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2005年1%人口抽样调查对综合治理出生性别比工作的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章根据2005年1%人口抽样调查数据,分析了当前我国出生人口性别比的走势和特征;从分户口类型、分户籍所在地、分妇女生育孩次、分妇女生育年龄、分妇女受教育程度等方面进行比较研究,找出出生性别比升高的重点人群;通过分因素贡献率来确定各省(区、市)、分城镇乡、分孩次对全国出生性别比升高的作用程度;指出关爱女孩行动是综合治理工作的有效载体;并为有效解决出生性别比偏高问题提出新的工作建议.  相似文献   

湖北省武汉市黄陂区、新洲区、蔡甸区、江夏区出生人口性别比持续偏高,这4个区的人口占全市总人口的35%,若按正常出生人口性别比为106推算,其对全市出生人口性别比失调的贡献率达57%,使全市出生人口性别比升高7.4。因此,这4个远城区可谓是武汉市出生人口性别比偏高的重点区域。在这4个远城区广泛开展关爱女孩行动,引导群众树立性别平等意识,不仅可以遏制武汉市出生人口性别比偏高,而且可以对全国出生人口性别比偏高的综合治理提供典型示范经验。2009年,武汉市人口计生委制定"‘武汉市  相似文献   

单福海 《西北人口》2010,31(2):89-92,96
文章根据陕西省历次人口普查、部分人口抽样调查资料及公安、教育、计生统计报表数据,时全省出生人口性别失衡程度、女婴缺失数量和分因素贡献率等几个问题进行定量分析,并对出生人口性别比综合治理和科学决策提出建议。  相似文献   

中国出生性别比偏高及未来女性赤字预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1980年代以来,中国人口出生性别比开始偏高且持续增高,2000年出生性别比已经达到116.9。出生性别比偏高不仅表现在分孩次的差异上,而且还表现出了明显的地区分布特征。本文利用“五普”数据资料为基期,对1980年后出生、并受出生性别比持续升高影响的人口进行预测,分析30年间的分城乡、分年龄的女性赤字规模及其变化趋势。  相似文献   

出生人口性别比异常原因的“再思考”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1982年第三次全国人口普查数据发表以来,我国出生人口性别比的异常升高成为国内外人口学家聚焦的热点问题之一。综合近年来有关出生人口性别比研究的主要成果,中外学者的看法基本一致,那就是自20世纪80年代以来的出生人口性别比偏高,且在逐渐升高是中国已经普遍存在的客观事实。  相似文献   

2000年第五次全国人口普查数据显示,广东出生人口性别比高达130,居全国第2位。近年来,广东省从抓工作机制人手,建立健全“2+42”综合治理出生人口性别比项目层级动态管理机制,初步遏制了出生人口性别比升高势头。2005年全国1%人口抽样调查结果显示,广东出生人口性别比为119。主要做法是:  相似文献   

从20世纪80年代起,江苏省出生人口性别比受多重因素影响,逐年升高。为遏制升高势头,全省多措并举,全面启动关爱女孩行动,综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题。特别是2008年以来,我们认真贯彻落实海南会议精神,加强数据综合比对和统计分析,综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题工作取得新的进展。  相似文献   

综合治理出生人口性别比问题亟待完善相关立法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
江中三 《人口研究》2005,29(2):91-95
出生人口性别比持续升高问题已引起全社会的普遍关注。它已危及到我国的人口安全。胡锦涛总书记在 2 0 0 4年的中央人口资源环境工作座谈会上就遏制出生人口性别比持续升高问题作了重要指示 ,要求各级党委、政府高度重视出生人口性别比升高的问题 ,开展必要的专项治理活动 ,依法严厉打击贩卖、残害、遗弃女婴的违法犯罪活动 ,坚决制止非法鉴定胎儿性别和选择性终止妊娠的行为 ,力争经过 3~ 5年的努力 ,使出生人口性别比升高的势头得到遏制。本文试从法治角度谈谈如何综合治理出生人口性别比问题。1 出生人口性别比持续升高亟待完善相关立…  相似文献   

