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The paper attempts to understand ways in which gender and racially defined communal ideologies worked simultaneously to produce Muslim women in colonial Bengal as invisible within nationalist historiography. It argues that the negative representations of Muslim women underpinned the construction of other identity categories in colonial Bengal, and highlights the participation of Hindu/Brahmo women writers in this process.  相似文献   


This special issue of Identities, entitled ‘Romaphobia and the media’, examines entrenched and ongoing media coverage of Roma, Gypsy and Traveller people across Europe. The focus is on how the media problematises the Roma, how it constructs a ‘conceptual map’ about Roma people and what this tells us about the societies we live in. This special issue includes five academic articles all examining the constructions and stereotypes used in the media in various formats and European countries. After these academic articles, this special issue then deviates from the normal journal structure by including three commentary pieces from professionals from varying Roma backgrounds to give their views and experiences on how they tackle Romaphobia and the media. The inclusion of these commentary pieces are very powerful in offering a perspective of active interventions and resistance that we should not forget amidst the depressing continued circulation of racialised stereotypes.  相似文献   

The article charts the rise of Mohajir identity politics in Pakistan since 1971. Most accounts of Mohajir identity politics have focused mainly on one actor, that is, the Mohajir (now Muttahida) Qaumi Movement and their politics and secondly, have remained silent on intra-ethnic fissures within the Mohajir community. The present article builds on and criticises such accounts for their partiality and presents a more nuanced understanding of politics within the Mohajir community. On the theoretical plane, it criticises modernist and primordialist accounts of ethnicity and nationalism, both of which portray a homogenous picture of ethnic groups as based on unity and shared aims. It is shown that unity and shared aims are at best, a chimera, and that intra-ethnic fissure is as important to understand as is inter-ethnic conflict when it comes to analysing ethnic movements.  相似文献   

This paper explores the different ways in which we read Foucault in management and organisation studies but, more particularly, some of the features of his project that we seem often to exclude. In the context of a growing interest in more ‘engaged’ forms of scholarly practice among management academics, we argue that further consideration of Foucault might have something more to offer. Setting the main arguments in context, we suggest an outline of the dominant ways in which we read Foucault: the identities we assign to him. Hence we know Foucault primarily as a social theorist, genealogist, neo‐Weberian, and postmodernist. We then consider some of the engaged aspects of his project, focusing on his emergence as an activist intellectual in the 1970s. Possible implications for critical management scholars are then considered.  相似文献   

Face is commonly seen as a feature exclusive to each person. It expresses subject’s feelings, thoughts and in turn represents knowledge that is otherwise deemed personal. However, face is mistakenly seen as pure expression of subject’s thoughts. This article aims to show that face is a product of governing practices of seeing and knowing. It is thus not a unique individual expression, but a mask that the socio-political order attaches to individuals as they are turned into political subjects. The article begins with a discussion of the two governing practices: the seeing (or the spectre of the visible) and the knowing (or the practice of locating faces in the socio-political field) with an aim to unveil the role face plays in the socio-political reality. The first interrogation looks at how face creates a field of recognition and opens a distinct form of political visibility: who, what and how one sees and what remains unseen. Whereas the second interrogation discusses how appearances produce meaning and how knowledge is taken off the face. Finally, the face as a knowledge producer and a mean of subject’s social recognition (identity) is put in the encounter with the idea of the anxious gaze and the work of Marlene Dumas. Instead of recognition, here a subject is met with dissociation and displacement of subject’s socio-political image. The three presented studies paint the politics of the face as an obscene governing strategy caught between endless attempts to create the face as a known, seen and governed space and illusive attempts to grasp the actual meaning of a pre-symbolised face.  相似文献   


This paper explores the itineraries of anti-colonial solidarity between India & Palestine and argues for placing Kashmir’s anti-colonial struggle for sovereignty in these itineraries. Examining routes of solidarity through transnational and translocal assemblages, the essay highlights the need for critical reflection on anti-colonial solidarity. The paper is also an argument for the need for anti-colonial solidarity with Kashmir and Palestine to take account of the context of contemporary geopolitical alliances within global capitalism, which indicates a (settler/post) colonial formation.  相似文献   


Reflecting the prevailing Western literature and based on an empirical study in Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs), this study develops an IHRM model and argues that it can be widely applicable. The model indicates that an MNE's IHRM policies and practices are the interaction of the home HRM system, firm-specific factors and host-contextual factors. The firm-specific and host-contextual factors have a differentiated, changing and concurrent impact on IHRM policies and practices. There is also interplay between IHRM policies and practices. Intervening factors and their impact may vary over time and in different contexts.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined the relations between drug use and sexual behaviors; however, few have utilized episodic data to examine the co-occurrence of both behaviors within the same episode. This study surveyed 403 racially and ethnically diverse gay, bisexual, and other young men who have sex with men (YMSM; ages 18–29) in New York City. Men were surveyed about their sexual behavior and concurrent use of illicit substances and alcohol during their most recent sexual encounter with their main and/or casual partner(s). Logistic regression models were built to analyze predictors of unprotected oral and anal intercourse with main and casual partners. Results suggest that use of inhalant nitrates and alcohol increased the odds of men engaging in unprotected receptive anal intercourse (URAI) and men who identified as middle or high socioeconomic status (SES) were at lower odds of engaging in URAI with their main partner. Use of other illicit substances was not associated with unprotected sexual intercourse. These findings indicate a need to further consider the role of licit substances used by YMSM as a means of further reducing the incidence of HIV infection in this population. In addition, the high rates of unprotected anal intercourse among men reporting a main partner has the potential to be a significant source of HIV risk, and should be further explored among YMSM.  相似文献   

