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顾昕 《社会学研究》2023,(1):45-67+227
共同富裕目标的实现需要诸多经济社会领域高质量发展的推动。创新蓬勃、产业升级和财税公正是共同富裕的经济基石,社会保护、社会服务和社会流动是共同富裕的社会支柱。这六个领域高质量发展的共同特征在于践行社会治理的理念,实现多方治理主体共建、共治、共享,多种治理机制互补、嵌合、协同。政府、市场和社会协作互动以完善行政机制、强化市场机制、激活社群机制,建立运作良好的社会治理体系,是各领域推动共同富裕的关键所在。  相似文献   

失业与社会排斥:一个分析框架   总被引:73,自引:0,他引:73  
失业已成为一个值得关注的社会问题。2 0 0 1年底,我国城镇登记失业率为3 6%(国家统计局,2 0 0 2 :1 1 7) ,而亚洲发展银行专家组( 2 0 0 2 )估算的实际失业率在1 2 - 1 5 %。失业会给失业者带来各方面的影响,除影响身心健康外(Feather,1 990 ) ,还会造成失业者处于多重的社会弱势(socialdisadvantage)之中,如导致贫穷、排斥出消费市场、家庭关系紧张、社会网络分割、排斥出社会福利制度,长期失业者甚至可能成为低下阶层(underclass)中的一员,形成不同于主流社会的生活方式和价值观念(曾群,2 0 0 3)。本文以社会排斥(socialexclusion)为概…  相似文献   

福利三角:一个社会政策分析的范式   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
福利三角是西方社会政策研究领域中的重要概念。本文从社会福利的视角讨论福利三角概念的含义;研究福利三角理论包含的制度内容;区别福利三角与福利多元组合的不同。社会政策是通过国家力量介入社会过程提升人民福利的一种方式。三角中的家庭、(市场)经济与国家三种不同的制度与它们之间的互动,不仅仅表示社会政策产生的动力机制,而且支持了社会政策的制定。本文最后将福利三角范式嵌入社会排斥与社会政策的实证研究中,阐述福利三角和社会政策的关系,指出了社会政策发展对建立和谐社会的意义。  相似文献   

在我看来,这部作品既是社会学的,也是哲学的,前者让这部作品有了广阔而鲜活的感性触角,后者则给出了一个深邃的理性灵魂。因此,这部作品的很多观点我都是同意的,比如现代性的飘浮呈现着无在状态,此在在日常生活中沉沦;社会化的流动让我们航行在没有航标的茫茫大海中,方向在资本漩涡中沉没;高速且迷  相似文献   

发展与冲突:一个理论假说与经验实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一切社会契约的达成都是交易,并发生社会交易成本。一切有利于降低信息传播成本,提高信息处理效率,从而降低谈判、监督成本的因素,都会降低社会交易成本。从社会实际层面上看,影响社会交易成本的因素主要是社会的宪法秩序、民族的文化传统、反映经济发展水平的社会物质基础结构状况和人们的受教育程度等方面。本文的假设是:1不同社会的社会交易成本具有可比性。2合作性组织的总规模是社会交易成本的减函数。3冲突性组织的总规模是社会交易成本的增函数。据此,本文导出的理论模型是:合作性组织的总规模与社会交易成本呈负相关,而冲突性组织总规模与社会交易成本呈正相关。本文最后通过分析社会历史中的宪法秩序、文化传统、经济发展和地理环境等因素,对这一模型作了支持性论证  相似文献   

嫉妒:一个社会的“囚徒困境”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嫉妒是人类社会的一种普遍现象,它的产生有着深刻的经济学根源。嫉妒是人类社会的一种普遍现象。赫·舍克在《嫉妒与社会》一书中写道:“在各个不同的历史时代,在所有的文化发展阶段,在大多数的语言里,并且作为相互有很大差别的社会里的成员,人类已经认识到了他们生存当中的一项重要问题,并且把它作为有些特殊的事物强调出来,这就是嫉妒和遭到嫉妒的感觉。”  相似文献   

说起吃饭,恐怕中国人是全世界最幸福的,因为,在每一斤、每一两粮食中都含有国家的补贴。国家每年要往粮食流通领域注入大笔资金。1998年8月,国家审计署一查帐,发现2140亿元不翼而飞了——  相似文献   

嫉妒是人类社会的一种普遍现象.赫·合克在《嫉妒与社会》一书中写道:"在各个不同的历史时代,在所有的文化发展阶段,在大多数的语言里,并且作为相互有很大差别的社会里的成员,人类已经认识到了他们生存当中的一项重要问题,并且把它作为有些特殊的事物强调出来,这就是嫉妒和遭到嫉妒的感觉."  相似文献   

