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昆山作为海峡两岸交流合作最紧密的重要地区,深化两岸产业合作先行先试,既有深厚的合作基础和现实条件,又能迎合两岸产业发展转型诉求,具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。2013年2月3日,国务院批复同意设立"昆山深化两岸产业合作试验区"。海峡两岸需紧抓机遇,加快推进两岸产业合作,完善两岸产业合作机制,积极进行制度创新,提高两岸产业竞争力,共同开创中华民族经济发展的新局面。  相似文献   

第六次陈江会,2010年12月20日至22日在台北举行。这次陈江会由于两岸“投资保障协议”洽商未果,最后签署了“海峡两岸医药卫生合作协议”。  相似文献   

当前,国际金融危机正在蔓延发展,给海峡两岸的经济都带来了极为严峻的挑战。两岸如何携手面对和渡过这次危机,是摆在两岸面前实质而严峻的课题。3月19日,博鳌论坛第一次将两岸金融合作的议题排人其中,并举行了“国际金融危机与两岸金融合作”会议;4月26日,第三次“陈江会”在南京举行,同样也强调了两岸深化合作的议题。  相似文献   

校企合作在民办高校办学质量和人才培养模式上发挥了关键性作用,有效促进了教育教学质量的提升,学生综合素质和就业能力的提升,有利于企业的发展。目前民办高校存在对校企合作重视不够、民办高校教学和科研关系难以协调、企业对民办高校有偏见等问题;通过强化政府政策保障、提高校企合作重视度、建立有效的沟通协调机制、打造优秀"双师"队伍等对策,可以有效加大民办高校的校企合作力度,提升民办高校的核心竞争力,保障民办高校可持续发展。  相似文献   

港珠澳大桥作为粤港澳三地首次合作共建的大型基础设施工程,是粤港澳三地进行利益协调、实现合作共赢的有益尝试.通过构建一个多维的区域合作分析框架,对港珠澳大桥的项目实践进行案例分析,进而探讨有效的区域间政府合作机制的实现要素.研究发现:港珠澳大桥的成功建设在于该项目推进过程中形成了一种"中央统筹、共建共管、多层协调"的区域合作机制;中央的统筹、跨域协调机构的构建、跨界协调沟通机制的形成、具有约束力的规则协议的制定等是有效区域合作机制的实现要素.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,志愿者组织在全球范围兴起并得到发展,逐渐成为现代社会发展的一支活跃力量,在全球掀起了开展志愿服务的热潮。大学生志愿者作为我国志愿服务的重要参与主体,在志愿服务中起到了举足轻重的作用。在两岸和平发展新时期,两岸出现了大交流、大合作、大发展的新局面。作为志愿服务的主力军,两岸大学生志愿服务动机和激励机制的比较,有利于促进两岸大学生志愿服务合作机制的建立。  相似文献   

随着两岸关系发展的新进程,两岸青年交流也呈现出常态化、多样化和制度化的趋势,同时也存在着注重形式、交流动力不足等问题。对台湾青年群体政治意向调查显示,“去中国化”教育以及媒体乱象造成的青年认知混乱是当前两岸青年持续合作最主要的障碍。两岸青年交流在一个不断变化的环境中得以持续合作最终取决于两岸青年交流的制度化和理性化,构建文化认同机制、共同参与机制和社会融合机制是未来两岸青年持续合作的动力机制。  相似文献   

台湾地区新领导人上任不到半个月,两岸关系新格局的形成节奏持续加快。在6月11日至14日,海峡两岸授权民间团体大陆海峡两岸关系协会(海协会)与台湾海峡交流基金会(海基会)在北京举行中断近10年的首度复谈,并就两岸周末包机与大陆观光客赴台旅游事宜展开协商,签署了相关协议。这不仅标志着两岸制度性协商机制重新建立,也标志着两岸关系自此将迈人全新的发展阶段,历史意义格外重大。  相似文献   

非义务教育成本分担要达到合理程度并促进全国的非义务教育能长期可持续发展,需要建立相应的协调机制,以解决非义务教育发展中存在的共性问题如:社会受教育机会不公平问题;教育投资主体负担失衡问题;民办教育投资主体权益保障问题;非义务教育公立教育办学主体发展不平衡问题等。随着上述问题的解决,我国的非义务教育将步入和谐可持续发展的轨道,因此,为了确保非义务教育成本达到“合理分担”的程度,有必要建立和完善与之相配套的协调机制  相似文献   

海峡两岸虽同属中国文化,但是经过数十年的分隔,两岸跨文化交际学的研究、发展呈现出不同的特点,少有互相借鉴。本文在对海峡两岸跨文化交际学的研究现状进行分析的基础上,对两岸跨文化交际学的课程设置、教学内容、教学方法和教育实践等进行了全方位的比较研究。为共同创建具有中华文化特色的跨文化交际理论新视角,两岸学者应加强以上这几个方面的交流和借鉴,借助学术交流的心理认同要比简单化的"对台宣传"更有利于祖国统一。  相似文献   


