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本文在公平中性的供应商、公平关切的零售商和策略型与短视型顾客并存的供应链下,研究了零售商的最优定价与订货量及供应链的协调.研究发现,公平关切的零售商有提高产品价格和压低订货量的倾向;批发价契约难以实现供应链的协调;收益共享契约能实现供应链的完美协调.论文还讨论了零售商的公平关切程度和利润分享比例对供应商利润、零售商效用及供应链效用的影响. 相似文献
在上层为制造商、下层为多个竞争型零售商和需求市场的二层供应链网络中,分析了多个零售商间横向公平偏好、零售商与制造商间纵向公平偏好行为。构建了下层零售商考虑横向和纵向公平偏好的Nash均衡模型,并且得到上层和下层供应链网络的Stackelberg-Nash博弈模型,利用罚函数法求解得到二层供应链网络均衡决策。定性分析了零售商横向、纵向公平偏好权重和纵向公平参考系数对均衡决策的影响,并通过数值算例验证。最后对供应链各决策者给出应对公平偏好负效用的合理化建议。 相似文献
基于公平偏好理论的激励机制与代理成本分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
基于现代经济学公平偏好理论,通过扩展双代理人与注入刻画代理人之间关于收益比较的横向公平性偏好因素,改进传统经济学纯粹自利性假设下的单代理人的HM模型,设计包括横向公平偏好因素在内的新委托-代理激励机制,并分析非对称信息下的代理成本.结果显示:为了降低"道德风险",委托人无需采取监督与控制的办法,只要雇佣横向公平性偏好程度尽可能高的代理人,就会尽可能减少代理成本,增加委托人的期望收益,这为解决传统经济学理论中由于信息非对称所带来的高监督成本难题,提供了一条有效的新思路. 相似文献
Ecological Risks and Community Perceptions of Fairness and Justice: A Cross-Cultural Model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Intergenerational justice is implicit in international commitments to sustainability. If ecological, economic, and social components of sustainability are to be achieved, there is a necessity for intergenerational justice considerations to be included in decision making. The present generation's risk judgments should include consideration of the possible outcomes for their children. But intergenerational issues cannot be considered in isolation from other current risk and fairness concerns. This article reports on a community-based integrative model that describes justice and other attitudes and motivations that determine community and individual proenvironmental behavior in two nations: Germany and Australia. This model can account for a considerable amount of the variance in political compliance as well as various proenvironmental behaviors. Group or individual self-interests have nearly no effects on global protective behavior. It is shown that universal as well as contextual principles, including distributive (within or between generations), procedural, and interactive justice, play a crucial role in fairness judgments. Other principles are also taken into account, such as efficiency, environmental rights, and rights to economic welfare. The results are discussed in relation to the importance of complex community fairness judgments in predicting and evaluating acceptance of political decisions, and for promoting proenvironmental behavior. 相似文献
Technology entrepreneurship is an important driver of economic growth, although entrepreneurs must maintain cooperative ties with the owners of any technology they hope to bring to market. Existing studies show that fairness perceptions have a great influence on this cooperation, but no research investigates its precise mechanisms or dynamic patterns. This study explores the development of 17 ventures that cooperated with a university‐owner of technology and thereby identifies different cooperation patterns in which fairness perceptions influence the degree of cooperation. These perceptions also change over time, partly as a function of accumulated experience and learning. A system dynamics model integrates insights from existing literature with the empirical findings to reveal which cooperation mechanisms relate to venture development over time; the combinations of individual experience, fairness perceptions, and market circumstances lead to four different patterns. This model can explain changes in entrepreneurial cooperation as a result of changes in fairness perceptions, which depend on learning effects and entrepreneurial experience. Each identified cooperation pattern has implications for research and offers insights for practitioners who need to manage relationships in practice. 相似文献
本文在企业和政府主从博弈框架下,研究政府兼顾社会福利和减排成本的多目标条件下企业最优碳配额分配方式,并采用(p,α)比例公平建立了最优分配与政府公平态度之间的对应关系,进一步分析企业间减排效率差异对碳配额最优分配以及政府所持公平态度的影响。采用遗传算法模拟结果显示,在政府最大化社会福利和最小化减排总成本的多目标下,政府始终给予高效率减排企业更多的配额,在企业间减排效率差异较小和较大的行业,减排效率对最优配额分配和政府所持公平态度的影响是完全不同的。当行业内企业减排效率差异较小时,随减排效率差异的增加,低效率企业所得配额逐渐减少,政府公平性逐渐降低;当企业减排效率差异较大时,情况刚好相反,低效率企业的配额逐渐增加,政府变得越来越注重公平。除此之外,政府公平性并不意味着低效率企业得到更多的碳配额,当企业间减排效率差异增加到某一区间,随减排效率差异的增加,低效率企业所得配额逐渐减小,而政府公平逐渐增加。我们的结论为相关部门多目标下的最优碳配额分配决策以及分析政府的公平性提供了有益参考。 相似文献
