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An EM algorithm is proposed for computing estimates of parameters of the negative bi-nomial distribution; the algorithm does not involve further iterations in the M-step, in contrast with the one given in Schader & Schmid (1985). The approach can be applied to the corresponding problem in the logarithmic series distribution. The convergence of the proposed scheme is investigated by simulation, the observed Fisher information is derivedand numerical examples based on real data are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, distributions of items sampled inversely in clusters are derived. In particular, negative binomial type of distributions are obtained and their properties are studied. A logarithmic series type of distribution is also defined as a limiting form of the obtained generalized negative binomial distribution.  相似文献   

In this note we present a modification in the EM algorithm for the destructive negative binomial cure rate model. This alteration enables us to obtain the estimates of the whole parameter vector from the complete log-likelihood function, avoiding the corresponding observed log-likelihood function, which is more involved. To achieve this goal, we resort to the mixture representation of the negative binomial distribution in terms of the Poisson and gamma distributions.  相似文献   

With the notion of success in a series of trials extended tD refer to a run of like outcomes, several new distributions are obtained as the result of sampling from an urn without replacement. or with additional replacements., In this context, the hy-pergeometric, negative hypergeometric, logarithmic series, generalized Waring, Polya and inverse Polya distributions are extended and their properties are studied  相似文献   

Ihis paper reviews the use of different discrete distributions in the modelling of consumer purchasing behaviour.. A feature of the work is the extensive empirical validation of the models. Some interesting characterizations are briefly discussed.. Ihe paper concludes with some unresolved problems and suggested areas for future research  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a convoluted generalized power series distibution and characterize the distributions by soiutions to system of differential equations. Characterization results are derived for Poisson, binomial, geometric and Pascal (negative binomial) as special cases and later unified with Samaniego [1976, 1980] and Samaniego and Gong [1979]

receiveddate="Oct1985" reviseddate="Jun1986"  相似文献   


In this article, we introduce the Gompertz power series (GPS) class of distributions which is obtained by compounding Gompertz and power series distributions. This distribution contains several lifetime models such as Gompertz-geometric (GG), Gompertz-Poisson (GP), Gompertz-binomial (GB), and Gompertz-logarithmic (GL) distributions as special cases. Sub-models of the GPS distribution are studied in details. The hazard rate function of the GPS distribution can be increasing, decreasing, and bathtub-shaped. We obtain several properties of the GPS distribution such as its probability density function, and failure rate function, Shannon entropy, mean residual life function, quantiles, and moments. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure via a EM-algorithm is presented, and simulation studies are performed for evaluation of this estimation for complete data, and the MLE of parameters for censored data. At the end, a real example is given.  相似文献   

In this paper we deal with a Bayesian analysis for right-censored survival data suitable for populations with a cure rate. We consider a cure rate model based on the negative binomial distribution, encompassing as a special case the promotion time cure model. Bayesian analysis is based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We also present some discussion on model selection and an illustration with a real data set.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the minimum variance unbiased estimation in the modified power series distribution introduced by the author (1974a). Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of minimum variance unbiased estimate (MVUE) of the parameter based on sufficient statistics are obtained. These results are, then, applied to obtain MVUE of θr (r ≥ 1) for the generalized negative binomial and the decapitated generalized negative binomial distributions (Jain and Consul, 1971). Similar estimates are obtained for the generalized Poisson (Consul and Jain, 1973a) and the generalized logarithmic series distributions (Jain and Gupta, 1973). Several of the well-known results follow trivially from the results obtained here.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a zero-inflated NGINAR(1) process as an alternative to the NGINAR(1) process (Risti?, Nasti?, and Bakouch 2009 Risti?, M. M., A. S. Nasti?, and H. S. Bakouch. 2009. A new geometric first-order integer-valued autoregressive (NGINAR(1)) process. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139:221826.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) when the number of zeros in the data is larger than the expected number of zeros by the geometric process. The proposed process has zero-inflated geometric marginals and contains the NGINAR(1) process as a particular case. In addition, various properties of the new process are derived such as conditional distribution and autocorrelation structure. Yule-Walker, probability based Yule-Walker, conditional least squares and conditional maximum likelihood estimators of the model parameters are derived. An extensive Monte Carlo experiment is conducted to evaluate the performances of these estimators in finite samples. Forecasting performances of the model are discussed. Application to a real data set shows the flexibility and potentiality of the new model.  相似文献   

Helga Bunke  Olaf Bunke 《Statistics》2013,47(4):607-623
We discuss a stochastic urn model in which there are two urns A and B. B is originally empty and A contains some fixed number of white and black balls. A player selects integers n>O and b>O. Balls are drawn with replacement in A and balls of the same color are put in B as long as the number of white balls in B exceeds (b-1) times the number of black balls in B. Under this condition, the player stops after drawing n+bx balls and is declared to be a winnear if urn B has x black balls. This number of black balls, x, is shown to have the generalized negative binomial distribution  相似文献   

