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We have provided a fractional generalization of the Poisson renewal processes by replacing the first time derivative in the relaxation equation of the survival probability by a fractional derivative of order α(0 < α ? 1). A generalized Laplacian model associated with the Mittag-Leffler distribution is examined. We also discuss some properties of this new model and its relevance to time series. Distribution of gliding sums, regression behaviors, and sample path properties are studied. Finally we introduce the q-Mittag-Leffler process associated with the q-Mittag-Leffler distribution.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of distributions called the exponentiated G geometric family motivated mainly by lifetime issues which can generate several lifetime models discussed in the literature. Some mathematical properties of the new family including asymptotes and shapes, moments, quantile and generating functions, extreme values and order statistics are fully investigated. We propose the log-exponentiated Weibull geometric and log-exponentiated log-logistic geometric regression models to cope with censored data. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood. Three examples with real data expose quite well the new family.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new family of discrete distributions and study its properties. It is shown that the new family is a generalization of discrete Marshall-Olkin family of distributions. In particular, we study generalized discrete Weibull distribution in detail. Discrete Marshall-Olkin Weibull distribution, exponentiated discrete Weibull distribution, discrete Weibull distribution, discrete Marshall-Olkin generalized exponential distribution, exponentiated geometric distribution, generalized discrete exponential distribution, discrete Marshall-Olkin Rayleigh distribution and exponentiated discrete Rayleigh distribution are sub-models of generalized discrete Weibull distribution. We derive some basic distributional properties such as probability generating function, moments, hazard rate and quantiles of the generalized discrete Weibull distribution. We can see that the hazard rate function can be decreasing, increasing, bathtub and upside-down bathtub shape. Estimation of the parameters are done using maximum likelihood method. A real data set is analyzed to illustrate the suitability of the proposed model.  相似文献   

In this article we show that if a life has new better than used in expectation (NBUE) ageing property and if the mean life is finite then the moment generating function exists and is finite. In fact, the moment generating function is shown to be bounded above by that of the exponential distribution with the same mean. Analogous results are also proven for two much bigger families of life distribution, namely, the new better than renewal used in expectation (NBRUE) and the renewal new is better than used in expectation (RNBUE) and the renewal new better than renewal used in expectation (RNBRUE), provided that the life has finite two moments. Further, stronger results are also obtained for the smaller new better than used version of the above classes.  相似文献   

Some alternative procedures for testing goodness of fit in discrete distributions are discussed here.. These procedures are based on the probability generating functions.. The methods considered are quite general, being applicable in multidimensional situations., The strength of the tests lies in that no ambiguity as to classification of the data arises.. Hov-ever, some difficulties in the proposed procedures are also pointed out.  相似文献   


The distributions obtained by left-truncating at k a mixed Poisson distribution, denoted kT-MP, and those obtained by mixing previously left-truncated Poisson distributions, denoted M-kTP, are characterized by means of their probability generating function. The main consequence is that every kT-MP distribution is a M-kTP distribution, but not the other way around.  相似文献   

We consider a particular subclass of the two-parameter exponential family with natural parameters γ1, γ2 and characterize those distributions of the family having a ratio of the mean value and the variance that is a linear function of γ1 by the form of the moment generating function. As special cases we find the normal and the gamma distributions.  相似文献   

The existence and the usefulness of discrete bathtub-shaped and upside down bathtub-shaped distributions have been demonstrated in some papers of recent origin. However, the general properties of these two classes of distributions do not seem to have been discussed. This article proposes to study some reliability properties of such distributions. We investigate the closure properties with reference to convolution, mixing, series and parallel systems, etc. and existence of bounds on reliability functions, moment properties, and convergence.  相似文献   

To approximate the joint distribution of the two-colony stepping-stone model, a finite mixture approach is proposed for constructing discrete multi-variate distributions. This approach generahzes the classic method of linear combinations of independent variables. The stepping-stone model is approximated through matching known moments. Numerical examples from entomology are given. Comparisons are made with the work by Wehrly et al (1993).  相似文献   