公平偏好视角下的“龙头企业+农户”供应链关系治理研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对"龙头企业+农户"供应链中由于不公平交易而导致农户生产投资水平下降这一现实,研究了公平偏好影响龙头企业和农户间博弈结果的机理,并有针对性地提出了供应链关系治理的建议。研究结果表明:当农户具有公平偏好时,龙头企业不公平的收购价格是导致农户生产投资意愿降低的主要原因;不公平的收购价格不仅会降低农户的效用,同时也会降低龙头企业以及供应链整体的效用;强化龙头企业和农户间交易的公平性,能够激励农户提高生产投资水平,最终实现供应链上下游的"双赢"。 相似文献
Andressa A. Sleiman Nicholas Matey 《Journal of Organizational Behavior Management》2020,40(1-2):82-92
ABSTRACT Over the years, reviews in behavior analysis have sought to identify the most prolific researchers and institutions. The goal of these reviews was to offer one resource for behavior analysts to identify experts in behavior analysis and quality graduate programs. However, most of these reviews omitted the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management (JOBM), making the results less relevant to those who work in organizational behavior management. The purpose of this review was to extend previous findings and identify the most published researchers, academic institutions, and organizations in JOBM since its inception. Furthermore, we calculated the citation rate (per year, per article) for each of the top 20 most published authors. The results, implications, and opportunities for further analysis are discussed. 相似文献
很多网站采用在英式拍卖中加入固定价格选项的方式销售多件同类商品.我们证明了,在此规则下存在一个弱占优投标策略.若顾客对商品的估价低于固定价格,那么,当拍卖价格低于他的估价时,该顾客参与拍卖,且以自己的估价作为报价是他的弱占优投标策略;否则,当拍卖价格超过他的估价时,他退出拍卖.若顾客对商品的估价高于或等于固定价格,他会在参与拍卖和接受固定价格之间进行选择;若他参与拍卖,将固定价格作为报价是他的弱占优投标策略.我们发现,该顾客是选择参与拍卖、还是选择以固定价格购买主要依赖于顾客到达拍卖时距离拍卖结束的剩余时间.最后,通过算例,我们对影响顾客参与策略的因素进行了数值分析并得到了一些结论. 相似文献
论文运用动态模型对软预算约束的形成路径进行了理论研究,并对中国国有企业改革的路径选择进行实证研究。研究结果表明软预算约束起源于企业要素投入与生产模式的匹配模式,而中国国有企业改革路径选择的结果是使要素投入和生产模式满足弱匹配条件。 相似文献
双重边缘化:村干部角色与行为的类型学分析 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
关于村干部的角色与行为 ,一般研究都将其定位为国家代理人与村庄当家人。本文认为 ,这种“双重角色”理论还只是一种静态和结构主义的普适性分析 ,而非过程化的情景性研究。在具体的“过程—事件”之中 ,村干部的角色与行为究竟呈现出何种特性 ,不仅受到特定的村政环境影响 ,并且也是作为行为主体的村干部对环境主动适应与选择的结果。本文具此分析了当下农业型村庄的村政环境对村干部角色与行为的影响以及村干部对环境的理性选择 ,并提出关于农业型村庄村干部角色与行为“双重边缘化”的类型学解释。一、问题缘起与分析视角关于当下农村村… 相似文献
Evidence that cell phone use while driving increases the risk of being involved in a motor vehicle crash has led policymakers to consider prohibitions on this practice. However, while restrictions would reduce property loss, injuries, and fatalities, consumers would lose the convenience of using these devices while driving. Quantifying the risks and benefits associated with cell phone use while driving is complicated by substantial uncertainty in the estimates of several important inputs, including the extent to which cell phone use increases a driver's risk of being involved in a crash, the amount of time drivers spend using cell phones (and hence their aggregate contribution to crashes, injuries, and fatalities), and the incremental value to users of being able to make calls while driving. Two prominent studies that have investigated cell phone use while driving have concluded that the practice should not be banned. One finds that the benefits of calls made while driving substantially exceed their costs while the other finds that other interventions could reduce motor vehicle injuries and fatalities (measured in terms of quality adjusted life years) at a lower cost. Another issue is that cell phone use imposes increased (involuntary) risks on other roadway users. This article revises the assumptions used in the two previous analyses to make them consistent and updates them using recent data. The result is a best estimate of zero for the net benefit of cell phone use while driving, a finding that differs substantially from the previous study. Our revised cost-effectiveness estimate for cell phone use while driving moves in the other direction, finding that the cost per quality adjusted life year increases modestly compared to the previous estimate. Both estimates are very uncertain. 相似文献