In this paper, the Rayleigh–Lindley (RL) distribution is introduced, obtained by compounding the Rayleigh and Lindley discrete distributions, where the compounding procedure follows an approach similar to the one previously studied by Adamidis and Loukas in some other contexts. The resulting distribution is a two-parameter model, which is competitive with other parsimonious models such as the gamma and Weibull distributions. We study some properties of this new model such as the moments and the mean residual life. The estimation was approached via EM algorithm. The behavior of these estimators was studied in finite samples through a simulation study. Finally, we report two real data illustrations in order to show the performance of the proposed model versus other common two-parameter models in the literature. The main conclusion is that the model proposed can be a valid alternative to other competing models well established in the literature.  相似文献   

We introduce a new family of distributions by adding a parameter to the Marshall–Olkin family of distributions. Some properties of the new family of distributions are derived. A particular case of the family, a three-parameter generalization of the exponential distribution, is given special attention. The shape properties, moments, distributions of the order statistics, entropies and estimation procedures are derived. An application to a real data set is discussed.  相似文献   

Negative binomial group distribution was proposed in the literature which was motivated by inverse sampling when considering group inspection: products are inspected group by group, and the number of non-conforming items of a group is recorded only until the inspection of the whole group is finished. The non-conforming probability p of the population is thus the parameter of interest. In this paper, the confidence interval construction for this parameter is investigated. The common normal approximation and exact method are applied. To overcome the drawbacks of these commonly used methods, a composite method that is based on the confidence intervals of the negative binomial distribution is proposed, which benefits from the relationship between negative binomial distribution and negative binomial group distribution. Simulation studies are carried out to examine the performances of our methods. A real data example is also presented to illustrate the application of our method.  相似文献   

Rao (1963) introduced what we call an additive damage model. In this model, original observation is subjected to damage according to a specified probability law by the survival distribution. In this paper, we consider a bivariate observation with second component subjected to damage. Using the invariance of linearity of regression of the first component on the second under the transition of the second component from the original to the damaged state, we obtain the characterizations of the Poisson, binomial and negative binomial distributions within the framework of the additive damage model.  相似文献   

A particular case of Jain and Consul's (1971) generalized neg-ative binomial distribution is studied. The name inverse binomial is suggested because of its close relation with the inverse Gaussian distribution. We develop statistical properties including conditional inference of a parameter. An application using real data is given.  相似文献   

Count data with excess zeros often occurs in areas such as public health, epidemiology, psychology, sociology, engineering, and agriculture. Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression and zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) regression are useful for modeling such data, but because of hierarchical study design or the data collection procedure, zero-inflation and correlation may occur simultaneously. To overcome these challenges ZIP or ZINB may still be used. In this paper, multilevel ZINB regression is used to overcome these problems. The method of parameter estimation is an expectation-maximization algorithm in conjunction with the penalized likelihood and restricted maximum likelihood estimates for variance components. Alternative modeling strategies, namely the ZIP distribution are also considered. An application of the proposed model is shown on decayed, missing, and filled teeth of children aged 12 years old.  相似文献   

The bivariate logarithmic series distribution was introduced by Subrahmaniam (1966) as a Fisher-limit to the bivariate negative binomial distribution. The present paper considers the properties of the distribution along with various models giving rise to it. Problems of estimation and the goodness-of-fit are examined. Methods for simulating the distribution are developed and illusuated.  相似文献   

The family of power series cure rate models provides a flexible modeling framework for survival data of populations with a cure fraction. In this work, we present a simplified estimation procedure for the maximum likelihood (ML) approach. ML estimates are obtained via the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm where the expectation step involves computation of the expected number of concurrent causes for each individual. It has the big advantage that the maximization step can be decomposed into separate maximizations of two lower-dimensional functions of the regression and survival distribution parameters, respectively. Two simulation studies are performed: the first to investigate the accuracy of the estimation procedure for different numbers of covariates and the second to compare our proposal with the direct maximization of the observed log-likelihood function. Finally, we illustrate the technique for parameter estimation on a dataset of survival times for patients with malignant melanoma.  相似文献   


A new discrete distribution that depends on two parameters is introduced in this article. From this new distribution the geometric distribution is obtained as a special case. After analyzing some of its properties such as moments and unimodality, recurrences for the probability mass function and differential equations for its probability generating function are derived. In addition to this, parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood estimation numerically maximizing the log-likelihood function. Expected frequencies are calculated for different sets of data to prove the versatility of this discrete model.  相似文献   

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