我国出生人口性别比升高始于20世纪80年代,至今已长达20多年。"六普"显示,全国出生人口性别比为118.06,显著高于正常值上限107。出生人口性别比持续、普遍、显著偏高,已成为当前我国人口发展中的一个突出问题。浙江省出生人口性别比升高先于全国,在1990年"四普"时就高达118.09,为当时全国之最。后经全省上下积极努力,至2000年"五普"降至113.86。此后,全省的出生人口性别比一直徘徊在113左右。然而,近几年又出现了升高趋势,"六普"统计,全省出生人口性别比高达118,相当于全国的平均水平。面对出生人口性别比的  相似文献   

出生人口性别比升高是江苏省人口发展面临的突出问题之一。1990年第四次全国人口普查,江苏出生人口性别比为114.40;2000年第五次全国人口普查,出生人口性别比升至116.51,居全国第22位。为遏制出生人口性别比升高势头,江苏省根据中央要求和全省人口与计划生育工作实际,将出生人  相似文献   

This news brief focuses on the sex ratio at birth (SRB) in China, its causes, and remedial efforts. A SRB has been evident since the 1980s. The SRB increased from 108.48 male/100 female births to 116.30 male/100 female births during 1981-94. A normal SRB in China during 1940-94 would have been 107 male/100 female births. The SRB rose every year after 1985, with the exception of 1988. Male births increased, while female births decreased. SRB declined with age. The sex ratio in 1991, was 112.3 for children aged 0-4 years, 108.38 for children aged 5-9 years, and 106.56 for children aged 10-14 years. SRB values were higher in more populous provinces and lower in less populous provinces. SRB values were lower in northwestern China than in southeastern China. SRB values of minorities were lower than the Han ethnic group. A high SRB will increase the proportion single in later years. In 1990, 7.86 million people aged 30-40 years were single, of whom 94.32% were males. The SRB is caused by second, third, or higher birth orders. In 1993, sex ratios were 105.60 for first births, 130.22 for second births, and 126.12 for third births. The imbalance is attributed to a preference for sons as inheritors of blood ties and as family physical laborers. The imbalance is due to strict birth control and people's refusal to report female births. There is a need to increase awareness of the consequences, to increase old-age pensions and social security, to increase women's status, and to prohibit sex determination of a fetus. The family structure should emphasize its consumptive capacity rather than its function as a production unit.  相似文献   

张震  马茜 《人口研究》2022,46(1):3-18
从1980年代开始,中国出生性别比失衡已经持续40余年,预计到2050年左右才能恢复正常。长达70年的出生性别比转变对中国人口和社会都产生深远的影响。以往研究主要集中探讨性别失衡问题,对出生性别比升高加剧人口老龄化的关注较少。为此,利用新近估计的中国出生性别比、生育率和死亡率数据,借助人口模拟预测和稳定人口比较分析的方法对中国出生性别比转变的人口老龄化后果进行深入考察。研究发现,出生性别比上升不仅会减少女婴出生数,还会减少男婴出生数,由此造成人口规模的下降并加剧了中国的人口老龄化。引导出生性别比尽快回归正常可以缓解人口老龄化,继续加强出生性别比治理可以在中国积极应对人口老龄化的过程中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

The sex ratio at birth (SRB) in Hong Kong SAR (Special Administrative Region) has recently increased dramatically. Using a data set (N = 850,331) of all recorded births in Hong Kong between 1995 and 2009, we calculated SRBs by parity and immigrant status. The findings indicate a strong son preference among Mainland Chinese who have travelled to Hong Kong to give birth, especially at parity two or above. Logistic regression models show that this tendency is significantly greater among more affluent couples and remains strong even among Mainland Chinese women resident in Hong Kong for any length of time. The SRB of Hong Kong-born couples, though elevated at higher parities, is less skewed. Hong Kong has been serving as an outlet for ‘elite’ Mainland couples to circumvent family planning restrictions. The analysis also suggests the advantages of a wider set of immigrant variables over a binary construct.  相似文献   