现行社会治理体系漠视社会预防社会矛盾是社会转型的伴生物,客观上是一种社会转型的成本。日益凸显的社会矛盾给社会和谐发展带来极大挑战,预防和化解社会矛盾不仅是社会治理的核心要务,也是社会科学界的重大责任、重大任务、重大难题,但现行社会治理体系中依然存在漠视社会预防之处。一是社会预防观念缺乏。社会预防是基础性工作,短时期内难以看到政绩,现行的考核监督体系未将社会预防纳入,致使基层政府参与社会预防积极性不高。一些  相似文献   

While the importance of the relationship between theory and research is given credence in sociology, little has been done in delineating the specific nature of such a relationship. In order to do so, the present article examines data concerning the theoretical orientation and methodological procedures employed by the authors of 1,434 articles (in five substantive areas) which have appeared in nine major sociological journals over the period 1950 to 1970. Analysis of these data reveals the presence of a strong affinity between the utilization of a realist theoretical perspective, centering upon the study of group properties, and the employment of less empirical research techniques. Conversely, those authors shown to employ a nominalist theoretical approach, and hence those focusing upon individual properties, were found to use more empirical techniques and procedures in their research. Further analysis of the relationship between the theoretical and methodological orientations utilized by the authors surveyed appears to indicate some tendency for one's mode of data analysis to be as much a reason for, as a function of, one's theoretical perspective.  相似文献   

The syntheses of consensus and conflict theory which were developed during the sixties served as a healthy corrective for traditional functional theory but did not exhaust theoretical debate. The identification of such syntheses with empirico-analytic tradition (and dominant control systems) calls forth a second (critical) synthesis which is not complementary, but competing. Despite the fact that both are parallel in many respects, the two theoretical syntheses are differentiated on a number of levels: value assumptions, emphases, epistemology and the implications each possesses regarding the nature of sociological activity. Conflicting interpretations drawn from the two competing paradigms promise to define the fundamental issues within sociological theory during the seventies.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between sociology and Marxism and attempts to delineate the fundamental components of sociology within the framework of Marxist theory as presented in the voluminous writings of Gramsci. After reviewing Gramsci's systematic critique of positivist sociology and that brand of Marxism which accepts any positivist canon of analysis, the paper focuses on certain Gramscian concepts hermeneutically useful for a macro-sociology of social structures. Of great importance is the concept of catharsis , that is the development of a given fundamental social group from a mere economic to an hegemonic entity, entailing a process of transformation of the structure of a given historical bloc and the nature and functions of intellectuals in the organization of the ideological, juridical, and political superstructure. The paper concludes that Gramsci's sociology contains specific sociohistorical criteria very useful in understanding how dominant hegemonic systems disintegrate and new ones are formed.  相似文献   

A brief paradigmatic history of American sociology is presented. Conflict methodology is defined and exemplified. It is held to be an essential adjunct to a complete conflict paradigm. A conflict paradigm is relevant to sociological analyses in Eastern and Western Countries in view of the proliferation and power and of the large scale organization.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the main sociological responses to death and dying by overviewing the central literature in the area known as the ‘Sociology of Death’. The main findings and arguments are outlined and analysed in three sections which cover the Anthropology of Death, the Sociology of Death and the Sociology of Dying. Criticism is summarised at the end of the paper and a suggestion is offered for future work in the area. It is concluded that an examination of dying from the perspective of those dying will give us a more complex understanding of different patterns of death. Such an analysis will fill the large gaps in our present knowledge about the dying process. It will also heavily contrast with simplistic views of dying formed by an over attention to the care givers' realities.  相似文献   

International Relations (IR) is an Anglo-American discipline. It was founded in 1919 at Aberystwyth University. Immediately after the Second World War it found a particularly fertile ground for its development in the United States. Even if the discipline remained marked by its Anglo-American origins, a sociological school of international relations emerged in France in the 1960s, with two main authors Raymond Aron and Marcel Merle. This French sociology of international relations already dated back to the eighteenth century with Montesquieu and Tocqueville. In the context of the First and Second World Wars, Emile Durkheim and Marcel Mauss, produced an embryonic sociology of international relations. After the Second World War, Aron’s sociology of international relations marked a break with the French school. His sociology was influenced by Max Weber and Carl von Clausewitz. He produced a comprehensive and historical tradition of international relations sociology and his analyses had a strong influence in IR specialists during the entire period of the Cold War. Today, his thought continues to exert influence on French and foreign internationalists as an essential reference point of the discipline. Marcel Merle, for his part, influenced by the work of Durkheim and Mauss, created an explanatory, positive school studying transnational relations which exerted influence on French and foreign internationalists as well. This contribution offers an historical overview of the development of this French tradition of sociology of international relations from the eighteenth century to the present time.  相似文献   

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