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In this paper, we consider generalizations of two classical probability problems: the birthday problem and the coupon collector's problem. These problems are discussed in terms of urn models and captured through generating functions. Some methods for the study of the problems are presented. Furthermore, we also formulate the generalized birthday and coupon collector's problems as the waiting time problems. In each case, numerical examples are given in order to illustrate the feasibility of our methods.  相似文献   

Several methods for generating variates with univariate and multivariate Walleniu' and Fisher's noncentral hypergeometric distributions are developed. Methods for the univariate distributions include: simulation of urn experiments, inversion by binary search, inversion by chop-down search from the mode, ratio-of-uniforms rejection method, and rejection by sampling in the τ domain. Methods for the multivariate distributions include: simulation of urn experiments, conditional method, Gibbs sampling, and Metropolis-Hastings sampling. These methods are useful for Monte Carlo simulation of models of biased sampling and models of evolution and for calculating moments and quantiles of the distributions.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present a flexible mechanism for constructing probability distributions on a bounded intervals which is based on the composition of the baseline cumulative probability function and the quantile transformation from another cumulative probability distribution. In particular, we are interested in the (0, 1) intervals. The composite quantile family of probability distributions contains many models that have been proposed in the recent literature and new probability distributions are introduced on the unit interval. The proposed methodology is illustrated with two examples to analyze a poverty dataset in Peru from the Bayesian paradigm and Likelihood points of view.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop two general classes of discrete bivariate distributions. We derive general formulas for the joint distributions belonging to the classes. The obtained formulas for the joint distributions are very general in the sense that new families of distributions can be generated just by specifying the “baseline seed distributions.” The dependence structures of the bivariate distributions belonging to the proposed classes, along with basic statistical properties, are also discussed. New families of discrete bivariate distributions are generated from the classes. Furthermore, to assess the usefulness of the proposed classes, two discrete bivariate distributions generated from the classes are applied to analyze a real dataset and the results are compared with those obtained from conventional models.  相似文献   

Attention is initially focused on certain pseudo-normal distributions. These are multivariate distributions in which one coordinate variable has a normal distribution and the distribution of the remaining variables is determined by a specific triangular transformation model involving normally distributed components. A remarkably flexible family of models is obtainable in this fashion. Some examples are described. In addition, models involving non-normal component distributions are discussed together with their relationship with those models obtainable by means of the beta-generalized-Rosenblatt construction. Inferential questions regarding these models will be the subject of a separate report.  相似文献   

This paper introduces non-linear and non-Gaussian state space models with analytic updating recursions for filtering and prediction. This new class of models involves some well-known results in the theory of exponential models and of exponential dispersion models and the latent process is defined in such a way that both the filtering and the prediction distributions turn out to be conjugate to the observation distribution at each step. The corresponding analytic and inferential properties are investigated and some simple examples are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss estimation and diagnostic procedures in elliptical multivariate regression models with equicorrelated random errors. Two procedures are proposed for the parameter estimation and the local influence curvatures are derived under some usual perturbation schemes to assess the sensitivity of the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs). Two motivating examples preliminarily analyzed under normal errors are reanalyzed considering appropriate elliptical distributions. The local influence approach is used to compare the sensitivity of the model estimates.  相似文献   


Conditional specification of distributions is a developing area with increasing applications. In the finite discrete case, a variety of compatible conditions can be derived. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to study the compatibility of two conditional probability distributions under the finite discrete setup. A technique based on rank-based criterion is shown to be particularly convenient for identifying compatible distributions corresponding to complete conditional specification including the case with zeros.The proposed methods are illustrated with several examples.  相似文献   

Mixture models are commonly used in biomedical research to account for possible heterogeneity in population. In this paper, we consider tests for homogeneity between two groups in the exponential tilt mixture models. A novel pairwise pseudolikelihood approach is proposed to eliminate the unknown nuisance function. We show that the corresponding pseudolikelihood ratio test has an asymptotic distribution as a supremum of two squared Gaussian processes under the null hypothesis. To maintain the appeal of simplicity for conventional likelihood ratio tests, we propose two alternative tests, both shown to have a simple asymptotic distribution of under the null. Simulation studies show that the proposed class of pseudolikelihood ratio tests performs well in controlling type I errors and having competitive powers compared with the current tests. The proposed tests are illustrated by an example of partial differential expression detection using microarray data from prostate cancer patients.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the distributions of simple patterns in some types of sequences of infinite exchangeable multi-state trials. The distributions on exchangeable multi-state trials are considered in terms of an extension of de Finetti's theorem. As an application of partially exchangeable sequences, distributions on a Markov exchangeable sequence are studied. Furthermore, we propose a new type of partially exchangeable sequence and examine its properties. In addition, we discuss the distribution theory in the case of the finite exchangeable sequences. The results presented here provide a wide framework for developing the exact distribution theory of simple patterns. Finally, some examples are given in order to illustrate our theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a new class of tail index varying coefficient models with the random covariate under Pareto-type distributions. To estimate the unknown coefficient functions, we develop an estimation procedure via a local polynomial maximum likelihood techniques. The asymptotic normality of the estimated coefficient functions under some mild regularity conditions are established. Two numerical examples and one application are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

