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How can you tell the difference between mere noise, and a profound change headed your way? Your gut instincts may not always be a reliable gauge. It takes a long time for most people to become an executive leader. If you are typical, you were raised and trained in a different era, with different expectations. You see things with different lenses. So what can you trust? You can trust first principles. Ask yourself what you know about the reasons that changes are happening in this environment. Then ask yourself about what is being proposed--how does it fit with the roots of the changes in health care and your organization? The three change filters presented here can help you to figure out if it's change or just noise. Ask yourself: (1) what are the changes occurring in the health care industry; (2) is your organization ready for change; and (3) how likely is it that your organization will easily adopt this particular change? These three filters together will help you decide what is a truly important change, how ready your organization is for change, and whether it will adapt to this change with ease or difficulty.  相似文献   

Exploring the larger subject of executive professionalism should include the whole range of behavior issues that affect others' perceptions of you. In this competitive environment, with limited time to manage relationships, physician executives must take control of all aspects affecting their credibility and communications. This is not to suggest that you become the stereotyped, air-brushed news anchor, all style and little substance, but that you create a total package, one in which the "inside" and the "outside" of your presentation are complementary. Focus your attention on how well you have developed these factors as a physician executive: Appearance; demeanor; professionalism; and integrity. To create a "total package," it is helpful to consider the following recommendations: Write "commercials" for yourself and your organization; use every interaction as a selling opportunity; make every context a platform; don't hide from criticism--seek it out; and use every opportunity that comes your way to listen.  相似文献   

Are you prepared to ride the waves of change? Will you be ready when the pink slip arrives? Health care executives who can jump a little higher and run a little faster will go further in the draft. Those of you who are prepared for change will always be appealing to recruiters and prospective employers. How can you ride these turbulent waves and not capsize? This article explores some suggestions for positioning yourself: Proper positioning with the inevitable changes in mind will help you move your career in a forward direction.  相似文献   

No one holds all the cards in a job interview, unless one party to the negotiations gives them to the other. To obtain the salary that you deserve, you have to do some homework to determine your market value and you have to stick to your guns during the bargaining. Taking less than you, and the prospective employer, know you're worth is a sure road to disaster.  相似文献   

How can you change your negative thinking? This column describes a process that, on the surface, seems too simplistic to be beneficial, but that works: choose a few good words to repeat to yourself constantly, progress to better thoughts, and then improve what you say to others. If you want to be more satisfied with your work life and your personal life, you must change the internal dialogue in your head. If you have some version of negative internal chatter, you need to substitute positive statements. You need to say something different from what you have been saying every spare minute of the day. You must say it even if it is the biggest lie you have ever heard yourself think. You must say it for days or weeks before you notice a difference in your attitude, relationships, and health. Eventually, you will notice you feel better and people are behaving better.  相似文献   

How can you get the news that you want, when you want it, no matter where you are? The idea of customized news is indeed new. Instead of sitting passively in front of the TV or turning the pages of your newspaper, you can program your computer to search for the news that is of interest to you from myriad sources. The idea of getting the news as you like it is all a product of the wonderful world of cyberspace. Browse the Web and find out if these news services are right for you.  相似文献   

Physician executives need to exercise considerable discretion, care, and judgment when they write about their professional accomplishments in the form of a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). This paperwork is intensely personal. It must be a true reflection of you, your achievements and goals. Others read it to learn more about you. Those you fail to convince, you're likely to lose--along with your chance to meet and charm them in a personal interview. A physician executive's thoughtfully prepared résumé and CV can result in him or her being offered terrific opportunities for career growth. The paperwork is a self-constructed gateway through which you can properly approach hiring organizations--and how it reads is totally under your control. Some suggestions to consider in developing your résumé or CV are: be succinct; don't overstate; use both documents; do your homework; and be ready for the next steps.  相似文献   

Consultants can and do play many different roles for the client that hires them. In many cases, it is not as simple as it may appear in terms of laying out the problem and then letting the consultant you have contracted with either solve it for you or present you with options from which to pick the best solution. The retaining of outside expertise is usually done for one or more of the following reasons (by no means inclusive): Lack of "in-house" manpower or time to deliver a product. The need for an external expert to bring credibility to the project;. Getting someone outside your organization to deliver unpopular or bad news. Genuine interest in the independent findings and recommendations of the consultant. Whatever the motivation for seeking the advise of outside counsel, be sure you are prepared for the answer they may give to the question you have asked.  相似文献   

Today's health care market is volatile, and the job of a physician executive is becoming more risky. Recognizing signs of trouble and taking immediate action is essential. Ten early warning signs that you could be fired are: (1) Net profits dip unexpectedly; (2) investment income can't cover operating losses; (3) bond rating is downgraded; (4) revenues are not rising as fast as costs; (5) senior executives leave the team; (6) wage increases don't improve nursing vacancy rate; (7) unions begin whisper campaign; (8) medical staff elect an SOB; (9) hospital is slapped with a costly lawsuit; and (10) recruiters call to check on your status. Physician executives are quickly learning what it takes to overcome tough challenges and prevent premature job termination: Communication; no-surprise performance; continuous monitoring of key indicators; openness and plain talk; and no-more-business-as-usual attitude. What can you do to make your job loss as painless as possible? (1) Negotiate a contract upfront; (2) don't lose your temper; (3) ask for your wish list quickly; (4) be reluctant to sue your former employer; (5) tell your family as soon as possible; (6) take only a brief vacation; (7) consider a temporary assignment; (8) be prepared to be re-employed by your former employer; and (9) keep a positive attitude.  相似文献   

