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According to Daniel Bell, the contem- porary American cultural critictheoretician, the bourgeois taste marked by a series of features such as "fashionable entertainment," "mixture of high-, mediumand lowbrow," "commodification of culture," "pretended respect for high culture," and "snobbish values," etc., is actually the kind of taste that exists as "enemy of art."  相似文献   

国学即中国传统学术虽然经受了西学的强烈冲击,但其命脉仍葆有生机。中华民族对于在自己的生产生活中所形成的差异互补“关系”与和谐“整体”的重视,以及通过这一关系和整体把握自己命运的努力,构成了国学的思想实质。国学之“学”是围绕着“人”展开的,儒学的“仁”道思想就是鲜明的体现。如果说中国的现代化无非是中华民族在外力作用下的“自我”变革与超越,那么,它恰恰可以通过对仁道思想继承和扩展,为现代中国人的安身立命提供重要的思想资源,但这必须经过文化与学术的充分“自觉”。  相似文献   

2002年5月9日至12日,由复旦大学哲学系、当代国外马克思主义研究中心和中国社会科学杂志社共同主办的第二届“马克思哲学论坛”在上海召开。本届论坛的主题是“马克思的本体论思想及其当代意义”。会议成果集中表现在三个方面:1.对传统本体论的特征和实质作了深入的反思和评价; 2.对马克思的本体论思想作了多视角的探讨; 3.对马克思的本体论思想的当代意义进行了初步的思考。  相似文献   

The data on COVID-19 show an irrefutable and disturbing pattern: Black Americans are contracting and dying from COVID-19 at rates that far exceed other racial and ethnic groups. Due to historical and current iterations of racism, Black Americans have been forced into conditions that elevate their risk for COVID-19 and consequently place Black children at the epicenter of loss across multiple domains of life. The current paper highlights the impact of the pandemic on Black children at the individual, family, and school levels. Based on an understanding of the influence of structural racism on COVID-19 disparities, policy recommendations are provided that focus on equitable access to quality education, home ownership, and employment to fully address the needs of Black children and families during and after the pandemic. Research, practice, and policy recommendations are made to journal editors, funding agencies, grant review panels, and researchers regarding how research on COVID-19 should be framed to inform intervention efforts aimed at improving the situation of Black children and families.  相似文献   

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