More than a quarter century ago, organizational scholars began to explore the implications of prosociality in organizations. Three interrelated streams have emerged from this work, which focus on prosocial motives (the desire to benefit others or expend effort out of concern for others), prosocial behaviors (acts that promote/protect the welfare of individuals, groups, or organizations), and prosocial impact (the experience of making a positive difference in the lives of others through one's work). Prior studies have highlighted the importance of prosocial motives, behaviors, and impact, and have enhanced our understanding of each of them. However, there has been little effort to systematically review and integrate these related lines of work in a way that furthers our understanding of prosociality in organizations. In this article, we provide an overview of the current state of the literature, highlight key findings, identify major research themes, and address important controversies and debates. We call for an expanded view of prosocial behavior and a sharper focus on the costs and unintended consequences of prosocial phenomena. We conclude by suggesting a number of avenues for future research that will address unanswered questions and should provide a more complete understanding of prosociality in the workplace. 相似文献
博弈框架下的上市公司高管人员行为及对策分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
首先,本文披露了近年来我国证券市场中出现的上市公司高管人员失信问题的一些现象。然后,运用博弈论的方法通过构建不完全信息下的静态和动态监管博弈模型对上市公司高管人员失信行为的动机以及博弈均衡做了分析。最后,文章从公司内部治理和公司外部治理两大方面就如何治理上市公司高管人员诚信问题提供了一些对策。 相似文献
Twenty-first century organizations will require designs that enable them to cope with turbulent environments. Organizations have experimented with lateral organizational designs for this purpose, but research evidence concerning these forms is sparse. We analyzed data obtained from 512 employees within eight diverse organizations implementing flexible lateral organizations. Using a sequence comparison methodology, we were able to identify and categorize the major costs, benefits, and enablers associated with implementing these forms of complex organizations. Propositions for effectively managing lateral relations were tested and managerial implications were explored. 相似文献
组织设计的主动性与合作性对企业知识共享行为的影响分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高度扰动的环境诱导着企业组织设计进行适应性变化,组织设计的变化受知识共享需要的诱导,而且相关因素之间呈互补关系.当变化的环境促使企业组织设计变得更有利于提升各组成部分的主动性时,知识共享的需要同时也要求组织增加合作性的组织设计.论文在理论分析和案例研究的基础上,提出了相应的研究假定,并利用问卷数据和结构方程模型对假定进行了分析验证.最后,提出了方向性的制度供应模式. 相似文献
Judith White 《International Journal of Value-Based Management》1999,12(2):109-128
This article describes a mode of ethical behavior in organizations called ethical comportment that is the enactment of the
principles of elements common to the feminist ethic of care and the Buddhist ethic of compassion. The paper outlines the main
tenets of care and The Eightfold Path of Buddhism, a mode of practicing compassion, demonstrating the similarities in values
and practices that embody what the author considers to be ethical comportment in organizations.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Growing recognition of the need for better management information system (MIS) theory and practice centers around problems with identifying the value of information and information systems in organizations. This paper addresses this issue by showing that existing theory in organizational economics and industrial organization directly relates to information problems in organizations (their nature, and their effects in terms of organization structure and performance). The paper categorizes these problems and associated theories into four distinct classes and shows that MIS research and practice can be mapped to information problems of each type. Because the economic theory pertinent to specific information problems includes the nature of the organizational response to information constraints, it also provides insight into the nature of the improvement to be realized if information constraints can be overcome. These improvements can then be interpreted as the value of the associated information systems which suggests using the resultant classification scheme to map between information problems and system value. The paper shows that this methodology provides a more appropriate level of focus than either traditional normative or business value methods, especially because many improvements have structural as well as performance consequences. 相似文献
针对子公司角色变化引起的行为变化,将子公司行为细分为探索行为和开发行为,利用委托代理理论进行报酬契约设计,探究企业集团相关决策变量对子公司二元行为努力的影响机理。研究结果表明:总部最优产出分享系数和子公司开发行为努力程度随总部支持的提高而降低、随开发行为盈利水平的降低而降低、随探索行为预期收益率和子公司可投入水平的提高呈"正U"型趋势;探索行为努力程度在探索行为预期收益率和子公司可投入水平较低时随总部支持的提高呈"倒U"型趋势,反之呈线性增长趋势;另外,探索行为努力程度随开发行为盈利水平、探索行为预期收益率和子公司可投入水平的提高而提高。最后,本文利用数值算例对上述结论进行了直观演示。 相似文献