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蒙俊健 《职业》2012,(15):95
一、学习领域课程的构建 对专业职业岗位群和其典型工作任务、职业行动能力进行分析是开发工作系统化课程的首要任务。通过对企业和毕业生进行调查,电子技术应用专业毕业生主要分布在电子产品整机装配、调试、设备维护、品质管理.  相似文献   

王英 《职业》2011,(12):33-33
当前,中职毕业生就业难已经成为一个不可回避的社会问题,国际金融危机对我国就业的不利影响还没有消除,中职毕业生又不断增加,就业形势很严峻。一、中职毕业生就业难的原因1.社会环境中职毕业生的就业源于市场的需求。一方面,毕业生人数每年呈上升趋势,给劳动力市场的消化造成难度。另一方面,在金融危机冲击之下,劳动力需求不足与新增劳动力需求萎缩。再者,企业用于培养与培训的费用大幅减少,企业在招聘时首先考虑专业对口、综合职业能力强的毕业生,给中职毕业生就业带来较大压力。  相似文献   

职业教育是使学习者具备从事某种职业的能力,为具体的职业岗位培养高技能应用性专门人才的教育,是直接面向企业需求的教育。然而,近来却不断有职业教育与企业需求脱钩的现象出现,即职业教育培养出的毕业生不符合企业真正的需求。  相似文献   

应聘的成功,主要取决于应聘时给招聘者留下的第一感觉.当前,企业招聘大学生,并不只看中求职者的书本知识,更看中其综合能力和综合素质.毕业生在求职时,有时应聘的工作并不是其所学专业,这就更需要应聘者有较强的适应能力、灵活反应能力、亲和能力、合作能力、学习能力等.为了使大学生顺利通过应聘的门槛,寻求一个理想的职业,在应聘时应该注意以下几个问题.  相似文献   

高等教育进入大众化时代,高校的人才培养质量更加为社会所关注。作为人才培养质量的重要维度,大学毕业生的非专业素养已成为高校人才培养的重要方面。加强非专业素养培养,有利于提升大学毕业生就业创业能力,增强人职匹配度,进而缓解就业压力。针对大学毕业生和用人单位的问卷调查发现,大学毕业生与企业对各项非专业素养重要性的认知顺序基本一致,但对于价值观念和能力体系认知存在差异,大学毕业生认为能力体系最为重要,而企业却认为价值观念最为重要。大学毕业生非专业素养具备情况与其职业满意度、用人单位用人满意度都呈显著正相关。要从学校、社会、家庭、大学毕业生自身四个方面加强工作力度,着力提升大学毕业生非专业素养。  相似文献   

职业教育是使学习者具备从事某种职业的能力,为具体的职业岗位培养高技能应用性专门人才的教育,是直接面向企业需求的教育.然而,近来却不断有职业教育与企业需求脱钩的现象出现,即职业教育培养出的毕业生不符合企业真正的需求.……  相似文献   

范继宁 《职业》2013,(14):129-130
在教学中渗透企业文化,对于缩短职业院校毕业生适应岗位的时间、增加学生对企业的认同感、提高学生的职业素质有着重要意义.通过校企合作、一体化教学等多种教学模式或手段,使学生在学习过程中潜移默化地接受企业文化的熏陶,并自觉培养敬业精神、质量意识、团队意识和合作能力等适应企业要求的职业素质.  相似文献   

随着我国工业化、城市化的发展,国家对职业学校、技工学校给予大力支持,提出加强对技术人才的培养,技校面临着机遇和挑战.企业是追求利润的,希望每个毕业生理论基础扎实、动手能力强,这样经过短暂培训,毕业生就会成为熟练的技术工人.但现实情况是,这样的毕业生太少,大部分学生理论知识丰富,但动手能力比较差,到技术岗位上不能胜任工作.所以改革教学模式,探索发展方向,让毕业生符合企业和社会的需求,成为技校教学改革的重要课题.  相似文献   

王蕾 《职业》2014,(3):137-139
宁波地区外贸及其相关企业由于受到金融危机的影响,对外贸人才的需求发生变化。宁波地区中职国际贸易专业毕业生在就业时除了受到企业需求变化的影响,还要承受外来高校竞争者的压力。本文就提升中职国际贸易毕业生职业竞争力提出若干策略。  相似文献   

柴亚东 《职业》2012,(28):100
新形势下高校如何探索就业指导的新思路、全面提升学生职业核心能力,是非常重要的一个课题。在专业实践能力相同的情况下,毕业生能否顺利就业,学生职业核心能力起着决定性因素。因  相似文献   

Mental illness is a substantive issue for graduate students. We investigated experiences of mental illness during training among genetic counseling students, a subgroup of graduate students for which little data exists on this topic. Genetic counseling students and recent graduates (n?=?227) completed an online survey, from who 11 were selected to participate in semi-structured telephone interviews. Thematic analysis and member checking were employed to interpret the interviews. An overarching theme of importance to participants’ mental health during genetic counseling training was safety, with subthemes of: trust/confidentiality, stigma and fear of labeling, developing a unique professional identity, and ability to engage in self care strategies. Our data could help genetic counseling training programs develop strategies to support students’ mental health.  相似文献   