This paper engages with the lived and experiential aspects of (trans)national identities in childhood, through the exploration of an ethnographic biography of a Greek‐Albanian boy in Athens. Through a grounded ethnographic approach, we examine the ways in which he experiences and negotiates his (trans)national identity. Our analysis demonstrates the everyday subtle and sophisticated understanding of the complexities and contradictions of national identities, and the child's own positioning within that. In conclusion, we suggest that interdisciplinary approaches should be assumed in the study of (trans)national identities in childhood, and ones that are grounded in children's own meaning making of their experiences of such identities.  相似文献   


Objective: To evaluate a text message (SMS) program as a booster to an in-person alcohol intervention with mandated college students. Participants: Undergraduates (N = 224; 46% female) who violated an on-campus alcohol policy over a 2-semester period in 2014. Methods: The SMS program sent drinking-related queries each Thursday and Sunday and provided tailored feedback for 6 weeks. Response rates to SMS drinking-related queries and the associations between weekend drinking plans, drinking-limit goal commitment, and alcohol consumption were examined. Gender differences were explored. Results: Ninety percent of SMS queries were completed. Weekend binge drinking decreased over 6 weeks, and drinking-limit goal commitment was associated with less alcohol consumption. Compared with women, men had greater reductions in alcohol consumption when they committed to a drinking-limit goal. Conclusions: Preliminary evidence suggests that an SMS program could be useful as a booster for helping mandated students reduce weekend binge drinking.  相似文献   


Objectives: This exploratory study attempted to assess a range of sexual behaviors, relationships, and related factors among a sample of bisexual men in Mumbai, India. Methods: Data collection occurred in two separate phases. First, focus group discussions were facilitated with local community members in order to finalize an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Afterward, structured interviews were conducted with a sample of 50 bisexual men using this questionnaire. Results: Participants reported a wide range of sexual behaviors and relationships with male and female partners. Conclusions: Findings have implications for future research and practice focusing on bisexual men in India,as well as their partners of all genders.  相似文献   

In this paper, the notion of Malaysian identity is conceptualised within a framework of identity and difference, drawing on contemporary theorisations of ethnicity linked to the notion of difference. The notion of Malaysian is problematised as being linked to the interplay between nationalistic official and essentialistic labelling, present and historical social and political events, and experiences of daily living in Malaysia. The author draws on the narratives of 16-year-old Malaysian schoolgirls to illustrate the discourses of ethnicity these girls negotiate in their ways of being and knowing. Being Malaysian and more importantly being Malay, Chinese, Indian or Other is not a simple matter of government-imposed labelling. It is more complicated and negotiated. Ways of being and knowing in Malaysia are multiple, shifting and contradictory as each Malaysian has to negotiate with these labels in their daily lives. The author argues that the politics of ethnic identification in Malaysia are intertwined with the politics of difference, which in turn is linked to power and inequality.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(4):208-215
Objective: To determine whether frailty is associated with circulating total and free testosterone, total and free estradiol, and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in older men. Methods: With NHANES III data of 461 men aged 60 years and older, we used logistic regression to analyze the associations between serum concentrations of sex steroid hormones, SHBG and frailty. Participants meeting any three or more of the five frailty criteria were classified as “frail”, all others were considered as non-frail. Results: 2.5% of men were frail. Men with SHBG ≥66 nmol/L had three times the odds of frailty (OR = 2.97; 95% CI 1.28–6.86) compared to men with SHBG <66 nmol/L. Men with free testosterone levels below 243 pmol/L had an increased odds of frailty (OR = 3.92; 95% CI 1.29–11.89). None of these associations was statistically significant after additionally adjusting for body mass index, smoking and history of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Total testosterone, and total and free estradiol serum levels were not statistically significantly associated with frailty. Conclusions: In this US nationally representative study of older men, low free testosterone and high SHBG serum levels were associated with a significantly increased odds of frailty after adjustment for age and race/ethnicity. These associations may, however, be explained by confounding due to obesity, smoking, and the higher prevalence of CVD in frail men or by low hormones or high SHBG mediating the association between obesity, smoking, CVD and frailty.  相似文献   

