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本文的宗旨进行蒙古和中国消费者网上购物感知风险比较研究。通过研究,消费者的网上购买行为和网上购物的感知风险特点比较中蒙消费者网上购物感知风险影响因素的异同。  相似文献   

感知风险在消费者行为研究中是一个重要的变量,它对消费者信息处理及购物决策产生重要影响.随着网络购物的兴起,消费者的信息搜寻和购买决策过程都发生了重大的改变.本文对消费者网络购物感知风险进行了界定,提出感知风险可以由五个具体的网络购物感知风险维度构成,并在此基础上开发了15个项目作为测量指标.论文还对消费者网络购物感知风险不同结构的模型进行了探索比较,根据拟合程度和简约特点界定了消费者网络购物感知风险的概念和测量模型.  相似文献   

网上购物这种新兴的购物方式受到众多营销学者的关注。消费者的感知风险对购物意愿有显著影响、信任问题也与感知风险息息相关,在网络购物环境下。信任与感知风险产生对抗平衡作用,共同对消费者的网上购物意愿产生影响。  相似文献   

研究消费者渠道决策有助于企业的渠道设计及营销战略的制定,论文以感知效用为视角,围绕商品风险、品牌、企业知名度对消费者感知利益、感知风险的影响,提出了9个假设,通过对样本数据的分析,对假设进行了检验。检验结果表明,商品风险对顾客渠道决策有重要影响,当商品风险较大时,顾客的渠道决策主要受企业知名度影响,如果两种渠道下的企业知名度相同,顾客会选择传统零售企业,否则,倾向选择知名度高的零售企业。当商品风险小时,如果两种渠道下的企业知名度均较高,顾客倾向选择网络零售企业,若知名度均较低,则选择传统零售企业,否则将选择知名度高的零售企业。此外,名牌商品有助于增大顾客感知利益,降低风险。  相似文献   

对移动网络环境下消费者对增值服务的感知风险的前因进行了实证研究,采用问卷法对移动增值服务的主要用户群进行了抽样调查,使用结构方程模型检验了消费者感知信息不对称,感知移动商务技术不确定性、移动增值服务的无形性等三个前因变量分别对消费者感知风险各维度的作用。结果表明消费者感知信息不对称对消费者感知隐私风险、财务风险、功能风险、心理风险和时间风险均有显著的正相关作用;消费者感知技术不确定性仅对感知功能风险、感知财务风险和感知时间风险有显著的正相关作用;而增值服务的无形性则对除感知财务风险之外的其他风险维度均有显著的正相关作用。研究表明增值服务的信息不透明是消费者感知风险的主要来源,另外消费者对移动技术缺乏了解和技术本身的不确定性也会增加消费者感知风险。研究结论为相关企业采取措施降低消费者感知风险,促进移动增值服务的接受提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以汶川地震的调研数据为基础,构建了重大灾害情境下的感知风险与消费者信心关系的理论模型。分析发现消费者信心各维度之间蕴含的相互关联,即重建和房地产发展信心对经济发展信心起显著正向影响,经济发展信心对生活质量信心具有正向影响。同时,发现地震感知风险对消费者信心、对经济发展信心具有直接负向影响,对重建和房地产发展信心没有产生显著影响,对生活质量信心的负向影响是通过经济发展信心间接实现的。  相似文献   

王国才  王希凤  许景 《管理学报》2010,7(5):692-695
在考虑营销努力的作用下,引入消费者对网上营销渠道的风险感知,研究风险感知对均衡结果的影响以及复合渠道协调问题.研究表明:制造商的利润和系统利润随着消费者网上购物风险感知程度的增强而减小;制造商对复合渠道进行协调时,整个渠道的绩效将得到提高,是对未协调复合渠道的帕累托改进.  相似文献   

本文通过调查受台风影响频繁的沿海地区的受灾公众及未受灾公众对台风的风险感知水平,比较两者的差异,并根据研究结论提出了管理实践方面的可资借鉴的建议。  相似文献   

消费者在线购物的低参与度已经引起了国内外学者的广泛关注,感知风险理论的引入对于解释网上购买行为作出了有力的解释,但大部分学者在研究感知风险时更多的是从消费者行为学角度关注消费者所感受到的全部的感知风险,而忽略了在线交易这种方式的特殊性,在线交易只不过是传统的线下交易的一种有益的补充,消费者在线购物时不可避免地要将在线购物和线下购物相比较。因此本文着重从电子商务与线下交易方式的不同之处,分析消费者在选择在线交易所感知到的风险因素,力求更贴合实际地解释消费者在线购物参与度低的影响因素。  相似文献   

