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I recently moved to China, with my family, and 1 have been wolTied abot, t the air pollution. As my children are relatively small, 1 am very concerned about their health. I want to know the best way to protect them from the pollution, both outside and inside the house. Which masks should they wear? Where can I buy air puritiers?  相似文献   

I have given a name to the studio where I make my soft sculptures: "Spirit Existing." It means that my life exists together with my spirit; that spirit is inseparable from body. I believe the original nature of life is the most beautiful thing in the world. On September 6th, 1997, I handed in my resignation to the tax bureau where I worked. Leaving my family and my son at home, I came to Beijing alone to create a new life for myself. As a woman making such a choice at the age of 35, I  相似文献   

A friend told me about Xizhou, and 1 remembered the place because the word xi meant happiness, and it was a character in my name. When I visited Dali, Yunnan Province, 1 asked my friend to take me to Xizhou.  相似文献   

AT the age of 32, I went back to school. I enrolled as a student in the Department of History at a night college attached to Beijing Normal University. My son was only two years old at the time. At first I went to night classes just to earn a college diploma. I already had 15 years' work experience, including four years of being a magazine editor. But if I wanted to keep my job as editor, I had to obtain a diploma. When I first sat down in the terraced, 300-seat classroom and touched my new textbooks, I was full of a craving for knowledge. I knew that my classmates  相似文献   

IN 1946 my wife died of illness, leaving behind a 2-year-old daughter and a 6-month-old son. It was at this time that Chi Fuyuan, who was then 18, came to my family. My mother, my late wife's mother, my younger brother and two younger sisters lived with us. How would my new wife get along with the other members of this big family? Fuyuan later talked with me about the opera, Beating the Reed Cattails, which  相似文献   

As I head back to China after three weeks in Canada and the US, I reflect back on one of my earliest, and key,lessons about effective communication in China.  相似文献   

A Self-portrait     
I was fond of literature from childhood. But I wasstudying hard to become a doctor and never thought ofliving off writing. I began my writing career from the May FourthMovement in 1919. At first, as a member of the FemaleStudents Federation, I wrote some articles for publication.At that time the turbulent Chinese youth's patrioticmovement and the new cultural movement brought me outof the home and campus. I began to witness the pressing  相似文献   

Mom Look laoma biaoqing This refers to a mother's look of disapproval when her son/daughter introduces his/her boyfriend/girlfriend to her. New Guy Gene xinren jiyin This refers to the internal mechanism that triggers extra politeness in a new employee until he/she is up to speed on office politics.  相似文献   

I have become very fond of returning to my own parents' home, and to my mother's side, ever since I was 30. When I am tired of life in the noisy city and being a mother and wife, returning to my mother's side makes me feel like a daughter again. There I am free from worries and can enjoy the tender care and love of my mother. In the morning, lying in bed lazily in the most comfortable posture, I do not need to urge my son to get up for school. The clatter Mother makes when she goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast is the  相似文献   

DEAR EDITOR, I am a 75-year-old retired primary school teacher. I published my new work The Work-Study Movement of Young Chinese in France (1912-1930) three years ago, expressing my fondness of history, especially China's history. Currently, I pay more attention to the Chinese women who came to France for studies in their early years, Could you publish some precise information on their situations before and after returning to China? GABRIELLE REYGNER FRANCE  相似文献   

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