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中国与阿拉伯非洲的历史交往源远流长,特别是与苏丹的联系,可以追溯到西汉时期,而且从那时起双方之间的往来一直延续不断。本文在历史回顾的基础上,通过实地调查和口传资料,着重考察了19世纪末苏丹商人穆罕默德·哈吉在广州首设商务办事处并开展苏(丹)中(国)贸易、加强双方社会联系的历史活动,揭示了苏中悠久关系史上鲜为人知的一页。  相似文献   

中国大陆与台湾同文同种,但由于隔绝多年,缺乏交流,双方在名词术语的使用上出现了许多差异.在关于中东地区的学术研究和新闻报道中,海峡两岸也存在着不少词语译法上的差别.这种差别有的可通过上下文猜出意思,但有时却令人费解,甚至引起误解.要加强两岸学者的联系与交流,了解大陆与台湾的不同用语是很必要的.以下是笔者从大陆和台湾的一些出版物中摘录的一些有关中东的常用名词术语的不同译法.一、人名:侯赛因 胡笙(约旦国王)萨达姆·侯赛因 沙丹·胡赛音(伊拉克总统)图拉比 涂若比(苏丹宗教领导人)  相似文献   

中国与叙利亚的能源合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,中国与叙利亚的能源合作一直是空白.直到2003年3月,中国石油天然气勘探开发公司(CNODC)对戈贝比(Gbeibe)油田进行二次采收,才使这一局面出现重大突破,并带动相关产业项目的相继中标,与印度石油天然气公司(ONGC)联手完成幼发拉底(Al-Furat)石油公司38%股份的收购.鉴于中叙两国历史联系悠久、政治基础坚实、经贸关系发展迅猛,且叙利亚的天然气开发又具有广阔的前景,故双方未来的能源合作必将充满机遇.但叙石油产量下降、出口减少以及叙美关系的日趋紧张又对双方未来的能源合作极为不利.  相似文献   

阿曼苏丹国与中国尽管相距遥远,但自古以来就有着友好关系,特别是两国人民的海上联系,在公元二三世纪时曾非常活跃.  相似文献   

1989年,苏丹穆斯林兄弟会主流派--苏丹全国伊斯兰民族阵线(伊阵)在哈桑·图拉比的领导下通过军事政变上台执政.这一通过政变途径推翻世俗政权的"图拉比模式",为其他国家的伊斯兰阵营问鼎政坛提供了范例,并极大地推动了当时世界范围内的伊斯兰原教旨主义运动的发展.但近20年后的今天,"图拉比模式"却成了伊斯兰原教旨主义执政的反面教材,苏丹伊斯兰原教旨主义阵营也因此发生了自创建以来最大的分裂.本文试图从苏丹军政权与伊阵的关系、伊阵的内部分歧等方面来探讨伊阵分裂的深层原因.  相似文献   

一到苏丹,你会发现许许多多男人女人的双颊上有着一道道的凹痕,这就是面纹,苏丹人称之为“舒罗赫”。面纹在苏丹有悠久的历史。据考古发现,面纹至少可以追溯到马腊维时代(公元前750年至公元350年)。苏丹博物馆展出的属于这一时期的文物中,就有两具划有半月形面纹的沙石雕像。古代苏丹,部落与部落之间以掠夺为目的的械斗和战争连绵不断。为了避免误伤自己人,各个部落都有自己独特的标记。面纹就是一种永久性的标记。  相似文献   

达尔富尔问题是苏丹有关各方为争夺自然资源而引发的一场部族冲突,达尔富尔危机不能93罪于中国。中国政府从未回避在达尔富尔问题上的国际责任。中国在达尔富尔问题上的建设性作用已得到包括美国在内的国际社会的广泛赞赏。达尔富尔危机既是对中国非洲外交的一场考验,也在客观上推动了中国对非外交的转型。  相似文献   

中国在解决苏丹达尔富尔问题上的外交努力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
达尔富尔问题是苏丹有关各方为争夺自然资源而引发的一场部族冲突,达尔富尔危机不能归罪于中国。中国政府从未回避在达尔富尔问题上的国际责任。中国在达尔富尔问题上的建设性作用已得到包括美国在内的国际社会的广泛赞赏。达尔富尔危机既是对中国非洲外交的一场考验,也在客观上推动了中国对非外交的转型。  相似文献   

如果你有机会到苏丹各地去旅行观光,你就会发现这个民族是一个能歌善舞的民族。她的歌舞不仅形象地体现了这个国家古老而又年轻的历史,而且生动地表现了这个民族淳朴善良、坚忍不拔、勇猛顽强的优秀品德。歌舞和广大人民的精神生活和民俗民情有着血肉般的联系。苏丹这个热带沙漠之国,白昼气温很高,然而一进入傍  相似文献   

长期以来,中国与叙利亚的能源合作一直是空白。直到2003年3月,中国石油天然气勘探开发公司(CNODC)对戈贝比(Gbeibe)油田进行二次采收,才使这一局面出现重大突破,并带动相关产业项目的相继中标,与印度石油天然气公司(ONGC)联手完成幼发拉底(Al-Furat)石油公司38%股份的收购。鉴于中叙两国历史联系悠久、政治基础坚实、经贸关系发展迅猛,且叙利亚的天然气开发又具有广阔的前景,故双方未来的能源合作必将充满机遇。但叙石油产量下降、出口减少以及叙美关系的日趋紧张又对双方未来的能源合作极为不利。  相似文献   

A review of migration from Sudan to Saudi Arabia between 1970 and 1980 is presented. The data are from official Sudanese sources and from interviews conducted by the author in 1981 and 1982. Consideration is given to the occupational and age structure of the migrants. Questions related to remittances from migrants are also discussed. (summary in FRE, SPA)  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to identify the unique support needs and preferences of African refugees in Canada. In‐depth interviews were conducted with Sudanese and Somali refugees (n=68) living in two cities in central and western Canada. Refugees were interviewed individually to identify their support needs, current sources of support, available support programmes, barriers to access to support resources, and preferred support interventions. These refugees reported major support needs, depleted social networks, and barriers to accessing services and supports. They identified distinct preferences for support from peers from the same country of origin and professionals. Participants wanted group‐level support supplemented by one‐to‐one support. Transportation, child care, meals, and peers matched by language and gender were recommended to enhance accessibility to support programmes. These findings can inform the design of support intervention research and enhance the relevance and supportiveness of services and programmes for recent refugees.  相似文献   

Taking the current presence of South Sudanese refugees in northern Uganda as a case-study, this paper explores how different forms of mobility enable them to better cope with the harsh conditions caused by their displacement. Based on extensive field research, the results of this article show how for South Sudanese refugees, crossing borders can be empowering, although these complex strategies do not fit within the mutually exclusive ‘durable solutions’ proposed by the international refugee regime. Looking through a transnational lens, it is illustrated how different forms of movement enable the refugees to hold on to certain aspects of ‘normal life’, such as being employed, enacting customs and visiting loved ones, blurring the distinction between voluntary and forced migration. This results in a deepening of transnational networks as the generally large South Sudanese families find their members dispersed across Ugandan and South Sudanese town centres, villages, refugee settlements and third countries in Africa and elsewhere.  相似文献   

This study examined the resettlement experiences of unaccompanied Sudanese refugee youth placed in foster care from the perspectives of the youth, foster parents, and agency caseworkers. Youth experienced considerable success. The challenges of adjusting to school and family life, however, suggest a need for funding to support more intensive educational services, more cultural training and support for foster parents and school personnel, and flexibility to provide services in more culturally appropriate modalities.  相似文献   

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