We introduce a general class of continuous univariate distributions with positive support obtained by transforming the class of two-piece distributions. We show that this class of distributions is very flexible, easy to implement, and contains members that can capture different tail behaviours and shapes, producing also a variety of hazard functions. The proposed distributions represent a flexible alternative to the classical choices such as the log-normal, Gamma, and Weibull distributions. We investigate empirically the inferential properties of the proposed models through an extensive simulation study. We present some applications using real data in the contexts of time-to-event and accelerated failure time models. In the second kind of applications, we explore the use of these models in the estimation of the distribution of the individual remaining life.  相似文献   

Clinical trials usually involve efficient and ethical objectives such as maximizing the power and minimizing the total failure number. Interim analysis is now a standard technique in practice to achieve these objectives. Randomized urn models have been extensively studied in the literature. In this paper, we propose to perform interim analysis on clinical trials based on urn models and study its properties. We show that the urn composition, allocation of patients and parameter estimators can be approximated by a joint Gaussian process. Consequently, sequential test statistics of the proposed procedure converge to a Brownian motion in distribution and the sequential test statistics asymptotically satisfy the canonical joint distribution defined in Jennison & Turnbull (Jennison & Turnbull 2000. Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials, Chapman and Hall/CRC). These results provide a solid foundation and open a door to perform the interim analysis on randomized clinical trials with urn models in practice. Furthermore, we demonstrate our proposal through examples and simulations by applying sequential monitoring and stochastic curtailment techniques. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 550–568; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Power series distributions (PSD) are well documented in the literature. Some of the well-known theoretical models in statistics, like Poisson, negative binomial, and geometric, belong to this family. Many real-life phenomena are represented by these models. Based on these models, some new probability distributions are obtained in this paper. By means of examples it is demonstrated that the derived distributions fit the situations better than the existing models.  相似文献   

This paper considers the conditional approach to linear models in which the exact theoretical results are unavailable except in terms of multiple integrals. A class of multidimensional error distributions that emulate elongated error distributions is discussed. The appropriate conditional distributions are derived along with several properties of these distributions.  相似文献   

A Comparison of Frailty and Other Models for Bivariate Survival Data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multivariate survival data arise when eachstudy subject may experience multiple events or when study subjectsare clustered into groups. Statistical analyses of such dataneed to account for the intra-cluster dependence through appropriatemodeling. Frailty models are the most popular for such failuretime data. However, there are other approaches which model thedependence structure directly. In this article, we compare thefrailty models for bivariate data with the models based on bivariateexponential and Weibull distributions. Bayesian methods providea convenient paradigm for comparing the two sets of models weconsider. Our techniques are illustrated using two examples.One simulated example demonstrates model choice methods developedin this paper and the other example, based on a practical dataset of onset of blindness among patients with diabetic Retinopathy,considers Bayesian inference using different models.  相似文献   

We consider estimation and goodness-of-fit tests in GARCH models with innovations following a heavy-tailed and possibly asymmetric distribution. Although the method is fairly general and applies to GARCH models with arbitrary innovation distribution, we consider as special instances the stable Paretian, the variance gamma, and the normal inverse Gaussian distribution. Exploiting the simple structure of the characteristic function of these distributions, we propose minimum distance estimation based on the empirical characteristic function of properly standardized GARCH-residuals. The finite-sample results presented facilitate comparison with existing methods, while the new procedures are also applied to real data from the financial market.  相似文献   


Two Bayesian models with different sampling densities are said to be marginally equivalent if the joint distribution of observables and the parameter of interest is the same for both models. We discuss marginal equivalence in the general framework of group invariance. We introduce a class of sampling models and derive marginal equivalence when the prior for the nuisance parameter is relatively invariant. We also obtain some robustness properties of invariant statistics under our sampling models. Besides the prototypical example of v-spherical distributions, we apply our general results to two examples—analysis of affine shapes and principal component analysis.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of distributions called the exponentiated G geometric family motivated mainly by lifetime issues which can generate several lifetime models discussed in the literature. Some mathematical properties of the new family including asymptotes and shapes, moments, quantile and generating functions, extreme values and order statistics are fully investigated. We propose the log-exponentiated Weibull geometric and log-exponentiated log-logistic geometric regression models to cope with censored data. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood. Three examples with real data expose quite well the new family.  相似文献   

In this paper, we combine empirical likelihood and estimating functions for censored data to obtain robust confidence regions for the parameters and more generally for functions of the parameters of distributions used in lifetime data analysis. The proposed method works with type I, type II or randomly censored data. It is illustrated by considering inference for log-location-scale models. In particular, we focus on the log-normal and the Weibull models and we tackle the problem of constructing robust confidence regions (or intervals) for the parameters of the model, as well as for quantiles and values of the survival function. The usefulness of the method is demonstrated through a Monte Carlo study and by examples on two lifetime data sets.  相似文献   

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