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东亚家族企业所有权安排是对历史路径依赖因素和现存经济制度约束的一种制度适应。家族所有权制度安排与非正式的儒家文化之间是制度互补的,与较差的投资者保护法律制度之间是单向替代的,选择家族所有权是对这些制度约束的一种制度适应,其背后有降低经济成本的经济意义。  相似文献   

唐铁建  白玉玲 《探求》2003,(4):32-34
本文对改革开放后我国所有制关系变革的历程,对所有权制度的变革进行多方面阐述,提出要与时俱进构建与全面建设小康社会相适应的所有权观念和法律制度,从而全面推动社会主义现代化建设。  相似文献   

张永忠 《社科纵横》2007,22(7):77-79
所有权保留通过其附停止条件所有权移转的内在机制,成为分期付款买卖最佳的担保方式。所有权保留制度具有物的担保的性质,但与传统担保物权相比,它是非典型、变相的。随着所有权保留在分期付款买卖中日益广泛地运用,它已经得到我国《合同法》的承认,但立法的简略已不能适应实践需要,因而有进一步完善所有权保留立法规制的必要。  相似文献   

也论所有权社会化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“所有权社会化”不是实证的民法问题,而是一个宪法观念问题,是指对近代所有权神圣与绝对的矫正。该观念既有历史必然性和进步意义,也为公共利益滥用提供了可能。考虑到公共利益本身的不确定性、我国漠视私权的传统以及市场经济的本质要求,我们的重点不是过分强调所有权社会化,而是充分培育和保障所有权。  相似文献   

付泳 《社科纵横》2005,20(6):70-71
在知识经济条件下,人力资本对企业发展的作用已不可同日而语了,它必须和物质资本一样参与企业治理,分享剩余索取权。本文从人力资本产权特征出发,从理论与实践两个方面分析和论证了体现人力资本特征的企业所有权制度安排的必要性和合理性,并提出了重构企业所有权制度的思路与对策。  相似文献   

林广会 《求是学刊》2020,47(3):95-106
农村集体产权制度改革背景下,集体所有权主体制度面临集体成员集体与农村集体经济组织是否具有同一性、股份合作制改革的目标资产是否与其他集体资产在归属上发生分裂、农村集体经济组织代表行使集体所有权的法律机制应如何表达等现实困惑。从集体资产的承续关系看,农村集体经济组织应为集体资产的所有者。农民集体应为实在的组织体,具有内部治理机制和意思能力,集体所有权主体理应定位为农村集体经济组织。农村集体经济组织在私法与公法制度的共同规范下,在可为与不可为之间维护着集体所有制的价值体系。集体经济组织应对全部的集体资产享有所有权,章程记载的责任财产范围应限于折股量化的财产范围。明确集体经济组织的集体所有权主体地位对传统村落的未来发展具有导向意义。  相似文献   

本文以西部地区为重点 ,对完善西部地区的社会保障制度的紧迫性、必要性进行了阐述 ,并提出切实可行的解决办法。根据国际经验与西部情况 ,作者提出在就业、养老、医疗及农村低保等方面以西部大开发为契机 ,进一步完善和发展西部地区社会保障制度的新思路。  相似文献   

19世纪末至20 世纪初,德国法学家以历史法学给予近代所有权理论的合理性,把权利作为个人的意识力,确立排他的和绝对的所有权;在《德国民法典》中,以所有者的意识确立了近代自由主义的所有权。其后德国法学家又以自然法理论,历史法学探求私的所有权限制的合理性,至20世纪中叶,德国宪法中规定了对所有权的保障和限制,带来了所有权理论的跨越。  相似文献   

继承权向所有权转化 ,并非瞬间完成 ,而是一个或长或短的过程———继承人的期待继承权先转化为既得继承权 ,再转化为所有权。在继承权向所有权转化的过程中 ,继承权主体成为这一时段的权利主体 ,且该主体的确定是由下述环节决定的 ,即 :继承人范围的确定、遗产的保管与分割、继承人接受继承或放弃继承的意思表示、继承权的丧失以及继承人应继份的确定等。只有继承人享有、行使既得继承权 ,并依据物权的公示公信原则实现了所有权主体的更替 ,继承权才能转化为所有权。  相似文献   

邓小平提出的“三个有利于”的根本标准,是我国现阶段确立和完善公有制为主体多种所有制经济共同发展的所有制结构的基本理论依据。妥善处理公有制经济与非公有制经济的相互关系,使两者统一于建设中国特色社会主义的伟大实践,关键在于坚持公有制的主体地位,不断探索并积极采用公有制的有效实现形式。“公有资产在社会总资产中占优势”,其量的优势丰要应指公有经营性净资产在社会经营性净资产中占优势,其质的优势应集中表现在与公有经营性净资产相联系的社会主义经济能够创造出高于资本主义经济的劳动生产率。要巩固和发展我国的公有制经济,进一步发挥国有经济的主导作用,就必须正确认识和把握社会主义市场经济条件下国有经济布局的特殊性,合理规划并不断优化国有经济布局和结构,着力打造一批具有国际竞争力的国有或国有控股的大型企业或企业集团。  相似文献   

