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相较于上世纪美国种族冲突的密集性和激进性,以及族裔文学屡屡传达的愤怒和抵抗主题,21世纪前后的美国少数族裔平添了诸多理性和冷静,以至于有些文化学者断言美国因奥巴马当选总统而进入“后种族时代”。事实上,21世纪美国族裔文学逐渐淡化了种族意识,并非美国主流社会疏于规训和歧视少数族裔,而是少数民族本身更倾向于探索人性和伦理等因素。它强调21世纪美国少数族裔面临的种族政治远未结束,而是更多地分布在日常生活、人性交锋和微观权力中。族裔作家通过重构传统历史叙事、探索当代城市众生相、呼唤流动性共同体等途径,构想美国社会如何才能弥合主流人群和少数民族、物质财富与精神财富、富豪与穷人之间的藩篱。  相似文献   

当代美国少数族裔女性文学,是西方后学语境下的必然结果.美国少数族裔女性作家通过文学文本的创作表达了觉醒的女性自我主体意识和少数族裔意识.以及在当代美国社会更多的对文化身份的寻求.她们以其娴熟的技巧与丰富的想象力发出了曾经被主流文化所压制的声音.正是当代少数族裔女性文学的产生才使新近的美国文学史发生了革命性的变化.  相似文献   

人口既是衡量社会经济发展的重要指标,又是社会经济发展的直接反映。战后以来,随着美国社会经济的发展,美国的人口状况也在不断地变化,并将对美国社会未来的发展产生影响。本文主要从以下七个方面介绍美国90年代中期的人口状况并作初步分析:(1)人口总量的变动;...  相似文献   

作为美国的少数族裔,华裔美国人在很长一段时间里都处于"无史"或历史被扭曲的窘境,他们在美国艰苦奋斗,勉力生存的族裔经验,往往消弭在美国WASP主流的宏大历史话语之中.以赵健秀、徐忠雄、汤亭亭、谭恩美等为首的华裔美国作家在其文学创作中勾沉、展现华裔美国人在美国长期被消音的历史,通过铭刻先人们在美国奋斗的轨迹,建构出华裔美国人的"另类"历史,以此颠覆、匡正和改写美国历史.他们笔下的历史再现既是其个人、族裔身份确认的必须,更是少数族裔"逆写帝国"、反抗美国"内部殖民"的一种政治策略.  相似文献   

英语成为关利坚的通用语言,是英国殖民者和美国主流社会在其宗教使命感、文化优越感和强烈的母语情结的作用下,依靠军事、经济、文化实力对土著印第安人、非英裔白人和黑人等民族语言同化和融合的产物。它的实质是语言同化外衣下对少数族裔文化认同的瓦解和再造,是建立美国英语在全球语言霸权的初次演练。  相似文献   

美国华裔小说作品大都反映了华裔作家对美国华人生存状况的不满,以及对华人社会种种问题的困惑,因此很多作家,特别是女性作家在其作品中都表现了对美国华裔女性未来发展的理想化憧憬。美国华裔女作家任壁莲在其作品中从多元的文化族裔视角提出了颇为独特的族裔身份观,表达了作家建构一种全新的美国族裔关系和族裔身份的理想诉求。  相似文献   

中美两国分别是人口最多的发展中国家和发达国家,文章基于面向未来的人口动态结构观,利用2022年联合国世界人口展望预测数据,对比未来几十年中美人口数量和结构变动趋势,并分析这种人口变迁对未来两国国家实力的可能影响。研究发现,中美两国都已进入老龄化社会,与美国相比,未来持续低生育水平将会使中国不仅面临人口数量急剧减少,还会迎来人口结构迅速少子老龄化的局面,这将对我国硬软实力产生负面影响;而未来美国人口面临的问题可能在于其内部人口种族和族裔结构多元化,庞大的移民群体一方面为美国带来了丰富的劳动力资源,另一方面也会对其宗教、文化和意识形态等方面产生较大的挑战,族裔、宗教和文化等人口结构冲突、人口替代在所难免。鉴于此,中国有必要加强“人口建设”,并将其纳入百年发展战略之中。  相似文献   

本文拟通过解读黄玉雪在《华女阿五》中对“模范少数民族”和文化主动认同策略的演绎,表明后殖民时代美国少数族裔为赢得生存发展空间主动融入主流社会的尝试和努力。  相似文献   

北美早期历史上的行医者,既没有因循英国的内科医生、外科医生和药剂师的三级行医者体系,也很难按照美国学者所谓的常规与非常规医生的二分法来描述。实际上,北美行医者种类繁多,而且各个群体的行医目的和诉求各异。精英专业医生无疑以追求医学专业化为目标,牧师医生则以服务政治与社会为诉求,普通白人医生、白人民间医生、女性行医者以及少数族裔行医者多追求经济利益、依赖行医谋生,更有行医者群体如女性和少数族裔则通过行医展现其独立性,维护他们的社会文化权威。  相似文献   

