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Property rights have multiple attributes, and these are correlated with national governance. In the West, property rights have the economic function of maximizing efficiency and the political function of rights protection, but in China, they also have a strong social character. With the modernization of national governance, these functions interact with and transform each other. When the state’s ability to supply public goods is relatively weak, property rights take on more of a social character, meeting public demand for welfare at the grassroots level. When the state is better able to provide public goods, the social function of property rights lessens as their economic function grows. The social character of property rights was the institutional foundation for China, as a huge agrarian state, to realize “governance through inaction,” and at the same time was the secret key that could break the code to the millennial continuity of Chinese agrarian civilization. Reforms including the collectivization of rural property rights after 1949, the “separation of two rights” (to collective ownership and household contracted land, with a focus on the latter), and the “separation of three rights,” (to collective ownership, household contracts and revitalized land management). These changes constitute a process in which the economic function of property rights has been growing while their social character has lessened under conditions of national governance modernization.  相似文献   

互联网的健康发展有利于加强对公权力行使的高效监督与约束,有利于促进私权利的快速发展与实现。但互联网在发展中也存在着诸如网络暴力横行,单边、不良和垃圾信息泛滥,个人信息资料遭泄露,大肆侵犯著作权,滋生网络无政府主义等问题,均不利于互联网本身的健康发展与社会和谐,因而有必要加强对互联网的治理。而互联网治理的基本路径可以概括为政府与民间互动,全球国际组织与主权国家协作,技术手段与规范手段并举,全方位、多角度、多层次治理。  相似文献   

对知识产权滥用的认识,应当构建在清晰梳理知识产权行使行为与知识产权滥用行为之关系的基础上。它们两者之间虽有联系,但决然不能简单等同,因为超越知识产权权利范围行使权利的行为不是滥用行为,知识产权垄断行使行为是否构成滥用需要依其是否具有正当性而做出判断,知识产权不当行使行为与滥用行为有着本质不同。防止知识产权滥用,需要制度理性的思考。防止知识产权滥用的制度理念,一是在法律正义的基础上解决知识产权的利益冲突,对利益冲突与法律正义作出正确的判断,在利益实现与秩序安全之间寻找衡平点;二是在私权基础上关注知识产权的社会功能。现代社会不仅需要高扬私权保护的旗帜,也需要更多地关注权利的社会功能,尤其需要关注社会发展与知识产权社会功能的强化之间的关系。  相似文献   

论社会治理原理与原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会治理时代正向我们走来,引起人们的极大关注。有什么样的社会就会有什么样的社会统治、社会管理、社会治理。在后工业化与全球治理的背景下,我国多质态的社会统治、社会管理、社会治理还将历时态与共时态地长期并存,同时呈现以政党治理、国家治理、政府治理三位一体的“独家管理”为主、社会自理或自治、合作或共同管理、相互管理或相互治理的多种模式。社会管理或治理主客体的二重性,往往使得原生性主体缺位,派生性或衍生性主体越位,形成社会管理或社会治理主客体之间的不对称、不对等的互动互补趋势。这种趋势必然要求在社会管理和社会治理过程中遵循共同但有区别的原则,以实现对社会的有效管理和治理。  相似文献   

周黎安 《社会》2022,42(5):1-36
关于中华帝制时期国家与社会的关系特征国内外学术界提出了诸多理论概括,诸如“士绅自治”“吏民社会”“官民合作”,等等。本文从行政发包制理论的视角重新审视关于中华帝制时期国家—社会关系的现有理论概括,借助“行政外包”这一分析概念,强调特定的治理领域特征与行政外包的具体形态之间的对应关系,进而揭示国家与社会互动关系的运行机制和内在逻辑。本文试图提出“一体多面”的概念,重新概括中华帝制时期国家与社会关系的总体特征,为理解中华帝制的“权力一元性”与“治理多样性”的奇妙结合提供新的观察视角和分析框架。  相似文献   

