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笔者通过对城市内涝产生的原因和危害的分析,结合对目前城市发展的新模式———海绵城市的解读,以天津滨海新区为切入点,针对城市总体规划、各专项规划以及雨水利用与循环3个方面进行重点研究,由定性到定量阐述海绵城市建设在整个城市规划中不同阶段的落实办法。 相似文献
实行改革开放政策以来,我国出现了众多的开发区域.这些开发区域尽管在功能上不尽相同,在发展的模式上也各有千秋,但发展至今无不面临一个崭新的问题,那就是在具备了相当的基础和实力之后,如何跨上新的发展平台,亦即在摆脱了发展初期的"来者不拒"、产业分布较为庞杂、产业层次不高的状态之后,如何通过支柱产业的形成来打造具有较强竞争力的产业集群.这种产业集群及其选择对于特定开发区域今后十年或更长时期的发展具有特殊重要的意义. 相似文献
一、市场现状:由新政引发的一波交易狂潮来去无踪2013年伊始,受上年末楼市成交翘尾的影响,低迷了将近两年的津城楼市终于有所回暖,市场上大量隐藏的需求也在2013上半年集中释放,无论是成交量还是成交金额均稳中有升。而随着一手住宅成交量和成交 相似文献
针对北京科技大学天津学院图书馆文化建设的基本特征及其要点,探讨和揭示独立学院开展图书馆文化建设的理论和方法。 相似文献
笔者基于我国以及天津城镇化的发展现状,采用国际上通用的IU比、NU比两种定量指标,分别对我国以及天津城镇化与工业化的相关性进行实际度量,并运用一元线性回归方法进行实证分析,通过小结提出未来天津城镇化发展的相关对策. 相似文献
正一、研究背景(一)城市与空间随着经济的高速增长,中国正经历着高速的城市化,现在的城市化速度远远高于过去几十年西方发达国家的城市化速度,也远远超出地方政府的想象。有研究表明,城市化较晚的国家或地区其城市化速度往往更快。随着高速的城市化,城市的用地规模和人口规模也高速增长。经过对北京、上海、天津、重庆、广州、大连、苏州及福州等城市的统计,大部分城市均提前5年以上突破现行总体 相似文献
城市改造在西方被称为城市更新,合理的改造往往可以给城市带来重生,调整、改善城市旧城区的功能可以提升或再造城市的功能、活力和环境品质,使城市更具魅力.然而在城市改造中仍然存在着诸多现实问题,制约着城市改造.在客观方面,主要有生产力发展水平、社会经济制度、城市人口规模及历史文化传统等因素;在主观方面,则受对城市改造认识程度、城市改造方法以及城市管理是否得当等因素的影响.客观方面的因素难以改变,但主观因素的良好运用却可以发挥明显的作用. 相似文献
京津冀协同发展对蓟县旅游业的影响主要表现在三个方面,一是为蓟县旅游业发展带来更多潜在的消费需求,二是为游客到蓟县旅游提供更为便利的出行条件,三是扩大蓟县旅游品牌影响力和拓宽旅游客源。为抓住京津冀协同发展带来的历史性机遇,应采取以下策略:加大旅游品牌形象的培育和宣传力度,提升品牌影响力;加大旅游资源整合力度,培育旅游业龙头企业;积极推动和践行互联网+旅游业发展;扩大中外文化融合,推动城郊旅游模式创新;推动生态旅游、文化旅游紧密结合;推动乡村旅游基础设施建设标准化,突出地方特色。 相似文献
2015政府工作报告中提出制定“互联网+”行动计划,推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合,而我国经济的新常态也体现出了从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动的态势,“互联网+制造业”正是通过技术创新推动产业升级转化的有效路径。天津既有制造业发展基础,又有信息技术优势,以天津为例,分析将现代信息技术与制造业相结合,推进现代制造业的发展,具有十分典型的现实意义。 相似文献
城乡二元经济结构、“三农”问题是制约当前我国区域经济发展的主要障碍,如何消除城乡对立,弱化城乡二元结构,实现城乡资源的最优化配置,使区域经济发展步入可持续发展的道路,从根本上解决“三农”问题,是我国迫在眉睫的任务。 相似文献
城乡二元经济结构、“三农”问题是制约当前我国区域经济发展的主要障碍,如何消除城乡对立,弱化城乡二元结构,实现城乡资源的最优化配置,使区域经济发展步入可持续发展的道路,从根本上解决“三农”问题,是我国迫在眉睫的任务。 相似文献
城市交通是一个城市发展的命脉,也可以直接体现一个城市的精神面貌.随着经济的发展,私人小汽车开始进入家庭,国内各大城市(北京、上海、广州)均投入大量资金进行城市基础设施建设,以应对机动化时代的到来.天津市近年来同样投入大量人力物力进行基础设施建设,特别是对城市道路的建设,先后完成道路卡口疏通、实施配套道路以及旧路改造.我们在看到这些辉煌成果的同时也应注意到以往工作中存在的不足:设计部门往往较多考虑地下管线、路基、路面、排水、景观等方面,在修建如此多的道路时,因种种原因,缺少交通设计环节,没有充分考虑通行安全和交通安全设施建设,以致道路建成后往往无法发挥出其全部的功能,造成了一部分资源的浪费. 相似文献
《Habitat International》1999,23(1):125-134
A large variety of construction patterns can be found in public-housing programs for lower-mid income families in Santa Rosa, a fast growing city located in a temperate area of central Argentina. Very little attention has been paid to the energy assessment of different patterns that are needed to prescribe energy-saving guidelines for improving the energy performance of housing plans. The objective of this work was to describe the energy profile and understand the energy behaviour of public housing programs which differ in their construction patterns. The annual and seasonal energy behaviour of public and non-public residential dwellings was compared in terms of electricity and gas consumption. A similar comparison between remodelled and non-remodelled dwellings was performed within the public-dwellings sample. Results showed that public and non-public dwellings did not differ in terms of electricity consumption, but they differed greatly in terms of gas consumption. Non-public dwellings, which are larger and heterogeneous, demand more gas for heating during the winter. No difference in annual energy consumption was found in the comparison of remodelled and non-remodelled public dwellings. However, they differ in electricity consumption patterns during the critical winter season: the lower winter consumption of remodelled dwellings could be partially explained by a construction change aimed at lowering the expensive consumption of electricity. In spite of the fact that the energy behaviour of public dwellings seems to be seasonal, dependent upon more than design factors alone, a significant energy saving can be obtained by introducing well-known design technologies. 相似文献
