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In this paper, we focus on the left-truncated and right-censored model, and construct the local linear and Nadaraya-Watson type estimators of the conditional density. Under suitable conditions, we establish the asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators when the observations are assumed to be a stationary α-mixing sequence. Finite sample behavior of the estimators is investigated via simulations too.  相似文献   

In this paper, we construct a non parametric estimator of conditional distribution function by the double-kernel local linear approach for left-truncated data, from which we derive the weighted double-kernel local linear estimator of conditional quantile. The asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators is also established. Finite-sample performance of the estimator is investigated via simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new nonparametric estimation procedure of the conditional density of a scalar response variable given a random variable taking values in a semi-metric space. Under some general conditions, we establish both the pointwise and the uniform almost-complete consistencies with convergence rates of the conditional density estimator related to this estimation procedure. Moreover, we give some particular cases of our results which can also be considered as novel in the finite-dimensional setting. Notice also that the results of this paper are used to derive some asymptotic properties of the local linear estimator of the conditional mode.  相似文献   

We focus on the nonparametric regression of a scalar response on a functional explanatory variable. As an alternative to the well-known Nadaraya-Watson estimator for regression function in this framework, the locally modelled regression estimator performs very well [cf. [Barrientos-Marin, J., Ferraty, F., and Vieu, P. (2010), ‘Locally Modelled Regression and Functional Data’, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 22, 617–632]. In this paper, the asymptotic properties of locally modelled regression estimator for functional data are considered. The mean-squared convergence as well as asymptotic normality for the estimator are established. We also adapt the empirical likelihood method to construct the point-wise confidence intervals for the regression function and derive the Wilk's phenomenon for the empirical likelihood inference. Furthermore, a simulation study is presented to illustrate our theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are concerned with nonparametric estimation of the density and the failure rate functions of a random variable X which is at risk of being censored. First, we establish the asymptotic normality of a kernel density estimator in a general censoring setup. Then, we apply our result in order to derive the asymptotic normality of both the density and the failure rate estimators in the cases of right, twice and doubly censored data. Finally, the performance and the asymptotic Gaussian behaviour of the studied estimators, based on either doubly or twice censored data, are illustrated through a simulation study.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new estimator of the conditional density and mode when the co-variables are of functional kind. This estimator is a combination of both, the k-Nearest Neighbours procedure and the functional local linear estimation. Then, for each statistical parameter (conditional density or mode), results concerning the strong consistency and rate of convergence of the estimators are presented. Finally, their performances, for finite sample sizes, are illustrated by using simulated data.  相似文献   

In this note we derive asymptotic normality for a class of linear combinations of functions of concomitant order statistics by exploiting the relation between these statistics and rank statistics for testing independence. The proof can at once be obtained from the proof of the asymptotic normality (under fixed alternatives) of the statistics of the latter type by a slight modification which is in fact a simplification. The score function is allowed to have a finite number of discontinuities (so that one- or two- sided trimmed means are included) and need not be bounded. In this way we prove results similar to those in Yang (1981b) in a different and simple manner.  相似文献   

Functional linear models are useful in longitudinal data analysis. They include many classical and recently proposed statistical models for longitudinal data and other functional data. Recently, smoothing spline and kernel methods have been proposed for estimating their coefficient functions nonparametrically but these methods are either intensive in computation or inefficient in performance. To overcome these drawbacks, in this paper, a simple and powerful two-step alternative is proposed. In particular, the implementation of the proposed approach via local polynomial smoothing is discussed. Methods for estimating standard deviations of estimated coefficient functions are also proposed. Some asymptotic results for the local polynomial estimators are established. Two longitudinal data sets, one of which involves time-dependent covariates, are used to demonstrate the approach proposed. Simulation studies show that our two-step approach improves the kernel method proposed by Hoover and co-workers in several aspects such as accuracy, computational time and visual appeal of the estimators.  相似文献   

In the context of longitudinal data analysis, a random function typically represents a subject that is often observed at a small number of time point. For discarding this restricted condition of observation number of each subject, we consider the semiparametric partially linear regression models with mean function x?βx?β + g(z), where x and z   are functional data. The estimations of ββ and g(z) are presented and some asymptotic results are given. It is shown that the estimator of the parametric component is asymptotically normal. The convergence rate of the estimator of the nonparametric component is also obtained. Here, the observation number of each subject is completely flexible. Some simulation study is conducted to investigate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   


