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我们也应该针对自己做好专一化战略。不必惧怕别人看不到你的优势,只要你持续强化自己的某一优势,有一天,它将坚不可摧。  相似文献   

加入WTO后。全球化将更为深刻地影响中国城市。21世纪是城市世纪(确切地说是城市竞争世纪。也是城市管理者竞争的世纪)。知识经济时代是城市的时代。自从办奥运赢利并取得品牌效应以后。“奥运”争办台前幕后的惨烈是空前的。北京也经历过一次了。城市的发展是现代社会一切发展的中心与摇篮。但是。正像科学技术的发展是一把“双刃剑”一样。城市的发展也是把“双刃剑”。在她给人类带来多多福利的同时。也带来了种种棘手的甚至令人迷惘的问题。  相似文献   

1911年3月,通用汽车创立者威廉·杜兰特与瑞士籍赛车手、工程师路易斯·雪佛兰合作创立了雪佛兰汽车公司。1912年,雪佛兰推出第一款汽车Classic Six,售价2,150美元,这在当时可是不小的数目,  相似文献   

在高科技发展的时代,市场竞争日趋激烈,各种品牌层出不穷,企业需要提高知名度,塑造一个好的品牌来增强市场竞争力,得到消费者的认可.而品牌的塑造离不开企业形象,良好的企业形象不仅可以赢得消费者的信任,而且可以使品牌获得更广阔的市场.  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下,广播正在走上产业化道路。产业化广播的产品就是广播节目,而作为产品就必须树立自己的品牌。在市场竞争中,产品的竞争主要是品牌的竞争。曾经有一位美国营销专家指出:“营销的精髓就是在消费者心目中建立品牌。”可以说,品牌是广播在市场竞争中致胜的法宝,是广告经营的基础和根本,是广播形象的代表。因此,广播人在广播产业的经营中,  相似文献   

马倩 《公关世界》2015,(4):62-65
雨后初晴的小城,橘香四溢,弗拉门戈舞者在街边忘我表演着,阳光下人们吃着Tapas聊着天,橘树下有牙牙学语的婴儿,有踢球的少年,这样的午休一直持续到下午5点。对这座城市的钟爱,就缘起于这橘子树下的美好时光。西班牙的塞维利亚,是弗拉门戈的故乡,这里见证了摩尔文明的繁盛,这里铸就了大航海时代的辉煌,这里是16世纪文学中唐璜、卡门故事发生的地方,这里还有明媚的阳光、热情慵懒的人们、美味Tapas和西班牙火腿……“多重文化”+“热情安逸”,是这里给人的浓重印象。  相似文献   

石家庄国际大厦(集团)股份有限公司是一家从事酒店及相关产业经营的综合服务企业,1993年经过股份制改造,改组为石家庄国际大厦(集团)股份有限公司,以此为契机,企业进入了一个快速增长的全新时期,1995年实现营业收入1.13亿元,利润1173万元。在企业的发展实践中,我们深深感到,塑造差异化的企业形象,越来越成为我们企业经营的命脉。  相似文献   

一、城市品牌的内涵 品牌,顾名思义是商品的标牌.为了让顾客对商品本身有所识别、有所关注、有所喜爱,商品生产者就对其商品冠以特有的名称,并予以公开注册,以区别于同类的商品.这就是商品的牌号,也称为品牌.当某一品牌商品得到广大顾客和社会的认知、喜爱和追逐时,品牌就会使商品在原有价值的基础上,增加附加值,这就产生了品牌的价值.美国市场营销协会(AMA)对品牌的定义是:品牌是一种名称、术语、标记、符号或设计,或是它们的组合运用,其目的是借以辨认某个销售者,或某群销售者的产品及服务,并使之与竞争对手的产品和服务区别开来.  相似文献   

发展城市自行车专用道路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文阐述了在我国城市中发展自行车专用道路的必要性,介绍了荷兰建设自行车专用道路并已形成网络的经验。  相似文献   

袁成 《交通与港航》2006,20(1):42-43
<正>快速公共汽车运输系统(bus rapid transit system,简称BRT),是当今国内、外许多大城市为解决其道路交通拥堵,公交车辆运营速率缓慢而采取的一项新措施。BRT投资省、上马快、效果好。本文介绍利马市(Lima)筹建BRT的一些情况。  相似文献   

《Habitat International》1999,23(1):49-62
Marginalization of the poor through housing programs is a worldwide concern. As resource constraints, whether real or politically defined, have justified tighter eligibility criteria in many developed countries, the poor have been targets for programmatic changes. This article examines policy changes in the United States that will reduce the proportion of low-income tenants living in public housing on the basis that economic mixing and reduced density will facilitate the production of community. While the intention to improve housing conditions for the poor is an amiable goal, a real concern is that such a change in national housing policy is based too narrowly on a belief in physical determinism. By ignoring systemic conditions that produce economic and racial segregation in the first place, these changes can only lead to fewer units of public housing for those with the greatest needs. I conclude that the concern with producing community in public housing developments is better interpreted as a rhetorical smoke screen that masks a more powerful rationale for getting the Federal government out of the business of maintaining permanent stock of housing for the very poor.  相似文献   

从设计角度看筹建LPG汽车加气站   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从设计角度,就LPG加气站的站址选择与建站规模、站区平面布置、主要设备选型以及安全保障措施等进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Performing some laboratory tests on site at a student health service clinic may increase efficiency and cut costs for patients. However, with the passage of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988, many laboratories in physician offices and clinics have shut down because of increased regulatory requirements. The personnel in one SHS laboratory found that the guidelines proposed by CLIA help assure quality care and are not prohibitive. In this article, the process of applying for and receiving a CLIA certificate in the student health clinic setting is explored.  相似文献   

一、建立我国城市地价动态监测体系的意义 城市土地资源是国家最为重要的财富,国家对于这种资源的分配,已经由计划分配转到市场调节.如何利用与管理好这一巨大财富,为发展国民经济和提高人民生活水平服务,现在是将来也是土地管理工作的重要任务.  相似文献   

This essay aims to analyse the most recent acquisitions in economic sociology, setting out from the problem of embeddedness. Firstly, the contribution offered by Mark Granovetter shall be illustrated, demonstrating how the interpretation proposed by this scholar is concentrated on a structural–relational perspective that tends to trace the explanation of economic phenomena to a theory of social networks. In order to enrich and integrate this approach, the contribution offered by the new-institutionalist perspective in contemporary economic sociology will be emphasised, which has focused on the social construction of economic institutions. This current has underlined, on the one hand, the cognitive dimension of embeddedness, related to the way in which the uniformities structured by mental processes limit economic reasoning, and, on the other, the cultural dimension of embeddedness, concerning the role of collectively shared representations in the formation of economic goals. It will be concluded by illustrating the acquisitions of some theoretical perspectives linked to the polanyian tradition that have developed a ‘plural’ conception of economy, founded on the emphasis of socio-regulative principles, such as those of exchange, redistribution and reciprocity, which, in becoming hybrid, give shape to variable and historically anchored economic worlds. The concept of embeddedness roots historically and transmits a vision of economic processes as inseparable from non-economic institutions.  相似文献   

<正> 随着我国汽车工业的飞速发展,私家车快速增加,汽车维修业已经对国民经济和人民生活产生重要的影响,汽车维修市场信用的优劣,影响到整个社会信用环境,影响到广大市民和社会的  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This study aims to identify the outline of charity social media marketing (SMM) and to determine to what extent it...  相似文献   

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