社会保障制度改革与政治稳定:西方的经验分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西方社会保障制度不仅与经济利益紧密相关,而且与政治斗争结伴而来,逐渐成为资本主义政府的一项基本功能,成为资本主义政党政治的一个主要内容,对稳定西方资产阶级统治和国家政权发挥了重要的政治功能.20世纪70年代中期以后,西方各国纷纷改革社会保障制度.由于社会保障制度具有刚性和权威性,甚至已经和西方政治制度融为一体,社会保障政策成了政治体制中不可或缺的组成部分,因此,社会保障制度的改革牵涉到公众的既得利益,要经过复杂的政治程序和相当程度的公民认同,必须谨慎地加以推进.  相似文献   

The Colombian pension reform of 1994 introduced a privately administered defined–contribution programme, which coexists with a reformed public defined–benefit programme. This paper gives an overview of the Colombian pension system and evaluates its performance using four criteria: (1) effectiveness, (2) efficiency, (3) equity, and (4) sustainability, finding evidence of severe shortcomings. Both effective coverage and benefit levels are low, costs in the private programme are high, and there is evidence that insured persons are not fully informed about the actual system. The system is inequitable and the uninsured population bears part of the financial burden. The public programme is financially not sustainable. A current reform proposal from the Colombian government addresses only part of the problem.  相似文献   


In the spatialized Prisoner's Dilemma, players compete against their immediate neighbors and adopt a neighbor's strategy should it prove locally superior. Fields of strategies evolve in the manner of cellular automata (Nowak and May, 1993; Mar and St. Denis, 1993a,b; Grim 1995, 1996). Often a question arises as to what the eventual outcome of an initial spatial configuration of strategies will be: Will a single strategy prove triumphant in the sense of progressively conquering more and more territory without opposition, or will an equilibrium of some small number of strategies emerge? Here it is shown, for finite configurations of Prisoner's Dilemma strategies embedded in a given infinite background, that such questions are formally undecidable: there is no algorithm or effective procedure which, given a specification of a finite configuration, will in all cases tell us whether that configuration will or will not result in progressive conquest by a single strategy when embedded in the given field. The proof introduces undecidability into decision theory in three steps: by (1) outlining a class of abstract machines with familiar undecidability results, by (2) modelling these machines within a particular family of cellular automata, carrying over undecidability results for these, and finally by (3) showing that spatial configurations of Prisoner's Dilemma strategies will take the form of such cellular automata.


“Neoliberalism”, both as a body of theory and as a set of policies and practices, is commonly seen as unsympathetic, even antagonistic, to the welfare state. In the period from the mid‐1980s to the global financial crisis of 2007–08, Australia underwent very considerable “neoliberal” economic policy reform. What happened to the Australian welfare system and to Australia's socioeconomic egalitarianism in this period? To shed light on that question three kinds of trend are tracked. The first is household taxes and social expenditure in both cash and kind, using fiscal incidence analysis where the main metric is “net benefits”. The second is economic inequality, as measured by the distribution of incomes and wealth. The third is the performance of the labor market, as measured by earned incomes and unemployment rates. The article concludes with an attempt to integrate the evidence collected from these three sources. The general conclusion is that the Australian welfare system did not follow the pessimists' predictions. The welfare system grew in size and redistributive quantum. Wage levels rose strongly, while unemployment rates fell. Overall, income inequality increased to a small extent, though mainly before the full economic reform process was in place, while wealth inequality changed little.  相似文献   

Observations of policy convergence and the cross-national diffusion of ideas, knowledge and policies have raised the question about the ways countries might learn from their peers. This article examines the role of cross-national learning with regard to Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs). We review the spread of this policy instrument and analyse the implementation of DRGs in three late-adopting countries: Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands. The three cases show that the implementation of this policy instrument required intense studies, cooperation with stakeholders and adjustment to country-specific needs. The countries learned from foreign experience, but it was only with the introduction of a regulatory framework for competition between sickness funds that DRGs came fully onto the political agenda. While Germany and Switzerland drew upon foreign DRG models, the Netherlands developed an alternative system to classify patients according to case-mix.  相似文献   

From reform to crisis: Argentina's pension system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Argentina underwent economic and social collapse in December 2001. The crisis brought the worst socioeconomic indicators in its history, and the pension system was not immune from this disaster, which was unparalleled in any middle-income developing country. In 1994 the pension system had been restructured, and was regarded as a viable model for other reforms elsewhere. This article discusses in general terms the features of the current pension scheme, the structural problems that were not resolved in the reform of 1994, the relation between that reform and the government's financial crisis, and the impact of the economic collapse on the pension system. Finally, it discusses some aspects of the challenges faced in building a system that is financially viable and has the potential to close the major gaps in coverage affecting both the working population and older persons.  相似文献   

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