在全国房地产市场不断走弱的大背景下.本文从天津市2006年-2008年住宅交易的情况,分析天津市住宅交易的特点。 相似文献
ObjectivesTo provide in-depth understanding of parents' beliefs about the causes of parenting problems, and the perceived relevance of parenting support in a sample of ethnic minority and low socioeconomic status (SES) families.MethodsCross-comparative analyses were performed on qualitative data from 61 parents (age child: 0–15 years) of two ethnic minority groups (Antillean-Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch) and one ethnic majority group (native Dutch) in the Netherlands. Methodology included in-depth qualitative interviews followed by focus groups. Atlas.ti software was used to manage and analyse data inductively.ResultsParenting support was perceived to be less relevant if parents related the cause of parenting problems to stress and external factors. Low-SES and ethnic minority parents more often emphasised unfavourable living conditions and living in two cultures as causes for parenting problems. Parents considered parenting support most relevant during periods of rapid change in their children, or in their parenting role.ConclusionResults indicate that beliefs regarding the cause and controllability of problems are important to understand parents' motivation to participate in parenting support. Notable differences were found regarding the period during the child's life that parenting support was perceived as most relevant. Motivation to participate was higher during various stages of transition, which ranged from the transition to parenthood, to toddlerhood, the age of seven, and adolescence. 相似文献
Mccutcheon L 《The International migration review》1978,12(1):82-92
The adjustment of migrants to Surabaya, Indonesia was examined with respect to occupation and housing characteristics. The data are based on information obtained in interviews from a multistage random sample of 600 residents of Surabaya between the ages of 20-44. Both females and males were interviewed and information on occupation was also collected for the spouses of respondents. In the analysis, 3 comparison groups were used: migrants to the city within the 5 years previous to the survey; migrants who moved in 1969 or before; and lifetime residents of Surabaya who were either born there or moved before the age of 15. The analysis used 2 methods to determine the extent and nature of adjustment. In the first, migrants of short and long durations of residence were compared to determine if change on the aggregate level has taken place and to indicate the direction of change. A control group of lifetime residents was used to determine whether the migrants are coming to resemble the characteristics of the native urban population. The 2nd, and equally serious problem, involves outmigration, in which migrants selective of certain characteristics leave the city either to return to the rural area or to move to another city. Initial comparisons between recent migrants, longterm migrants, and lifetime residents revealed no significant differences for either employment status or occupational skill. By occupational skill, approximately 35% had unskilled occupations, 27% semiskilled occupations, and 37% skilled occupations, with no significant difference by migrant status group. Overall, the distributions showed this sample to have significant concentrations in traditional, labor