电视购物作为一种无店铺营销的商业零售模式,在国内的发展中一直深受信任危机的困扰。本研究引入心理学知觉风险的概念,通过调查目前消费者对电视购物的风险知觉及其购买行为,来了解目前国内电视购物的消费者对电视购物有怎样的风险知觉,消费者对电视购物的风险知觉对其购买决策有怎样的影响,以及消费者特征、消费者对电视购物的风险知觉和其购买决策行为之间的关系和影响作用。  相似文献   

网络环境下消费者感知价值的理论剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董大海  杨毅 《管理学报》2008,5(6):856-861
在回顾和总结已有的消费者感知价值研究的基础上,汲取心理学的态度模型、信息系统领域的TAM模型和消费者行为学中的手段-目的链思想,将网络环境下消费者感知价值划分为3类:结果性感知价值、程序性感知价值和情感性感知价值,并给出了相应的定义,为进一步研究感知价值在网络环境下消费者行为中的地位和作用提供了概念基础。  相似文献   

消费者与网络商店的关系价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关系价值是关系营销领域近年来出现的新概念,已有学者在B2B环境下对它的概念和构成进行了一定的研究,但在B2C环境下特别是互联网环境下,还没有学者对它进行明确的定义与测量.在文献回顾的基础上,界定了消费者与网络商店的关系价值的概念,并结合定性访谈的结果确定了这一概念的构成维度,基于中国网络消费者样本开发了具有较好信度和效度的多维度测量量表.研究结果表明,消费者与网络商店的关系价值应该包含社会利益、经济利益、定制化利益3个关系利益维度以及时间精力成本和隐私成本两个关系成本维度.5个维度的关系价值测量量表具有较好的内部一致性信度、收敛效度、区别效度和律则效度,并且5个构成维度能够很好的收敛于关系价值这一更高层次的概念.  相似文献   

The trend of forming alliances to develop new products continues; however, many of these new product alliances fail. As such we explore how key risk types intrinsic in new product alliances, performance, relational, and knowledge appropriation risks, influence alliance success. Further, we theorize that different alliance governance mechanisms can reduce the negative impact of risks on alliance success. To disentangle possible heterogeneous factors across firms that may affect the interplay of risk assessments and the use of governance mechanisms, we employ latent class regression analysis on survey data collected from 128 new product alliance firms and find support for a two‐regime solution. Longer alliance relationships and lower technological turbulence are factors for some firms (regime one), while the opposite are factors for other firms (regime two). These two regimes show different patterns in the interplay of risk assessments and governance for alliance success. Our theory and results support viewing risk as a multiple‐factor concept and by understanding the different impacts of the risk types in new product alliances and how governance mechanisms mitigate such effects, we aid managers' decision making regarding the balance of contractual versus normative governance in new product alliances. Understanding the heterogeneous factors inherent in these complex relationships enables managers to understand the conditions in which various governance mechanisms promote new product alliance success.  相似文献   

The role of perceived risk in consumer behavior has been studied extensively by academic researchers. This paper introduces a methodology for the measurement of the effects of product features, marketing mix components, and individual differences on perceived consumer risk based on theoretical foundations in the literature. A conjoint-type model based on paired comparison judgments is estimated to provide attribute weights. A modification of a stochastic multidimensional scaling-based vector model is then used to measure and summarize individual consumer differences with respect to the impact of brand attributes and marketing mix components on latent levels of perceived consumer risk. An illustration is provided using students’ risk perceptions of sports cars.  相似文献   

Judgments of risk and judgments of benefit have been found to be inversely related. Activities or technologies that are judged high in risk tend to be judged low in benefit, and vice versa. In the present study, we examine this inverse relationship in detail, using two measures of relationship between risk and benefit. We find that the inverse relationship is robust and indicative of a confounding of risk and benefit in people's minds. This confounding is linked to a person's overall evaluation of an activity or technology. Theoretical and practical implications of this risk-benefit confounding are discussed.  相似文献   