In this article, we study the recursive kernel estimator of the conditional quantile of a scalar response variable Y given a random variable (rv) X taking values in a semi-metric space. Two estimators are considered. While the first one is given by inverting the double-kernel estimate of the conditional distribution function, the second estimator is obtained by using the robust approach. We establish the almost complete consistency of these estimates when the observations are sampled from a functional ergodic process. Finally, a simulation study is carried out to illustrate the finite sample performance of these estimators.  相似文献   

This article discusses the estimation of the parameter function for a functional linear regression model under heavy-tailed errors' distributions and in the presence of outliers. Standard approaches of reducing the high dimensionality, which is inherent in functional data, are considered. After reducing the functional model to a standard multiple linear regression model, a weighted rank-based procedure is carried out to estimate the regression parameters. A Monte Carlo simulation and a real-world example are used to show the performance of the proposed estimator and a comparison made with the least-squares and least absolute deviation estimators.  相似文献   

In the linear regression model, the asymptotic distributions of certain functions of confidence bounds of a class of confidence intervals for the regression parameter arc investigated. The class of confidence intervals we consider in this paper are based on the usual linear rank statistics (signed as well as unsigned). Under suitable assumptions, if the confidence intervals are based on the signed linear rank statistics, it is established that the lengths, properly normalized, of the confidence intervals converge in law to the standard normal distributions; if the confidence intervals arc based on the unsigned linear rank statistics, it is then proved that a linear function of the confidence bounds converges in law to a normal distribution.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of the conditional quantile function when the covariates take values in some abstract function space. The main goal of this article is to establish the almost complete convergence and the asymptotic normality of the kernel estimator of the conditional quantile under the α-mixing assumption and on the concentration properties on small balls of the probability measure of the functional regressors. Some applications and particular cases are studied. This approach can be applied in time series analysis to the prediction and building of confidence bands. We illustrate our methodology with El Niño data.  相似文献   

Emmanuel Caron 《Statistics》2019,53(4):885-902
In this paper, we consider the usual linear regression model in the case where the error process is assumed strictly stationary. We use a result from Hannan (Central limit theorems for time series regression. Probab Theory Relat Fields. 1973;26(2):157–170), who proved a Central Limit Theorem for the usual least squares estimator under general conditions on the design and on the error process. Whatever the design satisfying Hannan's conditions, we define an estimator of the covariance matrix and we prove its consistency under very mild conditions. As an application, we show how to modify the usual tests on the linear model in this dependent context, in such a way that the type-I error rate remains asymptotically correct, and we illustrate the performance of this procedure through different sets of simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the adaptation of the non linear wavelet-based estimator of the regression function for the biased data setup under strong mixing. We provide an asymptotic sharp bound for the mean integrated squared error (MISE) of the estimator, that is nearly optimal in the minimax sense over a large range of Besov function classes.  相似文献   

In this paper the asymptotic distribution of the least square estimator of the oarameters of a pth order autoreqressive process with stationary φ -mixing error variables having uniformly bounded fourth order moments has been considered. (That the error variables are also Gaussian has been assumed for the explosive case). A comoo-nent-wise break up of the process with respect to the roots has been made and the limiting distribution of each comoonent obtained by using the invariance principle of φ-mixing processes. The main aim of this paper is to reflect on the explosive case where a refinement of Anderson's technique (1959) has been made.  相似文献   


The main goal of this paper is to study the estimation of the conditional hazard function of a scalar response variable Y given a hilbertian random variable X in functional single-index model. We construct an estimator of this nonparametric function and we study its asymptotic properties, under quasi-associated structure. Precisely, we establish the asymptotic normality of the constructed estimator. We carried out simulation experiments to examine the behavior of this asymptotic property over finite sample data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the uniform convergence with rates for the kernel estimator of the conditional mode function for a left truncated and right censored model. It is assumed that the lifetime observations with multivariate covariates form a stationary α-mixing sequence. Also, the asymptotic normality of the estimator is established.  相似文献   

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