Businesses must retain their clients to remain profitable. The academic field of marketing management considers customer relationship management (CRM) as most appropriate to achieve this, while communication management focuses instead on public relations (PR). The purpose of this research was to analyse theories in these two disciplines and derive an integrated theoretical framework of CRM and PR client retention. The framework was then tested through in-depth interviews with short-term insurance clients and short-term insurance providers (brokers and direct insurers) in South Africa to gain perspectives from both sides. The importance of some fundamental elements found in literature were affirmed, two elements’ importance were questioned and it was established that three inconsistencies existed between what providers regard as essential to retain clients and what clients regard necessary for them to stay in a relationship with an insurance provider. This may explain the many unsuccessful client retention efforts of South African brokers and direct insurers. Six new CRM and/or PR elements, not found in literature, are presented in the article for exploration in future research. In order to assist client retention in the very competitive short-term insurance industry, results were applied to the core tenets of Niemann's (2005) SA model for the implementation of strategic integrated communication (IC). Finally, the authors present an integrated approach to client retention strategies in the South African short-term insurance industry, incorporating both marketing and communication theories.  相似文献   

The article critically examines the gendered impacts of state-led development among the Reang tribal community in Tripura (Northeast India) and outlines causes of gender-based inequalities that affect Reang women’s ability to engage in livelihood, achieve financial independence and participate in political affairs of the state. The article outlines two interlinked arguments. First, gender-based inequalities are not adequately addressed by the postcolonial Indian state which tends to homogenise members of tribal communities through development policies by privileging ethnicity over gender. Second, gender-based inequalities are also not adequately addressed within the Reang community highlighting complex intra-tribal dynamics wherein differential notion of inequalities among the Reangs and position of certain influential actors within the community determines which issues are addressed and which are marginalised.  相似文献   

Swearwords influence social evaluation of a speaker in a variety of ways depending on social context (Jay & Janschewitz (2008), The pragmatics of swearing. Journal of Politeness Research. Language, Behaviour, Culture, 4(2), 267–288). Little attention has been paid to the role of linguistic variation in social perceptions of swearing, however. This paper presents two experiments that test the role of sociolinguistic variation in the social evaluation of swearing. Experiment 1 is a variant categorization task, in which participants categorized acoustically ambiguous swearwords and phonetically matching neutral and nonwords as ending in either “-ing” or “-in.” Results suggest that swearwords led participants to hear “-ing” on ambiguous items. Experiment 2 is a matched-guise task in which listeners heard a passage featuring a mix of swearwords and neutral “-ing” words in one of four conditions: fully velar (All-ing), fully alveolar (All-in), only swearwords as velar (Swear-ing), or only neutral words as velar (Swear-in). Participants rated speakers on Likert scales (Schleef et al. (2017), Regional diversity in social perceptions of (ING). Language Variation and Change, 29(1), 29–56). Participants again displayed a tendency towards hearing “-ing” on swearwords. As a result, responses to the Swear-in guises were similar to those for the All-ing guises. The consequences for our understanding of swearing, sociolinguistic perception and cognition, and style, are discussed.  相似文献   

The central concern of this paper is that there has been a move within British sociology to subsume (or sometimes, even replace) the concept of ‘family’ within ideas about personal life, intimacy and kinship. It calls attention to what will be lost sight of by this conceptual move: an understanding of the collective whole beyond the aggregation of individuals; the creation of lacunae that will be (partially) filled by other disciplines; and engagement with policy developments and professional practices that focus on ‘family’ as a core, institutionalized, idea. While repudiating the necessity (and indeed, pointing out the dangers) of providing any definitive answer to definitions of ‘family’, the paper calls for critical reflection on the implications of these conceptual moves.  相似文献   

The role of labour in global production networks (GPNs) requires further theoretical and empirical research. Through the case of the qualifying industrial zones (QIZs) in Egypt and Jordan, I look at how different production and labour control regimes have emerged in the two countries to exploit preferential access to the US market. I analyse how the requirements of US buyers necessitate the building of a flexible, low‐cost, geographically mobile production and labour‐control regime that can meet the needs of buyers in terms of cost, time to market, fluctuations in demand and shifts in sourcing policy. Migrant labour from Asia and the formation of an associated dormitory labour regime facilitated the establishment of such a regime in Jordan. The social embeddedness of workers in Egypt, by contrast, hindered this process.  相似文献   

The emergence of legal decolonization in the mid-twentieth century, as evidenced by the 1960 United Nations Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, is often understood through the lens of race and the disruption of racial hierarchy. If we take seriously the transnational feminist contention that the colonial racial order was also gendered, however, how might this perspective shift our understanding of decolonization? In this article, I explore the debates on decolonization that take place in the UN General Assembly from 1946–1960 that lead to the 1960 Declaration from a transnational feminist perspective to answer this question. Specifically, I use comparative historical and discourse methods of analysis to explore how colonialists and anti-colonialists negotiate the onset of legal decolonization, focusing especially on how colonialist hierarchies of race, culture, and gender are addressed in these debates. I argue that, on the one hand, colonialists rely on a paternalist masculinity to legitimate their rule (i.e., our dependencies require our rule the way a child requires a father). In response, anti-colonialists reply with a resistance masculinity (i.e., “colonialism is emasculating;” “decolonization is necessary for a return of masculine dignity”). I argue that decolonization in the United Nations transpires via contentions among differentially racialized masculinities. Ultimately, a transnational feminist perspective that centers the intersection of race and gender offers a richer analysis than a perspective that examines race alone.  相似文献   

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