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颖子 《伴侣(A版)》2013,(5):10-11
在合肥,很多年轻的妈妈都喜欢逛一个叫宁檬部落的地方,因为那里驻扎着一位美丽的西点厨娘,她每天都为女儿准备不一样的早餐,蛋糕、面包、饼干、披萨、冰激凌、意大利面、泡芙、浓汤等各种西点她都可以在家里制作,哆啦A梦、喜羊羊、Snoopy、瓦力等各种动漫人物造型经她的手变得活灵活现。她的口号是:一年365天,天天  相似文献   

这是一个离异父母向独生子争宠导致儿子自我意识膨胀进而心理失衡的极特殊的案例,但它反映的问题却具有普遍意义。2007年2月中旬,沈阳同仁心理疾病矫正中心走进一个中年女人,她边哭边说:"救救我儿子吧!"父母离婚,儿子判给谁2005年9月初,家住辽宁省沈阳市和平广场附近的唐如豪和叶小璐闹离婚,原因非常简单,唐如豪有外遇,被叶小璐捉到了证据。  相似文献   

竹炭可以吸附人体内有害物质,净化血液中的毒素,还有助于人体消化排泄,清洁肠道,排毒养颜——基于这种理念,一大批“竹炭食品”走向市场,比如竹炭花生、竹炭面包、竹炭蛋糕等。那么,竹炭的效用真有这么大吗?  相似文献   

晓红 《女性天地》2007,(12):15-17
一名曾在小浪底工程担任专职翻译的英语人才,加入了—个诈骗公司,最终被绳之以法。是什么原因让这位优秀女翻译以身试法,成为诈骗犯呢?  相似文献   

青岛市爱益普社会工作服务中心(以下简称“爱益普”)成立于2009年3月,是由青岛市民政局主管的社会工作专业服务机构。2009年9月,爱益普作为青岛唯一的社工专业机构被民政部列为第二批社会工作人才队伍建设试点单位。2010年5月,爱益普申请的“手拉手单亲贫困家庭社会工作服务项目”作为山东省唯一中标的单位,在中国社会组织发展基金会招标项目中中标。  相似文献   

海燕 《当代老年》2014,(10):18-18
1965年,18岁的我在黄冈师专(现黄冈师范学院)认识了张山虎,他和我同桌,我们不仅同龄,而且都来自黄梅县。开学后,张山虎被选为团支部委员,我进入了学生会。学习上,我们齐头并进,工作上,也是你追我赶。  相似文献   

当你遇到困境难以摆脱时,当自责、悔恨、内疚占据你的整个身心时,你是否想过让时间流转、生命重来?逝者如斯夫,我们无法改变已发生的事情,但我们可以选择重建生命。露易丝·海在《生命的重建》一书中为我们描绘了重建生命的过程:从消极信念的瓦解到积极信念的建立,再将积极信念运用于工作和生活中。这个过程始终贯穿了一条主线,即“爱的信念”——爱自己,接受自己,找到生命的价值。  相似文献   

咬,是无奈的选择。她第一次咬的时候,像蜂一样在女儿的手上闪电般地“蛰”了一下。当紧闭的双眼打开时,女儿的手上烙下的却是一个湿湿的唇印。她根本没咬上,顶多只是一个轻吻。虽然女儿没有知觉,但她舍不得一口咬下去。  相似文献   

咬,是无奈的选择。她第一次咬的时候,像蜂一样在女儿的手上闪电般地“蜇”了一下。当紧闭的双眼打开时,女儿的手上烙下的却是一个湿湿的唇印。她根本没咬上,顶多只是一个轻吻。虽然女儿没有知觉,但她舍不得一口咬下去。  相似文献   

张杰 《老年人》2007,(9):10-11
湖南省麻阳苗族自治县的最西部,有一个叫米沙的美丽小村庄,在这里,住着一位瘫痪在床50多年的老人,他的名字叫黄前群。  相似文献   

莫锐婕是一位来自澳大利亚的特教老师。2011年,一直向往中国文化的她来到中国。“我很爰中国,感觉心里有一份爱,就是要给中国。”莫锐婕说。对于自己从事的特教工作,莫锐婕用三个词形容:“爰”“培养”“发光”。在她看来,真爱是没有国界的。  相似文献   