美国华裔文学批评初期突出了作品的族裔性,对于少数族裔政治及社会现状的关注在一定程度上遮蔽了作品的文学性,随着华裔文学发展的成熟与研究的深入,批评话语开始转向其文学性的诉求,与国外研究发展相比,国内研究相对滞后,作者认为美国华裔文学的文学性与族裔性互为表里,密不可分,作为美国少数族裔文学的一部分,缺乏"华裔性"的文学文本,不能够算作真正的华裔文学,而缺乏文学性的华裔文本也不可能成为美国文学的一部分,只有族裔性与文学性结合完美的作品才能成为美国华裔文学的经典之作,我们的研究应从族裔性与文学性融合的角度出发,揭示作品所蕴含的复杂内涵,彰显作品的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of neighborhood racial in-group size, economic deprivation and the prevalence of crime on neighborhood cohesion among U.S. whites. We explore to what extent residents' perceptions of their neighborhood mediate these macro-micro relationships. We use a recent individual-level data set, the American Social Fabric Study (2012/2013), enriched with contextual-level data from the U.S. Census Bureau (2010) and employ multi-level structural equation models. We show that the racial in-group size is positively related to neighborhood cohesion and that neighborhood cohesion is lower in communities with a high crime rate. Individuals' perceptions of the racial in-group size partly mediate the relationship between the objective racial in-group size and neighborhood cohesion. Residents’ perceptions of unsafety from crime also appear to be a mediating factor, not only for the objective crime rate but also for the objective racial in-group size. This is in line with our idea that racial stereotypes link racial minorities to crime whereby neighborhoods with a large non-white population are perceived to be more unsafe. Residents of the same neighborhood differ in how they perceive the degree of economic decay of the neighborhood and this causes them to evaluate neighborhood cohesion differently, however perceptions of neighborhood economic decay do not explain the link between the objective neighborhood context and neighborhood cohesion.  相似文献   

ObjectivesWe tested three alternative hypotheses regarding the relationship between income inequality and individual risk of obesity at two geographical scales: U.S. Census tract and county.MethodsIncome inequality was measured by Gini coefficients, created from the 2000 U.S. Census. Obesity was clinically measured in the 2003–2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). The individual measures and area measures were geo-linked to estimate three sets of multi-level models: tract only, county only, and tract and county simultaneously. Gender was tested as a moderator.ResultsAt both the tract and county levels, higher income inequality was associated with lower individual risk of obesity. The size of the coefficient was larger for county-level Gini than for tract-level Gini; and controlling income inequality at one level did not reduce the impact of income inequality at the other level. Gender was not a significant moderator for the obesity-income inequality association.ConclusionsHigher tract and county income inequality was associated with lower individual risk of obesity, indicating that at least at the tract and county levels and in the context of cross-sectional data, the public health goal of reducing the rate of obesity is in line with anti-poverty policies of addressing poverty through mixed-income development where neighborhood income inequality is likely higher than homogeneous neighborhoods.  相似文献   

公众外交:美国对外政策的重要工具   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国公众外交是指美国政府针对其他国家民众采取的对外宣传和文化交流活动。美国的公众外交有两个主要目标一是对外宣传美国的政策,特别是外交政策,目的在于赢得外国民众对美国的支持;二是使外国民众更好地了解美国的社会制度和社会文化,实质上是对外输出美国的价值观念和社会制度。美国公众外交的根本目的在于为美国对外政策服务,维护美国在世界上的霸权地位。  相似文献   

Despite longstanding interest in the effects of immigration on American society, there are few studies that examine the relationship between immigration and crime. Drawing from social disorganization theory and community resource/social capital perspectives, this study examines the effects of Latino immigration on Latino violence. Data on violence (i.e., homicide, robbery, and Violent Index) and the structural conditions of Latino populations are drawn from the California Arrest Data (CAL), New York State Arrest Data (NYSAD), and U.S. Census data for approximately 400 census places during the 1999–2001 period. Findings suggest that immigrant concentration has no direct effect on Latino homicide or Violent Index rates but may reduce Latino robbery. Immigration also appears to have multiple, offsetting indirect effects on Latino violence that work through social disorganization and community resource measures. These results suggest that (1) immigrant concentration does not contribute to Latino violence and may even reduce some forms of violence, (2) immigration simultaneously stabilizes and destabilizes structural conditions in Latino populations, and (3) it is useful to examine both the direct and indirect effects of immigration on crime.  相似文献   