The origins of ‘alternative comedy’ are difficult to pinpoint, though it coincided with the rise of Thatcher as Prime Minister in 1979 – that year saw the appearance of something called ‘alternative cabaret’, a term usually associated with Tony Allen, who combined activism and comedy. The acts this article will focus on are those which took a critical approach to comedy and/or politics – ‘alternative’ comedy (or altcom), therefore, as seeming to promise change through critical awareness. This paper will discuss parody as a means of critical (dis)engagement and transformation, in relation to context, and to influences such as punk. Altcom demonstrates an apparent eschewal of approaches which rely on irony and ambiguity, in favour of more ‘direct’ political engagement. It will be argued however that such ‘direct’ approach does not cancel out critical distance, but rather seeks alternative routes to establish it – namely comic and parodic overstatement, and the problematisation of ‘trust’. This entails the key questions of whether parody may take up critical distance without irony, as well as of the political implications of an approach which seeks to eliminate ambiguity. This more ‘direct’ approach however still depends on a balance of engagement and disengagement, requiring distancing from pre-established codes.  相似文献   

This article provides a broad overview of the problem of irony to contemporary hermeneutics. It offers a thematic account of the effects of irony on interpretation, and argues that the problems of irony are embedded within the relation between the free play of irony and the regulative role of interpretative discourse. It argues, against hermeneutic theories such as that of Hans‐Georg Gadamer, that the “problems” which irony poses for interpretation can be seen as symptomatic of irony's identification: that irony is, essentially, problematic. It argues that any account of irony needs to account for the value of irony as a problem, rather than subsuming such problems into larger models of understanding. The article explores this notion by looking at the interpretative “discourse of irony” and noting its thematic features. It is argued that the account of irony as a negation of meaning is intrinsically tied to the construction of a sovereign economy in response to the excesses of ironic possibility, but that such a construction is determined only by the stepping‐away from the initial ironic possibilities which enabled its construction. Using the work of Gadamer as an example, the article argues that this in itself does not close irony, but produces yet more irony which frustrates the interpretative act while lending itself to interpretative possibility.  相似文献   

Pride and Prejudice is a vivid reflection of Britain's middle and upper class morality, values and attitudes of love and marriage in the early 19th century, the novel revolves around the Bennets, describes the four different marriages, on the surface, this is a love story, in fact, through the use of irony, Austen criticizes the notion of marriage which is blind pursuit of money and status. The clever use of irony is one of the artistic features of this book. Through analysis of the irony art in the story, we can see the author's marriage view.  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(1):51-59
In the line of recent works on the relationship between body and gender, this article examines the bodily investment of gender construction. Grounded in an ethnographic fieldwork, it focuses on the ways in which gender relations in North America are constructed through the manipulation of objects, via body exchanges. It shows that physicality cannot simply be taken as a given on which genders are imposed. It is used to maintain sexual differences in a normative fashion. In attempting to understand this economy of body exchanges, this article calls for a broadening of our understanding of gender stereotypes. In doing this, it challenges the idea that changes of consciousness may not have reached the level of practices. It reveals instead that people are not fooled. They may even engage into these relations with a certain degree of irony.  相似文献   

By introducing an intentionally provocative critique of managerialist regimes which typify contemporary UK business school culture, we argue that current business school management practices generate a climate of mistrust and alienation amongst academics. Such a climate is not conducive to a reformative agenda that business schools should be pursuing if they are to improve staff morale and the educational environment. Drawing on Ghoshal's ‘smell of the place’ metaphor to structure this argument, we court deliberate irony and paradox. Rather than draw on heterodox theory to inform our critique we, instead, turn relatively mainstream management and organization theory against itself. Our argument is that even when examined through orthodox lenses, managerialist practices are found wanting and contradict the precepts of much mainstream normative theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the limitations of Bourdieu’s “capital” with the help of Burke’s four master tropes: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony. Both Bourdieu and Burke were concerned with theoretical reductionism. I claim that Bourdieu could not help but be reductive insofar as his metaphor of capital became the totalizing lens through which he understood society. First, I review Bourdieu’s forms of capital, noting how capital serves as the sine qua non of his theory of practice. Second, I situate Bourdieu within the PR literature. Third, I read Bourdieu’s “capital” through Burke’s (1941) four master tropes. Reading Bourdieu through Burke enables PR scholars to better understand the limitations in Bourdieu’s terminology, which leads to debunking, materialist reductionism, and relativism. I conclude with implications for future research adopting Bourdieusian and Burkean approaches to public relations.  相似文献   


While the importance of irony as a primary analytical tool for investigating those early works by Prokofiev that tend towards the sphere of the public (for example, his operas 'Love for Three Oranges' and 'The Gambler') or even For some of his solo piano works (such as the Sarcasms, Op. 17) remains beyond dispute, another category 'lyricism' is more appropriate For discussing his solo vocal music. As a concept that in many respects opposes and excludes irony, lyricism in the solo songs of Prokofiev nevertheless finds a way to coexist with ironic gestures. The interplay and interdependence of irony and lyricism provides an especially rich ground for interpretation in Prokofiev's settings of texts by Konstantin Bal'mont. In works such as 'There Are Other Planets', Op. 9 no. 1, and the Five Songs, Op. 36, lyricism occupies a central place, pushing irony almost to the very periphery of conceptual relevance for this music. These and other lyric works are not anomalies for early Prokofiev. Rather, they are successful realisations of a strand that was already a part of his aesthetic outlook at the time of their composition and that would become more prevalent as he chose to pursue it more emphatically in his later works.  相似文献   

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