The problem of studying lifelength distributions in discrete time is considered for certain forms of hazard functions. A class of life distributions that consists of the geometric, the Waring and the negative hypergeometric distributions is shown to result when the hazard function is inversely proportional to some linear function of time.  相似文献   


The compound Poisson-exponential distribution is a basic model in risk analysis and stochastic hydrology. Graphical procedures for assessing this distribution are proposed which utilize the residuals from a regression involving the moment generating function. Plots furnished with a 95% simultaneous confidence band are constructed. The band and critical points of the equivalent goodness-of-fit test are found by utilizing asymptotic results and fitted regressions involving the supremum of the standardized residuals, the sample size, and the estimated Poisson mean. Simulation results indicate that the tests have good level stability and appreciable power against competing compound Poisson distributions of a mixed type.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new generalization of alpha-skew-normal distribution is considered. Some properties of this distribution, which is denoted by GASN(α, λ), including moments, maximum likelihood estimation of parameters, and some other properties are studied. Finally, using a real data set, we show that our new distribution is the best-fitted distribution for the used data among normal, skew normal, alpha-skew-normal, and skew-bimodal-normal distributions.  相似文献   

This paper uses the empirical characteristic function (ECF) procedure to estimate the parameters of mixtures of normal distributions. Since the characteristic function is uniformly bounded, the procedure gives estimates that are numerically stable. It is shown that, using Monte Carlo simulation, the finite sample properties of th ECF estimator are very good, even in the case where the popular maximum likelihood estimator fails to exist. An empirical application is illustrated using the monthl excess return of the Nyse value-weighted index.  相似文献   

In this article the probability generating functions of the extended Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern family for discrete distributions are derived. Using the probability generating function approach various properties are examined, the expressions for probabilities, moments, and the form of the conditional distributions are obtained. Bivariate version of the geometric and Poisson distributions are used as illustrative examples. Their covariance structure and estimation of parameters for a data set are briefly discussed. A new copula is also introduced.  相似文献   

We propose several stationary integer-valued first-order autoregressive [INAR(1)] models with discrete semistable marginals and related distributions. The corresponding first-order moving average processes are also presented.  相似文献   

We introduce a new class of continuous distributions called the generalized transmuted-G family which extends the transmuted-G class. We provide six special models of the new family. Some of its mathematical properties including explicit expressions for the ordinary and incomplete moments, generating function, Rényi and Shannon entropies, order statistics and probability weighted moments are derived. The estimation of the model parameters is performed by maximum likelihood. The flexibility of the proposed family is illustrated by means of three applications to real data sets.  相似文献   

Laplace transforms are used to derive an exact expression for the cdf of the sum of n i.i.d. Pareto random variables with common pdf f(x) = (α/β)(1 + x/β)?α?1 for x > 0, where α > 0 and is not an integer, and β > 0. An attractive feature of this expression is that it involves an integral of non oscillating real-valued functions on the positive real line. Examples of values of cdfs are provided and are compared to those determined via simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, bivariate binomial distributions generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distributions are obtained and studied. Representation of the bivariate binomial distribution generated by a convex combination of extreme bivariate Bernoulli distributions as a mixture of distributions in the class of bivariate binomial distribution generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distribution is obtained. A subfamily of bivariate binomial distributions exhibiting the property of positive and negative dependence is constructed. Some results on positive dependence notions as it relates to the bivariate binomial distribution generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distribution and a linear combination of such distributions are obtained.  相似文献   

The gamma distribution is often used to model data with right skewness. Smooth tests of goodness of fit are proposed for this distribution. Their powers are compared with powers of the Anderson–Darling test and tests based on the empirical Laplace transform, the empirical moment generating function and the independence of the mean and coefficient of variation that characterizes the gamma distribution.  相似文献   

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