This study adds to the limited literature on the demand for casino gaming. The major focus is on the effect of a statewide smoking ban. A system of slot machine demand equations, one each for the three Delaware racinos (racetrack casinos), was developed. The number of slot machines at a racino, at competing in-state racinos, and income were significant demand determinants. Competing out-of-state gaming venues had insignificant effects on gaming demand over the study period. The smoking ban had a significant negative impact on demand, which was not significantly different across the three racinos. The smoking ban reduced gaming demand 15.9%. ( JEL L83)  相似文献   

This paper is about the development of an outcomes‐based treatment approach in work with traumatized children and of an assessment model to measure progress. In particular, it shows how a spider diagram is used to give a powerful, visual representation of a child's progress. The work described has been carried out by SACCS — an independent UK organization providing treatment based in residential and family settings for children who are severely traumatized by abuse and neglect. This trauma has had a massive impact on their development socially, physically, emotionally, academically and spiritually. The children have complex needs which are extremely difficult to work with. However, the potential for recovery from their injuries remains. I will use a single case study of a child to illustrate the process of assessment and measurement of recovery. The treatment approach used is broadly psychodynamic. The concept of an outcomes‐based approach and the measurement tool described also has widespread relevance in social care.  相似文献   

Although the philosophy of pragmatism influenced American sociology, specifically that of symbolic interactionism, its use as a tool for explanation of everyday life has been underutilized throughout sociology. In this article, pragmatism, specifically the ideas of George Herbert Mead and John Dewey provide a framework for the understanding of grieving, specifically as it relates to people with mental retardation. Both Mead and Dewey's use and inclusion of physics into their philosophies proved paramount in their assertions regarding Cartesian or ontological dualism. They then demonstrated through the inclusion of quantum physics how to avoid positivism, thereby creating the necessary link of science with human perception and human action. Mead's use of the Theory of Relativity, as well as Sociality; and Dewey's incorporation of the Uncertainty Principle, and addressing the sum of possibilities, provides a context where the grieving process of people with mental retardation will be much more pronounced. People with mental retardation, by definition, through their neural networks have an inability to perceive existence in a manner that is functionally the same as the rest of the population. Their abilities influence how people with mental retardation relate to themselves or environment, thereby creating either fewer realities or systems from which to interact, or creating ones that are functionally dissimilar from the typical population, hence the label “mental retardation;” therefore, the loss of someone or something creates a greater hole or emptiness for people with mental retardation than the rest of society.  相似文献   

This article aims to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between multiproblem families and social agencies, and in particular of how families try to find support in larger systems. Usually, multiproblem families are also multi‐assisted, since the several problems they live with attract intervention from a wide range of social protection services. This research used a qualitative approach; data were collected from 56 multiproblem households, using a semi‐structured interview. Findings suggest seven categories of families: ‘outsider’ families (who reject the existence of problems, so never try to find support); ‘resigned’ families (who give up looking for formal support after a first refusal, and continue coping on their own); ‘persistent’ families (who insist in getting support from several social agencies); ‘over‐needy’ families (any minimal difficulty justifies the search for formal support); ‘balanced’ families (who apply for formal support only when they experience difficulties in dealing with problems); ‘imprudent’ families (these ask social agencies for support only when problems reach an unsustainable level); and ‘ignored’ families (who do not try to get support, and no formal help reaches them).  相似文献   

Analyzing face-to-face, semistructured interviews, we discuss how perceptions of social support availability are formed among gay men coping with HIV. Experiences of receiving support increased perceived availability for specific types of support from specific individuals, but receiving support also gave these men a general sense that someone would be available for assistance. Other aspects of social relationships, such as closeness and role expectations, contributed to gay men's perceptions of support availability. The results suggest that when people with common problems cope together, collective knowledge of support availability may emerge from observations of others' support exchanges as well as from discussions of support experiences. Individuals or groups of individuals may actively create and modify their perceptions of support availability when they cope with anticipated problems. Thus, the study provided an opportunity to integrate concepts of coping and social support into the collective action and social constructionist frameworks.  相似文献   

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