intensive employment, with a large percentage self employed. Controlling occupational skill for education showed somewhat different results. Those with primary school or less did not show a significant difference by migrant status, while among those with more education there was a significant difference. The longterm migrants wree overwhelmingly employed in skilled occupations. Initial analysis showed no significant difference in housing quality for each of the 3 migrant status groups. Recent migrants to the city were having no more difficulty in finding housing than changing migrants and lifetime natives. Housing conditions appeared to improve with duration of residence in the city, either through residential mobility or through improvements to the dwelling. That housing showed improvement with time, while occupation did not, may be because of the nature of each of the markets. 相似文献
The implementation of empirically supported treatments (EST) is recommended as a way to transfer knowledge from research to clinical practice and to improve service quality. One area of concern has been client representativeness, that is to which degree participants in EST studies resembles the target group in usual care settings. For children with conduct problems the recommended ESTs have been parent training or parent mediated programs. The aim of this article is to explore and describe central parent and family characteristics of families with conduct disordered children recruited from ordinary clinical practice in connection with the evaluation of the Parent Management Training — Oregon (PMTO) model in Norway, and to see whether the families recruited to a randomized control trial (RCT) differ from families recruited to a large scale implementation study in routine practice. Data from 376 families indicated that there were few differences between the two samples and thus that the parent and family characteristics found in the RCT study were representative of help-seeking families with conduct disordered children in Norway.Perhaps an even better treatment result could be achieved by tailoring PMTO to better suit the characteristics of Norwegian parents and families. Mothers (regardless of marital status) seem to be especially vulnerable to caregiver strain and suggested interventions should take this into consideration. 相似文献
一、天津市住宅产业化现状及问题 (一)天津市住宅产业化的现状 为了满足人民群众日益增长的住房需求,提高住宅工程质量和功能质量,使住宅建设成为新的经济增长点,天津市按照国务院办公厅批转的建设部等部门《关于推进住宅产业现代化,提高住宅质量的若干意见》([1999]72号)以及建设部制定的《住宅产业现代化试点工作大纲》([1996]181号)全面启动了住宅产业现代化工作. 相似文献
This study focuses on variations in types of family structure and patterns of housing consumption in a rapidly developing society. Extended families in Taiwan, in comparison with single-person households and nuclear families, tend to increase aggregate household income, foster homeownership, and consume more housing space.A version of this paper was presented at an annual meeting of Sociology of Housing, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October, 1986. The author wishes to thank the Bureau of Statistics and the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Republic of China, for their permission to use Taiwan's 1984 Household Income and Expenditure Survey data. Computer analyses performed by Ms. Su-jen are gratefully acknowledged.Dr. Chi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Consumer Economics and Housing at the New York State College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-4401. He received his Ph.D. from Brown University in 1972. His current interests include housing, health, and changing family structure. 相似文献