叶朝 《职业时空》2012,(6):60-61
随着高职教育改革的不断深入,通过工学结合,校企合作促进学生职业素质和能力的培养,已成为高职院校的共识。文章从产学结合、轮岗实训到顶岗实习的角度提出并探讨了高职学院班级"企业化"管理模式下的职业道德教育的创新,着眼于学生的职业素质培养和对工作岗位的适应能力,培养学生可持续发展能力,创新了高职人才培养模式。  相似文献   

为了适应计算机技术在各个领域的飞速发展,解决计算机人才短缺的问题,各类学校都开设了计算机专业,如何让中职学校计算机专业的学生在激烈的竞争中有自己的生存空间,文章认为中职学校要根据中职学校的特点,找出中职学校与其他类型学校的不同之处,确定计算机专业技能培养目标,培养出有中职学校特色的毕业生,才能找到出口。  相似文献   

马笑玲 《职业时空》2012,(4):124-125
教育部日前发布的《关于做好2012年全国普通高等学校毕业生就业工作的通知》中规定,"对就业率连续两年低于60%的专业,调减招生计划直至停招。"在这样的大背景下应用艺术生就业的诸多问题彰显出来,愈来愈多的学者关注综合性大学应用艺术生的就业去向和专业设置与人才培养质量问题。事实上,在举国关注大学生就业难的大环境下,应用艺术生的就业空间正呈现前所未有的拓展之势,造成艺术生就业就业率低下的根本原因在于学校办学定位、专业设置和人才培养质量。  相似文献   

通过护士执业资格考试是毕业生从事临床护理工作的基本条件,护士执业资格证书关系着学生就业。以全国护士执业资格考试为切入点,探讨推进护理专业教育教学改革,加强职业院校护士执业资格考试培训,提高考试过关率,提升学生职业综合能力的途径。  相似文献   

This study examined the question: ‘How do social work practitioners construct preparedness for practice?’ The answer to this question was explored through a research conducted in 2013 consisting of a survey based on the Australian Association of Social Workers’ Practice Standards and interviews with social work practitioners who had experience working with graduating social work students in their final field education placements. The responses of 25 survey participants suggest that social work practitioners generally expect new graduates to have ‘moderate’-level skills across the different practice areas, although a small but notable number of supervisors expect new graduates to have general work preparedness at a ‘developed’ level. In addition to having a clear understanding of and identification with professional values, purpose and ethics, the eight interview participants spoke of the importance of empathy and the ability to work within a multidisciplinary organisational environment.  相似文献   

中职学校德育工作要适应社会经济发展对人才素质的需求,培养高素质的职业技术人才。剖析现在中职德育工作存在的问题和现状,切实转变德育工作方法,从传统升学行为教育方式转变到加强培养学生职业素质培养上来,从职业道德、职业意识、职业行为、职业心理、职业能力等职业素质入手,突出职业素质培养在德育工作中的主体地位。  相似文献   

This paper examines how discursive codes and demands associated with ‘bureaucratic and entrepreneurial regimes’ of work and career organization shape the work, careers and subjectivities of management graduates. The study is based on an analysis of 30 narratives of management professionals who graduated from an Austrian business school in the early 1970s or 2000s. Its insights suggest that variegated discursive codes manifest in the graduates’ articulated professional practices and subjectivities, thereby challenging established assumptions regarding the organization of work and careers. While the practices and subjectivities of the 1970s graduates are often informed by codes and demands ascribed to ‘entrepreneurialism’, those of the 2000s graduates are infused with several codes commonly portrayed as ‘bureaucratic’.  相似文献   

Graduate programs in education face the challenge of preparing teachers and specialists in education to work with English Language Learners (ELLs). Programs must be culturally responsive, while at the same time respecting state and federal standards for scientifically based practice according to best evidence. The focus of the present study is a graduate program in education that sought to prepare graduate students to address the needs of ELL students. Among the articulated goals of the program grant were that teachers enrolled would be able to: (1) use effective English for Speakers of Other Languages and bilingual educational strategies and methods; (2) use findings from testing, assessment and research functionally; and (3) promote multilingualism, and, in a broader sense, respect and equitable treatment of the heritages of home languages. The extent to which graduates of the master’s program who were working as teachers and administrators at the time of the study were able to make culturally competent connections with ELL students and to establish a repertoire of scientific evidence, based on research findings that they could then use to support their teaching theory and practice, is discussed. Findings reflecting the responses of 57 graduates of the program were as follows: (a) the training provided by the master’s program was rated as more useful than the in‐service provided by the state because its emphasis on research allowed graduates to judge the merits of proposed educational reforms and to clarify their own pedagogy; (b) the ability to cite research reports enabled graduates to be heard by colleagues and to depoliticize discussions regarding curricular reforms; (c) in developing their ‘communities of practice’, graduates made connections with others who had been trained in the use of scientific research in education. The study illustrates how a graduate education program focused on transformation and the encouragement of home language use can prepare teachers to work effectively in a political context of ‘evidence‐based practice’.  相似文献   

刘强 《职业时空》2013,(6):78-79,82
高职电工专业毕业生职业能力和动手能力比较弱,毕业后不能很好地胜任电工工作。为此,学校应采取措施,提高学生的职业技能,使其毕业后就能胜任电工工作。  相似文献   

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