It is apparent to even a casual observer of American society that women and minorities are underrepresented among managers, especially among top-level executives. Past studies, however, have failed to find a consistent pattern of female and minority disadvantages in actual promotions and hiring decisions to account for this underrepresentation. This study aims to resolve this incongruity. Drawing on panel data from a nationally representative sample of scientists and engineers, I analyzed transitions across authority levels for men and women of three broad racial groups: whites, Asian Americans, and underrepresented minorities. There are two main findings. First, downward mobility plays an important role in authority inequality, especially for Asian men and underrepresented minority men and women. Second, while women and minorities face lower rates of upward mobility than white men, their disadvantages are concentrated in the bottom to middle-level transitions. This pattern is inconsistent with the popular notion of a “glass ceiling,” which implies that women and minorities encounter an unbreakable obstacle in accessing top positions after they have made their way into mid-level management.  相似文献   

《Social science research》1986,15(3):269-296
In this paper, we illustrate a multivariate structural approach to explaining inequalities in job skills. We argue that skill differences are produced by work structures operating at several levels of analysis, including organizations, occupations, technology, and unions. In addition, background characteristics of individuals are important for allocating men and women to positions in the technical division of labor. We derive measures of two dimensions of job skills (substantive complexity and autonomy) from questionnaires completed by 4567 workers, managers, and supervisors of 54 plants in 7 manufacturing industries in south-central Indiana. We supplement these questionnaire data with information on work structures obtained from interviews with key informants in each plant, which yielded information on the organizational and technological correlates of skill; and measures of occupational activities from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (3rd ed., U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, DC 1965). Our contextual models provide evidence that the different work structures have distinct impacts on the two dimensions of job skills.  相似文献   

The geographic diffusion of Latinos from immigrant gateways to newly-emerging rural destinations is one of the most significant recent trends in U.S. population redistribution. Yet, few studies have explored how Latinos have fared in new destinations, and even fewer have examined economic implications for other minority workers and their families. We use county-level data from the 1990 and 2000 U.S. Census and the 2006–2010 American Community Survey to compare the changing economic circumstances (e.g., employment and unemployment, poverty, income, and homeownership) of Latinos and African Americans in new Latino boomtowns. We also evaluate the comparative economic trajectories of Latinos in new destinations and established gateways. During the 1990s, new rural destinations provided clear economic benefits to Latinos, even surpassing African Americans on some economic indicators. The 2000s, however, ushered in higher rates of Latino poverty; the economic circumstances of Latinos also deteriorated more rapidly in new vis-à-vis traditional destinations. By 2010, individual and family poverty rates in new destinations were significantly higher among Latinos than African Americans, despite higher labor force participation and lower levels of unemployment. Difference-in-difference models demonstrate that in both the 1990s and 2000s, economic trajectories of African Americans in new Latino destinations largely mirrored those observed in places without large Latino influxes. Any economic benefits for Latinos in new rural destinations thus have not come at the expense of African Americans.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine whether “new governance” reforms in public sector work over the last two decades have generated managerial wage losses for African Americans and Latinos. Findings from Integrated Public Use Micro-Series data across three time points indicate that the new “business logic” encompassing, most notably, increased employer discretion has progressively disadvantaged African American and Latino men and women relative to their White and gender counterparts. Indeed, for both African Americans and Latinos in the managerial ranks, relative parity in wages that were witnessed in the public sector progressively eroded between 2000 and 2010. Qualifications to these findings indicate that levels of inequality become pronounced for African Americans, and more so among men than women. We discuss the historical niche status of public sector work for racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. and the importance of conducting further analyses of the public sector because of its fluid nature as a locus of racial stratification.  相似文献   

Despite its recent slowdown, immigration from Latin America continues to be a controversial issue. Some scholars argue that the social climate is increasingly inhospitable to Latinos, potentially fueling discriminatory attitudes and behaviors. However, little research has examined Latinos' experiences with discrimination, especially variation by nativity and legal status. We address this issue with research on perceived discrimination among Mexican and Central American residents of Los Angeles County, a major destination for Latin American immigrants. Using data from the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey and the American Community Survey, the analyses consider immigrants’ legal status, intersectionality, and competing perspectives on assimilation. The results show that undocumented immigrants do not report especially high levels of discrimination. Instead, young U.S.-born Latinos are the most likely to report mistreatment in interpersonal and institutional domains. Neighborhood ethnoracial and income diversity also have implications for perceived exposure to different types of discrimination.  相似文献   

美国利益集团政治评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国利益集团政治源于社会利益间的冲突 ,它的发展与美国的宪政体系、多元文化和美国人的集团倾向相关联。美国利益集团政治的发展有利于美国公众对政府决策过程的参与 ,有利于保持美国社会政治的稳定。但也在一定程度上滋生了政治腐化 ,出现阻塞政治过程 ,妨碍公共利益和国家整体利益的趋势。有关美国利益集团政治的改革一直在进行 ,但诸种利益的干扰和美国关于权利保护的宪法原则使此类改革难以取得明显成效  相似文献   

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