of specific difficulties related to the specialised field of supervising work. It is shown that field-specific requirements in the relation with elderly have to be included and recognized in the supervising process and can lead to further organizational developments.  相似文献   

As introduction, self observation and constructive examples about handling with resistance in teaching, learning and consulting processes are described, like for instance, the communicative evaluation or the collegial supervision. A creative concluding experience report shall incite to self reflection about own resistance.  相似文献   

This paper starts with an analysis, based on the communication theories of Schulz von Thun (2000) and Clark (1996), of the reasons why teams with a high task-related diversity are particularly susceptible to communication problems. To reduce communication problems, a modularly composed training- and team-development concept, which applies on “individual” and “team” levels, is subsequently presented. Communication problems are defined as failure in understanding as well as low level of task-related openness and as absence of esteem and acceptance between communicating participants.  相似文献   

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