With growing concerns about the efficacy and costs of intrusive child protection interventions and increasing recognition of citizen rights to participation in governance, jurisdictions are looking to collaborative alternatives that divert families from the courts and out‐of‐home care. In Queensland (Australia), “intervention with parental agreement” (IPA) is one such response. Under IPA, the statutory child protection authority can work collaboratively with families, without a court order, to respond to children assessed as “in need of protection.” In this paper, we use procedural justice theory as a lens to explore how IPA policy is enacted in practice. Procedural justice relates to the quality of treatment a person receives and the fairness of the process than an authority uses during decision‐making (Tyler, 2006 ). It is associated with voluntary cooperation and compliance; key practice concerns when working to address child maltreatment via parental agreement rather than court ordered intervention. We report on a qualitative study that utilized semistructured, in‐depth interviews to capture the perceptions of 30 practitioners regarding the factors that shape the extent to which they enact IPA policy in a procedurally fair manner. Strategies for enhancing procedurally just enactment of IPA policy in practice are discussed.  相似文献   

国际化社区治理研究——以北京市朝阳区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朝阳区是北京市境外人口比较集中的地区,在探索国际化社区建设方面积累了一定的经验。但社区管理体制、社区动员与社区参与等方面依然存在一些问题。国际化社区治理需要坚持存量盘活、增量添彩的基本原则,发挥党政资源优势,优化社区治理结构,引入契约合作模式,推广"三社互动",实现社会协同与公众参与。  相似文献   

张晓峰 《阅江学刊》2014,(3):82-87,112
中国改革进入深水区后个体极端暴力事件呈高发态势,暴露出的是政府与社会关系长期疏离致使社会进入转型期后一些社会个体境遇问题愈益突出和复杂,而基于传统管制思维的公共危机管理应对乏力。治本之策是立足“以人为本”,从国家治理体系和政府治理能力现代化层面推动创新社会管理向创新社会治理转变,构建善治意义上的治理服务型政府,通过改进社会治理方式解决公共安全问题,为民造福。  相似文献   

民营企业是改革开放以来伴随着生产资料所有制关系重大调整而崛起的企业形式。民营企业家的自利性和公共性的统一构成了民营企业公共行为的内在根据。民营企业的公共行为同经营行为的相关性是其公共行为的根本动力。民营企业的公共行为是促进地方治理的重要力量。它有利于地方治理中公共产品和公共服务的供给,有利于民主政治建设,有利于弘扬公共精神,有利于公民社会的发育,有利于维护社会的稳定。民营企业的公共行为还需要进一步扩大范围和提升层次,以便在地方治理中发挥更大的作用。这不仅需要提高民营企业家自身的素质,更重要的是依赖于地方治理的改进。  相似文献   

黄素娟 《社会》2018,38(2):134-153
本文从国家政权建设视角探讨民国时期广州城市土地产权的变迁。辛亥革命后,广东军政府通过政权更迭取得了承袭公有土地的合法性,并用法律规章明确划分出官产,以区别于私有产权。广州市政厅成立后,为了明确省、市政府在税收中的权限范围,提出“市产”之名,在市区范围的公有和共有性质的产业随之都被纳入“市产”的范围。通过铺底登记,市政府在一定程度上间接实现了对双重产权的管理。最后,政府通过设立土地局进行土地登记,以实现私有土地的产权确认,进而征收土地税。至此,现代国家政府与民众在土地事务上重新确立了契约关系,城市土地产权管理体系初步确立。  相似文献   

One of the principal developments of our time in the field of social security policy has been the growing importance of the desire of individuals for greater economic security in their old age. This desire has in its turn given rise to an increasing tendency to seek benefits complementing those offered or promised by public social insurance schemes. In Europe and North America private enterprise has for many years played an active role in the field of complementary provident arrangements; but in the countries of Latin America interest in schemes of this kind has only begun to develop in recent years. A study of the present situation shows a need to establish concepts permitting an objective approach to the problem of whether — and ultimately, how — a modern State can succeed in striking a satisfactory balance between public intervention and private enterprise in the field of provision against deferred risks or, if it cannot do so, what the prospects are for the securing of a better future by present-day society and how that goal could be achieved. A reform of provident systems in Latin America is inevitable. The difficulty lies in determining how to reorganize public systems so as to ensure their continuance and to entrust them with the principal role in ensuring social solidarity while at the same time opening up opportunities for free private complementary insurance.  相似文献   