A new CEO means everyone in the organization is now a new hire--an unknown entity that must prove he or she can and will enthusiastically, tirelessly support the CEO's agenda. Those who want to stay on the payroll must avoid a business-as-usual attitude and demonstrate that they share the CEO's dedication to change. If you're in a staff job, it's important to show you're essential to the new regime, quickly and convincingly. Some important steps to consider as you plan for the transition include: Do your home-work; anticipate the CEO's needs; be supportive and nonpolitical; be realistic with your direct reports; and appear poised to leave willingly and quietly--and you may not have to.  相似文献   

With the right boss, you can go far and learn much. The wrong boss could actually slow or even stall your executive career. When you interview for a job, you're also interviewing for a boss--and it's in your own interest to try to find the individual who is the best possible fit with your own management style. This is a matching process--not quite a courtship, but with some of the same characteristics. What can you do to ensure a good match with your new boss? (1) Do your homework; (2) Make your interview a dialog; (3) Use subtle strategies, too, such as watching for body language; (4) Ask the employer for references; and (5) Know yourself.  相似文献   

Let's say that, by having read the many inspiring articles on medical informatics in this issue of Physician Executive, you are now ready to move ahead with some serious applications of information systems in your organization. Or, you were already a believer in the usefulness of information technology (IT), and are wondering how to proceed. What types of systems should your organization be looking at to acquire or build? How should you get to there from here? Perhaps you'll find what you're looking for in what follows--an initial roadmap through organizational "IT Land."  相似文献   

This may come as a surprise to Gen-Xers, but on-the-job allies are a political necessity. Information and support from workplace alliances are vital to doing your job. Your peers, boss, subordinates, and even enemies, can and should be in your network of allies. How do you build alliances? It's accomplished by cultivating relationships based on mutual benefit and interest. Information and favors are traded on a quid pro quo basis. Your peers, subordinates, and boss have different needs but they share some goals with you. Goals are the common denominator. Consider the following ways to cultivate your network of allies: Be a reliable news source; offer feedback; be congenial; share expertise; consult; strive to be a role model; don't demand credit; don't wait for recognition; articulate your needs; share a hot idea; save face for someone; and connect people who can help each other.  相似文献   

Consider the repercussions carefully before you take on a legal battle with your employer. It may be better to simply resign and try something new.  相似文献   

Delegation is not a soft skill. Physician executives who do not delegate well and strategically cannot expect to achieve the top jobs now or in the future. It's not enough to have great communications skills to convey your vision. You won't achieve that vision alone; you must have a great team to bring that vision to fruition. However, you can't delegate your first and most important step--self-assessment. To maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses, you'll need a clear view of what makes you tick. Then start thinking about your executive role in these terms: Conceptualize work mandates as projects; choose people who are better than you for your team; and try to work yourself out of a job. By learning to delegate, physician executives can make their own careers (as well as those on their team) richer and more fulfilled.  相似文献   

What is medical management? How do you learn about it? How do you get into it? Is there a future in it? Is medical management for you? Can you do it? What will it mean to your original plans for your life in medicine? Is it worth the sacrifice? Get comfortable. I have a story to tell you. It may help if you hear about medical management from a medical director who has preceded you. I doubt I can answer all your questions. I can, however, tell you about one physician's visions, expectations, decisions, experiences, and rewards from what can be loosely called "medical management." If you find something of help in your decision making in this account, my telling it is worthwhile.  相似文献   

Our primary agenda for the 21st Century is the reinvention of America. We must reinvent democracy, capitalism, entrepreneurism, and community. Indeed, we must recreate all of our major social institutions. This includes health care. A design for a new society requires a new design for health care. In fact, health care enjoys a special privilege in this regard. It is the gateway to total societal redesign. Health is the common denominator in any society. If you loose your health you cannot work, you cannot play, you cannot study; and, if you lose it sufficiently, you cannot even pray. Health and well-being create the foundation for all other constructive human endeavors. Therefore, the design of healthy communities is the necessary first step in the redesign of total human habitats. This massive redesign effort will take a century. However, it will be launched in the next few years.  相似文献   

How can physician executives create a vision, a strategy, in the face of such overwhelming forces for change? The answer has two pieces. The first is the Weather Channel: scanning the future for warning, for opportunities, for new business possibilities. The second leads us to such questions as: What is your situation? Financially? In market terms? It leads us, as well, back to the question: For you and your institution, what is your reason for being in this business? In other words, what is your foundation? If you can become clear about who you are and what you are here for in the long run, and match that with some sense of the technologies and the political and financial pressures headed your way, then you can begin to create a vision of a future that works for you. In the coming years, we will begin to create entire new ways of doing health care, new roles for hospitals, new types of medicine--and the time to begin the creation is now. If you wait until the hurricane hits, it will be too late.  相似文献   

Bouncing back     
If you have taken a career sidetrack, realize that you are still marketable. You have skills, traits, and knowledge that are transferable to many new opportunities. Fortunately, many leaders today in health care and executive search are familiar with your plight, given that they all have their own version of initiatives that did not fly. They will not judge you unfairly because they understand all too well the complex pressures of today's health care environment, filled with risk, cost constraints, and unrealistic profit targets. If you're bouncing back from an unfortunate career move, these steps may keep you focused on your search for new opportunities: (1) recognize that you are not alone, (2) realize that the entity failed, not you, (3) discuss the former position in a positive light, (4) don't give in to cynicism or self-pity, (5) don't let it happen to you again, and (6) play an active role in structuring your next position.  相似文献   

A man once said, "He who would be first among you, let him be your servant." I think he also would have said, "If you would be the leader of the troops in health care, you must be able to communicate." You must be a good listener, be able to facilitate conflict resolution, be a good interviewer, deal effectively with problem physicians and employees, speak effectively in front of an audience, and communicate well in writing. Do not assume that you are good at any of these skills because you went to medical school. All of us need improvement in these areas.  相似文献   

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