中国出生性别比异常的特征分析   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
王燕  黄玫 《人口研究》2004,28(6):27-33
利用对中国人口有代表性的、最新资料 ,分析中国出生性别比异常的变化趋势和人群、地域特征。我国出生性别比持续异常 ,主要表现为第二及以上孩次的出生性别比的升高 ,其中只有姐姐的婴儿出生性别比异常升高情况最为严重 ;且随时间的推移越来越严重 ;从地域分布来说 ,华南和华东地区出生性别比异常现象最为严重  相似文献   

本研究以马-冯-陈模型为定性基础,认为一定人口的出生性别比并非固定不变,而是受到生育水平的影响。当无性别偏好时,生育水平主要通过改变不同孩次占出生人口比例的方式影响出生性别比;当有性别偏好时,生育水平既影响不同孩次占总出生人口的比例,又影响不同孩次的出生性别比,从而对总出生性别比产生影响。对于没有性别偏好和性别选择行为的人口,生育水平变化是引起出生性别比波动的主要原因。有性别选择行为时,生育水平变化对出生性别比的影响较小,性别选择行为是出生性别比异常的主要原因。监测以"曾生子女孩次和性别次序"为条件划分的人群,可以有效而便捷地判断出生性别比变化趋势。  相似文献   

This paper uses the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth to examine paternity establishment among men’s nonmarital births. Using births as the unit of analysis, I find that paternity establishment for first births (n = 661) is linked to race/ethnicity and relationship status at birth, and these characteristics are associated differently with the timing and location of paternity establishment (in-hospital or at some later point). For higher-parity births (n = 429), paternity establishment for a particular birth is strongly related to prior paternity and fertility behaviors. Paternity is less likely to be established for a higher-parity birth if the father failed to establish paternity for at least one earlier birth, and third or higher-parity births are far more likely to have paternity established at a subsequent point than at the hospital.  相似文献   

吉林省2000-2005年生育情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省2005年人口出生率7.89‰,低于全国平均水平,人口和计划生育工作形式总体是好的。但通过对吉林省2000-2005年生育情况的调查发现,全省低生育水平面临反弹的现实风险。我们必须清醒地看到,违法生育数量相对增加,一胎违法生育所占比例较大,再婚违法生育占违法多胎生育比例较大。在详细分析产生问题原因的基础上结合工作实际提出解决违法生育增多问题的建议。  相似文献   

1990年代中国出生性别比:究竟有多高?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当1990年代各种人口调查"过低的"生育水平难以置信时,其"过高的"出生性别比数据却被广泛接受。本文的主要目的是通过对2000年人口普查出生数据漏报的性别差异的分析,利用教育统计数据,重新估计2000年及90年代的出生性别比。结果表明我国实际的出生性别比并不像2000年普查数据反映的那样严重偏高。我国实际的出生性别比和低年龄组性别比要比普查反映的水平低5~9个百分点。1990年代在我国出生性别比偏高的部分中,女婴漏报的作用高达50%以上。本文还根据2000年普查千分之一抽样数据,考察了出生性别比的社会经济差异。  相似文献   

Much of the literature on fertility transition presumes that birth control is practiced either to limit family size or to space births. This article argues that women also use birth control to postpone pregnancy. Postponement is not synonymous with spacing. It arises when women delay their next birth for indefinite periods for reasons unrelated to the age of their youngest child, but without deciding not to have any more children. Postponement has a distinctive impact on the shape of birth‐interval distributions that differs from the impacts of family size limitation, birth spacing, or a mixture of the two behaviors. Some populations, such as that in South Africa, have developed fertility regimes characterized by birth intervals far longer than can be accounted for by birth spacing. Postponement of further childbearing that eventually becomes permanent may be an important driver of the transition to lower fertility in sub‐Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

The National Survey of Family Growth (1982) is used to examine the extent to which racial differences in premarital birth rates can be explained by differences in parents' socioeconomic status, family structure, and residential characteristics. The findings document a large diversity in premarital births within both populations. Black women from high-risk backgrounds are three times more likely to have a premarital birth than black women from low-risk backgrounds. Racial differences in premarital births arise because (1) black women are more likely to come from high-risk backgrounds and (2) black women from low-risk backgrounds are more likely to have a premarital birth than white women with similar characteristics. There are similar rates of premarital births by race among persons from high-risk backgrounds.  相似文献   

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