浅析股东知情权制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着公司所有权与经营权分离治理结构的出现,使得公司管理层凭借信息优势侵犯股东权利的现象时有发生,若想恢复经营和管理信息在管理层和普通股东间的对称和平衡,构建和完善股东知情权制度显得尤为必要.股东知情权的确立是基于股东平等原则、公司履行对社会的责任等法理基础之上;股东知情权具有固有权利、基础性权利等性质.我国的股东知情权的完善要从以下方面着手:扩大股东查阅的范围,允许股东选任代理人,隐名股东被确认有股东资格的情况下具有知情权,而隐名股东资格的认定可以从公司章程和股东名册记载、实际出资及工商机关的登记内容等方面来加以认定;未履行出资义务的股东是否剥夺其知情权要视股东未履行出资的主观恶性及客观后果综合认定.  相似文献   

杨彬 《求是学刊》2002,29(3):60-64
在实际的社会生活及经济生活中 ,公有、私有都有其一般形态和极端形态 ,因而都客观地存在着积极和消极两方面的倾向。在社会主义产权制度改革的理论思考和实践过程中 ,要进一步克服对公有、私有这一类概念范畴的简单化、抽象化、片面化的理解倾向。不论公有经济还是私有经济 ,都必须注意防止其极端形态的生成 ,不断克服各自的消极倾向 ,弘扬各自的积极倾向 ,社会主义的改革才能不断走向成功的彼岸。  相似文献   

A nation’s rise or fall hinges, to some extent, upon its national governance quotient. National governance quotient, or NGQ, is a quantitative indicator measuring the governance level of a country in quotient form. Its value is the ratio of the national governance system and capacity to national governance costs, and its nature is that of an amalgam of national governance ideas and techniques quantified on the basis of the figures. It is advanced because its inner core lies in logic and computation, and it is scientific because it is guaranteed by technology platforms such as big data and cloud computing. The formulation of NGQ provides technical support and a basis for the transformation from experiential or experimental governance to quantitative, scientific governance, and it thus has great theoretical and practical significance for the modernization of national governance system and capacity. As well as being used to provide quantitative management of national governance modernization, NGQ can also be used as a measurement standard and key symbol for evaluating the modernization of China’s national governance by 2020. Furthermore, it can be used to compile a World NGQ Report with the aim of taking hold of international governance discourse, as well as to compile China local NGQ reports to improve local governance in China.  相似文献   

我国目前正处于重大的社会转型期即风险社会之中。中国进入风险社会有四个主要标志:政府作为社会治理或公共治理的中心,其公信力在不断下降;中国出现了公共机构有组织的不负责任现象;"理论的不在状态"和"现实的不在场";主体意识或个体意识的崛起。中国进入风险社会表现为四个基本的、深层次的社会结构性紧张:利益结构的紧张、制度结构的紧张、文化结构的紧张、价值结构的紧张。风险社会只是一个表象,根本原因是四大深层次的社会结构性矛盾没有解决。中国学术创新的关键就是要研究社会的结构性矛盾或结构性紧张,找出其形成的规律,从根本上消除阻碍社会主义发展和国家治理现代化的深层次根源。  相似文献   

陈锋 《社会》2015,35(3):95-120
农村税费改革以后,国家资源的不断输入为农村发展和乡村治理带来新的契机。然而,资源输入乡村社会,基层组织却无法有效承接,并遭遇官民不合作的困境。基层组织主要呈现出两种样态:消极作为与难以作为,以及富人和灰黑势力主政后的摆平式“积极”治理。两种治理形态皆导致国家公共资源的耗损,基层组织的权威与合法性进一步下降。在资源不断输送的利益链条中,权力寻租者、地方富人与灰黑社会势力、谋利型的机会主义农民等几个行动主体相赖相生,形成分利秩序,普通民众被排除在外,乡村治理出现内卷化。从根本上说,这是国家在压力型体制与有效治理之间产生的张力,并在推动乡村社会从整体性支配向技术治理转型中产生的结果。这一转向试图建立新的公共规则,却使得乡村治权弱化,缺乏公共规则实践的强制力保证,造成国家、基层组织与农民三者之间的利益与责任的连带制衡关系发生断裂,乡村治理陷入新困境。  相似文献   