A Risk Assessment for Consumers of Mourning Doves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recreational and subsistence hunters and anglers consume a wide range of species, including birds, mammals, fish and shellfish, some of which represent significant exposure pathways for environmental toxic agents. This study focuses on the Department of Energy's (DOE'S) Savannah River Site (SRS), a former nuclear weapons production facility in South Carolina. The potential risk of contaminant intake from consuming mourning doves ( Zenaida macroura ), the most popular United States game bird, was examined under various risk scenarios. For all of these scenarios we used the mean tissue concentration of six metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, selenium, chromium, manganese) and radiocesium, in doves collected on and near SRS. We also estimated risk to a child consuming doves that had the maximum contaminant level. We used the cancer slope factor for radiocesium, the Environmental Protection Agencies UptakeBiokinetic model for lead, and published reference doses for the other metals. As a result of our risk assessments we recommend management of water levels in contaminated reservoirs so that lake bed sediments are not exposed to use by gamebirds and other terrestrial wildlife. Particularly, measures should be taken to insure that the hunting public does not have access to such a site. Our data also indicate that doves on popular hunting areas are exposed to excess lead, suggesting that banning lead shot for doves, as has been done for waterfowl, is desirable.  相似文献   

汪旭晖  陈鑫 《管理科学》2018,31(1):101-115
 互联网带来的“信息爆炸”使消费者更频繁地借助用户生成内容获取产品信息和产品使用体验。用户生成内容的感知效应和劝说效应深刻地影响着消费者的购买决策,感知效应增加了消费者对产品或服务的感知,劝说效应增加了消费者的购买意愿。Web 2.0时代,网络口碑的主要形式为图片评论和文字评论,目前图文结合的用户生成内容作为网络口碑的新形式受到广泛关注。        从图文一致性和图文位置关系两个视角剖析图文结合的用户生成内容对消费者感知有用性的影响,为增加研究结果的内部效度,采用情景模拟实验法,通过4个实验,借助SPSS统计分析软件对实验数据进行处理,均以中国某高校的本科学生作为样本。        根据双重通道编码理论,研究1验证图文结合的用户生成内容是更有效的网络口碑传播形式。研究2从图片类型出发,检验消费者感知有用性的差异,并验证产品类别对图文结合的用户生成内容与消费者感知有用性之间的调节作用。结果表明,对于享乐型产品,社会型图片比功能型文本对消费者更有用;对于实用型产品,功能型图片比功能型文本和社会型文本对消费者来说更有用。研究3以图文的空间距离作为自变量、以消费者感知有用性作为因变量进行研究,结果表明,与图文远离呈现的用户生成内容相比,当消费者浏览的是图文临近呈现的用户生成内容时,其感知有用性更高。研究4在研究3的基础上对图文位置关系进行深入研究,结果表明,如果消费者更关注文本信息,左图右文的图文位置关系更有助于消费者理解产品信息;如果消费者更关注图片信息,上图下文的图文位置关系更有用;如果消费者对文本和图片信息都比较关注,右图左文或下图上文的图文位置关系更有用。        研究结果不仅对深化和完善图文结合的用户生成内容相关理论具有理论意义,而且对指导营销者和电子商务网站进行营销创新、增强营销效果和帮助消费者了解产品信息有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Ik Jae Chung 《Risk analysis》2011,31(12):1883-1896
This article analyzes the dynamic process of risk amplification in the Internet environment with special emphasis on public concern for environmental risks from a high‐speed railway tunnel construction project in South Korea. Environmental organizations and activists serving as social stations collected information about the project and its ecological impact, and communicated this with the general public, social groups, and institutions. The Internet provides social stations and the public with an efficient means for interactive communication and an open space for active information sharing and public participation. For example, while the website of an organization such as an environmental activist group can initially trigger local interest, the Internet allows this information to be disseminated to a much wider audience in a manner unavailable to the traditional media. Interaction among social stations demonstrates an amplifying process of public attention to the risk. Analyses of the volume of readers’ comments to online newspaper articles and public opinions posted on message board of public and nonprofit organizations show the ripple effects of the amplification process as measured along temporal, geographical, and sectoral dimensions. Public attention is also influenced by the symbolic connotations of risk information. Interpretations of risk in religious, political, or legal terms intensify public concern for the environmental risk.  相似文献   

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