连带式制衡:基层组织权力的运作机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈锋 《社会》2012,32(1):104-125
本文揭示了中国基层组织在非正式或半正式治理实践中的内在机制及其社会基础和价值基础。研究发现,村级组织在国家权力体系中的位置构成了乡村治理的部分外部条件和压力,具有普遍性的半正式治理实践中的村级组织权力的运作则根植于乡土社会。乡村治理中,村组干部将各种正式与非正式的资源统筹配置、捆绑连带,主要通过利益和情感等连带方式来规制村民,以完成其治理目标,村民同样也将其需要履行的各种义务与应该享受的各项权利捆绑连带,并主要以责任连带的方式对村组干部实行反制。正是这种治理中双向的连带关系使得干群之间的权利义务达到总体平衡,并保证了乡村社会秩序的形成,笔者将其归结为“连带式制衡”。乡土社会的不规则或规则的多元化是连带式制衡的社会基础,与西方有所差异的中国农民的“捆绑式的权利义务观”则构成了基层组织权力运作的价值基础,两者共同支撑使得“连带式制衡”成为基层组织权力的常规化运作机制。  相似文献   

Establishing a public, comprehensive, independent, mainly community–based long–term care system, separate from medical care and social services, can lead to the provision of more effective and consumer–oriented services, and also to a more appropriate mix of public/private financing. Of the two main approaches to financing long–term care (LTC), a tax–based model is more flexible in providing benefits according to the individual's need, since income levels and the family's ability to provide care will be taken into consideration, while a social insurance model is more rigid because the individual's rights are more explicitly defined. The latter system is likely to provide more opportunities for choice, including decisions about the mix of health and social services. Policy–makers must decide which approach to take after weighing the positive and negative aspects of each, and the existing organizational infrastructure. Decisions must also be made on the practical issues of coverage, fairness, form of benefits, service delivery patterns, relationship with medical and social services, and controlling costs. With increasing pressure to contain public sector expenditures and improve efficiency, the focus of care will gradually shift from medical care to LTC, and within LTC, from institutions to housing. How to make this process proactive and planned, instead of ad hoc and reactive, is the challenge for public policy.  相似文献   

Migration affects almost every nation, emphasizing the need to guarantee social security rights for all migrants and their families. This article focuses on the rights of workers who migrate between the countries of the European Union (EU) and the Ibero-American community. In the EU, social security systems are increasingly coordinated through Regulation No. 883/2004 and its Implementing Regulation No. 987/2009. In the Ibero-American community, coordination is sought through the Ibero-American Social Security Convention. Despite convergence between these two international instruments, coordination is still lacking between them. This article presents a comparative analysis to articulate the necessary mechanisms to guarantee coordination, to respect the social security rights of migrant workers. We focus on the cooperation and coordination between regional as well as national systems, specifically looking at the need for and aims of a rapprochement between these two major international coordination instruments to provide greater EU-Ibero-American cooperation. Finally, the importance of promoting greater international cooperation in social security policy and administration is highlighted, to engender the adequate protection of the rights as well as the free movement of migrant workers.  相似文献   

Income maintenance during sickness absence is an under‐researched field within social policy analysis, and yet it is conducive to exploring the interplay between statutory, corporate and private forms of income protection. Drawing on original qualitative interview data, the article shows that British middle‐class couples largely ignore or dismiss public provision, which is due to a relatively low level of sickness benefits, but also based on misconceptions about social rights and the role of employers as mandatory (and voluntary) sick pay providers. Despite a considerable degree of mistrust, mortgage‐related private sickness insurance mattered to some extent, although this does not necessarily reflect policyholders’ strategic choices vis à vis current household needs for income security. Other potential sources of income replacement, such as savings, are relied on much less. In general, the analysis shows a heavy middle‐class reliance on, and strong confidence in, employer‐based sickness pay. This finding may be contrasted with questions about the sustainability of voluntary corporate provision, as well as its capacity to provide income security for the workforce as a whole.  相似文献   

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